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tributaries 发音

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tributaries 中文意思翻译



tributaries 反义词


tributaries 词性/词形变化,tributaries变形

名词复数: tributaries |

tributaries 同义词

stream | arm | conducive | affluent | feeder | river |branch | contributory | contributing | confluent | offshoot | contributive

tributaries 相似词语短语

1、distributaries ─── n.支流

2、contributories ─── adj.捐助的;贡献的;有助于…的;n.捐助者;贡献人

3、tributariness ─── 支流

4、tributary ─── n.(大河或湖泊的)支流;进贡国,附属国;adj.纳贡的;促进的

5、tributers ─── 悼念者

6、tributarily ─── 应税

7、tribulates ─── v.使经受苦难;给……磨难

8、titularies ─── 标题

9、tributes ─── n.献礼篇;供品;礼物(tribute的复数)

tributaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、City, the Yangtze River tributaries, the vast waters between vessels continued flourishing, and the natural scenery add two. ─── 嘉陵江,长江支流,水域广阔,来往船只不断,一片繁荣景象,与两安自然风光交相辉映。

2、Using water samples from Nagara River and its tributaries in the central Japan Gifu Prefecture,the transformation characteristics of nitrogen by planktonic microbe were studied under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. ─── 以日本岐阜县境内的长良川及其支流为对象,研究了浮游微生物作用下河流水系在好氧、厌氧条件下的氮、磷变化特性。

3、The main course of the Wusulijiang River,which flows through the area of the Raohe County where aremore concave banks,curved conduits and tributaries,is washed and collapsed seriously. ─── 乌苏里江为中俄界江,干流流经饶河县境内凹岸和弯道及汊道分流较多,被冲刷和塌岸相当严重。

4、found in northern coastal Atlantic waters or tributaries; adults do not die after spawning. ─── 出没于北大西洋沿海水域或其支流;成体产卵后不死。

5、In his second report from southwest China's Nu River, Liu investigates the resettlement programmes that are in place for residents displaced by hydroelectric projects on the river's tributaries. ─── 刘鉴强在第二篇有关怒江大坝建设的报告中对怒江支流上已建大坝造成的移民安置问题进行了调查。

6、But the Amorites would dwell in mount Heres in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim: yet the hand of the house of Joseph prevailed, so that they became tributaries. ─── 亚摩利人却执意住在希烈山和亚雅伦并沙宾。然而约瑟家胜了他们,使他们成了服苦的人。

7、The bulk of the money will be spent on projects preventing waterlogging, drainage of the main river and its tributaries, and relocation of people living in known disaster areas. ─── 大部分资金将用于主干河流的预防洪涝工程,部分用于疏通排解河流及其支流,灾区人民的迁徙等。

8、Located in the central part of Russia, Europe, and the river and its tributaries holmes pricked the west bank. ─── 位于俄罗斯欧洲部份中部,跨莫斯河及其支流亚乌扎河西岸。

9、Some tributaries are on the brink of extinction, even a snail, another imminent. ─── 一些支流中连螺蛳都濒临绝迹了,治污迫在眉睫。

10、The land of Pakistan extends from the Himalaya Mountains to the Arabian Sea along the Indus River and its tributaries. ─── 巴基斯坦土地延长从喜马拉雅山对阿拉伯海沿Indus河和它的附庸国。

11、Big dams were built across the Tennessee river and its tributaries ─── 在田纳西河及其支流上都修建了大型水坝。

12、Tributaries of the upper reaches of the river more low vegetation coverage, combined with the source of short radical Streaming, the floods have Douzhang steep drop characteristics. ─── 各河上游支流较多,植被覆盖率低,加之源短流急,均具有洪水陡涨陡落的特点。

13、1.More often than not, a bilateral deal unblocks one trade route only to silt up its tributaries. ─── 双边排他性贸易协定常常只能堵住商路的支流,而非主流。

14、Flood-control projects on main streams and tributaries should be rationally planned and constructed. It is banned to build dams in lakes to reclaim cultivated land. ─── 合理规划与建设干支流控制工程,禁止新的围湖造田。

15、The Missouri River and its tributaries have cut deep paths through underlying sandstone and shale, fracturing the open country. ─── 密苏里河及其支流的道道深壑穿过地下的砂岩和页岩,使这个空旷的田野断裂。

16、basically control the total amount of pollutant discharge, so as to equal the water quality of the main stream to the standard of functional regions and significantly improve the water quality of tributaries; ─── 基本控制污染物排放总量,使干流水质达到功能区标准,支流水质明显改善;

17、It will gather together its tributaries and overflow the confines of its bed. ─── 它会聚集它的支流,溢出河床的界线。

18、Study on Measuring Parameters of BOD Water Quality Model by Laboratory Method for Main Stream and Tributaries of the East River at Huizhou ─── 实验室法测定东江惠州段干支流BOD水质模型参数的研究

19、The central part of Liaoning consists of the watersheds of rivers such as the Liao, Daliao, and their tributaries. ─── 中部平原是像辽河、大辽河以及他们的直流冲刷而成的。

20、The park preserves a colorful landscape of sedimentary sandstones eroded into countless canyons, mesas and buttes by the Colorado River and its tributaries. ─── 保存了沉积沙岩所特有的多彩的地貌,依附在科罗拉多河及其支流的数不尽的岩洞,台地和山丘。

21、Qin Jiang Zibeierna main rivers running through the county, tributaries throughout the county, by the river, forming strings of a gourd-shaped valley basin, which mostly farmland. ─── 主河道琴江自北而南贯穿县中,支流遍布全县,河流所过,形成一串串葫芦状河谷盆地,其间多为农田。

22、Of their children, and of the posterity, whom the children of Israel had not slain, Solomon made to be the tributaries, unto this day. ─── 以色列子民没有消灭,而他们凡留在此地的子孙,撒罗满都徵来充作苦役,直到今天仍是如此。

23、"constitution - Political in tributaries" ─── “藩属宪政”

24、Breeding in captivity is possible but difficult and most specimens in the aquarium trade are caught in the tributaries of the Rio Negro and Orinoco. ─── (参考文献7020)繁殖在繁殖场是可能的,但是在水族贸易的困难而大多数的标本被在尼格罗河的支流与奥里诺科河捕获。

25、The bulk of the money will be spent on projects preventing waterlogging , drainage of the main river and its tributaries, and relocation of people living in known disaster areas. ─── 大部分资金将用于主干河流的预防洪涝工程,部分用于疏通排解河流及其支流,灾区人民的迁徙等。

26、But after Israel was grown strong he made them tributaries, and would not destroy them. ─── 等到以色列强盛了,只能使客纳罕人服役,终未能把他们全部逐出。

27、Trophic States and Nutrient Output of Tributaries in Three Gorges Reservoir Area ─── 三峡库区次级河流营养状态及营养盐输出影响

28、In such areas small tributaries or gullies will not show. ─── 在这些地区,小的支流和冲沟显示不出来。

29、A main body, apart from tributaries or appendages. ─── 主干除从属物或附属物外的主体


31、Yarlung Zangbo River and its two tributaries ─── 一江两河

32、The three tributaries merged again, which sent Russian literature again to the summit of global literature. ─── 俄罗斯文学的高度发展是国家存在的历史条件同独立的文学家队伍相结合的结果。

33、In the course of this 1,000 kilometers long section, the Yangtze has a dozen tributaries, among them the Yalong, Mingjiang, Chishui, Tuojiang, Qijiang, Jialing and Wujiang Rivers. ─── 从攀枝花到涪陵1000多千米的河段上,长江汇集了雅砻江、岷江、赤水河、沱江、綦江、嘉陵江、乌江等10多条支流,在每条支流与干流交汇的地方都形成了城市。

34、Asia: mainstream of the Mekong in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia and the lower course of some tributaries. ─── 亚洲:在泰国,寮国与柬埔寨与一些支流的流下游的湄公河的主流。

35、After the Three Gorges Reservoir impoundment in June 2003,the phenomenon of eutrophication were found in some tributaries bay due to the slow flow velocity. ─── 2003年6月三峡水库成库后,由于水体流速减缓,部分次级河流库湾发生了不同程度的富营养化现象。

36、Jialing River's main tributaries of the White House he has spent the temple River, Redcliffe River, a relatively short process, plentiful water. ─── 嘉陵江的主要支流有白家河、花庙河、红崖河等,流程较短,水量丰沛。

37、In contrast to this, only 90 to 96 of the over 800 known Indus Valley sites have been discovered on the Indus and its tributaries. ─── 与之形成对照,超过800个人里面只有90到96个人知道已经在印度以及它的附庸国上发现了印度河流域遗址。

38、either across the Cenote, a uniquely spiritual scene;the tranquil lagoons and tributaries or the Caribbean Sea.The traditionally Asian influence ensures the rooms have a spacious, airy atmosphere; ─── 你也许想吹着海风,放眼望到东边的海洋,由于陆地的分割,这个小小心愿便也难实现了。

39、Construction of dikes on other main rivers should also be strengthened. Second-class flood-control facilities on main tributaries and lakes should also be improved. ─── 其它大江大河也要加强堤防建设,同时,搞好重要支流和湖泊的二类堤防建设。

40、Discussion on Three Gorges Powerplant to Modulate More Net-peaks to Improve Water Quality of Tributaries of Reservoir ─── 关于三峡电厂日调节调度改善库区支流水质的探讨

41、The Ohio River is one of the tributaries of the Mississippi River. ─── 俄亥俄河是密西西比河的支流之一。

42、To Qinghe, Bahe, Tonghuihe, Lianghui River and its major tributaries comprehensive governance, the surface area will reach 1,313 hectares. ─── 对清河、坝河、通惠河、凉水河及其主要支流全面治理后,水面面积将达到1313公顷。

43、subestuary Smaller system within a larger estuary such as a branching subtidal marsh creek with intertidal tributaries. ─── 亚河口一个较大河口区里的较小系统,有如亚潮带的沼泽小溪有潮间带的支流。

44、30 Zabulon destroyed not the inhabitants of Cetron, and Naalol: but the Chanaanite dwelt among them, and became their tributaries. ─── 则步隆也没有逐出克特龙的居民及纳哈罗耳的居民,客纳罕人仍住在他们中间,但应为他们服役。

45、Two major factors contributed to deastating summer flooding along the Yangtze Rier and its tributaries . ─── 两个主要因素导致了夏季长江及其支流的特大洪水。

46、Gazetteer North America: Mississippi River system, including the Missouri River into Montana, the Ohio River, and their major tributaries. ─── 北美洲:密西西比河流域,包括密苏里河进入蒙大纳,俄亥俄河与他们的主要支流。

47、A study on the impact of the Three Gorges Reservoir on potential eutrophication in backwaters of tributaries of Chongqing section of Yangtze River ─── 三峡水库重庆段一级支流回水河段富营养化潜势研究

48、In any case, military obedience, which ? according to Germanic tradition ? was closely tied to the giving of land to tributaries, was always a problem: when the Reich had to go to war, decisions were slow and brittle. ─── 在任何情况下,军事服从,作为日耳曼的传统,是各个附属国的最紧密的联系,这也是一个主要问题:当帝国不得不参与战争时,决议是缓慢而脆弱的。

49、navigated the river and its inlying tributaries. ─── 在这条河上和其内部各支流航行

50、The upper reaches of the Yangtze River is one of the larger tributaries, originated in northern Sichuan mountain area. ─── 岷江是长江上游的一条较大的支流,发源于四川北部高山地区。

51、The Application of Decomposition and Coordination Algorithm for Large-Scale System to the Joint Disposals of Reservoirs on the Main Tributaries of the Yellow River? ─── 大系统分解协调算法在黄河干流水库联合调度中的应用?

52、Another tributaries originate in Canada and the United States border areas, small river water, sediment, the water level in major changes. ─── 另一支流发源于加拿大与美国的边境地区,河流水量小,含沙量大,水位年变化大。

53、CMS Appendix II for Danube population).Found in northern and western Dvina and their tributaries (Ref. 42845). ─── 公分附录2对于多瑙河族群).发现于德维纳河的北部与西部与他们的支流了。

54、A drainage basin is the area where these tributaries collect rainwater. A river with all its tributaries is called a river system. ─── 流域是支流蓄水的区域。一条河流连同它的全部支流一起,叫做水系。

55、The main rivers are the middle enemy river stone floorshan xi lu originated from southeast to northwest flow of the Yellow River, on both sides of the tributaries around the County. ─── 主要河流有屈产河,发源于石楼山西麓,从东南向西北流入黄河,两侧支流遍布县境。

56、Impact analysis of upper boundary and tributaries on water quality of Suzhou Creek based on mathematical model ─── 基于数学模型的苏州河上游和支流水质对干流水质的影响分析

57、The main tributaries of the River Arita, Youxi, Zhang Kai, and so on. ─── 主要支流有田溪、尤溪、大樟溪等。

58、Jialingjiang River is one of the largest tributaries to the Upper Yangtze River. ─── 嘉陵江为长江上游重要支流,是长江三峡水库重要的洪水和泥沙来源地。

59、Eventhat has not been much use as those tributaries are not powerful enough todistribute the sediment in an ecologically valuable way. ─── 即使这没有太大的作用,因为这些支流提供的沉积物不足以产生生态意义上的效果。

60、Large arteries branch into small tributaries called arterioles.They in turn lead to capillaries, where the blood drops off its vital supplies. ─── 主动脉分支成动脉,动脉再分支为毛细管,在这里,血液把养分送给细胞。

61、In such areas small tributaries or gullies will not show ─── 在这些地区,小的支流和冲沟显示不出来。

62、Apparent tributaries near the bottom bolster the leading hypothesis that water gushed out of the crater wall, flowed down the crater, and soon evaporated into the thin Martian atmosphere. ─── 外表看上去似乎存在地下支流,地下水从火山中涌出,沿着火山往下流淌,很快地就被蒸发到稀薄的火星大气中,这就是现在的主流假设。

63、On this tumultuous descent, streams merge and tributaries unite. ─── 喧嚣下,百川并纳,支流汇合。

64、Fossa ovalis and the tributaries of great saphenous veins were observed and measured on 52 lower limbs of the patient. ─── 患者的52个下肢上观察并测量了卵圆窝和大隐静脉的支流。

65、Found in northern coastal Atlantic waters or tributaries,adults do not die after spawning. ─── 出没于北大西洋沿海水域或其支流,成体产卵后不死。

66、Eventhat has not been much use as those tributaries are not powerful enough to distribute the sediment in an ecologically valuable way. ─── 但是这没有太大的作用,因为这些支流提供的沉积物不足以产生生态意义上的效果。

67、The southern tributaries are fed by rainfall on India's central plateau. ─── 印度中部的高原降雨在南边支流。

68、Numerical model for simulating unsteady flow and non-equilibrium sediment transport in the mainstream and its tributaries at the TGR was presented in this paper. ─── 利用三峡水库蓄水后实测资料对所建模型进行验证,计算结果与实测资料符合良好,表明该模型能够模拟三峡库区干支流河道非恒定的水沙演进过程和河床冲淤变形规律。

69、Ethernet Access Services: Making Virtual Tributaries Come to Life ─── 以太网接入服务:使虚拟支路成为现实

70、Dan River's main tributaries have Dongdan River, East River, he and other Pakistani public. ─── 丹河的主要支流有东丹河、东大河、巴公河等。

71、Corporations that drain contamination into Huai River drainage area tributaries must implement a treatment deadline, and by the end of 1997, at the latest, stop draining contamination into tributaries. ─── 对所有向淮河流域河流排污的企业,要进行限期治理,最迟于一九九七年底停止向河流排污。

72、The surface water system of Huhehaote City consists of the mainstream and tributaries of the Yellow River, and the tributaries make up the dominant part. ─── 呼和浩特市的地表水系由黄河干流和支流组成,以支流为主,整个地表水系统呈树枝状分布,水质污染严重。

73、small red-fleshed salmon of rivers and tributaries of the north Pacific valued as food; adults die after spawning ─── 北太平洋地区江河及支流水域中小型的肉质呈红色的鲑鱼,是昂贵的食用鱼;产卵后死亡

74、Yangtze River and its tributaries . First , erosion resulting from excessive deforestation in the upper reaches of the river and , second ,heavy silting which raised the riverbed in the main channel . ─── 两个主要因素导致了夏季长江及其支流的特大洪水。第一,过度砍伐引起的河流上游的侵蚀,第二,严重的泥沙淤积抬高了主干道的河床。

75、An applied anatomic study of coronary sinus and its tributaries ─── 冠状窦及其属支的应用解剖

76、The main tributaries of the river have vitim, oler quemado River, as well as the Aldan River vilyuy River, and so on. ─── 主要支流有维季姆河、奥廖克马河、阿尔丹河以及维柳伊河等。

77、This paper illustrates 3 wind gaps and 30 tributaries, of which 73. 3 percent are the re-fluent tributaries (22 in all) only from Xiangxi to Chongqing. ─── 仅据香溪至重庆段内的初步统计,竟有22条,占该段全部30条支流总数的73.3%和3个风口。

78、The differentiation of glyptosternoid fish occurred in the great water drainages, among the different tributaries, and even the upper and lower reaches of the same drainage. ─── 鰋鮡鱼类的分化不仅体现在各大水系之间,也体现在同一水系的不同支流或上下游之间。

79、Alongside them were clippers of all sizes, steamers of all nationalities, and the steamboats, with several decks rising one above the other, which ply on the Sacramento and its tributaries. ─── 在这些浮码头边上,停泊着各种吨位的快帆船,不同国籍的轮船以及那些专门在萨克拉门托河和它的支流航行的有几层甲板的汽艇。

80、But isolated pockets still flourish in the far reaches of some tributaries. ─── 但在支流上那些偏远的区域仍是野生动物的乐园。

81、According to the working nature of solid state relays dc input - ac output portion, input dc, ac output - tributaries input - ac output, ac input - dc output type. ─── 固态继电器按其工作性质分直流输入-交流输出型、直流输入-支流输出型、交流输入-交流输出型、交流输入-直流输出型。

82、The Ohio River is one of the tributaries of the Mississippi River . ─── 俄亥俄河是密西西比河的一条支流。

83、volcanic eruption of Mount Saint Helens, for example, sent mud and debris into several tributaries of the Columbia River. ─── 例如,1980年圣海伦斯火山爆发,导致哥伦比亚河的几条支流产生泥石流现象。

84、Funiu Mountain or the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Huaihe River some three major tributaries of the home, the importance of water conservation forest areas. ─── 伏牛山还是长江、黄河、淮河三大水系一些支流的发源地,为重要的水源涵养林区。

85、But in these increasingly crowded valleys, they have to share these sacred waters as the tributaries of the Ganges are having ever greater demands placed upon them. ─── 但在这些日益拥挤的山谷里,它们不得不与他人分享这神圣的水源,因为对恒河支流的利用和需求前所未有的大。

86、The drip flowing into my vein is drawn from a river with innumerable tributaries. ─── 流入我血管中的滴液源自由无数个支流汇集成的河流。

87、In 1960, after years of squabbling, India and Pakistan agreed to share control over the tributaries of Kashmiri rivers. ─── 1960年,在多年摩擦后,印巴同意共享克什米尔河支流的控制权。

88、small red-fleshed salmon of rivers and tributaries of the north Pacific valued as food; adults die after spawning. ─── 北太平洋地区江河及支流水域中小型的肉质呈红色的鲑鱼,是昂贵的食用鱼;产卵后死亡。

89、freshwater turtle of Chesapeake bay tributaries having red markings on the lower shell. ─── 产于切萨皮克海湾的淡水龟,下面的壳上有红色的斑点。

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