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09-08 投稿



dissimilarly 发音

英:[['d?s?m?l?l?]]  美:[['d?s?m?l?l?]]

英:  美:

dissimilarly 中文意思翻译



dissimilarly 短语词组

1、dissimilarly meaning ─── 异义

2、dissimilarly definition ─── 不同的定义

3、dissimilarly synonym ─── 异义

dissimilarly 相似词语短语

1、assimilably ─── 可同化的

2、dissimilar ─── adj.不同的

3、similarly ─── adv.类似地,差不多地;同样地,也

4、dissimilatory ─── adj.异化的

5、dissimilated ─── vi.变得不同;vt.变得不同

6、dissimilarity ─── n.不同,相异;相异点

7、dissimilate ─── vi.变得不同;vt.变得不同

8、dissimilates ─── vi.变得不同;vt.变得不同

9、dissimilating ─── vi.变得不同;vt.变得不同

dissimilarly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Their very faces are not dissimilar, dry, direct, decided both. ─── 他们那两张脸没有什么不同的地方,两个人都是冷淡、直率、果断的。

2、To make unlike or dissimilar. ─── 使成为不一样,使成为不同

3、To cope with differences in length, we wanted our measure to assign two completely dissimilar data files a score of0 and two identical ones a score of1, regardless of their sizes. ─── 为了处理长度的差异,我们期望新方法能将两个完全不同的资讯档案给予0分,两个完全相同的给予1分,根本不去理会它们的长度。

4、Analysis result of microstructure and property of dissimilar steel tube to plate welded joint shows the qualified procedure can meet the requirement and is put into production. ─── 对异种钢管板-管焊接接头检验及组织和性能的分析结果表明,所确定的焊接工艺能够满足技术要求,实际应用效果良好。

5、The important degree of various factors is dissimilar for different additional stress of pavement structure. ─── 对不同的路面结构层底附加应力,各因素影响显著性程度不一样。

6、It consists of two thin strips of dissimilar metals fused together. ─── 它是由两条薄薄的不同金属片焊接在一起而构成。

7、It is not surprising that dissimilar substances should sometimes assume the same form. ─── 不同物质有时呈现相同的形状,是不足为怪的。

8、However, you can use a field as a field criterion to compare fields that have dissimilar data types, which you cannot do by using joins. ─── 但是您可以使用一个字段作为字段条件来比较具有不同数据类型的字段,这一点无法使用联接来实现。

9、You print the name card, must send for mine proof plate entirely alikewith you, prints 300 probably to need 50 dollar, but the paper hasbeen dissimilar, with is similar may? ─── 你印刷的名片,要跟你寄给我的样版一模一样,印300张大约需要美金50元,但是纸张没有一样,用相似的可以吗?

10、Kirkland, 24, grew up in abject poverty in East Austin, Texas, in a part of town that doesn't look too dissimilar to the ravaged towns you see on the news in Iraq. ─── 24岁的科克兰生长在德克萨斯州东奥斯汀的穷苦人家,那里的破旧样活像新闻镜头中的伊拉克。

11、The fine texture and microstructure of dissimilar metal joint was observed with microscope and shear strength of the joints was tested. ─── 利用光学显微镜观察铜-钢异种金属堆敷接头的显微结构及显微组织构成。

12、In dissimilar areas the seismometry and precursory items that appear more frequently are different, which reveal the regional distinction. ─── 不同的区域异常出现率高的测震和前兆测项不同,显示出区域差异。

13、In a not dissimilar way, marriage and friendship are explorations of the higher emotions, they are pilgrimages towards the city of true values. ─── 同样,婚姻与友情是对更高层次情感的探索:它们是对真正价值的虔诚求索。

14、But Corrin and he is completely dissimilar, Corrin likes having a fit of temper, is not slightly satisfactory flies into a rage. ─── 但科林和他完全不一样,科林爱发脾气,稍不顺心就大发雷霆。

15、Goods or services may not be considered as being dissimilar from each other on the ground that, in any registration or publication by the Office, they appear in different classes of the Nice Classification. ─── 商品或服务不一定因商标主管机关在任何注册或公告中将它们列在《尼斯分类》的不同类别之下而视为不类似。

16、Harrington is such player, but he and many west, this - Wallace is dissimilar, what Harrington depends upon is own integrity. ─── 哈林顿就是这样的球员,不过他和多西,本-华莱士不一样,哈林顿依靠的是自己的全面性。

17、Equity and efficiency are dissimilar worth criterion of dispute solution. ─── 公平和效率是纠纷解决的不同价值标准。

18、What he was is something not so very dissimilar from what Hurt is, or has been.Clark was a man of appetites, both for wine and for women. ─── 如果说有什么是他和赫特有什么不同的话,或者说曾经是的话,那就是克拉克对酒和女人来说是个有着强烈欲望的人。

19、The test content of the "e-commerce introduction" course should be organized dissimilarly according to the different specialized raise goal and the curriculum teaching goal. ─── 电子商务概论课程实验教学内容应根据不同的专业培养目标和课程教学目标予以区别对待。

20、With many games, to test tests tows the announcement edition content to the test has been possible to be a half year is dissimilar. ─── 与许多游戏,为了测试而测试把宣布版本内容到测试拖了可长达半年不一样。

21、Under the dissimilarly arrange way, the variety regulation of the field of displacement, strain and stress of the soil-nail and soil-anchor:4. ─── 3.不同布置方式下,基坑土体的位移场和应力场的变化规律;

22、He also showed that a lichen was an association between ‘symbiosis' for dissimilar plants living together to their mutual benefit. ─── 他还指出地衣是藻类和真菌的共生体,引出了不同的植物互惠生活在一起的共生现象这个词。

23、WFQ improves on FQ by allowing administrators to specify dissimilar allocations. ─── WFQ通过允许网络管理员规定不等的分配而改进了FQ。

24、Similarity of structure between organs or parts,possibly of dissimilar function,that are related by common descent. ─── 同构发生,同源发生源于同一祖先,可能功能不同的器官或部分在结构上的相似。

25、A mixture of dissimilar ingredients; a jumble. ─── 大杂烩不同配料构成的混和物;混乱,杂乱

26、If you create a join by mistake, for example, a join between two fields that have dissimilar data types, you can delete it. ─── 如果错误地创建了一个联接(例如具有不同数据类型的两个字段间的联接),可以将其删除。

27、March 13, 2008 13:51 Comment Number : 1View from the UKI'm a young person working for a green NGO in the UK, and I think the situation isn't that dissimilar to the one in China. ─── 2008年3月13日13:51评论编号:1来自英国的观点我是一个为英国的绿色NGO工作的年轻人,我觉得对中国的NGO来说,情况并没有什么的不同。

28、Their very faces are not dissimilar, dry, dirrect, decided both. ─── 他们那两张脸没有什么不同的地方,两个人都是冷淡、直率、果断的。

29、The development process of crisis includes three periods, latent period, explosive period, consequent period. In different period, dissimilar strategies should be taken by administrative organizations. ─── 危机发展可以分为潜伏期、爆发扩展期和后果展现期三个阶段,行政机构应采取不同策略应对。

30、The interconnection of dissimilar LANs over a high-speed backbone network may create congestion and loss of data at a destination LAN because of the dismatch transmission rate. ─── 在通过高速主干网互连局域网时,由于速率不匹配,在目的局域网处会造成拥塞和数据丢失。

31、Large patterns rarely look good head-to-toe. A smaller version of the same graphic can be worn on the bottom, but the print should be in the same color way and of a proportion that is not too dissimilar from the larger one. ─── 大的花型从上穿到下不好看。同样的花型,较小的就能上下一起穿。但上下颜色要一致,比例不能太悬殊。

32、Do not become dissimilarly yoked with unbelievers.For what partnership do righteousness and lawlessness have? ─── 你们跟不信的,不要不配的同负一轭,因为义和不法有什么合伙?

33、In this case, however, although the occasion of the entertainment was similar, the company was strikingly dissimilar. ─── 但这儿的宾客可不是水手,士兵和那些头面人物下层平民百姓;

34、But must pay attention: Each machine's P line is dissimilar, what P line is the machine is deferring to walk, is very important, needs you to observe and to summarize. ─── 但要注意:每一台机器的P线都是不一样的,机器到底是在按照什么样的一条P线走,是很重要的,需要你观察和总结。

35、An organ or structure that is similar in function to one in another kind of organism but is of dissimilar evolutionary origin. ─── 同功异质体与另一种有机体演变来源不同但功能相似的器官或结构

36、The political practice as the patriarchal clan system and the stylistic rules in the history records as the ethical conception were dissimilar. ─── 作为宗法制度之政治实践与作为伦理观念之史书义例 ,正统两义之区分实不容忽视或抹杀。

37、Overwhelmingly, the women preferred the odors of men with dissimilar MHCs to their own. ─── 可喜的是,我终于明白过来了,庆幸自己没有和不适合的男人走到无法挽回的地步。

38、The true opportunity cost would be the forgone profit of the most lucrative of those listed.One question that arises here is how to assess the benefit of dissimilar alternatives. ─── 个人最终选择的决定因素将是每顿饭中的每一美元花费(完全成本)所带来的效用量(亦即家庭生产的产品价值)。

39、The origins of stars of differing spectral types must be dissimilar. ─── 不同光谱型星的起源必然是不一样的。

40、Centre-half is not a position Arsenal have ever been short in. Frank McLintock was the organisational skipper of the 1971 side, a born leader - not dissimilar to Tony Adams. ─── 中后卫的位置上,阿森纳从来都不缺人才。麦克林托克是1971年球队的队长,一个天生的领袖--和亚当斯一样。

41、Negative assorative mating occurs when dissimilar phenotypes breed together, leading to OUTBREEDING. ─── 反向选型交配则发生在不相似的表型在一起生育时,可以导致异系交配。

42、But the whole city school are many, the booklist is dissimilar, is impossible to attend to every detail. ─── 但是全市学校多,书目都不一样,不可能面面俱到。

43、In the intersubjectivity view, cyberspace is field of dissimilar being-with- others. ─── 从主体间性的视角来看,网络空间又是不同的主体“与他人共在”(Being-with-others)的场域,主体之间在网络空间的双向交互性促成了网络共同体的形成。

44、At the end of the 18th century, the British dominated the foreign trade at Canton (Guangzhou) but found conditions unsatisfactory, mainly because of the conflicting viewpoints of two quite dissimilar civilisations. ─── 十八世纪末期,英国人虽已操纵广州的对外贸易,但由于中英两国文化不同,观点迥异,所以他们对当时的情况并未感到满意。

45、"The women did not choose scents of men with genes totally similar to their own, or totally dissimilar to their own.They chose men with an intermediate level of differ ence. ─── 他说:“受试女士没有选择基因完全与自己相似或相异男人的气味,而是选择了有适度差别的男人气味。”

46、Dissimilar racecourse, athletic competition system, dissimilar director, what but is the same is the collection sports and the entertainment is a body's athletics. ─── 不一样的赛道、赛制,不一样的主持人,但一样的是集体育与娱乐为一体的竞技性。

47、Cor. 6:14 do not become dissimilarly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? ─── 林后六14你们跟不信的,不要不配的同负一轭,因为义和不法有什么合伙?光对黑暗有什么交通?

48、A contact between two dissimilar metals or materials. ─── 两种不同的金属或材料之间的一种接触区域。

49、Correspondence in function or position between organs of dissimilar evolutionary origin or structure. ─── 同功不同演化来源或结构的器官有相似的功能或位置

50、Different country needs to have experience of dissimilarly. ─── 不同的国家需要不同的经验。

51、Do not become dissimilarly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? ─── 14你们跟不信的,不要不配的同负一轭,因为义和不法有什么合伙?光对黑暗有什么交通?

52、Today is the undertaking start, today I and my brother likely are the succuba game and Cai Wulong are the same, is how same?Is actually dissimilar, is he how same? ─── 今天是创业的开始,今天我和我的哥哥就像是魔女游戏和蔡武龙一样,怎么就一样呢?其实根本就不一样,他怎么就一样呢?

53、Component and sprue should be dissimilar where possible to facilitate automatic sorting. ─── 产品和浇口应尽可能自动分开。

54、Why did Lao Grandpa Niu, frog elder brother, the honeybee elder sistersay is dissimilar? ─── 为什么老牛爷爷、青蛙哥哥、蜜蜂姐姐说的不一样呢?

55、During the Tang Dynasty cuju into a game not dissimilar to modern soccer, with two teams of between 12 and 16 players trying to score goals with a feather-stuffed ball. ─── 在唐代,蹴鞠演变的跟现代足球没什么两样,比赛双方有12到16人,比赛的目的是把一个塞满羽毛的圆球踢进对方的球门里。

56、The expert indicated that the network is originally very unreal, each person accesses the net the point of view is dissimilar. ─── 专家表示,网络原本就是很虚幻的,每个人上网心态是不一样的。

57、The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar. ─── 不同,相异性质或条件上的不相同或不一致

58、Its subject coverage includes: the full range of techniques used for joining of aluminum, aluminized steel, or galvanized steel to similar or dissimilar metals or alloys. ─── 它的主题涉及的范围包括 :被用来连接铝、渗铝钢,或者镀锌钢与相似的或不相似的金属或合金。

59、Similarity of structure between organs or parts, possibly of dissimilar function, that are related by common descent. ─── 同构发生,同源发生源于同一祖先,可能功能不同的器官或部分在结构上的相似

60、Starting literary creation with their own female identity as female authors, the two have unfolded female tragic consciousness in both similar and dissimilar ways. ─── 她们都从自身的女性作家的性别身份入手进行文学创作,对女性的悲剧意识的表现方面呈现出相同与不同之处。

61、As a kind of method used in united front work, "Harmonious but dissimilar" can contain "dissimilarity" in order to persue "harmony". ─── 作为统战方法,“和而不同”重在追求“和”,贵在能包容“不同”。

62、In order to solve the singular stress fields in tips of bonded dissimilar anisotropic materials,a novel hybrid element model is established. ─── 为了求解各向异性接合材料界面端部奇异性应力场,建立了一种新型杂交元模型。

63、The Scandinavian royals have had the reputation of leading down-to-earth lives not so dissimilar from their subjects'. ─── 在人们的心中,北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛诸国王室的生活一直都很朴实,和普通百姓没什么区别。

64、Mr.Heathcliff may have entirely dissimilar reasons for keeping his hand out of the way when he meets a would-be acquaintance, to those which actuate me. ─── 在见到一个准熟人的时候,却把手收起来,希斯克利夫先生可能有完全不同于我的理由。

65、Just resurfaced a time my singles match cannot insist down, but already was now dissimilar. ─── 刚复出的时候我一场单打比赛都坚持不下来,但现在已经不一样了。”

66、Messages in which line control characters must be inserted upon departure from a terminal and deleted upon arrival at a terminal; fixed format messages are intended for terminals with dissimilar characteristics. ─── 一种格式化的报文,在离开终端时必须在报文里插入行控制符,而在到达终端时必须从中删去行控制符。固定格式报文是为了适应不同特性的终端。

67、In these several cases the ultimate product is so extremely dissimilar to the substance supplied by nature, that in the custom of language nature is represented as only furnishing materials. ─── 在上述几个例子中,最终产品和自然界供给的物质大不相同,因此按习惯的说法,自然界仅仅提供原料。

68、In a not dissimilar way, marriage and friendship is the higher layer exploration of emotion that is the devotional probe into real value. ─── 同样,婚姻与友情是对更高层次情感的探索:它们是对真正价值的虔诚求索。

69、As a kind of cultural idea, "Harmonious but dissimilar" plays an important role in instructing us to deal with different relationships at all times. ─── 作为一种文化理念,“和而不同”一直在指导著人们正确处理人际关系和国际关系,正确对待不同意见。

70、The appearance of LLDPE and LDPE is alike, but the price and tariff rate of them are much dissimilar. ─── 两者外观相似而价格和税率都相差较大。

71、It allows software components running on dissimilar hardware, hosted on different operating systems, and programmed in different programming languages to communicate, collaborate, and perform productive work over a network. ─── 它允许运行在不同硬件、不同操作系统上用不同编程语言编写的软件组件通过网络进行通信、协作和执行生产性任务。

72、In order to exploit multisource information from remotely sensed data sufficiently, it is often necessary to match dissimilar images one another taken by different sensors. ─── 为了充分利用多源遥感信息,常常需要解决不同传感器图像之间的匹配问题。

73、Thereinto, "Harmonious but dissimilar" is a kind of united front idea with modem worth. ─── 和而不同,就是一种具有现代价值的统战方法。

74、Her latest book is quite dissimilar from her previous one. ─── 她新近写的这本书跟她以前写的截然不同。

75、The interconnection of dissimilar LANs over a high speed backbone network may create congestion and loss of data at a destination LAN because of the dismatch transmission rate. ─── 在通过高速主干网互连局域网时 ,由于速率不匹配 ,在目的局域网处会造成拥塞和数据丢失 .

76、Too often, a single set of standard costs is constructed to serve several dissimilar purposes, with the result that many applications are faulty. ─── 另外,一套标准成本系统往往要为多个目的服务,这样也会产生问题。

77、Made of different material, its contraction size is also dissimilar. ─── 使用不同的材料,它的收缩尺寸也不一样.

78、Demotic was written using a script whose appearance is not dissimilar to modern Arabic script (although the two are not at all related). ─── 在七世纪,阿拉伯人入侵之后,阿拉伯文成了埃及的官方语言。

79、The reader is encouraged to evaluate the similarities between injector designs that look, at first glance, quite dissimilar physically. ─── 对于那些初看起来很不相同的喷注器结构之间的相似性,希望读者自行评价。

80、Cor. 6: 14 Do not become dissimilarly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership do righteousness and lawlessness have? ─── 林后六14你们跟不信的,不要不配的同负一轭,因为义和不法有什么合夥?

81、In our country TLP is just at the primary stage aiming mainly at the welding process for some dissimilar and difficult metals. ─── 国外的研究更多的是对瞬时液相扩散焊工艺实现的一些关键因素的研究。

82、There existed some dissimilar valuation tendency among history valuation such as objectivism, relativism and so on. ─── 历史价值存在着客观主义、相对主义等多元性判断倾向。

83、It is deemed that the dissimilar steel welding between the locating piece and reheater tubes and unproper structure of the location piece are the major reason that causes the tube leakage. ─── 分析了再热器管频繁泄漏的原因,认为定位块与再热器管的异种钢焊接及定位块结构的不合理是导致泄漏的主要原因,同时提出了改造方案。

84、The results of this research show that the over-reaction appears in most portfolios models, and the performance of each model is quite dissimilar between different capital levels. ─── 实验结果显示,多数投资组合模型存在过度反应,且各种不同模型在不同资金水准下,表现并不相同。

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