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curia 发音

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curia 中文意思翻译




curia 网络释义

n. 元老院;地区元老院;中世纪法庭n. (Curia)人名;(西、意)库里亚

curia 短语词组

1、tota curia ─── [法] 全法院

2、curia romana ─── [法] 罗马教庭

3、curia magna ─── [法] 大庭

4、ex curia ─── [法] 法庭外的, 双方一致的

5、curia images ─── 库里亚图像

6、curia advisari vult ─── [法] 延期判决

7、sedente curia ─── [法] 开庭期

8、curia ai ─── 库里亚艾

9、curia bg ─── 库里亚背景

10、rectus in curia ─── [法] 恢复权利, 恢复法律权利

11、curia on the drag ─── 库里亚在拖

12、ex-curia ─── [经] 法院外的

13、in curia ─── [法] 公开开庭, 在公开审讯中

14、curia dd ─── 添加

15、curia 3d ─── 鼠尾草属。

16、curia julia ─── 地区元老院

17、curia regis ─── [法] 国王的法庭, 君主法庭

curia 词性/词形变化,curia变形


curia 相似词语短语

1、Luria ─── 禄亚贝属;卢里亚;n.(Luria)人名;(英、意、匈)卢里亚;(法)吕里亚

2、-uria ─── 尿(症);n.(Uria)人名;(西、葡)乌里亚

3、cria ─── abbr.细胞放射免疫测定(cellularradioimmunoassay)

4、curio ─── n.古董;珍品;n.(Curio)人名;(意)库里奥

5、ceria ─── n.[无化]二氧化铈;[无化]铈土;n.(Ceria)人名;(意)切里亚

6、curiae ─── n.中世纪法庭

7、curial ─── adj.元老院的;罗马教廷的;中世纪法庭的;n.(Curial)人名;(法)屈里亚尔;(西)库里亚尔

8、curie ─── n.[核]居里(姓氏)

9、coria ─── n.科里亚(人名)

curia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He refused to interfere in the internal jurisdiction of a family so jealous of its privacy but chose instead to find out in secret about my father's family through the curia. ─── 他知道我母亲的家庭很重视脸面,所以没有选择直接干涉家庭内部事务,而是秘密通过宗教法庭调查了我父亲的家庭情况。

2、Book online the cheapest hotels in Curia - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Curia 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

3、on the contrary, he was first elected by the assembly of the curia ,, probably on the nomination of his predecessor, and then at a second meeting solemnly installed in office. ─── 相反地,他大概是由其前任推荐,先由库里亚大会选出,然后在第二次大会上正式就职。

4、Lamproptera curia walkeri ─── n. 燕凤蝶华南亚种

5、Under John Paul the Curia acquired a string of new “pontifical councils”, quasi-ministries that deal with everything from health workers to canon law. ─── 在约翰保罗时代教廷获得一系列新的“主教理事会”,准部委处理一切从卫生工作者到教会法的事务。

6、A day, a founding member that takes curia newly comes the theater watchs a show, search to search, found Xisailuo beside. ─── 一天,一位新进元老院的元老来剧场看表演,找来找去,找到了西塞罗身边。

7、curia romana ─── [法] 罗马教庭

8、one of curia organizations. combination of context, here the "curia" is "Senate. ─── 结合上下文,此处的“库里亚”指的是“元老院”。

9、tota curia ─── [法] 全法院

10、But in the West, the right of setting tax had been held by a certain authoritative organization, for example, witenagemot, Curia Regis (great council) and parliament in England. ─── 国王可以参加某一权力集体的制税,却不可独立行事,专横独断。在管理上,由于中国中古社会基本上采取帝室财政与国家财政分理的方式,所以一般有两套管理系统。

11、That may have advantages: John Paul neglected the papal administration, the Curia, which badly needs modernising. ─── 这种情况也许较为有利:约翰?保罗忽视了教皇管理,罗马教廷迫切需要现代化。

12、Basically, a new rating, called Papal Influence was created and the bigger the rating, the bigger the chances of a nation’s cardinal to be promoted to the curia. ─── 基本上,新的评级,呼叫教皇的影响和创建更大的评级,更大的一个国家的大是大非的机会晋升为教廷。

13、According to Niebuhr, Simonsen, Ancient Long Day's view, only the nobles are the original citizens, civilians are not citizens of the initial list, and not within the curia organizations. ─── 然而,英国学者拉斯特则认为公民集团自古以来就包含了贵族和平民。他们 之间的区别仅在于贵族是元老院显贵,平民则是普通大众。

14、City in the early days of land based Roman curia for the clans and to average the distribution of the collective. ─── 在建城之初,罗马人的土地是以氏族和库里亚为集体进行平均分配的。

15、sedente curia ─── [法] 开庭期

16、Every curia had its own religious rites, shrines and priests; ─── 每一个库里亚都有自己的宗教仪式、圣物和祭司;

17、Benedict has tried twice to simplify the Curia but been thwarted each time. ─── 笃十六世曾两度尝试精简罗马教廷,但每次都以失败告终。

18、All these new citizens of the state (we leave aside the question of the clients) stood outside the old gentes, curia,, and tribes, and therefore formed no part of the populus Romanus, the real Roman people. ─── 所有这些新的国民(关于被保护民的问题,这里暂且不谈),都处在旧的氏族、库里亚和部落之外,因而,不是populus romanus即道地的罗马人民的组成部分。

19、Breaking through the ristictions from the emperor and curia, the army exerted great impact on the political life of the country. ─── 军队势力突破了元首、元老院的限制,在国家政治生活中起着举足轻重的作用。

20、Curia members only citizens can participate in the General Assembly, and through the General Assembly to exercise their civic and political rights. ─── 只有库里亚成员才能参加公民大会 ,并通过公民大会行使其政治权利的。

21、in curia ─── [法] 公开开庭, 在公开审讯中

22、Early Roman society and political organizations in the clan as a unit curia. ─── 罗马早期社会的政治组织以氏族和库里亚为单位。

23、As we have said, ten gentes formed a phratry, which among the Romans was called a curia and had more important public functions than the Greek phratry. ─── 我们已经说过,10个氏族构成一个胞族,胞族在这里叫作库里亚,它有着比希腊胞族更重要的社会职能。

24、Another frequently voiced complaint is that he has failed to get a grip on the Roman Curia , the central administration of the church. ─── 另一个经常听到的抱怨,是他未能掌握罗马教廷和教会的中央行政管理职权。

25、A division of the Curia. ─── 罗马教廷的一个分支

26、A tribunal of the Roman Curia having jurisdiction in matters relating to penance, dispensations, and papal absolutions. ─── 宗教裁判所罗马天主教中有权处理悔罪、补赎和赦罪等事宜的元老会法庭

27、cardinal in curia ─── n. 住在教廷内之枢机主教

28、curia: One of the ten primitive subdivisions of a tribe in early Rome, consisting of ten gentes. ─── 库里亚:一个古罗马部族的十个分区之一,由十个氏族组成。〞。

29、Curia, whether the General Assembly, or upper house seats are not civilians. ─── 大会,还是元老院都没有平民的席位。

30、Lamproptera curia ─── n. 燕凤蝶

31、Thus no one could belong to the Roman people unless he was a member of a gens and through it of a curia and a tribe. ─── 这样,只有身为氏族成员,并且通过自己的氏族而为库里亚成员和部落成员的人,才能属于罗马人民。

32、a division of the Roman Curia that has authority in the matter of preaching the gospel,of establishing the Church in non-Christian countries,and of administering Church missions in territories where there is no properly organized hierarchy ─── 传道总会,古罗马元老院的一个分支,负责传授福音、在非基督教的国家中建立教堂、在没有正确组织等级制度的地域领导教堂的传道活动等事务

33、City in the early days of land based Roman curia for the clans and to average the distribution of the collective. ─── 在建城之初,罗马人的土地是以氏族和库 里亚为集体进行平均分配的。

34、King may also be with his attendants and supporters to attend the General Assembly curia, or senate meeting. ─── 国王也可能带着他的侍从和支持者出席库里亚大会,甚至元老院会议 。

35、"curia:One of the ten primitive subdivisions of a tribe in early Rome, consisting of ten gentes." ─── "库里亚:一个古罗马部族的十个分区之一,由十个氏族组成."

36、ex curia ─── [拉]法院之外庭外

37、King may also be with his attendants and supporters to attend the General Assembly curia, or senate meeting . ─── 国王也可能带着他的侍从和支持者出席库里亚大会,甚至元老院会议。

38、The people assembled together, grouped in curiae, each curia probably grouped in genies; ─── 来参加大会的人民按库里亚分组,而在每个库里亚内大概又按氏族分组;

39、curia advisari vult ─── [法] 延期判决

40、Although the General Assembly in curia non-citizens may be seen, for example, we know that nobles often work together with his participation in the General Assembly of the protected person. ─── 尽管库里亚大会中可能会出现非公民身影,例如,我们知道贵族经常带着他的被保护 人一道参加大会。

41、curia magna ─── [法] 大庭

42、Lamproptera curiacuria ─── n. 燕凤蝶指名亚种

43、Another frequently voiced complaint is that he has failed to get a grip on the Roman Curia, the central administration of the church. ─── 另一个经常听到的抱怨,是他未能掌握罗马教廷和教会的中央行政管理职权。

44、Early Roman society and political organizations in the clan as a unit curia. ─── 罗马早期社会的政治组织以氏族和库里亚为单位。

45、But, say insiders, Cardinal Bertone has failed to create a base from which to launch reforms and strikes an increasingly beleaguered figure, unable to impose his will on the Curia. ─── 但是,业内人士说,贝尔托内枢机未能建立一个基地,以推出改革和打击日益围困的数字,无法对他的意志强加在教廷。

46、The central royal courts at Westminster developed gradually from the administrative functions of the Curia Regis. ─── 威斯敏斯特的中央王室法院是逐渐从御前会议的行政职能演化发展而来的。

47、Roman Curia ─── n. 天主教教廷

48、With this invitation of St Augustine to grasp the true meaning of the Christmas of Christ, I open my meeting with you, dear collaborators of the Roman Curia, as the Christmas festivities draw nearer. ─── 教宗说:“若望保禄二世从他本身的经验出发,讲论一种以系统建立起来的邪恶的问题。这个邪恶的势力庞大,就如我们在二十世纪所看到的。

49、curia regis ─── [法] 国王的法庭, 君主法庭

50、rectus in curia ─── [法] 恢复权利, 恢复法律权利

51、Curia, whether the General Assembly, or upper house seats are not civilians. ─── 无论是库里亚大会,还是元老院都没有平民的席位。

52、Liberals and conservatives alike agree that John Paul's talents distracted attention from the fact that the Curia had failed to adapt to a fast-changing world. ─── 自由派和保守派都认为,JohnPaul智囊没有注意到这个事实,即教廷已经不能迅速适应变化的世界。

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