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09-08 投稿


arithmetically 发音

英:[[??r?θ'met?kl?]]  美:[[??r?θ'met?kl?]]

英:  美:

arithmetically 中文意思翻译



arithmetically 词性/词形变化,arithmetically变形

形容词: arithmetical |副词: arithmetically |名词: arithmetician |

arithmetically 短语词组

1、arithmetically meaning ─── 算术意义

2、arithmetically growth ─── 算术增长

3、arithmetically define ─── 算术定义

4、arithmetically def ─── 算术定义

5、arithmetically synonym ─── 算术同义词

6、arithmetically challenged ─── 算术挑战

7、arithmetically shift ─── 算术移位

8、arithmetically negated ─── 算术否定

arithmetically 相似词语短语

1、apathetically ─── adv.冷淡地;无动于衷地;不感兴趣地

2、arthritically ─── 关节炎

3、antithetically ─── 完全相反地;背道而驰地

4、arithmetical ─── adj.算术的;算术上的

5、prothetically ─── 假肢

6、athletically ─── adv.运动地;活跃地;竞赛地;运动家作风地

7、asthmatically ─── adv.运作不良地

8、aesthetically ─── adv.审美地;美学观点上地

9、parenthetically ─── adv.附带说明地;作为插入成分地;顺便说一句

arithmetically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This of course is arithmetically impossible: no one can contribute more than 100%. ─── 从算术上看也是不可能的:没有人能够发挥超过100%的水平。

2、5.An arithmetically negative carry.It occurs in performing subtraction when the subtrahend is larger than the minuend in a particular digit position. ─── 一种算术负进位,它出现在某一特定的数位上减数大于被减数的减法运算中。

3、arithmetically birational ─── 算术双有理的

4、shift arithmetically ─── 算术移位

5、netting on a multilateral basis is arithmetically achieved by summing each participant's bilateral net positions with the other participants to arrive at a multilateral net position. ─── 多边的轧差在算术上是通过计算每个参与者与其他参与者之间的双边轧差余额而得到一个多边轧差余额。

6、Arithmetically, the result should be -1 in the expression shown in bold above. ─── 从数学计算上来说,上面这个黑体显示的表达式的结果应该是-1。

7、this problem is arithmetically easy. ─── 这个问题用算术方法解决很容易。

8、8.A digit that is generated when a difference in a digit place is arithmetically negative and that is transferred for processing elsewhere. ─── 当某数位处的算术差为负数时产生的一个数字,它被传送到其它地方处理。

9、Not only is it an arithmetically neat 100 years in the past, but it also looked like an attractive parallel. ─── 这一年不仅恰好是100年前,而且看似与现在的情况有很大的可比性。

10、the result should be -1 in the expression shown in bold above. ─── 上面这个黑体显示的表达式的结果应该是- 1。

11、if you bet less, your risk decreases arithmetically while profit decreases geometrically; ─── 如果你赌的少,风险是数字式的减少而利润是几何级的减少;

12、This of course is arithmetically impossible: no one can contribute more than 100%. ─── 从算术上看也是不可能的:没有人能够发挥超过100%的水平。

13、Bits in the correlation value word are arithmetically combined to generate the correlation metric. ─── 将相关值字中的位进行算术组合以生成相关性度量。

14、You are to write a program to read different formulas and determine whether or not they are arithmetically equivalent. ─── 分治求解表达式的值,找出表达式中优先级最低且最靠右的运算符,在该处断开,算出左部和右部的值,然后再计算表达式的值。

15、arithmetically equivalent structure ─── 算术等价结构

16、5 SUB The contents of the source are arithmetically subtracted from the accumulator. ─── 注意,对于源寄存器的表示方式并没有限制。

17、arithmetically symmetric filter ─── 算术对移滤波器

18、The 1-bit correlation values are arithmetically combined (e. g. , summed) to generate a correlation metric. ─── 并且将1位相关值进行算术组合(例如,求和),以生成相关性度量。

19、They may use hashing techniques or arithmetically offset the character set to unreadable or unprintable characters. ─── 它们可能使用哈希技术,或者对字符集进行算术偏移,将字符变为不可读字符或不可输出字符。

20、Bits in the correlation value word are arithmetically combined to generate the correlation metric. ─── 相关值字中的位进行算术组合以生成相关性度量。

21、We were, he argued, condemned by the tendency of population to grow geometrically while food production would increase only arithmetically. ─── 他认为,人口成长的趋势呈几何级数上升,但粮食生产只会呈倍数成长,因此人类难逃噩运。

22、sums it up and you could view it arithmetically. ─── 这些细胞体累积起来你可以从算术的角度来看待他们。

23、In order to see more clearly how this occurs, let us imagine a community in which the facts are enormously simplified arithmetically. ─── 为了更清楚地了解这种伤害是如何发生的,让我们设计一个极为简化的假想社会。

24、We were, he argued, condemned by the tendency of population to grow geometrically while food production would increase only arithmetically. ─── 他认为,人口成长的趋势呈几何级数上升,但粮食生产只会呈倍数成长,因此人类难逃噩运。

25、Not all sudoku enthusiasts are alike.Some fancy classic sudoku more than others.Others rate arithmetically oriented sudoku variants higher than some. ─── 并非所有的数独爱好者是完全相同的,一些经典类型的数独会比较多,其他有关算术的Sudoku也会高出一些。

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