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09-08 投稿



foaled 发音

英:[f??ld]  美:[fo?ld]

英:  美:

foaled 中文意思翻译



foaled 词性/词形变化,foaled变形

动词过去分词: foaled |动词第三人称单数: foals |动词现在分词: foaling |动词过去式: foaled |

foaled 短语词组

1、foaled definition foaled ─── 定义

2、foaled mean ─── 平均值

3、foaled horse definition ─── 马匹定义

4、foaled horse ─── 马驹

5、foaled def foaled ─── 定义

foaled 相似词语短语

1、foamed ─── adj.泡沫状的;v.起泡沫(foam的过去式)

2、fouled ─── v.污染的(foul的过去分词形式);拥塞;粪污的

3、-aled ─── n.(Aled)人名;(英)阿利德

4、shoaled ─── n.浅滩,沙洲;鱼群;潜在危险;vi.变浅;vt.使变浅;驶入;adj.浅的

5、-caled ─── 已校准

6、fowled ─── n.家禽;鸟;飞禽;vi.打鸟;捕野禽

7、fooled ─── v.愚弄;干傻事;戏谑;沾花惹草(fool的过去式及过去分词)

8、totaled ─── adj.全部的;完全的;整个的;vt.总数达;vi.合计;n.总数,合计;n.(Total)人名;(法、德)托塔尔

9、coaled ─── n.煤;(尤指燃烧着的)煤块;木炭;v.供煤;采煤,提炼煤;把……烧成炭;加煤

foaled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From the moment a foal is born, it faces demands simply to survive. ─── 从小马驹出生那一刻起,它面临的需要仅仅是生存。

2、We made up some formula and,putting it in a bottle, offered it to the foal. ─── 我们配制了些喂养奶,把它放进瓶子里,喂小马驹吃。但是,它不会吮硬奶瓶。

3、Muscling his way through the crowd of kids who were watching us feed the foal, he got to the front and started yelling, "Let me feed it! Let me feed it! I want to feed it!" ─── 他把一帮观看我们给小马驹喂奶的孩子使劲推开,来到了前头,开始叫 嚷,“让我来喂它!让我来喂它!我要喂它!”

4、ride a horse that was foaled by an acorn ─── [废]上绞架

5、The behaviour of the young colt and foal appeared very modest, and that of the master and mistress extremely cheerful and complaisant to their guest. ─── 看上去它们只不过是普普通通的牲口,可是却证实了我起初的那个想法:一个能把野兽教化成这样的民族,其智力方面一定超过世界上所有的人。

6、a thoroughbred racehorse one year old dating from January 1 of the year in which it was foaled ─── 一岁马从其出生年的1月1日算起已满一岁的纯种赛马

7、A horse and foal stand out against the gray of the English moors. ─── 一匹野马和她的幼驹站在雾茫茫的英格兰荒野上。

8、3.One of the farmers owned a mare that had foaled in the marketplace. ─── 其中一个农夫拥有的一匹母马,在市场诞下了小马。

9、The foal balked at the high stone fence. ─── 在高高的石围墙面前小马驹停步不前。

10、Say to the Daughter of Zion, `See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.'" ─── 5要对锡安的居民(原文作女子)说:看哪,你的王来到你这里,是温柔的,又骑著驴,就是骑著驴驹子。”

11、Mares may not be ridden when they are with foal. ─── 母马怀孕时不能骑。

12、See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. ─── 看哪,你的王来到你这里!他是公义的,并且施行拯救,谦谦和和地骑著驴,就是骑著驴的驹子。

13、On a colt, the foal of a donkey. ─── 就是骑着驴的驹子。

14、foal heat ─── 产驹后发情

15、Leather-silhouette Foal and Covered Wagon, (introduction): Every kind of wagons, foals and covered wagon of Leather-silhouette play. ─── 皮影驹辇、车轿的说明:皮影戏中的各种“车、马、轿”型。

16、Our findings about reproductive biology are still limited, but they indicate that females have their first foal at five or six years of age, rather than the more common four or five years, and then may give birth every other year. ─── 对于非洲野驴的繁殖,我们的研究仍然有限,但是已经观察到雌驴产下第一胎的年龄,并非一般常见的4~岁,而是在5~岁左右,之后则是每隔一年生产一次。

17、There we found a female, her foal and a male grazing near Afar shepherds tending their sheep and goats. ─── 在那里我们看到一匹雌驴、她的驴仔和一匹雄驴,就在阿法尔牧羊人放牧绵羊和山羊的不远处吃草。

18、An idiot will become intelligent When the foal of a wild donkey is born a man. ─── 伯11:12空虚的人、毫无知识、生在世好像野驴的驹子。

19、Cure foal is fine checked, say: "I tell you gladly, your stomach does not have any problems, the pathogeny is you too angst, know? ─── 医生仔细检查了一下,说:“我高兴地告诉你,你的胃没有任何问题,病因是你太焦虑了,知道吗?”

20、mare in foal ─── 怀驹母马

21、But an empty-headed man acquires intelligence When the foal of a wild ass is born as a man. ─── 12头脑空洞的人能得知识,那便是野驴的驹子生得像人了。

22、nasb: "He ties {his} foal to the vine, And his donkey's colt to the choice vine; He washes his garments in wine, And his robes in the blood of grapes. ─── 犹大把小驴拴在葡萄树上,把驴驹拴在美好的葡萄树上,他在葡萄酒中洗了衣服,在葡萄汁中洗了袍褂。

23、Thus, the territorial male has several chances to father a new foal. ─── 因此,占有领土的雄马有很多当父亲的机会。

24、a leggy newborn foal ─── 新出生的细腿小马驹.

25、He ties his foal to the vine, And his donkey's colt to the choice vine; He washes his garments in wine, And his robes in the blood of grapes. ─── 创49:11犹大把小驴拴在葡萄树上、驴驹拴在美好的葡萄树上、在葡萄酒中洗了衣服、葡萄汁中洗了袍褂。

26、By contrast, in dry environments, the only long-term assemblages are a female and her offspring, sometimes just a foal, sometimes a foal and a yearling. ─── 相反地,在乾燥环境下,唯一长期稳定的关系就只存在于雌马和子代之间,有时是一只马仔,有时是一只马仔加上刚满一岁的小马。

27、The foal only has the antibodies that it has derived naturally from the mare. ─── 小马驹体内只有从母马身上自然获得而来的抗体。

28、lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass. ─── 弥赛亚更是管理全地。以上所说,正像主耶稣基督第一次来到地上的情况。

29、sleepy foal disease ─── 不用搅乳法分离奶油

30、At Bethphage, Jesus sent two of his disciples to obtain a mother ass and its colt or foal. ─── 在伯法其,耶稣让两个门徒去找一头母驴和一个小驴驹。

31、While he was thus going forth full of sorrow, the foal to which he had formerly given its liberty, and which had now become a beautiful chestnut horse, came leaping towards him. ─── 当他忧心忡忡地往前走时,他曾经放掉的那匹小马驹迎面跑来,现在它已经长成一匹漂亮的棕色骏马了。

32、It really was a bit of a shock when we got up one morning and we saw the foal that was there. ─── 当我们一天早晨醒来,发现多了一头斑马驹的时候,着实吃了一惊。

33、We sat quietly together, watching the foal sleep and thenMartin said to me,"She' s my baby now. I'll be her mama. ─── 我们默默无言地坐在一起,看着熟睡的马驹。马丁对我说,“它现在是我的孩子了,我来当它妈妈。”

34、"It really was a bit of a shock when we got up one morning and we saw the foal that was there." ─── "当我们一天早晨醒来,发现多了一头斑马驹的时候,着实吃了一惊。"

35、For the first few days after birth, the mare and the foal should be allowed peace and quiet away from other animals to form a close bond and to allow the foal to gain in strength. ─── 从出生后几天开始,母马和小马驹应当给于安静,与其他动物隔离开,形成一种亲密关系,让小马驹得到力量。

36、All we should aim to achieve in the form of schooling is to be able to lead the animal about in a foal slip, tie it up calmly fora few minutes to be groomed, and lift up each leg without resistance. ─── 所有我们应该计划完成的调训形式是在动物刚出生的时候就能够引导它。平静地将它栓住几分钟,为它刷刷毛,抬抬每一条腿,不许有反抗。

37、"He ties his foal to the vine, And his donkey's colt to the choice vine; ─── 犹大把小驴拴在葡萄树上,把驴驹拴在美好的葡萄树上。

38、Condition of two mouses foolish but Ju, clever foal is cabinet and lovely, yun Ju is concise and easy, these two mouses offerred USB to turn PS/2 connect. ─── 两款鼠标憨态可掬,灵驹小巧可爱,云驹简洁大方,这两款鼠标都提供了USB转PS/2接头。

39、The first animals to pass out were the monkey and a young pony, proving once again that a foal and his monkey are soon potted! ─── 猴子和一个年轻的小马最先晕倒,再次证明一个小马和他的猴子很快醉了。不知道是不是这么翻译,我也没有弄懂笑话的含义。

40、The father told his son to take good care of the foal. ─── 父亲吩咐孩子好生照看小马驹。

41、(livestock) to foal ─── 产驹

42、foal | colt | filly ─── 幼马

43、I showed Martin how to put his hand in the bucket and offer his fingers to the foal. He put his hand in the bucket and thrust his fingers towards the foal' s mouth. ─── 我做给马丁看,该怎么把手放进桶里,再把手指伸给小马驹。他照样做了,然后把手指伸进小马驹的嘴里。

44、Finally, although any newborn foal is trainable, this is not true of all adult horses. ─── 当然,如果您是新手对马,世界训练马是不容易的。

45、yearling foal ─── 一岁母驹

46、mare with foal at foot ─── 哺乳母马

47、"He ties his foal to the vine, And his donkey's colt to the choice vine; He washes his garments in wine, And his robes in the blood of grapes. ─── 犹大把小驴拴在葡萄树上,把驴驹拴在美好的葡萄树上。他在葡萄酒中洗了衣服,在葡萄汁中洗了袍褂。

48、Veterinarians say such a foal is rare,but not unknown. ─── 兽医们表示这样的马驹虽然很少见,但并不是没有过。

49、Black Foal at the Desert ─── 大漠青驹

50、in foal ─── 怀孕

51、Veterinarians say such a foal is rare, but not unknown ─── 兽医们表示这样的杂交斑马驹虽说不是没有过,还还是很少见。

52、Chromosome Analysis and Study of a Female Mule and Her New Born Foal ─── 一头母骡及其所生之?的染色体分析和研究

53、They found that while there are good genes to be bought, a stallion's fees are not an honest signal of his genetic quality and are a poor predicator of a foal's prize winning potential. ─── 他们发现虽然此举带来了一部分优良基因,但与为此付出的大笔金钱并不相配,并且子代获胜得奖的潜力与高额配种费比实在不成比例。

54、All the time, our overfraught hearts are beating at a rate that would far outstrip the fastest gallop of the fastest horses ever foaled. ─── 在这整个儿的时间里,我们那负担过重的心都在狂跳,跳得比世界上最快的马的最迅猛的奔跑还要快。

55、filly foal ─── 母驹

56、As pretty Tyburn blossom as ever was brought up to ride a horse foaled by an acorn. ─── 在被判在泰勃恩区上绞架的人中,这小伙子可以算是最漂亮的人才了。

57、The low, muttering sounds of his threatening voice were still audible, when the wounded foal, first rearing on its hinder legs, plunged forward to its knees. ─── 他那威胁语气的低语声还没停歇,那匹受伤的小马先是前腿腾空,用后腿直立起来,接着就一头倒在地上。

58、Leather-silhouette Foal and Covered Wagon ─── 皮影驹辇、车轿

59、foal teeth ─── 乳齿

60、He showed me foal after foal, while my favorite pony drowsed in the sun some distance away. ─── 他向我展示了一匹又一匹的小马驹,而我所钟爱的那匹就在不远处的阳光下打盹。

61、be in (or with) foal ─── 怀驹

62、One of the farmers owned a mare that had foaled in the marketplace. ─── 一个农夫拥有的一匹母马,在市场诞下了小马。

63、Analysis on geological influence factors of foal bed gas in Liujia in Fuxin coal field ─── 对阜新煤田刘家区影响煤层气地质因素的分析

64、A baby horse is called a foal. ─── 幼马被称作马崽。

65、2.A man is by an oak tree with a foal. ─── 2一个男人牵着一匹{马,骡,驴.}驹站在橡树边.

66、In the basketball game, Jerry's foal played into the opponent's hands. ─── 在篮球赛中,杰里的犯规给了对方一个自由投篮的机会。

67、donkey foal ─── 一岁内幼驴

68、foal skins ─── [化] 马驹皮; 小马皮

69、We will serve all the parents sincerely with high quality. In order to reach our foal, we will seek without end! ─── 用高品质的幼儿教育,真诚地服务于家长,是我们全体希雅图员工的不懈追求!

70、"Veterinarians say such a foal is rare, But not unknown. British zoos have reported the Birth of several "zeedonks"- offspring of a zebra and a donkey - over the years. " ─── "兽医们表示这样的杂交斑马驹虽说不是没有过,但还是很少见。英国动物园前些年曾有过""斑驴"",即斑马和驴的杂交后代的报道。"

71、colt foal ─── 公马驹

72、To lead the animal about in a foal slip ─── 是带令小驹

73、The second largest mare has just given birth to a foal. ─── 第二大的母驴刚刚产下一只小驴。

74、Veterinarians say such a foal is rare, but not unknown. British zoos have reported the birth of several "zeedonks" - offspring of a zebra and a donkey - over the years. ─── 兽医们表示这样的杂交斑马驹虽说不是没有过,还还是很少见。英国动物园前些年曾有过"斑驴",即斑马和驴的杂交斑马驹的报道。

75、We call it a foal,Look! What's this in English? ─── 我们叫它小马.看!这个用英语怎么说?

76、This mare had recently foaled , we had no time to grieve as we had to immediately turn our attention to her young baby whose first need was to eat. ─── 这匹母马刚产仔,我们没有时间为丧失母马而悲痛,因为我们必须立即照顾好新生的小马驹,它的第一需要是喂食。

77、"Look at him, he's gorgeous," Katrin Hinrichs, the lead scientist on the project said just before the six-week-old, light brown foal made his public debut. ─── 据美联社4月27日报道,得州农工大学认为,这是北美地区第一匹成功克隆出的马驹。

78、Foal of fine of a BMW, no less than present famous brand cars " BMW " , " run quickly " , can reflect identity ground sob, show off luxurious. ─── 一匹宝马良驹,不亚于现在的名牌轿车“宝马”、“奔驰”,能体现身份地泣,炫耀豪华。

79、A calm veteran will act as a confidence giver and steadying influence when the foal is faced with new sights and challenges. ─── 一位从容的老手会充当一位自信的给予者以及当小马驹面对新景象和挑战的时候会给予持续影响。

80、mare with foal ─── 孕马

81、All the time, our overfraught hearts are beating at a rate that would far outstrip the fastest gallop of the fastest horses ever foaled. ─── 在这整个儿的时间里,我们那负担过重的心都在狂跳,跳得比世界上最快的马的最迅猛的奔跑还要快。

82、Their mares were in foal, their cows in calf. ─── 他们的几匹母马和母牛都怀了孕。

83、It has been foal conclusion for impressionism feature in Li Jian-vvu 's literary criticism, but we have to reseed its deep structure. ─── 李健吾的印象主义批评特色已成定论,但对其文学批评深层结构的研究正在且有待深入。

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