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09-08 投稿



magnifies 发音

英:[?m?ɡn?fa?z]  美:[?m?ɡn?fa?z]

英:  美:

magnifies 中文意思翻译



magnifies 词性/词形变化,magnifies变形

动词现在分词: magnifying |动词过去分词: magnified |动词第三人称单数: magnifies |动词过去式: magnified |

magnifies 反义词

diminish |minify | reduce

magnifies 同义词

blow up | embroider | enhance | expand | intensify | boost | hyperbolize | broaden | aggrandize |enlarge | overdo | heighten | distend | increase | extend | stretch | augment | overdraw | inflate | overstate | amplify | hyperbolise | dilate | exaggerate | swell | balloon

magnifies 相似词语短语

1、magnified ─── adj.放大的;v.放大;夸张(magnify的过去分词)

2、magnificoes ─── n.显要人物;权贵;贵族;n.(Magnifico)人名;(意)马尼菲科

3、damnifies ─── v.损害;损伤

4、magnifier ─── n.[光]放大镜;[电子]放大器

5、ignifies ─── 点燃

6、dignifies ─── vt.使高贵;增威严;授以荣誉

7、magnificos ─── n.显要人物;权贵;贵族(magnifico的变形)

8、magnifiers ─── n.[光]放大镜(magnifier的复数形式)

9、carnifies ─── vt.使成肉质;使变成肉质;vi.变成肉质

magnifies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The water inside the bottle magnifies the image, which appears inside a “ribbon” that repeats the cloud theme on the front label. ─── 水内瓶放大图像,这似乎内的“丝带”重复云主题,在前面的标签。

2、The press nearly always magnifies the bad and underplays the good. ─── 对于不好的事,我国的媒体几乎总是要放大许多倍,对于好事却只是轻描淡写。

3、an instrument that magnifies the image of distant objects. ─── 能够放大远处物体的装置。

4、A loudspeaker magnifies the human voice. ─── 扬声器扩大人的声音。

5、And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord, ─── 马利亚说,我魂尊主为大

6、China's one-child policy magnifies the loss parents are feeling after learning their child died in the earthquake. ─── 中国的独生子女政策使得父母们在地震后得知他们的孩子死亡消息的悲痛重上加重。

7、The light microscope magnifies the object 1000 diameters. ─── 这架光学显微镜把物像放大一千倍。

8、Mystery magnifies danger as the fog the sun. ─── 神秘放大危险,犹如雾气放大太阳。

9、He was still too young to know that the heart's memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good, and that thanks to this artifice we manage to endure the burden of the past. ─── 他还太年轻,不知道心灵会抹去糟糕的记忆放入美好的,正由于有这种本领我们才得以承受关于过去的重负。

10、a camera lens that magnifies the image. ─── 放大图像的照相机镜头。

11、Magnifies lashes to twice their size.Thickens them to maximum volume.In minimum time. ─── 瞬间双倍增大睫毛密度,使睫毛更密,更浓,双眼放电。

12、This microscope magnifies an object 100000 times. ─── 这个显微镜把物体放大10万倍。

13、This is because soft ground magnifies how violently the surface shakes during an earthquake. ─── 这也是由于发生地震时,松软地表晃动幅度较大导致的。

14、7. is in in the center of the fluctuation that with look line pen or brunet eye shadow strengthen black eyeball again, can pupil magnifies piece the effect. ─── 7.再以眼线笔或深色眼影加强黑眼珠的上下中央处,就会有瞳孔放大片的效果。

15、an optical instrument that magnifies the image of an object. ─── 放大物体图像的光学仪器。

16、The increase in the human population magnifies the rubbish and garbage problem. ─── 人口增长加剧了垃圾问题。

17、Copies and magnifies the arcane evocation spell cast previous to it. Can only be cast after a critical hit with arcane. ─── 复制并且放大施法者上个奥术召唤法术,攻击目标.只能在使用奥术系法术产生重击效果时才能发动.

18、The Web magnifies this existing problem. ─── 现存的这些问题还会在网站上不断扩大。

19、We think this magnifies the impact of record commodity prices on overall inflation trends. ─── 尽管俄罗斯经济过于依赖能源出口,但我们认为两大因素可以降低这一风险。

20、Today’s society has many problems.In fact, they are caused by the mass media, which mostly magnifies petty things. ─── 每件物件都有它本身存在的意义,而这些意义都是我给它套上的,不知不觉的形成了习惯。

21、The religiosity of the [ group ] is self - righteous and idolatrous.It perceives no virtue in its opponents and magnifies its own(Christopher Lasch) ─── [群体]的宗教信仰是自以为是和盲目崇拜的。它看不到对手的任何优点却把自己的优点扩大化克里斯托弗·拉希)

22、A corporation's entrance into the zone of insolvency magnifies the conflict of interest between shareholders and creditors. ─── 公司进入破产程序放大了股东与债权人的利益冲突。

23、an instrument that magnifies an image. ─── 能够放大图像的装置。

24、One side of the mirror magnifies 2.5 Times. ─── 镜子的一面可放大2.5倍。

25、Long Yongtu and He Guangyuan are spent in Guangzhou controversy, became through after media magnifies indefinitely, solemning " discuss of the problem greatly about the truth " . ─── 龙永图与何光远在广州花都的争论,经过媒体无限放大后俨然成了一场“关于真理问题的大讨论”。

26、'Forgive me, forgive me, ' he said, 'grief magnifies the feelings. Allow me to stay a few minutes more, long enough to dry my eyes so that idlers in the street shall not stare to see a grown man weeping as though he were a freak. ─── “请原谅,请原谅,”他对我说,“痛苦使人神经过敏,请让我再呆一会儿,好让我抹抹眼泪,免得街上的行人把我当成一个呆子,这么大一个人还哭鼻子。

27、This glass magnifies 20 diameters. ─── 这个放大镜能放大二十倍。

28、The scale function, as the name implies, magnifies drawing operations. ─── scale函数,顾名思义,是实现放大绘图操作。

29、an instrument that magnifies the image of small objects. ─── 能够放大极小物体的装置。

30、When leverage works, it magnifies your gains. ─── 当杠杆发挥作用时,它放大你的收益。

31、It expands and magnifies your personal spiritual energy, uplifting and energising you as it spreads throughout your entire body, mind and energy field. ─── 它使你个人的精神能量得到膨胀和放大,它流经你的整个身躯、思想及能量场,使你得到升华和振作。

32、The eye lens of the eyepiece further magnifies this image which finally is projected onto the retina or the camera film. ─── 目镜的接目镜再将这个图像投射到人眼的视网膜或照相机的胶片上。

33、an instrument that magnifies the image of small objects ─── 能够放大极小物体的装置

34、A high degree of investment formality helps clubs to protect against psychological biases, while low formality magnifies the biases. ─── 特别是交易行为总是与过度自信和失落效应直接相关的。

35、But there is today a dangerous new factor which magnifies the threat. ─── 但目前存在一种危险的新因素,加大了这种威胁。

36、This version of the Digges telescope magnifies images 11 times. ─── 这种型号的迪格斯望远镜能将图像放大11倍。

37、The cost of failure is carried by the individuals at the edges of the network, while the value of the successes magnifies and adds value to the whole network. ─── 尽管失败的代价由网络边缘的人承担了,但是成功的价值被放大,整个网络也增加了价值。

38、Yes, there are risks and potential dangers, but worry magnifies these disproportionately and blinds us to the wonders of our age. ─── 不错,是有风险与潜在危险,但是忧虑过度地放大了这些东西,遮蔽了我们这个时代中的美好。

39、A microscope magnifies bacteria so that they can be seen and studied . ─── 显微镜把细菌放大,使人们得以看见并研究它。

40、Decent programmer testing magnifies the damage it does. ─── 合格的程序员测试夸大了它产生的破坏。

41、The results show that survivorship bias enhances the performance of close-ended funds hi China.Furthermore, survivorship bias magnifies the persistence of closed-end fund performance to some extent. ─── 研究结果表明,忽略生存偏差效应会导致我国封闭式基金绩效的高估,且在一定程度上夸大了我国封闭式基金绩效的持续性。

42、To stay separate from the tediousness of daily experiences, she purposely magnifies the details, attempting to elevate a self-image that is wise and beautiful, resolute and determined. ─── 为了和无聊之极的日常体验拉开距离,她有意把细节放大,试图提升一种智慧美丽、果敢坚定的自我象征。

43、A microscope magnifies bacteria. ─── 显微镜将细菌放大。

44、According to Nassim Nicholas Taleb, an author and investor, HFT “magnifies changes and ultimately makes the system weaker”. ─── 按作家兼投资者NassimNicholasTaleb,的说法,高频交易“放大了变化并最终使系统更加脆弱”。

45、Love overlooks defects and hatred magnifies shortcomings. ─── 爱情忽视缺陷,憎恨放大缺点。

46、a boy who really loves you rarely magnifies you in the teeth. but he's sure in his heart that you're his best. ─── 真正爱你的男孩,很少当面赞美你,可是心里肯定你是他最棒的

47、Although added responsibility gives us a greater opportunity to exercise leadership, it also magnifies the consequences of our mistakes. ─── 尽管加重的责任给了我们一个很好的机会去锻炼领导能力,它也放大了我们所犯错误的后果。

48、This microscope magnifies 40 diameters. ─── 这台显微镜能放大40倍。

49、It's like, just girls in general have to deal with it, and then being in the public, kind of magnifies it times a hundred. ─── 就像即使是普通女孩都必须解决这些问题,以及处在公众中,这样的压力会被放大几百倍。

50、That electron microscope magnifies the object one million times. ─── 那架电子显微镜可以把物体放大一百万倍.

51、Generally, sand magnifies vibration, while viscous powder soil damps vibration. ─── 砂土层一般起放大作用,粘质粉土层一般起减震作用。

52、All the obvious components of security with an outside vendor apply, but Cloud Computing magnifies the problem, and the fear. ─── 对于云计算,所有涉及外部供应商的组件安全问题它都适用,并且把问题和恐惧进一步放大。

53、The microscope magnifies the oBject 100 diameters. ─── 这架显微镜把物像放大一百倍。

54、MIYAKE Genro plays on eerie phantoms of quotidian subject matters and magnifies them into the mixture of the quotidian and the non-quotidian. ─── 三宅玄朗 从日常事物中进行各种各样的妄想,并将之扩大为日常和非日常的混合体。

55、One that magnifies, especially a magnifying glass. ─── 放大器能放大的器具,尤指放大镜

56、RF front end receives, magnifies and filtrates the GPS signal, and above all, converts it down to IF digital signal. ─── 射频前端接收芯片实现GPS信号的接收、放大、滤波和下变频,其中最重要的是对GPS信号进行下变频转化为数字中频信号。

57、The growing media focus on China, not least because of the Beijing Olympics, magnifies and intensifies that debate. ─── 不仅是由于北京奥运会,对中国的媒体关注越来越多,这扩大并强化了这种谈论。

58、an instrument that magnifies the image of distant objects ─── 能够放大远处物体的装置

59、Magnifies 2X. ─── 放大2倍。

60、This kind reflexes the sound wave information that come back, be received through this probe again, the course is supersonic and enchanted after graph instrument magnifies, show the screen in the instrument to go up. ─── 这种反射回来的声波信息,又通过这个探头被接收,经过超声心动图仪器放大后,显示在仪器的屏幕上。

61、A large telescope magnification also magnifies the influence of unsteady air ─── 大的望远镜放大率同时放大了不稳定大气的影响。

62、And the enlargement function magnifies your efficiency. ─── 而放大功能放大至你想要的尺寸。

63、Multiple heavy full figure: Your eyelash is rich and generous density magnifies 300% , the instant arises more the effect of be puzzled of evil spirit of heavy full figure. ─── 数倍丰盈:令睫毛丰厚密度放大300%,瞬间产生更加丰盈魅惑的效果。

64、The multiplier effect magnifies the banker’s income contraction, possibly by a factor of 2. ─── 他目前的收入水平等于前司机的工资,他必须自己开车、打扫房间,放弃按摩。

65、The experience of the summit of young shopkeeper Cai Yu that flower card computer includes is " many a little makes a mickle, quantity of produce and sale magnifies naturally " . ─── 英牌电脑包的小老板蔡昱峰的经验是“集腋成裘,产销量就自然放大”。

66、Lk. 1:46 And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord, ─── 路一46马利亚说,我魂尊主为大,

67、21. A microscope magnifies bacteria so that they can be seen and studied. ─── 显微镜把细菌放大,使人们得以看见并研究它。

68、The seriesresonance also magnifies the voltage across the work coil, far higherthan the output voltage of the inverter alone. ─── 在工作线圈中间,通过电流可以产生一个剧烈并且飞速变化的磁场。

69、A system of optical components that magnifies. ─── 能起放大作用的一组光学元件

70、The clearest is the stock cycle which first magnifies and then damps the underlying output movement. ─── 其中最明显的是起初放大、随后又抑制了潜在产出活动的库存周期。

71、Mimic I Copies and magnifies the arcane evocation spell cast previous to it. Can only be cast after a critical hit with arcane. ─── 复制并且放大施法者上个奥术召唤法术,攻击目标。只能在使用奥术系法术产生重击效果时才能发动。

72、This figure is often bumped up by a digital zoom, which magnifies the image further by blowing it up. ─── 这一数码在数码变焦镜头上会更大,数码变焦镜头会把图像进一步放大。

73、Anger magnifies trivialities, gentleness accomplishes greatness. ─── 怒气将小事化大,温柔成就大事。

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