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09-08 投稿


pilferer 发音


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pilferer 中文意思翻译



pilferer 短语词组

1、pilferer antonym ─── 偷窃者反义词

2、pilferer crossword ─── 偷字谜

3、pilferer pronunciation ─── 偷窃者发音

4、ghostly pilferer ─── 鬼祟祟的小偷

5、pilferer puzzle clue ─── 小偷拼图线索

6、pilferer definition ─── 盗窃者定义

7、pilferer spanish ─── 偷盗者西班牙语

pilferer 词性/词形变化,pilferer变形

动词过去式: pilfered |动词现在分词: pilfering |动词第三人称单数: pilfers |名词: pilferage |动词过去分词: pilfered |

pilferer 相似词语短语

1、filterer ─── 防空情报鉴定员

2、pilfers ─── vi.偷窃;小偷小摸;vt.窃;偷窃;小偷小摸

3、pilfery ─── 小偷小摸

4、silverer ─── n.银;银器;银币;银质奖章;餐具;银灰色(silver的变形)

5、pilfer ─── vi.偷窃;小偷小摸;vt.窃;偷窃;小偷小摸

6、palaverer ─── n.谈判,交涉;奉承(palaver的变形)

7、palterer ─── 帕特勒

8、pickeerer ─── 扒手

9、pilfered ─── v.(尤指在工作的地方)偷窃(小东西),小偷小摸(pilfer的过去式和过去分词)

pilferer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、pilferer working from within ─── 家贼

2、Because the pilfer edition of Internet runs amuck,everybody knows, musical industry is in China basically is unprofitable. ─── 大家知道因为互联网的盗版横行,音乐产业在中国基本上是不赚钱的。

3、Sell coast to answer the menace of pilfer edition music and CD, record company begins to trying to permit music new Internet to serve. ─── 为了应对盗版音乐的威胁和CD销售滑坡,唱片公司开始尝试着将音乐许可给新的互联网服务。

4、Must not envy them, because they have such behavior and idea,do not do not have a reason: The first they have " Sitanfo " , the 2nd they do not have pilfer edition. ─── 千万不要羡慕他们,因为他们有这样的行为和想法不是没有原因的:第一他们有“司坦佛”,第二他们没有盗版。

5、Packaging volume aluminium caps of pilfer proof ─── 包装容器扭断式铝防盗瓶盖

6、"Because the pilfer edition of Internet runs amuck,everybody knows, musical industry is in China basically is unprofitable. ─── “大家知道因为互联网的盗版横行,音乐产业在中国基本上是不赚钱的。

7、to steal; to pilfer; to filch ─── 攘窃

8、Although company of movie and TV returns edition of afraid network pilfer, but they realize, because business gets Internet nibble, must obtain more battalion to close or found new emission mode. ─── 尽管影视公司还担心网络盗版,但他们意识到,由于业务受到互联网蚕食,必须获得更多营收或创建新的发行模式。

9、But the product line with net substantial dragon also brings serious pilfer edition problem. ─── 但网龙丰富的产品线也带来严重的盗版问题。

10、If company dimensions is done not have really not quite necessary the software that goes buying an authorised edition, can go to ZhongGuanCun spending what 10 yuan of money buy edition of a piece of pilfer to use, the result is right. ─── 假如公司规模不大确实没必要去购买正版的软件,可以去中关村花10元钱买一张盗版的用,效果不错。

11、One of the most notorious receivers, Jonathan Wild, set up a special brigade that would find employment as servants and then pilfer from the household or open the doors at night for other robbers to enter. ─── 最臭名昭著的窝主之一是乔纳森·怀尔德,他组建了一个特别行动大队,其成员找机会受雇为仆人,然后去住户家偷窃,或在夜间敞开屋门,引贼入室。

12、They may pilfer other animals’ food.They have dark plumage, unnerving calls. ─── 在中国古代神话中,人们认为,天上本来有十个太阳,都是乌鸦的化身。

13、Since January, more than 80 copyright that is a delegate with excited net just holds water " the edition that turn over pilfer is allied " , the accused career that pulled open potato is prelusive. ─── 从1月起,以激动网为代表的80余家版权方成立“反盗版联盟”,拉开了土豆的被告生涯序幕。

14、I was bothered by a pilferer named hacker. ─── 黑客这窃贼把我搅扰。

15、It found and captured TROJAN, the pilferer. ─── 它发现了木马程序,并将这窃贼收缴。

16、They may pilfer other animals' food. ─── 它们可能会偷吃其它动物的食品。

17、In fact, to the blow of pilfer edition website, royal literature has established the operation technological process that a program changes. ─── 事实上,对于盗版网站的打击,盛大文学已经建立起一套程序化的操作流程。

18、Frustrated by high heating costs,Ray began to pilfer chunks of coal from neighborhood snowman. ─── 因为付不起高额的供暖费,雷开始从邻居家的雪人上偷大块的煤.

19、They think, fast thunder serves trader as P2P, help netizen downloads pilfer edition film, to its film copyright caused enroach on. ─── 他们认为,迅雷作为P2P服务商,帮助网民下载盗版电影,对其电影版权造成了侵害。

20、Perhaps carry the Zhang date of user of fishing website diddle and code, pilfer takes the money of the user. ─── 或者通过钓鱼网站骗取用户的账号和密码,盗走用户的金钱。

21、"Disk drive " be in the earliest pilfer date person when circle advertises, offer free edition for trojan fabricant, if buy the home to feel pretty good, draw out money to buy VIP edition. ─── “磁碟机”最早在盗号者圈子做广告时,为木马制作者提供免费版,假如买家觉得不错,便掏钱购买VIP版。

22、The victim is in imperceptible in, information of bank Zhang number already by pilfer. ─── 受害者在不知不觉中,银行账号信息已经被盗。

23、He pilfer from a cash register ─── 他偷叫银机里的钱。

24、The Kilo Watt- hour Meter in Common Use is Pilfer That the Electricity Measure Prohibits to Analyse ─── 常用的电度表窃电计量不准分析

25、According to courtyard of Fudan University law Professor Liao Peijuan says, pilfer date, hang a horse, invade other computer, abet another person, these are illegal behavior. ─── 据复旦大学法学院廖佩娟教授称,盗号、挂马、侵入他人电脑、教唆他人,这些都是违法行为。

26、By 2007, association of international record trade (IFPI) tries to persuade European assemblyman, adopt extreme measure to hit pilfer edition Internet to serve a provider (ISP) . ─── 2007年底,国际唱片业协会(IFPI)就试图说服欧洲议员,采取极端措施打击盗版互联网服务提供商(ISP)。

27、In the time that runs amuck in pilfer edition, this is an impossible task almost. ─── 在盗版横行的年代里,这几乎是个不可能的任务。

28、Women pilfer souvenirs from their hotel rooms as men raid the bars in the refrigerators in their rooms, the hotel study found ─── 宾馆调查发现,女人会从宾馆房间拿走一些纪念品,男人则把房间里冰箱内的食物一扫而光。

29、But he admits at the same time: "(outside establishing independent company to turn over, hang, the date that turn over pilfer) this is infrequent inside course of study. ─── 但他同时承认:“(成立单独的公司反外挂、反盗号)这在业内是罕见的。”

30、Wait for type website because of picture, film, music, if the server is done, I also was not pilfer catenary, without too big meaning. ─── 因为图片、电影、音乐等类型网站,我没服务器做的话也是盗链,没有太大的意思。

31、He is a pilferer, please catch him! ─── 他是个扒手,抓住他。

32、"Because this involves the issue that hits pilfer edition, consider at present pressure of circumstance cost He is met very big. ─── “因为这块涉及到打击盗版的问题,考虑到目前国内的情况成本和压力都会很大。

33、Drive in sudden huge profits below, small firm He Xiaosong agrees very quickly, and the life that with eaglet they began stiletto pilfer oil together. ─── 在暴利驱使下,小刚和小松很快答应,并和小鹰他们一起开始了打孔盗油的生活。

34、Realism sends answer how to have: Amphibian, orangutan edition of simian pilfer of his elder brother, person, atavism. ─── 写实主义派的答安有:两栖动物、猩猩他哥、人猿盗版,返祖现象等。

35、Yesterday, CEO Ding Lei external acceptance, ensure not pilfer date, outside notting have, hang, and 100% solve slack problem, "The game that makes sure the player is best absolutely experiences " . ─── 昨天,CEO丁磊对外承诺,确保不盗号、无外挂,并100%解决不流畅的问题,“绝对保证玩家最好的游戏体验”。

36、The proponent hopes to attack action of network pilfer edition through act, let download a website to be benefited normally. ─── 支持者希望通过法案打击网络盗版行为,让正规下载网站受益。

37、"Pilfer edition circumstance of China follows Russia very similar, rate of software pilfer edition is very high also before Russia, had had a few to improve now. ─── “中国的盗版情况跟俄罗斯很相似,俄罗斯以前软件盗版率也很高,现在已经有了一些好转。

38、Record company nature also is met very glad, not only got money, still can have the effect that MP3 of disintegrate pilfer edition is searched and downloads gradually. ─── 唱片公司自然也会很高兴,不但收到了钱,还可以起到逐渐瓦解盗版MP3搜索和下载的作用。

39、" he says, it is to embezzle essentially the network access of others, and by pilfer person network access is bought, have exclusive sex. ─── 他说,实质上是盗用别人的网络使用权,而被盗者的网络使用权是买来的,具有独占性。

40、Record industry Zhou San also confirms the turn overing with new ground pilfer edition law prosecutes pilfer edition user. ─── 唱片业周三也证实将根据新的反盗版法律起诉盗版用户。

41、If because you do not retreat pilfer edition,be,goods may be bothered bigger. ─── 假如是因为盗版你不退货可能麻烦更大。

42、In the meantime, virus still can be shown after pilfer date " the file is missing, download installation afresh please " user of false information becloud. ─── 同时,病毒在盗号后还会显示出“文件丢失,请重新下载安装”的虚假信息蒙蔽用户。

43、Hang external, return pilfer bugle call, our mainland experience is richer. ─── 对外挂,反盗号,我们本土经验更丰富。

44、So we do not to pilfer or to pillage,and do well in our duty,We will become a useful people of the world. ─── 因此,我们不去偷不去抢,做好本职工作,就是对世界有用的人!

45、" Qu Jingming glides what copyright expends income ascribe to pilfer edition is right of market environment destroy, especially of network pilfer edition be popular. ─── 屈景明将版权费收入的下滑归咎于盗版对市场环境的破坏,特别是网络盗版的大行其道。

46、Not only such, these pilfer date person or after the gang is completing pilfer bugle call, sell, or sell in game trade play money, sell the player washs fictitious money into the RMB thereby. ─── 不仅如此,这些盗号者或团伙会在完成盗号后出售,或在游戏中出售换成游戏币,出售给玩家从而把虚拟货币洗成人民币。

47、To abecedarian, the simplest method nothing is more... than checks the manual with accessary game. (If connect a manual to be done not have, that authorised edition or pilfer edition need not say) . ─── (要是连说明书都没有,那正版还是盗版就不用说了吧)。

48、Of course, to current in the ascendant network video industry, the greatest harm of pilfer edition depends on having the creativity that destroys whole industry. ─── 当然,对于当前方兴未艾的网络视频产业而言,盗版的最大危害在于有摧毁整个产业的创造力。

49、Actually pilfer edition smooth dish is pleasant to the eye just about really lumpish thing. ─── 其实盗版光碟真正是中看不中用的东西。

50、The keeper is in custodial process, responsibility heart is not strong, the job is careless, appear easily also pilfer and quality accident. ─── 保管员在保管过程中,责任心不强,工作马虎,也易出现偷盗与质量事故。

51、Last time, he clicked a link that people hair comes to, result Zhang date by pilfer, successor home sells contraband with his Zhang date, kill so that his shop was sealed half month. ─── 上一次,他点击了别人发来的一个链接,结果账号就被盗了,后来人家用他的账号卖违禁品,害得他的店铺被封了半个月。

52、"Before one party be current of edition of a few years of pilfer, collect fees on the other hand the commercial pattern of download is current not Anacreontic also. ─── “一方面前几年盗版盛行,另一方面收费下载的商业模式目前也不明朗。”

53、"By pilfer date, it is to be returned overnight before liberating " , xiaowang mouth sighed. ─── “又被盗号了,又是一夜回到解放前了”,小王叹了口气。

54、As having nearly hundred years history, the IFPI with pilfer seasoned edition is hit inside global limits, often arrive than fountainhead apparently. ─── 作为有着近百年历史、在全球范围内打击盗版经验丰富的IFPI,显然比源泉老到。

55、Adjure song confusing not to want to download or transmit these galley proof, do not let pilfer edition business have an opportunity that can be exploited to sbs advantage. ─── 恳请歌迷不要下载或传播这些小样,不要让盗版商有可乘之机。”

56、You comprehend the life of rear of pilferer ? ─── 小偷的背后生活你了解吗?

57、By pilfer Zhang date be by the person purloin of Fujian spring city 210 thousand yuan. ─── 一个被盗账号是被福建泉州的人盗取了21万元。

58、Which have Nanchang Zhongshan way does NIKE of pilfer edition A Di sell? ? Say the location to understand, be followed I say old woman of what! ! ! ! ─── 南昌中山路哪有盗版阿迪NIKE卖??把地点说明白,被跟我说老太婆什么的!!!![地区>江西>南昌市

59、Fund trades on company net: Cost rate is low, have the code on the net by the risk of pilfer, have the venture that operates a mistake. ─── 基金公司网上交易:费率低,有网上密码被盗的风险,有操作错误的风险。

60、"Pilfer date, hang a horse, invade other computer, this kind is mixed in law moral level the behavior of have not a leg to stand on, why to turn over aureola of the star on bedding bag? ─── “盗号、挂马、侵入他人电脑,这种在法律和道德层面都站不住脚的行为,何以反被套上明星光环?

61、Secondly, purloin of individual business website has the work originality of copyright to undertake add is written, also be maintained to be pilfer edition behavior by legal expert. ─── 其二,个别商业网站盗取拥有版权的作品创意进行续写,也被法律专家认定为盗版行为。

62、Why to say, in double Xi Hang drifting a county harbor is close community in one dweller building, somebody hire many 20 coolie, on the net pilfer game gold coin gains profit. ─── 何说,在双流县西航港近都社区一居民楼里,有人雇请了20多名小工,在网上盗游戏金币获利。

63、It is strange that everybody perhaps is met, put out game, how to return pilfer bugle call? ─── 大家也许会希奇,把游戏关掉,还怎样盗号呢?

64、Hou Xiaojiang expresses: "The potential loss that the website of Chinese network literature that is a delegate with start Chinese net brings every year because of pilfer edition is imponderable. ─── 侯小强表示:“以起点中文网为代表的中国网络文学网站每年因盗版带来的潜在损失无法计算。”

65、Additional at the same time, the Hong Kong branch that business of some pilfer edition analyses a company from data of some United States is bought relevantly data, again resale low sells piece. ─── 另外一边,有些盗版商从某美国数据分析公司的香港分部购得相关数据,再转售低价卖出。

66、Buy the home to be in after getting goods, with game CD it is pilfer edition ask to return money for reason. ─── 买家在收到货物后,以游戏光盘是盗版为理由要求退货。

67、In many department stores hidden guards watch for people who pilfer merchandise ─── 很多百货公司都有便衣保安人员监视偷窃商品的人。

68、But the mainest is, our collaboration purpose is to show the player of some demon animal worlds to bring better game to enjoy to China, have pilfer number no longer, outside hang, card machine. ─── 但最主要的是,我们合作目的是为了给中国现有的魔兽世界的玩家带来更好的游戏享受,不再有盗号、外挂、卡机。

69、"The potential loss that gives start Chinese net every year to bring because of pilfer edition behavior is imponderable. ─── “每年因盗版行为给起点中文网带来的潜在损失无法计算。”

70、Begin from 2006, national copyright bureau is successive two years deploy launchs edition of pilfer of blow network tort in countrywide limits special operation. ─── 从2006年开始,国家版权局连续两年部署在全国范围开展打击网络侵权盗版专项行动。

71、"If say normal website,the money that earn is 1, the pilfer edition of its then downstream amount slue person, accumulate rise to have 10 possibly, more even. ─── “如果说正规网站赚的钱是1,那它下游的数量极多的盗版者,累积起来可能就有10,甚至更多。”

72、Add close solution outstandingly, exempted architect intellectual property not only by pilfer care, still can elevate the additional value of the product, market that improves a product the status. ─── 一个优异的加密解决方案,不仅罢黜了设计者常识产权被盗之忧,还能够晋升产物的附加价值、进步产物的市场地位。

73、According to introducing, this is a virus of pilfer date trojan that has antagonism function. ─── 据介绍,这是一个具有对抗功能的盗号木马病毒。

74、But somebody also expresses doubt to the view of Kennedy, they think pirate bay is engine of a search nevertheless, say to make hand pilfer edition blame still puts doubt. ─── 但有人也对肯尼迪的说法表示质疑,他们认为海盗湾不过是一个搜索引擎,说构成协助盗版罪尚存质疑。

75、To steal or pilfer. ─── 偷或盗取

76、steal; pilfer ─── 偷窃

77、She says helplessly: "Often hear now, because minor is infatuated with a network, be on pilfer, dacoity crime road. ─── 她无奈地说:“现在经常听到,未成年人由于迷恋网络,走上偷盗、抢劫的犯罪道路。

78、Time of Beijing of dispatch of sina science and technology on April 2 midday message, according to foreign media coverage, swedish Zhou San begins to apply a new turn overing pilfer edition law. ─── 新浪科技讯 北京时间4月2日中午消息,据国外媒体报道,瑞典周三开始施行一部新的反盗版法律。

79、"Only from edition of pilfer of fountainhead slam the door, ability avoids search pilfer edition music truly. ─── “只有从源头摒弃盗版,才能真正避免搜索到盗版音乐。”

80、The proposal uses the action that prevents all P2P communication to hit pilfer edition, spearhead points to pirate bay continuously. ─── 建议使用阻止所有的P2P通信的行为打击盗版,矛头直指海盗湾。

81、Covet is be murdered, self-condemned, hypochondriasis more, by pilfer, poverty or exaggerated covet. ─── 妄想多为被害、自责、疑病、被盗、贫穷或夸大妄想。

82、It is pilfer edition runs rampant, this greatly, squashed the vivosphere of original music resource; ─── 一是盗版泛滥,这在很大程度上,挤压了正版音乐资源的生存空间;

83、Packaging volume aluminum caps of pilfer proof ─── GB/T14803-1993包装容器扭断式铝防盗瓶盖

84、Password by pilfer incident happen from time to tome, it is to let an user aux would rather do legwork go to a bank, also do not use the bank on the net to do business. ─── 密码被盗事件的时有发生,则是让用户宁愿跑腿去银行,也不使用网上银行进行交易。

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