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09-08 投稿



dependable 发音

英:[d?'pend?b(?)l]  美:[d?'p?nd?bl]

英:  美:

dependable 中文意思翻译



dependable 短语词组

1、dependable flow ─── 保证流量;可靠流量

2、dependable communication ─── [计] 可靠通信

3、dependable synonym ─── 可靠同义词

4、dependable waste zebulon ─── 可靠的废物泽普隆

5、dependable capacity ─── 保证容量可靠容量

6、dependable appliance ─── 可靠设备

7、dependable appliances ─── 可靠的设备

8、dependable definition ─── 可靠定义

9、quick dependable communications ─── [计] 快速可靠通信

10、dependable performance ─── 性能可靠

11、dependable plumbing ─── 可靠的管道

12、dependable person ─── 可靠的人

13、dependable crop ─── 稳产

14、dependable power ─── 保证功率

15、dependable service llc ─── 可靠服务有限责任公司

16、dependable yield ─── 可靠供水量

17、dependable vs reliable ─── 可靠vs ─── 可靠

dependable 反义词


dependable 词性/词形变化,dependable变形

副词: dependably |名词: dependability |

dependable 同义词

trustworthy | faithful | steady-going | credible | bankable | steadfast | safe | rock-steady | secure | trusty | changeless | honorable | steady | true | loyal | consistent | staunch | creditable | calculable |reliable | respectable | honest | good | aboveboard | sure | fast | responsible | unfailing

dependable 相似词语短语

1、dependably ─── adv.值得信任地

2、expendable ─── adj.可消费的;排出的;不重复使用的;可牺牲的;n.消耗品

3、defendable ─── adj.可防御的

4、descendable ─── adj.可遗传的

5、emendable ─── adj.可修订的

6、spendable ─── adj.可使用的;可花费的

7、dependance ─── n.依赖性(等于dependence)

8、demandable ─── adj.可请求的,可要求的

9、undependable ─── adj.靠不住的,不可靠的;不可信赖的

dependable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、All living things depend on the sun for their growth. ─── 万物生长靠太阳。

2、A point or circumstance on which subsequent events depend. ─── 关键,转折点一种发展过程所依赖的某种事物

3、They shouldn't depend on foreign countries for oil. ─── 他们不应当依赖外国的石油。

4、Remove data that does not depend on the whole key. ─── 删除不依赖于整个键的值。

5、He is a man whom you can depend on. ─── 他是个你可以信赖的人。

6、Depend on others and you always repent. ─── 依赖他人,悔之晚矣。

7、While trying to change his mentality from that of role player to dependable scorer, Ariza leaned strongly on Bryant for guidance. ─── 在科比的身边阿里扎学到了很多,他也试着完成从一名角色球员到可靠的得分手的身份转换。

8、Only the bank manager, the treasurer and a dependable party member knew exactly what was on the backs of the mules. ─── 只有银行经理、出纳和一个党员知道骡子驮的是什么。

9、He is honest and dependable. ─── 他诚实可靠。

10、You can' t depend on the train arriving on time. ─── 千万不要认为这列火车能正点到达.

11、You may depend on it that she will go with you. ─── 你可以相信她会与你同行。

12、Both are esthetic and depend much on symmetry. ─── 两种活动都要求美感和匀称性。

13、He can depend on his wife for sympathy. ─── 他相信妻子会同情他。

14、He wants a mature, dependable person, and he doesn't require a knowledge of any specialized vocabularies! ─── 他需要一个成熟,可信赖的人,而且并不要求你懂得任何专门词汇!

15、We shall win the game,(you can) depend on it. ─── (你)尽管放心好了,我们会打赢这场比赛的。

16、He is kind of person you can safely depend on . ─── 他是你保险可以信赖的一种人。

17、Depend upon it, you will succeed. ─── 你准能成功。

18、You always depend on an obsolete viewpoint . ─── 你老是信赖一个过时的观点。

19、You may depend on them to be there early. ─── 他们靠得住,会早到的。

20、You can't depend on him to come in time. ─── 你不能指望他会准时来。

21、You can depend on the accuracy of the test. ─── 你可以信赖测试的准确性。

22、You can depend on him to make a sound choice. ─── 你可以依靠他作出正确的选择。

23、He was the sort of person you could depend on. ─── 他这个人你是可以信赖的。

24、In fact, he is the most dependable person in the world. ─── 事实上,他是世界上最值得信赖的人。

25、Don't be silly, you must depend on one's own. ─── 别太傻了,你要靠自己。

26、You may depend upon his consenting. ─── 你可以相信他会同意。

27、Anyway private company is not that dependable. Don't waste your money, at least deposit the living fee for half a year. ─── 私人单位始终不是那么可靠,你花钱不要大手大脚的,起码要存够半年的生活费呀。

28、He is an honest and truly dependable man. ─── 他这个人可实在了。

29、You may depend on the authenticity of the report. ─── 你可以相信这报告是完全可靠的。

30、Don't depend on others. Stand on your own two feet. ─── 不要依靠别人,要靠自己。

31、Thus his life will depend on your justice. ─── 因此它的生命取决于你的判决。

32、All green plants depend on light. ─── 一切绿色植物都依赖光。

33、You may depend upon it that they will support you. ─── 你放心好了,他们会支持你的。

34、You may depend on it that she will fulfil the plan. ─── 你们可以相信她会完成这个计划。

35、Yon may depend on it that they will support you. ─── 你相信好了,他们会支持你的。

36、They will depend more on their parents. ─── 他们将更加依赖父母。

37、But that all depend on the specific circumstances. ─── 不过,那要看具体情况而定。

38、Loyalists are dependable and reliable. ─── 值得信赖,诚实可靠。

39、It all depend on whether she like the boss or not. ─── 一切都取决于她喜欢还是不喜欢这个老板。

40、You can't depend on the train arriving on time. ─── 千万不要认为这列火车能正点到达。

41、You may depend on it that she will help you. ─── 你可以相信她会帮助你的。

42、But the Australian economy as a whole, to say nothing of Australia's reputation as a dependable travel destination, has suffered as well. ─── 然而作为一个整体的澳大利亚经济,更不用说还有澳大利亚作为可依赖的旅游目的地的声誉,也已经同时遭劫。

43、He was dependable, straightforward, the boy next door. ─── 他是个可靠、坦率的邻家男孩儿。

44、On the other hand, he is usually very dependable. ─── 从另一方面来看,他是非常可靠的。

45、You can depend on whomever you can trust. ─── 你可以依靠任何你所信赖的人。

46、It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. ─── 不消说,我们的计划取决于天气如何。

47、He is dependable in what he does. ─── 他办事很把稳。

48、You may depend upon her arriving on time. ─── 你可以相信她会准时来到。

49、You may depend on the accuracy of the report. ─── 你可以信赖报告的准确性。

50、Could you employ a dependable secretary or an assistant? ─── 你们会雇用一名可靠的秘书或助理吗?

51、He was a good friend, a dependable companion. ─── 他是个好朋友,一个可以信赖的同伴。

52、Health depend on good food, fresh air and enough sleep. ─── 健康依靠的是良好的食物,新鲜的空气和充足的睡眠。

53、You can depend on his coming in on Sunday. ─── 你放心,他星期天一定来参加。

54、Mills used to depend on wind power or water power. ─── 从前磨坊常常得依靠风力或水力来作动力。

55、You can depend of him to be there. ─── 你可以相信他一定会在那儿。

56、He will come soon depend upon it. ─── 你可以完全相信他一会儿准来。

57、Not to be relied on; not dependable or trustworthy. ─── 不可靠的不能依靠的; 靠不住的或不可信任的

58、The results you see depend on the layering effect. ─── 你看到的结果依赖于这一层的效果。

59、He is a man on whom you can safely depend. ─── 他是一个你能放心信赖的人。

60、They would say that I am a dependable fun person to work with. ─── 他们会说我是个可靠而且一起共事很有趣的人。

61、To cause to depend;make reliant. ─── 使依靠;使依赖

62、The exact voltages used depend on the local supply. ─── 具体电压要视地区供电情况而定。

63、Depend on what morals, the entire black in the end. ─── 什么世道,从上到下黑到底了。

64、They like dependable people and dependable things. ─── 他们也喜欢可靠的人,可靠的东西。

65、He is the person you can depend on. ─── 他是你能信任的人。

66、You can't depend on him to lend you a lot of money. ─── 你不要指望他会借给你多少钱。深信不疑;

67、You must try to pull yourself together your family depend on you. ─── 你应该振作起来--你的家庭都指著你呢。

68、She is a dependable companion. ─── 她是一位可靠的伴侣。

69、The Taiwa depend on fish for half of their animal protein. ─── 台湾人靠鱼供给他们一半的动物性蛋白质。

70、You can depend on the accuracy of his report. ─── 你可以信赖他报告的准确性。

71、You may depend on me to help you. ─── 你放心,我会帮助你的。

72、He is a man that you can safely depend on. ─── 他是一个你能放心依赖的人。

73、They are the most dependable of all. ─── 他们是最为可靠的。

74、They go at the job as if their lives depend on it. ─── 他们拚命做这项工作。

75、Aboard she meets Captain Henry Gifford, a dependable Yankee mariner who was the best of his breed. ─── 会议上,她船长亨利吉福德,可靠的洋基水手谁是最好的品种。

76、Specific Results Depend on the Facts of Each Case. ─── 具体结果如何,须视乎每宗个案的事实。

77、Similarly, they don't want to depend upon others. ─── 同样,他们也不愿意依赖他人。

78、All living thing depend on sunlight, air and water. ─── 一切生命依赖于阳光、空气和水。

79、He was the person you could depend on. ─── 他是你可以信赖的人。

80、They could never depend on Tim's arriving on time. ─── 他们决不能寄望提姆准时到达。

81、You may depend on it that he will turn up in time. ─── 你可以相信他会及时赶到的。

82、You should always depend on yourself rather than someone else. ─── 你应该是依靠你自己,而不足别人。

83、You may depend on me to be there early. ─── 你放心,我会早些到那儿。

84、He is a man whom you can depend on . ─── 他是一个你可以信赖的人。

85、You can depend on us to fulfill the task on time. ─── 你尽管放心,我们能够按时完成任务。

86、He is honest and so dependable. ─── 他很诚实,所以可靠。

87、A diligent, dependable worker. ─── 勤劳可靠的工作者

88、You can never depend on his arriving on time. ─── 你永远也别指望他按时到达。

89、Air conditioning is one of the best ways to keep a dog cool, but is not always dependable. ─── 空调的最佳方式之一,要保持冷静的狗,但并不总是可靠。

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