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09-08 投稿



hypopharynx 发音

英:[?ha?p??f?r??ks]  美:[?ha?p???f?r??ks]

英:  美:

hypopharynx 中文意思翻译



hypopharynx 词性/词形变化,hypopharynx变形


hypopharynx 短语词组

1、labium-hypopharynx ─── [医]下唇舌

hypopharynx 相似词语短语

1、cytopharynx ─── 细胞咽;[无脊椎]胞咽

2、nasopharynxes ─── n.[解剖]鼻咽

3、hypophyge ─── 凹曲线饰

4、hypopharynges ─── n.下咽部;喉咽(hypopharynx的变形)

5、nasopharynx ─── n.[解剖]鼻咽

6、laryngopharynx ─── n.[解剖]咽喉

7、oropharynx ─── n.[解剖]口咽

8、hypopharynxes ─── n.下咽部;喉咽

9、pharynx ─── n.[解剖]咽

hypopharynx 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lateral wall of hypopharynx ─── 咽下部侧壁

2、Hypopharynx cancer ─── 下咽癌

3、We conclude that reconstructing the hypopharynx with gastric tube is a reliable and safe method, though its clinical outcome depends mainly on the stage of the tumor at the time of reconstruction. ─── 我们认为广泛性下咽部切除及使用长胃管重建是十分安全及有效的手术,掌握手术时机及手术前之癌症分期均会影响治疗的预后。

4、Foreign body in hypopharynx ─── 咽下部内异物

5、Measurement of microvessel density in benign and malignant lesion of the larynx and hypopharynx ─── 喉及喉咽部良恶性病变中微血管密度的测量及其意义

6、IV, 205) cases, 234 were originated from pyriform sinus, 21 from postcricoid, 35 from posterior pharyngeal wall and 15 from superior hypopharynx. ─── IV期205例),其中梨状窝癌234例,环后癌21例,下咽后壁区癌35例,下咽上区癌15例。

7、Lamina muscularis of mucous membrane of hypopharynx ─── 咽下部粘膜肌层

8、Hypopharynx stenosis ─── 下咽狭窄

9、Cancer of the hypopharynx: 4.47 men died for every one woman. ─── 下咽部癌:男女死亡比例4.47:1。

10、Operation on hypopharynx ─── 下咽部手术

11、Treatment for Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Hypopharynx and Cervical Esophagus ─── 下咽及颈段食管鳞癌的治疗

12、Clinical Analysis of 21 Cases'Treatment of Hypopharynx Cancer by Means of Operation and Pre - operational Radio and Chemical Therapy ─── 手术加术前放化疗治疗下咽癌21例临床分析

13、Keywords Carcinoma;squamous-cell;Hypopharynx neoplasms/therapy;Survival rate;Larynx preservation; ─── 癌;鳞状细胞;咽肿瘤/治疗;生存率;生存质量;

14、Reconstruction of the hypopharynx with a fascial flap of the strap muscles in hypopharyngeal cancer ─── 胸骨舌骨肌筋膜瓣在下咽癌术后修复中的应用

15、Mucous membrane of hypopharynx ─── 咽下部粘膜

16、Bircher described an antethoracic skin tube for the treatment of lye stricture in cervical esophagus and hypopharynx in 1894. As early as 1895, Biondi suggested replacing esophagus with stomach brought into chest through the hiatus. ─── 1894 年,Bircher 在治疗碱导致的下咽颈段食管狭窄时,描述了前胸皮管的应用。 早在1895 年Biondi 建议把胃通过裂孔拉入胸腔替代食道。

17、Replacement of cervical esophagus with stomach for reconstruction of hypopharynx and cervical esophagus ─── 胃代食管术重建下咽及颈段食管临床报道

18、Materials and Methods: CTVL was performed in 40 patients with larynx and hypopharynx diseases confirmed by pathology. ─── 材料与方法:对40例经病理证实的喉及下咽部病变作CTVL成像,并与轴位、纤维喉镜和手术所见对照分析。

19、Hypopharynx and cervical esophagus reconstruction with remaining larynx and pharynx after operation on the advanced pyriform sinus cancer ─── 健侧半喉重建晚期梨状窝癌术后的咽部及颈段食管缺损

20、Expressions of COX-2 in laryngeal carcinoma and hypopharynx carcinoma and its clinical significance ─── 喉癌、下咽癌组织中环氧化酶-2的表达与临床意义

21、Conclusion:Rhinolaryngofiberscope is the first choice to treat the insidious foreign bodies in the hypopharynx and larynx. ─── 结论:(鼻咽)纤维喉镜是检查和治疗下咽部异物的有效方法。

22、Objective To study the clinical feature of synovial sarcoma of the hypopharynx . ─── 目的探讨喉咽部滑膜肉瘤的临床特征。

23、Keywords Larynx cancer Hypopharynx cancer Eukaryotic initiation factor 4E; ─── 喉癌;下咽癌;真核生物启动因子4E;

24、Objective:To explore the surgical treatment for well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma(WDTC) invading the larynx,trachea,esophagus and hypopharynx. ─── 目的:探讨甲状腺癌累及喉、气管、食管、下咽时的外科处理。

25、Method : 300 patients with insidious or dubious foreign bodies in the hypopharynx were examined and treated through rhinolaryngofiberscope. ─── 方法:用(鼻咽)纤维喉镜检查并取出300例下咽部隐匿或可疑性异物。

26、Objective:To understand the rare malignant tumours of larynx and hypopharynx and collect clinical information. ─── 目的:增加对喉及下咽部少见肿瘤的认识,为临床积累资料。

27、Using no-cartilaginous complex tissue petal of larynx and trachea to repaire the deficient of hypopharynx and cervical esophagus not only improve local cancer control,but also rebuild hypopharynx physiologic function. ─── :喉气管复合组织瓣修复下咽和颈段食管缺损手术创伤小 ,并发症少 ,易推广。

28、Methods From 1985 to 1996, 23 cases of nonepithelial malignant neoplasms of the larynx and 3 cases of hypopharynx were diagnosed . ─── 方法自1985-1996年12年间,共诊治喉及喉咽部非上皮源性恶性肿瘤26例,其中喉23例,喉咽部3例;

29、Keywords Ultrasonography;Larynx carcinoma;Hypopharynx carcinoma;Lymph mode; ─── 超声检查;喉肿瘤;下咽肿瘤;淋巴结;

30、Hypopharynx carcinoma ─── 下咽肿瘤

31、The clinical analysis of cervical lymph node metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx and hypopharynx treated with total laryngectomy ─── 喉癌和下咽癌颈淋巴结转移临床对比分析

32、Synovial sarcoma of the hypopharynx: Analysis of Clinical features ─── 喉咽部滑膜肉瘤的临床特征

33、Reconstruction of the hypopharynx has undergone a complicated evolution. ─── 下咽癌的术后重建经历了一个非常复杂的演变过程。

34、Biopsy of hypopharynx ─── 咽下部活组织检查

35、Objective: To search for the newly examination and treatment method of getting the insidious or dubious foreign bodies in the hypopharynx out through rhinolaryngofiberscope. ─── 目的:探讨用(鼻咽)纤维喉镜检查及治疗下咽部隐匿或可疑性异物的疗效。

36、The occurrence of distant metastases was significantly related to locoregional control, TNM stage, N (nodal) classification, and the primary sites being the hypopharynx and nasopharynx. ─── 容易发生远隔转移的因子包括局部控制失败、原发肿瘤的期别高、颈部淋巴转移较严重、及原发肿瘤位在鼻咽部与下咽部者。

37、Conclusions Synovial sarcoma of the hypopharynx is a malignant soft-tissue tumor that is seen rarely in the head and neck. ─── 结论喉咽部滑膜肉瘤是头颈部罕见的软组织恶性肿瘤。

38、We present a patient case relating to a rare benign tumor of the hypopharynx (giant fibrovascular polyp, GFP). ─── 我们提出一个病人案件有关罕见良性肿瘤的下咽(巨纤维息肉,绿色荧光蛋白)。

39、Clinical Analysis of Primary Nonepithelial Malignant Neoplasms of the Larynx and Hypopharynx ─── 喉及喉咽部原发性非上皮源性恶性肿瘤临床分析

40、Conclusions All kinds of ways to reconstruct the defect of hypopharynx are good in different aspects and have different indications. ─── 结论 下咽癌患者术后组织缺损的修复方法各有侧重。

41、Conclusion: Rhinolaryngofiberscope is the first choice to treat the insidious foreign bodies in the hypopharynx and larynx. ─── 结论:(鼻咽)纤维喉镜是检查和治疗下咽部异物的有效方法。

42、Surgical management of carcinoma of the hypopharynx and cervical esophagus ─── 下咽癌喉癌术后广泛下咽及颈段食管缺损修复方法的比较

43、Objective To study the clinical feature of synovial sarconma of the hypopharynx. ─── 目的探讨喉咽部滑膜肉瘤的临床特征。

44、Although the 5-year survival rate is only 30% for cancer of the hypopharynx, vocal reconstruction still should be the surgeon's goal for these patients. ─── 迄今,为重建发声功能,人造发声装置和气管食道穿刺法(TEP)是最简单的方法。

45、One hundred twenty-three patients (median age, 60 years; range, 30-78 years) with preiously untreated, resectable, adanced squamous cell carcinomas of the oral caity, oropharynx, or hypopharynx. ─── 123名晚期可切除的、未经治疗的口腔、口咽或下咽鳞状细胞癌患者(平均年龄为60岁;年龄范围为30-78岁)。

46、Diagnostic value of ultrasonography in metastases of neck nodes in patients with larynx and hypopharynx carcinoma ─── 超声对喉癌和下咽癌颈部淋巴结转移的诊断价值

47、Posterior wall of hypopharynx ─── 咽下部后壁

48、Shyh-Kuan Tai, Shyue-Yih Chang (1999) Contralateral hemilaryngotracheal flap reconstruction of the hypopharynx in pyriform carcinoma resection. Laryngoscope 109:221-225. (SCI Journal ─── 戴世光、徐念宗、张学逸(1998)经喉气管纵向切除及喉气管瓣重建术治疗晚期下咽癌。中耳医志33:569-76。

49、Keywords anaesthetic laryngoscope;hypopharynx;foreign body; ─── 麻醉喉镜;喉咽;异物;

50、Remaining laryngeal flap reconstruction of the hypopharynx in pyriform sinus carcinoma resection ─── 梨状窝癌喉下咽切除残喉瓣修补下咽缺损

51、surgeical reconstruction of hypopharynx and cervical esophagus with free jejunum ─── 游离肠段代喉咽及食道上段手术

52、Diverticulopexy of hypopharynx with myotomy ─── 以肌切开术行咽下部憩室固定术

53、Conclusions Synovial sarcoma of the hypopharynx is a malignant soft-tissue tumor that is seen rarely in the head and neck. ─── 结论喉咽部滑膜肉瘤是头颈部罕见的软组织恶性肿瘤。

54、tissue petal of larynx and trachea to repaire the deficient of hypopharynx and cervical esophagus not only improve local cancer control,but also rebuild hypopharynx physiologic function . ─── 喉气管复合组织瓣修复下咽和颈段食管缺损手术创伤小,并发症少,易推广。

55、Method Seventy-six patients with squamous-cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx and cervical esophagus underwent surgery in our department from 1980 to June 1997. ─── 方法分析1980年以来76例下咽及颈段食管癌的外科治疗,其中位于下咽者31例,颈段食管者45例。

56、Purpose To evaluate the clinical application of helical CT in larynx and hypopharynx. ─── 目的探讨螺旋CT在喉及下咽部的临床应用价值。

57、Multiple births Fluid, it is full of oral, then at three consecutive luck hypopharynx. ─── 多生津液,使其充满口腔,再分三口连续运气下咽。

58、Method : 300 patients with insidious or dubious foreign bodies in the hypopharynx were examined and treated through rhinolaryngofiberscope. ─── 方法:用(鼻咽)纤维喉镜检查并取出300例下咽部隐匿或可疑性异物。

59、Extensive malignant tumors of the hypopharynx continue to challenge surgeons with respect to both type and extent of resection as well as type of reconstruction. ─── 对于这种疾病如何作广泛性切除及重建的方式,对外科医师来说仍是一个极大的挑战。

60、Objectives Nonepithelial Malignant Neoplasms of the larynx and hypopharynx are rare.Their clinical features、diagnosis and treatment were discussed. ─── 目的讨论临床罕见喉腔及喉咽部非上皮源性恶性肿瘤的临床特征、诊断及治疗。

61、suspensorium of the hypopharynx ─── 舌悬骨

62、Submucosa of hypopharynx ─── 咽下部粘膜下层

63、Abstract Two patients with hypopharyngcal, laryngeal and cervical esophagus cancer were treated by radical dissection and free jejunal grafts for reconstruction of hypopharynx and cervical esopha-gus. ─── 报告2例下咽、及颈段食管癌病人,手术切除后以游离空肠和吻合血管技术重建颈段食管的结果。

64、Diverticulopexy of hypopharynx ─── 咽下部憩室固定术

65、CT study of carcinoma of the hypopharynx ─── 下咽癌的CT检查

66、Reconstruction of the hypopharynx with a fascial flap of the strap muscles in hypopharyngeal cancer ─── 胸骨舌骨肌筋膜瓣在下咽癌术后修复中的应用

67、Purpose To evaluate the clinical application of helical CT in larynx and hypopharynx. ─── 目的探讨螺旋CT在喉及下咽部的临床应用价值。


69、Tang PZ, Wu XX, Tu GY.The Surgical management for carcinomas of the hypopharynx: an analysis of 254 cases. Chin J ─── 张宗敏,唐平章,祁永发,等.下咽及颈段食管鳞癌的外科治疗.肿瘤学杂志,2003,7:16-17.

70、Keywords Hypopharynx;Larynx;Foreign bodies;Laryngoscopy; ─── 下咽;喉;异物;喉镜检查;

71、Method:Ten patients with hypopharynx stenosis underwent hypopharynx reconstruction using platysma pedicle flap. ─── 方法:对本组10例下咽腔瘢痕狭窄患者应用带蒂颈阔肌肌皮瓣转移行下咽腔重建术。

72、Surgical treatment of the carcinoma of the posterior wall of the hypopharynx ─── 喉咽后壁区癌手术治疗

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