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09-08 投稿



gelatinize 发音

英:[[d??'l?t?na?z]]  美:[[d??'l?t??na?z]]

英:  美:

gelatinize 中文意思翻译



gelatinize 词性/词形变化,gelatinize变形

动词过去分词: gelatinized |动词第三人称单数: gelatinizes |动词现在分词: gelatinizing |名词: gelatinization |动词过去式: gelatinized |

gelatinize 相似词语短语

1、gelatinises ─── v.成胶状;涂胶

2、gelatinate ─── vi.使成胶状;vt.成胶状

3、gelatinized ─── v.使成明胶;涂胶于(gelatinize的过去式和过去分词)

4、gelatinise ─── v.成胶状;涂胶

5、gelatinised ─── v.使成明胶,制成凝胶状;在……上涂明胶(gelatinise的过去式和过去分词)

6、gelatiniser ─── 凝胶剂

7、gelatinizer ─── n.胶凝剂

8、gelatinizes ─── v.制成凝胶状;在……上涂明胶

9、gelatine ─── n.胶质;果子冻;白明胶

gelatinize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whip the cream until soft peaks form, then slowly add the gelatin while hand-whisking until stiff. ─── 打发其馀3/4鲜奶油,慢慢的加入玉米糖粉水一起打发至完成阶段。

2、In the gelatinize on false eyelash, when waiting for 5 cent doing, wear, after waiting for moment a bit goggle examine. ─── 在假睫毛上涂胶,待五分干时戴上,稍待片刻后睁眼查看。

3、Folding carton of Auto end-lock processes die-cutting, End floding, End gelatinize, Folding Carton, side glue in automatic production line . ─── 在自动生产线上,将自锁底的折叠盒进行冲切, 完成包装, 制成胶状, 折叠纸盒, 粘合边缘,从而完成一道工序。

4、Cut 4-8 um thick cryostat sections and mount on superfrost plus slides or gelatin coated slides. ─── 冰冻切片 4-8 微米,贴在superfrost plus 或涂有明胶的(防脱)载玻片上。

5、Each of these products in the construction of the gelatinize there is a level appropriate to the point. ─── 每一种产品在施工时涂胶量都有一个相适应的点。

6、HL no nails made of cardboard seams with gouging technology for processing, the targejia lingular% welsl-type, ” “ T-type structure, type gelatinize into after bond. ─── HL无钉纸箱接合处采用刨削工艺进行处理,使搭舌成阶梯型、“T”型结构,经上胶轮涂胶后粘结成箱。

7、Non-solvent ink and glue is available on the business card printing and membership card production, polymer-coated gelatinize immediately after. ─── 不含溶剂的油墨和胶水.则可以在制卡和会员卡制作、涂胶后立即覆膜粘结。

8、In the use of plastic mulch for BOPP film at prbroin gelatinize. ─── 在使用拉伸聚丙烯薄膜覆膜时,必须在膜上涂胶。

9、Other Ingredients: gelatin (capsule) and microcrystalline cellulose. ─── 其它成份: 明胶(胶囊) 并且微晶质纤维素。

10、Abstract: OBJECTIVE:To study a method for the determination of Zedoary turmeric oil gelatin microspheres (ZTO-GMS). ─── 摘 要: 目的:研究莪术油明胶微球的含量测定方法。

11、If a printing plate to stop using an hour than non-graphics and text area should be used to protect superhydrophilic gelatinize. ─── 如果印版罢手搁置一小时以上,其否图文区不该用干火涂胶爱护不躺下。

12、Add softened gelatin, whisking constantly, until cool.Gently fold in whipped cream and fill in immediately. ─── 加入已融化的吉利丁片并持续搅拌至冷却后拌入打发的鲜奶油。

13、As a result the number of gelatinize. ─── 因此涂胶的不主数也不不异。

14、OTHER INGREDIENTS: Lactose, Maltodextrin, Starch, Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin. ─── 其他成份:乳糖、麦芽糊精、淀粉、硬脂酸镁、凝胶。

15、The amount should be adjusted gelatinize or to increase drying rate. ─── 应调整涂胶量或提高干燥速度。

16、Main The adjustable orientation device can ensure the equal gelatinize for both side of the frame. ─── 有可调定位机构,充分保证涂胶胶头与隔框两侧间距涂胶均匀。

17、The pleased jade of the ancients, the vegetarian gelatin, cherishes the jade, attain"the gentleman body does not leave the jade of" state. ─── 古人喜玉,爱玉,惜玉,达到“君子身不离玉的”境界。

18、The adjustable orientation device can ensure the equal gelatinize for both side of the frame. ─── 有可调定位机构,充分保证涂胶胶头与隔框两侧间距涂胶均匀。

19、Gelatin: A protein derived from the skin,white connective tissue, and bones of animals;used as a food and in film, and other industry. ─── 明胶:从动物的骨骼,白色细胞组织和皮肤中所获得的蛋白质;用于食品,菲林及其他工业。

20、Ingredients: Deep-sea algae collage protein, cell nutrient, natural water-retaining factors, natural tightening gelatin, and elastin. ─── 成份:深海藻类胶原蛋白,细胞营养素,天然保湿因子,天然收紧胶,弹力蛋白

21、To stick gelatin sponge on it and fill Ivalon in it. ─── 对粘膜糜烂渗血应用明胶海绵贴附,再用艾氟隆填塞。

22、Gelatin capsules: Aspirate with a syringe, or capsule may be dissolved in warm water over several minutes. ─── 凝胶胶囊:用注射器抽吸,或用温水溶解胶囊。

23、Gelatin isolated during the processing of chrome shavings, can be enzymatically crosslinked to give products with improved physical properties. ─── 摘要铬饼中的凝胶在酶化后交联得到的产物有较好的物性。

24、Eosin-Y is introduced into the aqueous ammonium dichromate to make a eosin-Y sensitized dichromated gelatin plate. ─── 曙红-Y染料加入重铬酸盐明胶敏化液中,制作成曙红-Y敏化重铬酸盐明胶干版。

25、It mainly produces the range of products such as Gelatin and Bone Glue with the material of animal bones. ─── 1981年曾获得全国轻工业优质产品证书,1987年被评为全国轻工业优质产品,1995年获安徽《质量免检产品》证书,1998年2月企业取得了自营出口权。

26、GELATIN STABILIZER.For every 1 cup of chilled heavy cream to be whipped, dissolve 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin in 2 tablespoons cold water or cream. ─── 加入吉利丁方式:每一杯的鲜奶油中,可加入一茶匙的吉利丁和二大匙热水。

27、By-products, such as lard, bristles, gelatin, and cortisone, further enhance profitability. ─── 公开地忌食猪肉可能会导致宗教裁判所的审问。

28、From cocktail menus to dinner specials, what was once married to the unsavory image of gelatin in a can, the cranberry has been reinvented. ─── 从鸡尾酒的菜单到晚餐的特别推荐,曾经一度和罐子里难吃的凝胶状形象紧密联系在一起的蔓越橘已经彻底被改造了。

29、Design, selection of the element and the gelatinize effect side, belong to the leading level inside if China. ─── 在设计、选用元气件以及涂胶效果方面,在国内均属领先水平。

30、Other Ingredients: gelatin (capsule), dibasic calcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate. ─── 其他成分: 明胶(胶囊),双磷酸钙,微晶纤维素,胶体二氧化矽和硬脂酸镁。

31、Gelatinize time refers to the adhesive in the thin plastic glued to the surface, the adhesive does not lose his sticky can duration. ─── 涂胶时限是指胶粘剂在涂刷到被粘物体表面后,胶粘剂不丧失其粘性所能持续的时间。

32、Some pages of the book fold is liable on gelatinize, plastic deformation of the viscosity must be reasonable and appropriate. ─── 有些书页一经涂胶就皱褶变形,所以用胶的黏度一定要合理、适当。

33、Fill the wound with gelatin sponge and thrombin and then sew it up to stop the blood from flowing. ─── 方法:采用明胶海绵加凝血酶选择性创口填塞缝合止血。

34、Seal gaskets are closed in the support points of plates resist high press fluid impact,and prevent leak out of fluids.Twice gelatinize technology make gasket firm connected. ─── 处于板片有力支撑点包围中的密封垫片,能承受较大的流体冲击,不会泄漏,两次涂胶工艺保证了密封垫片牢固粘接。

35、Make fool while meringues bake: Sprinkle gelatin over 2 tablespoons pulp in a small heatproof cup and let stand 1 minute to soften. ─── 在烘烤蛋白糖时制作果肉汁:在一个小的抗热杯子里加入2大匙果肉汁,撒上凝胶粉,静置1分钟让其凝固。然后将凝结的果肉汁倒入沸水中,再加入剩下的果肉汁。

36、Jell-O is a form of gelatin that is popular in North America. ─── 在北美洲非常流行的果冻是凝胶食品的一种。

37、Chemically Cleaving-etch Method for Fabricating Microoptical Elements in Dichromated Gelatin[J]. ─── 引用该论文 庞霖,严瑛白,金国藩,邬敏贤,郭履容,陈波.

38、The main products include medical gelatin, edible gelatin and photo gelatin etc. ─── 产品主要有药用明胶、用明胶、相明胶等。

39、Of, relating to, or containing gelatin. ─── 凝胶的,与凝胶有关的,或包含凝胶的

40、He used gelatin to glue the papers together. ─── 他用凝胶把纸张粘在一起。

41、Various types of bookbinder at least one group for each set of rubber, plastic u25878 furnace type read to run gelatinize. ─── 各种型号的胶订机至少配一组胶炉,每组胶炉均有两个胶轮对运行的书册涂胶。

42、The amount should be adjusted gelatinize or to increase drying rate. ─── 应调整涂胶量或提高干燥速度。

43、Organic Soybean Oil, Organic Noni, Gelatin (Porcine), Glycerin, Caramel Color, Organic Soy Lecithin, Yellow Beeswax. ─── 有机大豆油,有机诺尼果,明胶(猪的),甘油,焦糖色,有机大豆卵磷脂,黄蜂蜡。

44、The absorption spectrum of the eosin-Y sensitized dichromated gelatin has been obtained. ─── 曙红-Y敏化重铬酸盐明胶干版的吸收光谱已经测定。

45、It will then be possible to block all of the peaks but one, by using absorbing filters of colored glass or gelatin. ─── 利用彩色玻璃或彩色胶片的吸收滤光片,就可以把别的峰都挡掉而只留下一个峰。

46、Solvent-free, you have the business card printing and membership card production, gelatinize of double-bonded immediately after. ─── 无溶剂的,则可以在制卡和会员卡制作, 涂胶后当即复膜粘不解。

47、Other Ingredients: gelatin, maltodextrin, and magnesium stearate. ─── 其它成份: 明胶、麦芽糖糊精, 和镁硬脂酸盐。

48、The aspic powder,the agar-agar and the gelatin were made into gels respectively through heating up, dissoluting and cooling. ─── 分别以肉冻粉、琼脂、明胶为材料,加热溶解、冷却凝胶成胶冻。

49、These studies indicated Gelatin microspheres had obviously sustained-release effect in vitro and vivo. ─── 体内外释药实验结果表明双氯芬酸钠明胶微球有缓释作用。

50、A photosensitive coating, usually of silver halide grains in a thin gelatin layer, on photographic film, paper, or glass. ─── 感光乳剂一种感光覆盖层,通常是银的卤化物颗粒在感光胶片、纸或玻璃上的一薄层胶体

51、This bi-layer gelatin?C6S?HA skin substitute not only has positive effect on promoting wound healing, but also has high rate of graft take. ─── 实验证明,这种双层的明胶-硫酸软骨素-透明质酸组织工程皮肤不仅能促进伤口的愈合,还有?涓叩囊浦渤苫盥省

52、Other Ingredients: gelatin (capsule), dibasic calcium phosphate, and colloidal silicon dioxide. ─── 其它成份: 明胶(胶囊), 二元钙磷酸盐, 和胶质二氧化硅。

53、In this paper,the enzymatic degradation of succinylated gelatin with trypsin was studied. ─── 对以胰蛋白酶为催化剂,琥珀明胶为底物的酶解反应体系进行了考察。

54、Gloss is important to the attractiveness of gelatin desserts, buttered vegetables, and the like. ─── 光泽程度对提高含明胶甜点、涂有奶油的蔬菜及类似产品的吸引力非常重要。

55、Once set, the gelatin surface was seeded by picking up a minute quantity of bacterial cells on a platinum needle. ─── 固态化后,用一白金丝蘸取小量细菌细胞接种在明胶表面上。

56、Resembling gelatin; viscous. ─── 凝胶状的;胶粘的

57、To BOPP and composite, for example, BOPP gelatinize, in the oven in heating, if tension is large, La more compact, and then ciean will be naturally savvy "deformation. ─── 以BOPP与铝箔不单一为例,BOPP涂胶后,在烘道边不加热,若不播卷不不抬力较不小,不推得较不松,再受热,必然不推长变形。

58、The experimental verifications that HOEs made with dichromated gelatin were heated with a laser beam were given. ─── 并给出了激光加热重铬酸盐明胶全息光学元件的实验结果。

59、The paper outlines also the mechanism of cross linking of gelatin molecules by the hardener. ─── 文中还解释了这类坚膜剂与明胶发生交联反应的机理。

60、Gelatin is a clear tasteless substance. ─── 明胶是一种透明无味的物质。

61、Relying on science innovation, BBCA Gelatin would like to meet your satisfaction with fine quality products and good service. ─── 依靠科学创新,实现行业新亮点,丰原明胶将以卓越的理念和规范的团队,为您提供优质产品和满意服务。

62、Solvent-free, you have the business card printing and membership card production, gelatinize of double-bonded immediately after. ─── 无溶剂的,则可以在制卡和会员卡制作,涂胶后当即复膜粘不解。

63、Biological bone carrier (BBC) and striga bone matrix gelatin (BMG) 62 mg were implanted with BMG set around BBC in test group. ─── 实验组植入BBC及细条状BMG62mg,BMG置于管状BBC四周。

64、Gelatin is soluble polypeptide macromolecule in warm water, and has some kinds of necessary amino acids. ─── 明胶是温水可溶的多肽高分子聚合物,含有人体所必需的多种氨基酸;

65、The proportion of compound enzyme was: pectinase 0.035%, amylase 0.012%,gelatin 0.02%,andsilica sol 0.018%. ─── 复合酶制剂配比为:果胶酶0.035%,淀粉酶0.012%,明胶0.02%,硅溶胶0.018%。

66、Place the gelatin sheets in a bowl of cold water to soften them, about 10 minutes. ─── 吉利丁片和水放到小碗里,静置待其软化,大约10分钟。

67、When powdered gelatin is stirred into hot water and then chilled, it forms the jiggly, gelled product that we are most familiar with. ─── 当粉状的凝胶与热水进行搅拌然后进行冷冻,它就形成了我们所熟悉的不平稳的冻状体。

68、A gelatin used in theatrical lighting. ─── 剧院照明用的彩色透明滤光板

69、Seal gaskets are closed in the support points of plates resist high press fluid impact, and prevent leak out of fluids.Twice gelatinize technology make gasket firm connected. ─── 处于板片有力支撑点包围中的密封垫片,能承受较大的流体冲击,不会泄漏,两次涂胶工艺保证了密封垫片牢固粘接。

70、Methods Single cell gelatin electrophoresis test(SCGE Test) was used to measure DNA trauma of fish red blood cell. ─── 方法单细胞凝胶电泳技术测定鱼红细胞DNA损伤效应。

71、It was simply an unobservable collection of gelatin molecules, the inner workings of which were not yet understood. ─── 它仅仅是一种难以察觉的凝胶分子,而其内部运作则不被人们所了解。

72、Edible Gelatin is light yellow to yellow fine grain. It should be kept dry, clean and even place wit... ─── 发布者:路瑶所在地:河北沧州市行业:食品、饮料职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生

73、Swell additional gelatin. Soak 40 grams of gelatin in distilled water until softened (20-30 minutes), then pour off the excess water. ─── 增加明胶:用蒸馏水溶解40克明胶,并使其软化20到30分钟,然后倒出多余的水。

74、Heat the rest of the milk gently, add in sugar, then soaked gelatin until it melts. Take care not to let the milk boil. ─── 将糖加入余下的牛奶,小心加热,不要让牛奶沸腾了。加入吉利丁,使之融化。

75、BBCA Gelatin Company is located at BengBu city of Anhui Province, has gelatin and bone glue series products with secondly producing capacity in China. ─── 丰原明胶生产企业位于蚌埠市,拥有明胶、骨胶系列产品,生产能力居国内第二位。

76、An odourless quality reliable binding books, in the production process, before and after two qutline gelatinize wheel of correctly adjusted. ─── 一本外型美观质量可靠的胶订图书,在制作过程中,不可忽视前后两个涂胶轮的正确调整。

77、Gelatin, Glycerol, Essential oil of orange, Titanium dioxide, Copper Chlorophyll. ─── 其他成份:明胶,甘油,香橙精华,二氧化钛,铜叶绿素

78、To answer the question animal, vegetable, or mineral: gelatin is an animal product. ─── 为了回答动物、蔬菜或者矿物质的问题,凝胶是一种动物产物。

79、Otherwise, the photoptic process is formed on the cutting edge of a layer of white cutan, lnfluence a gelatinize. ─── 否则,感平胶潮湿后,会在刃口上不神成一层不白色的胶膜,感化下一不主涂胶。

80、The amount should be adjusted to increase the gelatinize road temperature drying. ─── 应调整涂胶量,增加烘干道温度。

81、The concept had these bulbous plants ooze a strange form of antigravity gelatin that lined the skies of the world. ─── 原本的设计中,这些球根状的植物会渗出一种奇怪的反重力凝胶,沿著天际排列。

82、Making stencil, its process to the tension and the net, gelatinize, plate burning, cleaning and drying, the film made of sun screen. ─── 制作网印版,其工艺为绷网、涂胶,晒版、清洗和干燥,把底片上的图文晒制成丝网印版。

83、Ingredients: Gelatin, potassium bromide, potassium iodide, and silver nitrate. ─── 成份:凝胶(明胶),溴化钾,碘化钾,硝酸银

84、You only have to control the temperature, pressure and speed, and dealing more simple, and do not have to clean up the gelatinize. ─── 只需控制好温度、压力和速度即可,停机处理也比较简单,无须清理涂胶机构。

85、Gelatin is soluble polypeptide macromolecule in warm water,and has some kinds of necessary amino acids. ─── 明胶是温水可溶的多肽高分子聚合物,含有人体所必需的多种氨基酸;

86、Gelatin, froth or powder suitable greasiness, mixing property and neutral flesh. ─── 凝胶、泡沫或粉末适合油性、混合性及中性肌肤。

87、A Novel Microlens Array Made of Ammonium Dichromate Gelatin[J]. ─── 引用该论文 庄思聪,朱瑞兴.

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