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09-08 投稿


enactment 发音

英:[?'n?ktm(?)nt; e-]  美:[?'n?ktm?nt]

英:  美:

enactment 中文意思翻译



enactment 词性/词形变化,enactment变形


enactment 短语词组

1、enactment of rite ─── 仪式的制定

2、enactment performance ─── 法规执行情况

3、enactment effect ─── 颁布效力

4、enactment define ─── 制定定义

5、re-enactment n. ─── 再次展现; ─── 再现;重现

6、enactment of minority group ─── 少数民族立法

7、substantive enactment ─── 明文规定

8、enactment orientation ─── 制定方向

9、enactment of law ─── [法] 制定法律

10、enactment legislation ─── 颁布立法

11、enactment date ─── 制定日

12、enactment meaning ─── 制定意义

13、imperial enactment ─── [法] 诏书

14、enactment behavior ─── 制定行为

15、enactment definition ─── 法规定义

16、enactment synonyms ─── 颁布同义词

17、special enactment ─── [法] 单行法规

18、enactment of rites ─── 仪式的制定

19、enactment business ─── 制定业务

enactment 相似词语短语

1、reenactment ─── n.再制定;再扮演

2、enactments ─── n.制定,颁布;通过;法令

3、reenactments ─── n.再制定;再扮演

4、exactment ─── 苛求

5、engraftment ─── n.移植;嫁接

6、re-enactment ─── n.再制定;再扮演

7、enchantment ─── n.魅力;魔法;着迷;妖术

8、ejectment ─── n.放逐;剥夺;喷出;收回不动产之诉讼

9、exactments ─── 苛求

enactment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights. ─── 我们支持《权利法案》制定的呼吁。

2、Four, Sets up storage: Turns on behind not do need again enactment, Directly proceeding check. ─── 四、设定存储:开机后不需重新设定,直接进行检查。

3、However the potential loss of the lower house to DPJ will create uncertainly for LPD to enact fiscal stimulus. ─── 对民主党而言,房地产行业的低迷将会给自民党制定推行财政刺激政策带来不确定性。

4、They enact the role of hero and heroine in the play. ─── 他们在这出戏中担任男、女主角。

5、On the enactment of the relevant legislation, there will be a two-year grace period before the implementation of Phase I. ─── 待有关法例通过后,在实施第一阶段制度之前有两年宽限期。

6、At the N.P.A. camp, a group of guerrillas enact a revolutionary play in which peasants stand up to their military oppressors. ─── 在新人民军的军营里,一组有机队员演一部革命剧,表达农民勇敢的抵抗政府军队的镇压。

7、Enactment of the Regulations on Managing Transfer Payments will be expedited. ─── 加快财政转移支付管理条例等的立法进程。

8、Congress has obviously learned a lot about the noncompliance problem in the two decades following the original enactment of the Clean Air Act. ─── 在最初制定《洁净空气法案》之后的二十几年间,显然国会已经了解到许多有关不遵守规定的问题。

9、Last December Bhutan became the first country in the world to 4)enact an 5)outright 6)ban on all public use of tobacco. ─── 去年十二月不丹通过立法,成为世界上第一个完全禁止在公众场所吸烟的国家。

10、Some worry that within less than twenty years, the lumi may have enough soldiers to enact their envisioned cleansing. ─── 一些人担心在二十年内,光民就能积攒足够的兵力在执行它们所构想的大清洗。

11、Congress and my Administration need to work together to enact an economic growth package as soon as possible. ─── 国会和政府必须通力合作,尽快颁布相关的经济发展政策。

12、The experimental results are consistent with the theortical analysis,and a simple and intuitionistic enactment method of error tolerance is provided. ─── 对理论分析进行了实验验证,其结果与理论分析具有良好的一致性,并提出了一种简单直观的误差容限设定方法。

13、It's critic to set up such legal system to foster the enterprises to enact all activities concerning reverse logistics. ─── 加速循环经济的立法,并以相应立法来推动企业尽快实施物流活动是至关重要的。

14、The government launched a three-month public consultation on its controversial proposals to enact anti-subversion legislation. ─── 引起争论的反颠覆立法,政府已开展为期三月的公众谘询。

15、Automatic counting controller can enactment the quantity of printing discretional which it is can automatic stopping while severing material. ─── 具有印刷质量好、能耗少、自动控制齐备、性能稳定、易于操作维护等特点。

16、In the past the Ministry of the Interior once proposed the enactment of a real-estate transaction law, but the idea suffered stillbirth. ─── 以美国为例,每一幢房屋的原始资料、翻修纪录及每一笔交易的买卖者与价款都相当清楚。

17、The enactment of the Statute de Donis in the year 1285 had the effect of converting the conditional fee into the estate in fee tail. ─── 1285年通过的赠予法把有条件采邑权变为限嗣继承采邑权。

18、They also plan to enact a series of stricter ethical guidelines for lawmakers, including a ban on accepting gifts and overseas tri from lo yists. ─── 他们还计划针对国会议员制定一系列更加严格的道德规范,包括禁止接受游说人的礼物以及国外旅行的安排等。

19、Combines design pattern with workflow state machine in order to design a convenient and strong expending workflow enactment service. ─── 为设计一个方便且可扩展性强的工作流引擎,将设计模式的思想运用了到工作流状态机中。

20、The United States, despite optimistic words from the White House and Congress, has yet to enact any binding targets on greenhouse gas emissions. ─── 尽管来自白宫和国会的消息令人乐观,但是对于温室气体排放这一问题,美国仍需制定任何有约束力的指标。

21、But its enactment into practice requires that the school environment be equipped with agencies for doing, with tools and physical materials, to an extent rarely attained. ─── 如果要在实践中贯彻,就要求学校环境有实行的机构,有相当的工具和具体的材料,这样的程度是很少达到的。

22、Whereas the literature presents evaluating model,it have, not resolved mutual question that consist in the model, for example, estimate standard and the enactment of threshold. ─── 在模型的构建方面,目前已经有了很多种评价方法,但是对于模型推演和实证所涉及到的问题(比如评价标准的制定、阈值的设定等)没有给出一致的结论或理论支撑。

23、To enact(a law or regulation). ─── 制定制订颁布(法律或规章)

24、In addition, there were performers, and, since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task. ─── 另外,仪式中还有演员,而且宗教领袖通常承担演出任务,因为在仪式的执行中避免错误的发生被认为有相当大的重要性;

25、In 2005 the US relegated Cambodia to the bottom tier and imposed sanctions in a bid to force the enactment of anti- trafficking laws . ─── 5年,美国将柬埔寨列入最末的第三列,并对其实施制裁,迫使其制定反贩运法。

26、To determine how up to date the text of this enactment is, please see Part I of the Master Check List and Instructions in Volume 1. ─── 如欲知悉本成文法則文本切合何時的法律情況,請參閱第1冊內的總核對表及指引第I部部。。

27、You are required to fulfill these obligation as by law enact. ─── 你必须履行法律规定的这些义务。

28、Some states, however, are having difficulty deciding how and when to enact it. ─── 不过,有一些州在决定何时和如何执行上还有困难。

29、The ruling party is also moving to enact a new law allowing prosecutors to press online-libel charges without the consent of victims. ─── 大国家党的另一歩棋是制定新法,使检举人无须受害者的同意,便能以“网上诽谤”的罪名指控上诉。

30、Before enactment of this law, the following incident occurred. ─── 在这一法律生效前,接着事件发生了。

31、It was an important completion. A re-enactment of his initiation that took place in the chamber. ─── 这是一次重要的完成之旅,是他在墓室中最初经历的重演。

32、When we enact minimum wage and rent controls, persistent surpluses and shortages can occur. ─── 当实行最低工资及房租控制政策时,就会出现持续的过剩和短缺。

33、The ability to enact and revoke laws depends on the ruler in monarchies and the governing faction in republics. ─── 如果是君主政体,制定和废除法律的能力决定于王国的统治者;

34、You are torn apart at first, but soon a grin spreads across your face. You relish the chance to enact a cruel revenge... ─── 一开始你会感到心碎,不过很快你的脸上就会出现笑容。你将珍惜这次扮演残酷复仇者的机会...

35、PLAYER), you have successfully accomplished my request, and as payment I will defer the enactment of supreme judgment upon your head. ─── 你已经成功地完成了我的请求,作为报答,我将推迟对你进行审判的日期。

36、Despite the enactment of the new LRA there appears to be no further development concerning the promised reform of the Labour Code. ─── 尽管新的劳资关系法案许诺制定关于劳动法规的改革,但似乎并没有更进一步的发展。

37、States are free to enact stricter regulations. ─── 各州可自由制定更严格的规则。

38、For example,a country can enact laws and economic policies of Asia,some countries are even known to copy Singapore's investment and economies policies. ─── 例如一个国家可以很快颁布吸引外资的法令和经济政策。亚洲一些国家,甚至是拿新加坡的投资和经济政策依样画葫芦出了名。

39、In addition, there were performers, and, since considerable importance was to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task. ─── 另外,仪式中还有演员,而且宗教领袖通常承担演出任务,因为在仪式的执行中避免错误的发生被认为有相当大的重要性;

40、Carbon-based molecules needed protection and assistance to enact this drama. ─── 为使生命戏码顺利上演,就必须保护含碳分子,并给予协助。

41、Thus,if Congress and the President enact a law that violates the Constitution, the Supreme Court can strike it down. ─── 如果国会和总统颁布的某项法律违背了宪法, 最高法院就可以把它撤消。

42、To order by virtue of superior authority; decree or enact. ─── 命令以至高的权威身份来下命令;命令或指定(法令)

43、Specifically, participants were presented with a video enactment of a burglary. ─── 参与者被专门要求观看了一段入室行窃的录制视频。

44、Lawmakers will likely consider public opinion before discussing the draft bylaw with the local government and seeking to enact it. ─── 在与地方政府讨论法规草案并且颁布法案之前,立法者可能要考虑公众的意见。

45、There is often a longdelay between discussions of a fiscal stimulus, enactment of a law providingfor the stimulus, and the actual spending. ─── 通常,在商讨经济刺激,为经济刺激制定一项法律与实际投入生效之间会有一段搁置期。

46、"If we can't contain the CO2 problem and enact strong coral reef conservation measures, we will lose them," says Carpenter. ─── “如果人类不能解决CO2含量升高的问题并加强保护珊瑚的措施,人类将会失去它们,”卡彭特说。

47、The slaveholders themselves acknowledge it in the enactment of laws for their government. ─── 奴隶主们在实施他们政府的法律时都承认了这一点。

48、After realizing the goal, we ought to enact certain operating room for the judicial popularization and build a suit of effective juror system. ─── 在基本实现这一目标之后,则应该为司法的大众化设定一定的运作空间,建立一套行之有效的陪审团制度。

49、However, there is no agreement on whether autonomous and one-way regulations have the adiministrative enactment in academic and practical departments. ─── 关于自治条例和单行条例有无行政许可设定权,理论界和实务部门莫衷一是。

50、The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply to this Agreement in the same way as it applies to an enactment. ─── 1978口译法将应用于这个协议,同时也适合于一个这个制定。

51、But shall we enact a law stipulating that no counter-revolutionary in Party and government organs is to be executed? ─── 但是,要不要立条法律,讲机关里的反革命一个不杀呢?

52、And meanwhile, Democrats have to do whatever it takes to enact a health care bill. ─── 与此同时,无论付出什么代价,民主党人必须制定出医疗保健法案。

53、The enactment of minimum living standard security system is most noticeable in the civil administration welfare system reform. ─── 在我国民政福利体系的改革过程中,最引人注目的是低保制度的出台。

54、The enactment and amendment of the chamber of commerce law are the contestable results between the country and societal forces . ─── 中国近代商会法的制定和修改是国家和社会力量较量的结果,国家和社会之间强弱关系的不同,决定商会法的制定和实施;

55、The two most [color=navy]dramatic[/color] amendments have little chance of enactment. ─── 另外两项修正案最惹人注目但不太可能通过。

56、In the enactment of property rights law, Whether or not bringi ng mining rights into line with it aroused a lot of controversy. ─── 在物权法制定中,矿权是否应当纳入物权法引发了争议。

57、For example, a country can enact laws and economic policies to attract foreign investment fairly quickly. ─── 例如一个国家可以很快颁布吸 引外资的法令和经济政策。

58、Prior to the law's enactment, most of the Danish clergy opposed it. ─── 在通过该法规之前,多数丹麦神职人员反对此法规。

59、CPMS (CMM-Based Process Management System) is a distributed "process supporting system" which supports the automatic enactment of the software process. ─── CPMS(基于CMM的过程管理系统)是一个分布式过程支持系统,它支持软件过程的自动实施。

60、The enactment of the international law, means that there are laws for international business to follow. ─── 国际公法的制定使国家间的事务往来有法可依。

61、Watchfully, dark-eyed teenage girls and uncertain boys circling on motorbikes enact mating rituals at once shy and bold. ─── 人生的起点和终点在此处完美地相交于一点,也暗示着生命的旋律将循环往复、永不停歇。

62、The enactment and amendment of the Constitution of Bangladesh demonstrates its own characteristics. ─── 孟加拉国宪法的制定和修正,显示了孟加拉国宪法的特点。

63、Meeting 12. Fund and accounting 13. Enactment and revision of articles. ─── 一一会议。一二经费与会计。一三章程之订定及修改。

64、You also enact a part in life . ─── 你也在人生的舞台上扮演一个角色。

65、He added that the association should add the ban to its ethics code immediately and work out details of its enactment in the coming months. ─── 他补充说,学会应当立即在它的职业道德规范中增加这些禁令的内容,并在未来的几个月内制定相应的执行细则。

66、And, as I noted in an earlier column, Congress had at least one good reason to enact the current copyright term. ─── 同时,国会至少还有一个说的通的理由去颁布这样的法案。

67、Aymara leaders enact a spiritual ritual after the promulgation of the new Constitu-tion in El Alto, Bolivia, on Feb. 7, 2009. ─── 2月7日,在玻利维亚的埃尔阿尔托,艾马拉印第安人在新宪法颁布仪式结束后举行传统仪式。

68、It appears that sei-katsu-sha attitudes toward healthy eating have grown since the enactment of Japans Basic Law on Nutrition Education in June 2005. ─── 似乎生活者对健康饮食的态度自从日本基本法关于营养教育的制定后有所改变。

69、The IWF just presently has the power to enact its decisions, while The Family Foundation does not. ─── 只是IWF目前有权利把它的决定付诸实践,而家庭基金会没有。

70、In this context, the Delegation announced the recent enactment of Law 89-XVI of April 20, 2006, on accepting amendments to WIPO treaties. ─── 在此,该代表团宣布了在接受WIPO条约修改情况下,最近于2006年4月20日颁布了89-XVI法。

71、The response of the Government of South Africa has been to move from enactment to implementation. ─── 南非政府对这一呼吁的反应是,不仅颁发了该项法案而且进而加以实施。

72、EFFECTIVE DATE. --This section shall take effect 120 days after the date of the enactment of the Children's Internet Protection Act. ─── 第(b)条生效日期——本节在《青少年互联网保护法》颁布之日后的120日生效。

73、I came away from my years of teaching on tile college and university level with a conviction that enactment, performance, dramatization are the most successful forms of teaching. ─── 我结束在大学和学院的教学生涯时,我坚信表演、表演和戏剧化是最成功的教学方式。

74、It is argued that the European Union will not be fully democratic and accountable by the enactment of a Constitution. ─── 最后探讨欧盟可否经由欧洲宪法的制定而成为一个完全民主与负责任的聯盟。

75、Dynamic supervise menu is designed on the integrated software flat WINCC V4.02 of Siemens. Functions such as parameter enactment,instruction control; fault annunciation etc. ─── 在西门子WINCC V4.02组态软件平台上设计开发了动态监测画面,在计算机上监测整个系统的设备运行状况,可进行参数设定、指令控制和故障报警等功能.

76、Sima Qian cited this concept to criticize the Emperor Hanwu and his officials abusing their power to enact new economic policies to deprive the people. ─── 司马迁意在批判汉武帝君臣滥用权力与民争利而导致“国病”不治的经济政策。

77、At the pressing instances of the Chamber of Commerce, the parliament has promised to enact laws that will protect the interests of businessmen. ─── 应商会的一再请求,议会同意立法,以保护商人的利益。

78、But he had to pay the private pipers to enact it. ─── 可是为了要完成这项立法,他必须付出代价。

79、He Government is primarily responsible for proposing new legislation or amendments to existing legislation, in the form of bills which are considered by the Council for enactment. ─── 府主要负责以法案的形式,将新订法例或现行法例的修订建议提交立法会审议,以制定成为法例。

80、The government has to come up with certain amendment to the enactment, law and enforcement to ensure the house purchasers are protected. ─── 州政府必须立刻修订有效于保障屋主的法令,法律和执行方案来处理和解决分层地契的问题。

81、Enactment into law of a legislative measure. ─── (议案)通过把立法议案制定为法律

82、Has the scope of Section 101 been narrowed or restricted by reason of the enactment of the plant-specific Acts? ─── 专利法101条之专利保护范围,是否因为其他植物相关智财法律而遭到限缩?

83、Whatever it is called, however, it typically involves two willing partners who have agreed to enact a sadomasochistic “scene”. ─── 但是,不管它被称作什麽,其典型特徵是牵涉到两个自愿参与的性伴,他们同意演出一出施虐受虐“小品”。

84、Finish enactment of each data according to the regulation made by the superior and he is not allowed to leak or amend privately. ─── 必须按上级制订的规定,完成各项数据的设定,并不得向外界泄露所设定的数据,不得私自修改数据。

85、Mehta v Union of India, the court explained how despite the enactment of Environment Protection Act, 1986, there had been a considerable decline in the quality of environment. ─── 依照惯例,政策决行是行政和立法机关的专职,司法复审权不能篡夺或废止其他机关的权力。

86、It is worthwhile to study the value and revelation of the domestic relation law in Chinese modern history,though the enactment has been past. ─── 中国近现代亲属法的制定虽已成为历史,但历史并不是无意义的过去,近现代亲属法中所蕴涵的价值和留给后人的启示,仍然值得我们去挖掘和思考。

87、The merger proposal will become effective upon enactment of the legislation and completion of certain procedural steps. ─── 待制定法例和完成若干程序上的步骤后,合并建议即告生效。

88、In VQ model, research into influence of the system capability on the code-size and the enactment about of threshold value. ─── 3,对各个系统的性能进行了研究,在VQ模型中,研究了码本尺度对系统性能的影响和阈值的选取问题。

89、They're trying to enact a "nationality" bill. ─── 他们正试图通过一项“国籍”法案。

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