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09-08 投稿


contraction 发音

英:[k?n?tr?k?n]  美:[k?n?tr?k?(?)n]

英:  美:

contraction 中文意思翻译



contraction 短语词组

1、auxotonic contraction ─── [医] 增张(力性)收缩

2、cathodal opening contraction ─── [医] 阴极断电收缩

3、arch contraction ─── [医] 牙弓内缩

4、allowance for contraction ─── [机] 收缩裕度

5、Braxton-Hicks contraction 【 ─── 医学】希克斯氏征(妊娠三个月后子宫的间歇性收缩)

6、after-contraction ─── [医] 后收缩

7、adiabatic contraction ─── [化] 绝热收缩

8、cathodal closure contraction ─── [医] 阴极通电收缩

9、after contraction ─── [化] 残余收缩

10、carpopedal contraction ─── [医] 手足挛缩(婴儿手足及肘膝搐搦)

11、amount of contraction ─── [机] 收缩量

12、aerobic contraction ─── [医] 需氧收缩

13、automatic ventricular contraction ─── [医] 心室自动收缩

14、anodal closure contraction ─── [医] 阳极通电收缩

15、cicatricial contraction ─── [医] 瘢痕收缩

16、anodal opening contraction ─── [医] 阳极断电收缩

17、allasotonic contraction ─── [医] 变张(力性)收缩

18、actinide contraction ─── [化] 锕系收缩

19、boundary contraction method ─── [计] 边界收缩法

contraction 反义词


contraction 常用词组

muscle contraction ─── 肌肉收缩;肌收缩

economic contraction ─── 经济萎缩

contraction ratio ─── 收缩比;收缩系数

contraction 同义词

digesting | jerking | pinching |retrenchment | tenseness | muscle contraction | tightening | muscular contraction | tic | contracture | constricting | withdrawal | decreasing | summarization | spasm | abstraction | restriction | synopsis | compression | syncope | astringency | abridgment | synaeresis | curtailment | condensing | control | shortage | cut | decrease | ellipsis | shrinkage | shriveling | digest | constriction | combining | diminishing | cramp | narrowing | shortening | convulsion | reduction | constringency | curtailing | tensing | cramping | recession | brief | withering | retrenching | abridging | abbreviation | limitation | compendium | squeezing | precis | abbreviating | condensation | tension | clipping

contraction 词性/词形变化,contraction变形


contraction 相似词语短语

1、contractional ─── 收缩的,紧缩的

2、contractions ─── n.收缩;缩略形式(contraction的复数)

3、contraception ─── n.避孕

4、contractive ─── adj.收缩的;有收缩性的

5、contracting ─── v.收缩,缩小;(肌肉)收缩;感染(疾病);(与……)缔结(同盟);订立合同;(经济、市场等)萎缩;参与计划,承担义务;退出计划,不承担义务;立约确保权利;立约雇佣;给人承包;订婚;缩约(词或短语);负债(contract的现在分词形式)

6、contraptions ─── n.奇妙的装置;精巧的设计

7、contractile ─── adj.可收缩的,有收缩性的

8、contraption ─── n.奇妙的装置;精巧的设计

9、contradiction ─── n.矛盾;否认;反驳

contraction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you want to renew our contract? ─── 你想续订我们的合同吗?

2、The Company was in a strait for they had only twenty-four hours more in which to complete their contract and they had at least sixty hours' work to do. ─── 公司当时陷入了困境,因为他们要完成合同只剩下24小时,而当时他们要干的活至少需要60小时。

3、The buyer and seller have signed the contract. ─── 买卖双方已经签定了那项合同。

4、He offered them a new contract. ─── 他向他们提出一份新合同。

5、They sued for breach of contract. ─── 他们以违反合同为由提出诉讼。

6、A consensual marriage; a consensual contract. ─── 双方同意的婚姻; 双方达成的协议

7、Foisted unfair provisions into the contract. ─── 以欺骗方式在合同中加入不公平的条款

8、He overlooked the contract before he signed it. ─── 他在签字之前仔细阅读了合同。

9、Generally speaking, futures contract, not the commodity, is sold and bought in the futures market. ─── 一般来说,在期货市场上买进卖出的是期货契约,而不是商品。

10、Their refusal to sign the contract has put us in a bit of a bind. ─── 他们拒绝签约,从而使我们的处境有些困难。

11、"I'm" is a contraction of "I am". ─── "I'm"是"I am"的缩写。

12、Have they put in a bid for the contract? ─── 他们有没有投标争取承包合同?

13、He managed to disengage himself from the contract. ─── 他成功地为自己解除了契约义务。

14、Your contract has been terminated. ─── 你的合同已经被终止。

15、He was technically in breach of contract. ─── 严格按照法律条文来讲,他是违约了。

16、OK, ladies and gentlemen, we seem to be in complete agreement that we should submit a tender for the construction contract immediately. ─── 女士们,先生们,看起来我们一致同意我们应该立刻递交竞标这个建设项目的投标书。

17、"I'll" is a contraction of "I will". ─── “I'll”是“I will”的缩写。

18、Is it definite that they will sign that contract? ─── 他们肯定会签署这份合同吗?

19、As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods has its special importance. ─── 作为合同里的一个组成部分,商品检验具有特殊的重要性。

20、It is no wonder (that) he'll sign the contract tomorrow. ─── 他明天签约是不足为怪的。

21、'How much of a contraction in demand will we have because if people want to have something they'll have to save money before they buy? ' ─── 如果因为人们需要攒钱才能购买他们想要的东西,我们的需求将面临多大的萎缩呢?

22、There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet. ─── 合同中有一条款禁止承租人转租房屋。

23、If one side failed to honor the contract, the other side should be entitled to cancel it. ─── 如合同一方不按合同条款行事,另一方则有权中止合同。

24、The most common type of headache is a tension or muscle contraction. ─── 最常见的头痛类型是紧张或肌肉收缩。

25、An insurance contract in which an agency guarantees payment to an employer in the event of unforeseen financial loss through the actions of an employee. ─── 保险单一种保证合同,保险方保证一旦由于雇员的行动造成意外的经济损失,雇主将得到陪偿

26、The tunnel contract to a narrow passageway as you go deep. ─── 再往里走,坑道缩小成了一条窄窄的通道。

27、The contract specifies red tiles, not slates, for the roof. ─── 合同中规定屋顶要用红瓦而不用石板瓦。

28、Any party who fails to fulfil his contract obligation may be sued and ordered to make compensation. ─── 不履行合同义务的任何一方都有可能受到指控并被强令赔偿损失。

29、In case you do not carry out the contract, we'll have to cancel it. ─── 万一你方不履行合同,我们将不得不撤约。

30、We'd like to contract out of the project, if you don't mind. ─── 如不介意,我们想解除合同,退出这一计划。

31、The word "sib" is a contraction of " sibling ". ─── “同胞”是“同胞兄弟”的简称。

32、The two firms joined forces to win a major contract. ─── 两家公司联合起来以争得一桩大生意。

33、Wound contraction can produce serious functional impairment. ─── 伤口收缩能造成严重的功能障碍。

34、He was an imbecile to sign a contract with them. ─── 他跟他们签合同,真是愚不可及。

35、She send for the papers on the contract. ─── 他派人去取有关合同的文件。

36、You shouldn't enter into/make a contract until you have studied its provisions carefully. ─── 你应该先仔细研究合同的条款,然後再签订。

37、The company has negotiated a new contract with its staff. ─── 公司已经和全体员工商定了一项新合同。

38、As for the beef supply, she adds that "cattle herds are in contraction worldwide and with feed prices like this, don't expect expansion" . ─── 至于牛肉供应,她补充表示:“世界各地的生牛存栏数量都在减少,像这样的饲料价格,就别指望数量会增加了。”

39、An insurance policy was annexed to the contract. ─── 合同上附加了保险条款。

40、A card trick won in excess of contract or game, as in bridge. ─── (桥牌中的)超约得墩如在桥牌戏中赢的超过了叫牌墩数或比分的叠牌

41、It is impossible for him to get off the contract. ─── 他不可能解除契约对自己的束缚。

42、The contract specifies red tiles for the roof. ─── 合同规定屋顶用红瓦盖。

43、A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. ─── 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。

44、He said his union, Local504 of the Transport Workers Union, made "massive contract givebacks" over the years to help Pan Am with its financial troubles. "It was all to no avail, " he lamented. ─── 他说他的工会——运输工会504分会——历年来在合约上做了“极大的让步”以协助泛美[航空公司]纾解财务困难。“结果全然没用,”他哀伤地说。

45、You can't cancel the contract, nor can I, nor can anybody else. ─── 你不能撤约,我也不能,任何人都不能。

46、You should sign a contract to make your job situation regular. ─── 你应该签个合同使你任职合乎规定手续。

47、This showed a contraction in the bank's purchasing managers' index, with it falling below 50 to its lowest level in a year. ─── 这说明,HSBC银行的采购经理指数出现收缩,降至50以下,达到一年中的最低点。

48、I withheld payment until they had fulfilled the contract. ─── 他们履行合同后,我才付钱。

49、Better to postpone the shipment than to cancel the contract. ─── 与其撤约还不如延期装运。

50、Several companies are competing (against/with each other) for the contract/to gain the contract. ─── 几家公司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争。

51、They showed a disposition to sign the contract. ─── 他们表示有签订合同的意愿。

52、A written instrument given as evidence of agreement, transfer, or contract; a deed. ─── 契据,证书作为合约、转让或合同的证明的书面文书; 契约

53、'He's' may be a contraction of 'he is' or 'he has'. ─── he's可以是he is或he has的缩约形式。

54、"O'clock" is a contraction of "of the clock". ─── “O'clock”是“of the clock”的一种缩写形式。

55、Five back-to-back PMIs are signalling contraction. ─── 5个相互映衬的制造业采购经理指数(PMI)都在缩小。

56、The terms of the contract are subject to review. ─── 合同的条款有待复查决定。

57、sudden contraction of the markets left them with a lot of unwanted stock. ─── 股票市场骤然收缩,让他们剩下了许多无人要的股票。

58、An amendment to a contract, such as an insurance policy, by which the original terms are changed. ─── 合同修正条例合同的修正条例,例如保险政策,通过此条例将原先的条款改变

59、You can contract out (of the pension scheme) if you wish. ─── 你愿意的话,可以退出(这个养老金计划).

60、You are in breach of your contract. ─── 你违反了你签的合同。

61、The possibility of the book being translated is provided for in your contract. ─── 在你们的合同中已订定有可能要翻译这本书。

62、The contract contains a penalty clause which fines the company1% for every week the completion date is late. ─── 合同中含有一个惩罚条款,即完工期每拖一周,罚该公司1%的款。

63、A contract for the commercial leasing of a vessel or space on a vessel. ─── 商业租船契约租用船或放船的空间的商业契约

64、The contract was fulfilled on the part of the buyer. ─── 买方遵守了合同。

65、Don't trust him; he will rip up a contract as soon as it's signed. ─── 别信任他,合同一签订他就会撕毁的。

66、Both sides strove to satisfy the contract. ─── 双方都努力履行契约。

67、A handclasp used to signify a pledge, such as a contract or marriage. ─── (成交或成婚时的)握手用来表示诸如合约或婚姻的誓言的一种握手

68、She photocopy the contract. ─── 她影印了这份合同。

69、Most of the contract have arbitration clause. ─── 大多数的合同都有仲裁条款。

70、The terms of the contract are absolutely fair and square. ─── 合同上的条款是完全公平合理的。

71、Their acceptance of the contract is still in doubt. ─── 他们是否接受那合同还说不准。

72、But, ISI also notes, every dollar of stimulus extended now will add a dollar to the extent of the fiscal contraction felt a year later. ─── 但同时ISI指出,未来一年对美元的刺激加深将会增加财政紧缩的程度。

73、Could you explain to me the significance of this part of the contract? ─── 你能给我解释一下合同这一部分的含义吗?

74、A penalty clause was written into the contract. ─── 在合同中写入了一项罚款条款。

75、The contract is sighed, and we only need about a week to tool up for the production of these models. ─── 合同已签,我们只需大约一周时间即可将生产这些样式的产品所需要的设备装备起来。

76、She went out to New York and in no time came back with the contract for the whole ball of wax. ─── 她到纽约去了不多久就带着包括全部细节的合约回来了。

77、This contraction compressed the surface and thrust some sections of crust over others, creating long curving cliffs like the one shown here. ─── 收缩挤压着表层使得部分地壳压在其余部分形成了这样长长而弯曲的悬崖。

78、An agreement or promise made orally or in writing not under seal; a contract. ─── 协定口头或书面未经盖印的协议或许诺; 协定

79、A suit to recover damages for violation of such a contract. ─── 契约诉讼对违背这种合同要求赔偿损害

80、Something surrendered or subject to surrender as punishment for a crime, an offense, an error, or a breach of contract. ─── 丧失的东西,没收的物品因犯罪、犯法、犯错或违约而丧失或被没收的物品

81、The seller guarantees that the instrument contract for will be made of the best material with first-class workmanship. ─── 卖方保证合同中订购的仪器是以第一流的工艺和最好的材料制造的。

82、The expiration of contract is coming. ─── 合同快到期了。

83、A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action. ─── 义务,责任社会、法律或道德要求,如强迫某人服从或避免某些特定行为的义务、合约或诺言

84、"Won't" is a contraction of "will not". ─── "won't"是"will not"的缩短形。

85、As the body is trying to generate it's own heat you will develop uncontrolled muscle contraction. ─── 当身体努力产生热量时,你会感到一种无法控制的肌肉收缩。

86、The manufacturers complained that they got a rough deal in the new contract with the city. ─── 制造商们抱怨说,他们在与该市新签订的合同受到了不公平的待遇。

87、They had set a term to the contract. ─── 他们已给合同定了期限。

88、The vendor signs a contract with the purchaser. ─── 卖方须与买方签订契约。

89、They have entered into a contract with a firm. ─── 他们已与一家公司签订了合同。

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