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09-08 投稿



whilst 发音

英:[wa?lst]  美:[wa?lst]

英:  美:

whilst 中文意思翻译



whilst 短语词组

1、stop condition whilst ─── 停止条件,同时

2、stop condition whilst memory ─── 记忆时的停止条件

whilst 相似词语短语

1、whilk ─── 鞭子

2、whift ─── 鞭子

3、whiled ─── conj.在……期间;在……的过程中;与……同时;(对比两件事物)……而;虽然,尽管;直到……为止;n.一段时间;(诗、文)在此期间;adv.在……时候;v.消磨(时间);prep.直到

4、while ─── conj.在……期间;在……的过程中;与……同时;(对比两件事物)……而;虽然,尽管;直到……为止;n.一段时间;(诗、文)在此期间;adv.在……时候;v.消磨(时间);prep.直到

5、whids ─── 敏捷地行动

6、whist ─── n.惠斯特牌;int.肃静;adj.无声的,安静的;v.使……安静

7、whiles ─── conj.当……的时间;尽管;adv.有时候;其间

8、whilly ─── 呼呼地

9、whitest ─── adj.白的(white的最高级);苍白的

whilst 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Once she arrived in the Big Apple,Sandra didn't waste any time and enrolled in intensive acting classes whilst simultaneously holding a bartending job. ─── 一到“大苹果城”,桑德拉就马不停蹄地参加表演强化训练班,同时还在一个酒吧打工。

2、They try to use the media whilst protecting their players from the media. ─── 他们自己会尽力利用媒体的力量,而保护自己的球员不被媒体骚扰。

3、Paul Robeson sings the Chinese National Anthem whilst on tour in Europe in 1949. ─── 呢首系第一首被美国人翻唱嘅中文歌!!!

4、Despair will make you go bankrupt whilst hope endows you with enormous asset. ─── 一个人最大的破产是绝望,最大的资产是希望。

5、My mother died whilst I was yet a boy. ─── 我母亲在我还是个孩子的时候就去世了。

6、Office solutions for Leadenhall Street combining visual presence whilst functional for the individual users. ─── 办公室解决方案,为leadenhall街相结合的视觉存在,而功能性,为个人用户。

7、Whilst their children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees upon the high hills. ─── 他们的儿女记念他们高冈上,青翠树旁的坛和木偶。

8、Now he was trying to be friendly to myself and my friends whilst it was clear he had lost all confidence he had with his group. ─── 现在他想要和我、我的朋友们表示友善。可是明显他失去了和自己那群人在一起时拥有的自信。

9、Whilst in the real world you. ─── 同时间係真实嘅世界入便你。

10、Among those here today, there are some who are interested in Buddhism whilst others are not. ─── 今天在此的各位,有一部分人是对佛教感兴趣的,同时也有不是的。

11、We are not given very much of it whilst on this planet, and we should do our best to utilize it efficiently each and every day, they say. ─── 他们说我们在这世上的时间不多,所以每一天都应该尽全力有效运用它。

12、We should keep an eye on the goldfish whilst the owner is away. ─── 主人外游,我们帮忙照顾金鱼。

13、Saturn trine Uranus promotes the ability to use initiative and originality, whilst applying common sense and knowledge gained from applied commitment. ─── 土星三合天王星促使了肯主动及运用创意的能力,与此同时运用的常理及智慧,都是从实际的承诺中获取的。

14、Impactor is killed whilst saving Xaaron's life. ─── 为保护撒隆,撞针阵亡。

15、After picking up an injury whilst on international duty with Holland many thought that his season could be over. ─── 为荷兰国家队出战而受伤后,很多观点都认为他的这个赛季可能提前结束了。

16、Of any otherstudy or courses that have been undertaken whilst working as a Registered Nurse. ─── 关于课程描述的文件要求

17、His MacDougall allies cleared the west, whilst he struck through the north east. ─── 华勒斯的盟军-麦道高-横扫整个西部,而他则打穿整个东北部。

18、I wanted to so much to catch up with Ange whilst in Melbourne but the opportunity never arose. ─── 在墨尔本我多么想追上安吉但是机会没抓住。

19、The perusal of this paper absorbed Phileas Fogg until a quarter before four, whilst the Standard, his next task, occupied him till the dinner hour. ─── 他看这份报纸,一直要看到三点四十五分,接着再看刚到的《标准报》,一直看到吃晚饭。

20、The low line 6 B2650 suit most recent engine room size, whilst improving access to main engines components. ─── 低高度的6B2650引擎适用绝大多数的机舱尺寸,改进接近主发动机的通道。

21、Whilst a form of duality still exists in the higher dimensions, it is by no means of such a fierce challenge as you have experienced. ─── 虽然一种二元的形式仍然存在于更高的维度中,但它决不是你们所经历过的那种凶猛的挑战。

22、G: You don't realize what you got here. So why don't you just ruminate whilst I illuminate the possibilities? ─── 主人啊!我发现你根本不了解我在说什么,所以我建议你不如在我唱歌的时候,你好好的仔细考虑考虑?

23、Whilst a specific date is yet to be set, we do know that Edith's show airs weekdays from 1PM to 4PM BST. ─── 具体播出时间有待公布,不过我们都知道这个节目一般是在工作日的下午1点到4点(英国夏时制时间)间播出的。

24、Capa was a war photographerwho won international fame whilst covering conflicts all over the world. ─── 卡帕是位战地摄影师,因其作品涉及全球各地的冲突而赢得了国际性声誉。

25、He would go mad as well if he had to spend his days in this grey soup whilst his flesh and bones turned to stone. ─── 若这些天来他都得呆在这灰色的浓汤里看着自己的骨肉变成石头,他也会疯掉的。

26、He gained valuable experience whilst working on the project. ─── 从事这项工程使他获得了宝贵的经验。

27、Today, whilst babysitting, I broke a glass. ─── 今天,在照看小孩子的时候我打碎了一个杯子。

28、He looked on with delight and wonder whilst Ophelia busied herself about the room, and prepared for dinner. ─── 他看着莪菲丽雅在屋里忙这忙那,准备晚餐,心里只觉得又惊又喜。

29、Whilst! The king will now enter. ─── 别出声!国王现在要进来了。

30、Two Oceans provide a quality introduction to South African wines, whilst Fleur du Cap make distinctive varietal wines, including an excellent Pinotage. ─── “双洋”出品优质的南非葡萄酒,“好望角”则以出品特殊葡萄品种,如上好的“品乐”葡萄酒而别具一格。

31、Covers the loss of money whilst the money is on the business premises or in transit. ─── 保障在营业场所或者运输途中的钱币遗失。

32、Whilst the peril of burns requires special protection measures for the handling personnel. ─── 同时燃烧产生的危害要求对操作人员有特殊保护。

33、I have said whilst I have been in Canada.... I have tried to give the same message. ─── 。 我在加拿大的时候已经说过,我曾试图发出与此相同的信息。

34、Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. ─── 只要知道如果我在这里,你们就不会收到伤害就可以了.

35、MTV Japan voted the band's One Love video as Best Pop Video whilst MTV Asia named them Best International Group. ─── MTV 日本投票了乐团的爱录像带如最好的取出录像带命名他们最好的国际团体的一会儿 MTV 亚洲。

36、Whilst he was at the war his wife abandoned his home and ran off with another man. ─── 在他当兵打仗的时候,他的妻子抛下他的家和另一个男人私奔了。

37、Two teams attempt to keep hold of the ball whilst the third team endeavours to dispossess them. ─── 其中两组要求尽量控球,第三队要尽力去破坏他们的配合。

38、Shall I be car-ri-ed toe the skies, on flow'ry beds of ease, Whilst others fight to win the prize, and sail thro' bloody seas? ─── 为获功勋别人正浴血奋战 在沙场 我岂能安睡花床梦想 进天堂

39、You will play decoy whilst I beg. ─── 我去乞讨,你来当诱饵。

40、And maybe Makelele who, whilst not at his imperious best, didn't do badly tonight. ─── 又或者马克莱莱也有七分,他虽然不在最佳的专横中场状态,今晚的表现亦不算差劲。

41、Whilst standing in a queue at the bank, I felt strong vibes from a woman in front of me. ─── 站在银行排队,前面的女士让我有强烈的感应。

42、The train, now detached from the engine, remained a little behind, whilst the locomotive rushed forward with increased speed. ─── 列车脱离了车头慢慢地落后了,而机车却更增加了飞驰的速度。

43、Total loss of any package lost overboard or dropped whilst loading on to, or unloading from, vessel or craft. ─── 在装上或卸离船舶或驳船过程中任何包件掉落或坠入水中造成的全损。

44、The hoofs of the horses were broken whilst the stoutest of the enemies fled amain, and fell headlong down. ─── 勇士急奔飞腾,马蹄挞挞作响。

45、Whilst it serves as confirmation of what you have been given, it can also be confusing as you cannot necessarily put it into a time frame. ─── 虽然它给予你们作为一种确定性,但当你们不能够必然地把它放进一个时间结构中的时候,它也会变的让人困惑。

46、The whites enjoy what may well be the highest standard of living in the world, whilst Africans live in poverty and misery. ─── 南非白人享有的生活水准或许是世界上最高的,而黑人却生活在贫穷悲惨的境地。

47、By Peter Eldon At the time of writing, Hleb and Adebayor are on the verge of leaving whilst Flamini has gone. ─── 再见,最弱的一环,亚历山大赫莱布!我们不会还念你的离去在我写这篇文章的时候,赫莱布和阿德巴约正在离队的边缘,当然,弗拉米尼已经离开了。

48、Ruud once scored a Beckham-style long-range lob from 45 yards whilst playing for PSV against FC Roda JC. ─── 在为埃因霍温效力时,范尼曾在对阵罗达JC的比赛中进了一个贝克汉姆式的45码远射。

49、Alan Shearer and David Platt had converted for England, whilst Fernando Hierro had hit the bar for the Spaniards. ─── AlanShearer和DavidPlatt拯救了英格兰,同时FernandoHierro为西班牙人射中横梁。

50、Do not concede a frame or match when you have missed a shot or whilst your opponent is still at the table. ─── 在某盘或某场比赛中,当你击失一杆或你的对手仍在台面击球时,不能认输。

51、Keeping your dog free from fleas and mites, especially whilst puppies, is essential in preventing allergies. ─── 保持您的狗从蚤和小蜘蛛解脱,特别是小狗,是根本的在防止过敏。

52、But whilst his personal life was taking a hammering his professional life was pushing him into the stratosphere. ─── 不过,虽然他的个人生活是一锤击他的职业生涯中推他到平流层。

53、Whilst not impromptu, the preparation is minimal and does not need to be repeated for subsequent performances. ─── 不即兴,准备是最小的,并且不需要为随后表现被重复。

54、Whilst others fight to win the prize, and sail thro' blood-y seas? ─── 因为获功勋别人正浴血奋战在沙

55、Horseboys, whilst typically acting as squires for Irish Nobles, are also capable fighters themselves. ─── 侍从骑兵通常为爱尔兰贵族效力,但亦可单独出战。

56、Because, whilst the beginning of a book may get all the glory, it's the ending that really stays with you. ─── 虽然一个好的开头总是赢得所有的赞美,但是真正让我们记忆深刻的却是它的结尾。

57、The world of dreams is our real world whilst we are sleeping because our attention then lapses from the sensible world. ─── 在睡眠中梦见的世界便是我们的真实世界,因为那时我们的注意力已从可感知世界转移开。

58、Whilst going down, Isabella got tired and fell asleep again. ─── 下山的时侯,伊莎贝拉困得又睡着了。

59、Whilst excavating the hole to tap the gas, thedrilling rig collapsed leaving a massive hole. ─── 同时挖掘一个洞口去开发天然气,钻机崩塌并留下一个大洞。

60、Reassure casualty whilst regaining consciousness. ─── 再保证病人同时在恢复知觉。

61、Some of these elements are required by all states whilst others are not required. ─── 一些这些要素所需要的所有国家,而其他是不是必需的。

62、The consul took the document and carefully read it, whilst Fix observed, or rather devoured, the stranger with his eyes from a corner of the room. ─── “可是,领事先生,我需要把这个人留在这儿,等我接到伦敦的拘票,好逮捕他。”

63、Whilst I, as mute, can warble forth no higher lays? ─── 可此时,哑然的我难道还能向着前方,宛转地唱出更高层次的绝响?

64、Whilst caring for him, she tells him the rest of her story. ─── 在照顾明的时候,她跟他讲述了自己的故事。

65、A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled. ─── 例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。

66、Whilst greeting arriving guests, the butler will offer complimentary pressing and shoeshine service. ─── 在迎接客人时,管家应该为客人提供熨烫及擦鞋服务。

67、Whilst Tier 3 opens up the last remaining units and most powerful support powers. ─── 3级科技开放了剩下的单位和最有威力的支援能力。

68、You are amazed they exist and they burn so bright whilst you can only wonder why. ─── 你会惊异这样的人居然存在着,当你想探究其原因时他们却依然狂热地燃烧着。

69、In data security, the transmission of data to unauthorized users by processes with legitimate access to data. A compiler, for example, could leak a proprietary program whilst it is being compiled. ─── 在数据保密学中,通过合法访问数据的进程将数据传输给未授权的用户的过程。例如,编译程序在编译期间便可能泄漏专用程序。

70、Whilst the EXW term represents the minimum obligation for the seller, DDP represents the maximum obligation. ─── EXW术语下卖方承担最小责任,而DDP术语下卖方承担最大责任。

71、A driver killed a pedestrian whilst overtaking another car. ─── 一个司机在超车时撞死了一名路人。

72、He snored loudly whilst the rain poured down. ─── 他睡觉鼾声如雷,大雨整夜未停。

73、Do not complain about playing conditions whilst a match is in progress. ─── 在比赛仍在进行时,不能对比赛形势表达不满。

74、Exports grew rapidly whilst imports slowed down during the 1st half. ─── 上半年,我国出口保持快速增长,进口增幅明显回落。

75、Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, All with weary task fordone. ─── 农夫们鼾息沉沉,完毕一天的辛勤。

76、And what happened whilst you were there? ─── 你在那儿的时候发生了什么?

77、The former is responsible for the specificity of the holoenzyme whilst the latter determines the nature of the reaction. ─── 前者决定了这个酶的特征,而后者决定了反应的种类。

78、Seven parts are manufactured in PP and ABS, whilst the other two are in LSR (liquid silicone rubber). ─── 七个部分生产聚丙烯和ABS ,而另外两个是在路由器(液态硅橡胶) 。

79、Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape. ─── 10愿恶人落在自己的网里,我却得以逃脱。

80、Prepare to play whilst reading some music. ─── 准备演奏的同时阅读一些音乐。

81、Whilst greeting arriving guests, the butler will offer unpacking services. ─── 在迎接客人时,管家应该提供行李服务。

82、Fixed crash if user retires whilst on the Jobs screen. ─── 修正了玩家退休时在工作界面出现崩溃。

83、"Benjamin Harrison" was also at anchor, whilst the "Empire Tide," had taken refuge in Moller Bay. ─── “本杰明哈里森”号下锚了,同时“帝国风暴”号驶进了莫勒湾避难。

84、His letter came whilst I was away, sitting unopened for nearly six months. ─── 他的信件来了,我是去的,坐未打开几乎六个月。

85、"I wish Robbie Savage had signed for us" Fabio Capello whilst Real Madrid manager. ─── “我希望萨维奇已经签约为我们效力了”??卡佩罗同时作为皇马主教练。

86、He had many elegancies of his own, whilst he scoffed at conventional elegance. ─── 他本人便具备很多优雅,尽管他在讥笑常规的优雅。

87、The tripod also makes it much easier to get a steady zoom whilst shooting. ─── 三角架也使得拍摄时有一个稳定的变焦镜头更加容易。

88、Whilst he was laid up, Gerald come to see him. ─── 卧床期间,杰罗尔德前来看望他。

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