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09-08 投稿



fanlike 发音

英:[?f?n?la?k]  美:[?f?nla?k]

英:  美:

fanlike 中文意思翻译



fanlike 短语词组

1、fanlike diagram ─── 扇形图

2、fanlike arrangement ─── 扇形排列

3、fanlike definition ─── 扇形定义

4、fanlike mexican tree ocotillos for sale ─── 扇形墨西哥树出售

5、fanlike microtubule structure ─── 扇形微管结构

6、fanlike meaning ─── 狂热的意思

7、fanlike diagram definition ─── 扇形图定义

fanlike 相似词语短语

1、fadlike ─── 时尚的

2、barnlike ─── 巴恩利克

3、fawnlike ─── 浅褐色

4、fanglike ─── 英语

5、faunlike ─── 不像

6、finlike ─── adj.鳍状的

7、manlike ─── adj.有男子气概的,像男人的;像人的(形容动物);adv.有男子气概地

8、fatlike ─── adj.肥的,胖的;油腻的;丰满的(fat的变形)

9、beanlike ─── 正常

fanlike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Any of several Old World birds of the family Upupidae, especially Upupa epops, having distinctively patterned plumage, a fanlike crest, and a slender, downward-curving bill. ─── 戴胜一种东半球戴胜科鸟类,尤指戴胜鸟,有特别的带花纹的羽毛,扇形羽冠,和狭长下弯的喙

2、Any of several aquatic plants of the genus Cabomba, having opposite, finely divided, fanlike submersed leaves and alternate, entire, peltate floating leaves. ─── 水盾草水盾草属水草植物,有相对立的、扇形的水中生长的分叶及交错的完整盾状浮叶

3、having a crested head and very large fanlike tail marked with iridescent eyes or spots. ─── 有头冠和大的扇形尾巴,尾巴上有彩虹般的眼状花斑。

4、Any of a breed of goldfish having a wide, fanlike double tail fin. ─── 扇尾金鱼有宽的扇状双尾鳍的家养金鱼

5、staminode fanlike to transversely oblong, wider than long. ─── 对横向长圆形,长不及宽像风扇一样的退化雄蕊。

6、The final design uses a fanlike shape to form a spacesurrounding the cedar. ─── 最终的设计采用了扇形平面,形成环绕着雪松的形态。

7、tropical fish with huge fanlike pectoral fins for underwater gliding; unrelated to searobins. ─── 有可以用在水下滑行的巨大的胸鳍的热带鱼;与海罗宾无关。

8、Is there any difference between fanlike goldfish and other goldfish? ─── 扇尾金鱼和其他金鱼不同吗?

9、large Australiasian fern with fanlike repeatedly forked fronds; sometimes placed in genus Gleichenia ─── 大的澳洲的蕨类植物,有象扇子的反复交叉的叶子;有时被放在芒箕骨属

10、a male peafowl,distinguished by its crested head,brilliant blue or green plumage,and long modified back feathers that are marked with iridescent eyelike spots and that can be spread in a fanlike form ─── 雄性孔雀,具有头冠,明丽的蓝色或绿色羽毛,长长的装饰性后羽,带有眼状的彩虹般的花斑,可展成扇形

11、Fanlike coal pulverizer ─── 风扇磨

12、Ovary glabrous.Stigma fanlike or 2-lamellate. ─── 子房无毛柱头扇状或者2包含薄片。

13、A tall,dioecious palm(Borassus flabellifer)of tropical Africa and Asia that has large fanlike leaves. ─── 扇椰子一种高大的雌雄异株的棕榈树(扇叶树头棕树头棕属),产于非洲的热带地区和亚洲,有大型扇形叶片

14、any of various widely distributed marine fishes of the family Triglidae,having large fanlike pectoral fins and a large armored head ─── 鲂鮄,一种分布广泛的鲂鮄科海鱼,有扇状的胸鳍,头部大而有甲

15、Keywords high pressure water descaling;nozzle;force of impact;fanlike angle; ─── 高压水除鳞;喷嘴;冲击力;扇形角;

16、fanlike structure ─── 扇形构造

17、Keywords Fanlike coal pulverizer;Hydraulic safety coupling;Dynamics analysis;Measure; ─── 风扇磨;飞车堵转;动力学分析;措施;

18、Keywords tube bending die;core;fanlike disk;slide groove;groove; ─── 弯管模;芯子;扇形盘;滑槽;型槽;

19、That's a fanlike shell. ─── 那是扇状的贝壳。

20、Hemorrhagic infarcts of forehead and parietal lobe were fanlike or irregular and low density area with mottling high density. ─── 出血性梗塞多位于额、顶叶,表现为扇形或不规则低密度区内出现斑点状高密度,有明显占位表现。

21、male peafowl; having a crested head and very large fanlike tail marked with iridescent eyes or spots. ─── 雄性孔雀;有头冠和大的扇形尾巴,尾巴上有彩虹般的眼状花斑。

22、Leaves simple, palmately lobed or appearing almost palmately compound, with a fanlike base and lobes constricted to midvein, margin serrate; ─── 单叶,掌状浅裂或几乎出现掌状复叶,具扇状基部和裂片缢缩到中脉,边缘有锯齿;

23、Leaves simple, palmately lobed or appearing almost palmately compound, with a fanlike base and lobes constricted to midvein, margin serrate; ─── 单叶,掌状浅裂或几乎出现掌状复叶,具扇状基部和裂片缢缩到中脉,边缘有锯齿;

24、A large grouse(Tetrao urogallus,native to northern Europe and having dark plumage and a fanlike tail. ─── 扇椰子一种高大的雌雄异株的棕榈树(扇叶树头棕树头棕属),产于非洲的热带地区和亚洲,有大型扇形叶片

25、of various widely distributed Marine fishes of the family Triglidae, having large fanlike pectoral fins and a large armored head. ─── 分布广泛的鲂?科海鱼,有扇状的胸鳍,头部大而有甲。

26、Keywords Vibrating chute machine Transducer Fanlike gate; ─── 振动放矿机;变频器;扇形闸门;

27、A large grouse(Tetrao urogallus), native to northern Europe and having dark plumage and a fanlike tail. ─── 松鸡原产于欧洲北部的一种大型松鸡(松鸡),具有黑色的羽毛和一条扇形的尾巴

28、The expanded nostrils end with fanlike flourishes, and the tip of the eel's lower jaw terminates with three tentacles. ─── 这扩展的鼻孔以扇状的繁荣结束,和鳗鱼的下颌的尖端有限的有3条触须。

29、A male peafowl, distinguished by its crested head, brilliant blue or green plumage, and long modified back feathers that are marked with iridescent eyelike spots and that can be spread in a fanlike form. ─── 雄孔雀雄性孔雀,具有头冠,明丽的蓝色或绿色羽毛,长长的装饰性后羽,带有眼状的彩虹般的花斑,可展成扇形

30、male peafowl; having a crested head and very large fanlike tail marked with iridescent eyes or spots ─── 雄性孔雀;有头冠和大的扇形尾巴,尾巴上有彩虹般的眼状花斑

31、Any of several Old World birds of the family Upupidae,especially Upupa epops,having distinctively patterned plumage,a fanlike crest,and a slender,downward-curving bill. ─── 戴胜,一种东半球戴胜科鸟类,尤指戴胜鸟,有特别的带花纹的羽毛,扇形羽冠,和狭长下弯的喙。

32、The axial yarns are almost straightened, but their sections are changing from fanlike shape to triangle shape alternately along their axes. ─── 第五向不动纱的轴线基本保持伸直,其截面形状沿其轴向近似为扇形和三角形相互过渡变化;

33、Ovary glabrous. Stigma fanlike or 2-lamellate. ─── 子房无毛柱头扇状或者2包含薄片。

34、tropical fish with huge fanlike pectoral fins for underwater gliding; ─── 有可以用在水下滑行的巨大的胸鳍的热带鱼;

35、Any of various widely distributed marine fishes of the family Triglidae, having large fanlike pectoral fins and a large armored head. ─── 鲂鮄一种分布广泛的鲂鮄科海鱼,有扇状的胸鳍,头部大而有甲

36、This view of the back of the Museum of Science shows a bank of fan like small wind turbines from Aerovironment on the roof. ─── 这是对科学博物馆后视图显示了从屋顶上Aerovironment公司的小型风力涡轮机fanlike银行。

37、Any of several aquatic plants of the genus Cabomba,having opposite,finely divided,fanlike submersed leaves and alternate,entire,peltate floating leaves. ─── 软水草一种生在水中的东半球植物(黑藻黑藻属),叶片呈螺纹形、矛状,雌雄异株,花为单生、腋生

38、The scientists say the theory may explain a long-standing mystery: strange dark spots, fanlike structures, and spidery patterns that appear near Mars's southern pole every year. ─── 科学家们说这个理论可以解释一个长久以来的谜团:奇怪的火星黑斑,扇状结构和每年出现在火星南极附件的蜘蛛状图案。

39、any of several aquatic plants of the genus Cabomba,having opposite,finely divided,fanlike submersed leaves and alternate,entire,peltate floating leaves ─── 水盾草属水草植物,有相对立的、扇形的水中生长的分叶及交错的完整盾状浮叶

40、any of a breed of goldfish having a wide,fanlike double tail fin ─── 扇尾金鱼,有宽的扇状双尾鳍的家养金鱼

41、staminode fanlike, ca. 1.5 mm.Ovary 2-2.5 mm.Style slightly longer than ovary. ─── 像风扇一样的退化雄蕊,长于卵巢的大约1.5毫米卵巢2-2.5毫米样式稍微。

42、Bearing force transmission line tilt, according to an upper fanlike spread to undertake roof, reasonable structure, beautiful shapes. ─── 支座按传力路线倾斜,上部成扇状展开承接屋顶,结构合理,造型美观。

43、Any of various widely distributed marine fishes of the family Triglidae,having large fanlike pectoral fins and a large armored head. ─── 鲂?一种分布广泛的鲂?科海鱼,有扇状的胸鳍,头部大而有甲

44、large Australiasian fern with fanlike repeatedly forked fronds; sometimes placed in genus Gleichenia. ─── 大的澳洲的蕨类植物,有象扇子的反复交叉的叶子;有时被放在g类。

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