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09-08 投稿



dehiscence 发音

英:[d??h?s?ns]  美:[d??h?sns]

英:  美:

dehiscence 中文意思翻译



dehiscence 词性/词形变化,dehiscence变形

形容词: dehiscent |

dehiscence 短语词组

1、evisceration vs dehiscence ─── 眼球摘除vs裂开

2、valvular dehiscence ─── 瓣裂

3、anastomotic dehiscence ─── 吻合口裂开

4、iris dehiscence ─── [医] 虹膜裂开

5、lateral dehiscence ─── 侧裂

6、transverse dehiscence ─── 横裂

7、dehiscence of wound ─── 伤口裂开

8、wound dehiscence ─── [医] 伤口裂开

dehiscence 相似词语短语

1、delitescence ─── n.潜伏期;潜伏

2、indehiscence ─── 不裂

3、dehisce ─── v.(伤口、种子等)张口,裂开

4、decrescence ─── n.减弱,减小;减退,衰减;苍白

5、dehiscent ─── adj.开裂的,裂开性的

6、deficience ─── n.机能不全;缺乏;缺点(等于deficiency)

7、dehisced ─── v.(伤口、种子等)张口,裂开

8、-escence ─── 场景

9、Renascence ─── n.新生;再生;复活

dehiscence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dehiscence in the head ─── 头部开裂

2、The wound dehiscence was caused by the incision tear of lower segment of uterine, adverse suture, and improper choice of incision position. ─── 子宫伤口裂开多由于子宫下段切口撕裂、缝合不良、切口位置选择不当所致。


4、Discussion on Dehiscence of Annular Oxygen Filling on Vehicle Ignition Coil ─── 汽车点火线圈环氧灌封料开裂问题的探讨

5、For instance, the wall surface putty must in first do thoroughly the rescud completely second, otherwise, was completed the later wall surface to be able to have quality problems and so on dehiscence; ─── “年底装修公司的变动都挺大,如果这时候选择装修公司进行装修,不是会存在很大的风险吗?”

6、Three patients received post operation radiotherapy.There was no flap necrosis or permanent facial nerve damage, nor was there any partial flap necrosis or suture dehiscence. ─── 术后均无肌瓣整个坏死及颜面神经的永久伤害等重大并发症,也都没有部分的肌瓣坏死或缝合的伤口裂开等次要并发症。

7、The anther dehiscence is in advance at the bicellular pollen stage. ─── 最后形成的花粉小而畸形,碘液不染色。

8、Abstract: The excessive overload's vehicles are form the highway bituminous pavement dehiscence, hollow, the pumping... ─── 摘要:过量超载的车辆是形成高速公路沥青路面开裂、凹陷、唧泥...

9、However, this kind of hemstitch processes to the floor surface layer request is strict, if is too thin, passes through the hemstitch, easy to create the floor dehiscence. ─── 不过,这种敲边处理对地板面层要求严格,如果太薄,经过敲边,容易造成地板开裂。

10、dehiscence of uterus ─── 子宫裂开

11、Li Guangwei Experimental Study of Prevent Dehiscence Characteristic of Hydrotechnic Roller Compacted Concrete Using Phosphorus Slag as Addition ─── 李光伟:水工磷渣碾压混凝土抗裂特性的试验研究

12、Yet superior canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS) is a very real affliction caused by a small hole in the bone covering part of the inner ear. ─── 上半规管裂综合征(SCDS)是由覆盖内耳的某部分骨头上出现漏洞而引起。

13、Extraperitoneal tension suture for the prevention of abdominal wound dehiscence in the elderly ─── 减张缝合预防高龄病人切口裂开的体会

14、transverse dehiscence ─── 横裂

15、Of these patients, 4 had low cardic output syndrome, 18 had hypoxaemia, 3 had sternal wound dehiscence, and 15 had atrial fibrillation after operation. ─── 术后出现低心排4例,低氧血症18例,胸骨哆开3例,快速房颤15例,经治疗后均治愈,无围术期死亡,疗效满意。

16、the occurrence of zonular dehiscence were 0 and 1.52% respectively (P>0.05); ─── 剥脱综合徵眼术中无晶状体悬韧带断裂;

17、Keywords Dehiscence of abdominal incisions;Complications;Prevention;Treatment; ─── 关键词腹壁切口裂开/并发症;治疗;预防;

18、The coke towers are working under high temperature and coke in and out with hot and cold distress,and local severe distortion of the towers or dehiscence of welded seam appears frequently. ─── 焦炭塔长期在高温及充焦、除焦的冷热疲劳作用下运行,常出现塔体局部严重变形和母材焊缝开裂问题。

19、The winter weather is dry, while enjoys warm fully, must increase the indoor air humidity suitably, by against solid wooden furniture dehiscence. ─── 冬季天气干燥,在充分享受温暖的同时,要适当增加室内空气湿度,以防实木家具开裂。

20、Stop therapy at least 7 days before surgery; discontinue in patients with wound dehiscence. ─── 停止治疗手术前至少7天,停止与伤口裂开患者。

21、The concrete dehiscence may say is "often is taken bad" and "frequently-occurring disease", is puzzling the bridge building technical personnel frequently. ─── 混凝土开裂可以说是“常发病”和“多发病”,经常困扰着桥梁工程技术人员。

22、Preventive measures to the dehiscence in early stage in spreading cement concrete pavement process ─── 摊铺水泥混凝土路面早期开裂的预防措施

23、wound dehiscence ─── [医] 伤口裂开


25、Fruit a capsule or sometimes berrylike, porose dehiscence or transverse dehiscence at middle, pubescent or squamosly strigose. ─── 果蒴果或有时浆果状,有孔开裂或在中间横裂的,短柔毛或鳞片状糙伏毛。

26、Abstract: Objective To introduce the experience about the reconstruction of median sternotomy wound dehiscence. ─── 文章快照: 胸骨切感染裂开的手术修复方法。

27、No wound or muscle dehiscence problems were noted. ─── 未发现切口或肌肉裂开问题。

28、loculicidal dehiscence ─── 室背开裂

29、Cultivation in greenhouse can effectively prevent dehiscence. ─── 温室栽培可有效防止裂果发生。

30、filaments filiform, cells parallel, dehiscence longitudinal. ─── 花丝丝状,室平行,开裂纵向。

31、No significant difference was observed in times to first post-labor bowel movement or episiotomy dehiscence rates. ─── 此外,在产后排便的时间方面,未灌肠的产妇并未延迟其产后排便时间,或增加会阴伤口裂开的机率。

32、surgical wound dehiscence ─── 外科伤口裂开

33、dehiscence of alveolar process ─── 牙槽突裂开

34、Capsule straight in relation to pedicel, globose to subglobose, shorter than calyx, dehiscence circumscissile. ─── 关于花梗的直的蒴果,球形到近球形,短于花萼,开裂。

35、There is no ~3H-tymidine incorporation into vegetative nucleus (Vn),generative nucleus (Gn) or nu- cleus of sperm in 96 hours before dehiscence of anthers (BDA). ─── 散粉前96小时至精细胞形成,营养核、生殖核和精于核中均未见~3H-胸苷掺入。

36、Dehiscence of parenchyma and expose of titanium membrane must be avoided. ─── [结论]应用钛膜作为骨引导再生时应注意钛膜要有理想的可塑性,软组织瓣要有一定的厚度与韧性,以防止伤口裂开,钛膜暴露过早地取出影响骨缺损的恢复。

37、Resuture of wound dehiscence ─── 伤口开裂再缝术

38、wall dehiscence ─── 墙体开裂

39、The Cause and Precaution of Longitudinal Dehiscence of Anchor Rod about Skew Rolling ─── 斜轧锚杆纵裂缺陷分析及预防

40、pericarp leathery, circumscissile, thickened along line of dehiscence. ─── 果皮革质,周裂,沿着开裂的线加厚。

41、Dehiscence dates ─── 枣裂果

42、Dehiscence of operation wound ─── 手术伤口破裂

43、dehiscence evolution ─── 开裂演化

44、Though the analysis of the concrete track crosstie dehiscence, a new maintaining method is provided. ─── 介绍了混凝土轨枕伤损的类型及其原因,并推出了一种适合混凝土轨枕线路特点的养护作业方法。

45、Uncovers the positive East City mountainous area ditch mouth village private residence wall dehiscence question research ─── 揭阳市东山区沟口村民房墙体开裂问题研究

46、iris dehiscence ─── [医] 虹膜裂开

47、Maintaining the Concrete Track Crosstie Dehiscence ─── 混凝土轨枕裂损与养护作业

48、Methods To reduce and fix the longitudinal dehiscence tooth,After the treatment of the sick tooth,use the treatment of cast mental or porcelain-fusedto-mental to restore the sick tooth. ─── 方法:采用将纵裂牙齿复位固定,牙体治疗后,用铸造或烤瓷全冠的方法修复患牙。

49、Dehiscence of the floor of the hypotympanum with protrusion of the jugular bulb into the middle ear cavity is a rare otological finding. ─── 摘要颈静脉球经下鼓室底部骨层裂隙膨入中耳腔,是一种罕见的中耳腔血管异常。

50、Objective To investigate the prevention and treatment of the abdominal incision dehiscence . ─── 目的探讨腹部手术切口裂开的预防及治疗。

51、pericarp leathery, circumscissile, thickened along line of dehiscence. ─── 果皮革质,周裂,沿着开裂的线加厚。

52、This paper discusses on the strongpoints,shortcomings of the annular oxygen filling on vehicle ignition coil and its dehiscence problem in use. ─── 主要论述汽车点火线圈环氧灌封料的优点、缺点及使用中的开裂问题,介绍其技术要求、材料分析、开裂原因分析及改进措施。

53、dehiscence in early stage ─── 早期开裂

54、The restoration and treatment of posterior tooth crown longitudinal dehiscence ─── 后牙牙冠纵裂的修复治疗

55、Bituminous pavement early time dehiscence reason analysis and preventing and controlling measure ─── 沥青路面早期开裂的原因分析和防治措施

56、The animals were fed with pulverized forage after the abutments were installed, and no incision dehiscence or titanium plate exposure happened. ─── 安装基台和义齿后给羊喂粉碎的饲料,未见伤口裂开和钛板脱落。

57、Method The etiology and treatment of 22 cases of abdominal post operation patients with wound dehiscence are observed and analyzed. ─── 方法对22例腹部手术患者术后出现伤口裂开的原因进行分析及治疗。

58、Conclusion Restoring posterior tooth crown longitudinal dehiscence is one of the effective methods to keep the sick tooth. ─── 结论:用全冠修复后牙牙冠纵裂是保存纵裂牙齿的有效方法之一。

59、stigmas capitate.Fruit a schizocarp but septicidal dehiscence often incomplete (i.e., pseudocapsular), obconical; ─── 柱头头状果为分果但通常不完全室间开裂(即,假囊状),倒锥状;

60、poricidal dehiscence ─── 孔裂

61、endocarp cartilaginous, discharged elastically with seed at dehiscence. ─── 内果皮软骨质,在开裂时带着种子弹出。

62、After operation, wound infection happened in 2 cases, wound dehiscence in 1, pulmonary infection in 2, and sclerema in 2. ─── 死亡病例均为重症,其中并发肺部感染者2例,并发硬肿症者1例,均为紧急手术者。

63、One case of superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome ─── 上半规管裂隙综合征一例

64、The product has superior anti-impact &environmental stress dehiscence resistant preformances, It has gone through lowtemperature,stack,leakage, hydraulic pressure and so on tests. ─── 产品具有优良的抗冲击性能和抗环境应力开裂性能。

65、Wavelet transform-based multiscale edge detection of dehiscence furrow in Chinese date images ─── 基于小波变换的红枣裂沟的多尺度边缘检测

66、Stage 1A: Foeal dehiscence, yellow spot, posterior hyaloids attached to ILM. ─── 中心凹裂开,可见黄点,透明的玻璃状膜与内界膜接触。

67、dehiscence of wall face ─── 墙面开裂

68、prothesis dehiscence ─── 人工(瓣膜)缝线脱开

69、But the pillar abstains from is the dehiscence, do not manage the vertical stroke horizontally, can affect the separation effect, even becomes invalid! ─── 但是柱子更忌讳的是开裂,甭管竖的还是横的,都会影响分离效果,甚至作废!

70、lateral dehiscence ─── 侧面开裂

71、dehiscence reason ─── 开裂原因

72、Dehiscence or disruption of uterine wound in the puerperium ─── 产褥期子宫伤口裂或破裂

73、Glume Dehiscence of Hybrid Rice Seeds and Its Harmfulness ─── 杂交水稻种子的裂颖及其危害

74、Chinese Traditional Medicine Shengji Pledget Treating the Fats Liquefacien Wound Dehiscence after Abdominal Operation ─── 单纯中药生肌纱条治疗腹部术后脂肪液化性切口裂开

75、Tapetum begins to degenerate at the early stage of free microspore, producing lots of ubisch bodies, and it becomes completely degenerated at anther dehiscence. ─── 小孢子发育早期绒毡层开始降解并分泌形成大量乌氏体,花药开裂时绒毡层完全消失,剩下少量乌氏体。

76、Hybrid rice seeds show a serious glume dehiscence which is a genetic characteristic of male sterile lines.The glume-dehiscent seeds are not tolerant to storage. ─── 摘要杂交水稻种子存在较严重的裂颖现象,这是不育系的一种遗传特性。

77、valvular dehiscence ─── (拉dehiscentia valvata)(活)瓣裂

78、Autogenous Umbilical Cord Used to Repair the Abdominal Dehiscence ─── 应用自体脐带修补腹裂及术后远期观察

79、The other flaps survived with minor complications in two cases.These minor complications were wound dehiscence and infection. ─── 其馀病人的皮瓣都存活,只有两例发生小的并发症,包括伤口裂开及感染。

80、A high-resolution CT scan can also be performed to look at the temporal bones for dehiscence. ─── 高分辨率的CT检查也能用于检查颞骨是否开裂。

81、root dehiscence ─── 根裂开

82、2nd, when lays down the floor, may put some drying agents, the quick-lime on the work site and so on, prevents the humidity to cause the dehiscence warp phenomenon greatly. ─── 2、铺设地板时,可以在工地放一些干燥剂、生石灰之类,以防止湿度大引起开裂翘曲现象。

83、septicidal dehiscence ─── 室间开裂

84、Moreover, the gypsum line and the top, the wall surface must maintain 5 millimeters distances, avoids the gypsum line dehiscence. ─── 另外,石膏线与顶面、墙面需保持5毫米的距离,以避免石膏线开裂。

85、bilabiate dehiscence ─── 二唇形的

86、The earthquake causes the house actual dehiscence is not serious, the true influence is mainly a psychology. ─── 地震导致的房屋实际开裂并不严重,真正的影响主要是心理。

87、Causes of wound dehiscence in patients underwent lateral episiotomy and its prevention ─── 会阴侧切术后伤口裂开原因及预防

88、bivalve dehiscence",," ─── 两瓣开列"

89、An Analysis of Dehiscence Stress of the Transportation Load on Semi-Rigid Base Bituminous Pavement ─── 半刚性基层沥青路面交通荷载断裂应力分析

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