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09-08 投稿



rationalism 发音

英:[?r??(?)n?l?z?m]  美:[?r??(?)n?l?z?m]

英:  美:

rationalism 中文意思翻译



rationalism 词性/词形变化,rationalism变形

形容词: rationalistic |副词: ra-tionalistically |名词: rationalist |

rationalism 反义词

irrational | absurd

rationalism 同义词

sane | wise | reasonable | balanced | mental | advisable | realistic | dialectic | lucid | thinking | coherent | judicious | cogent | enlightened | sound | level-headed | logical | intellectual | intelligent |sensible | rational number | noetic | normal

rationalism 相似词语短语

1、nationalism ─── n.民族主义;国家主义;民族特性

2、irrationalism ─── n.非理性主义;不合理的思想

3、rationalised ─── v.合理地说明,为……做合理解释;使合理化(rationalise的过去式和过去分词,等于rationalize)

4、factionalism ─── n.党派之争;党派主义;派别活动

5、rationaliser ─── 合理化;

6、rationalise ─── vt.合理地说明(等于rationalize)

7、rationalist ─── n.理性主义者,唯理论者;adj.(人)理性主义的,唯理论的

8、fractionalism ─── n.分裂政策;分裂倾向

9、rationalises ─── vt.合理地说明(等于rationalize)

rationalism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In fact, Rousseau is not against "reason" but "intellectuality" as a kind of rationalism in the narrow sense. ─── 他的浪漫主义并非反对"理性",而是反对"知性",即狭隘的理性主义。

2、There are two ways of understanding democracy: the way of rationalism and idealism, and that of empiricism and realism. ─── 理解民主的思维方式有两种,一是理性主义的、理想主义的,一是经验主义的、现实主义的。

3、It is shown that the average recognition success rate is over 98% at the signal to noise ration beyond 5dB. ─── 在信噪比达到5dB 以上时,识别正确率达到 98%。

4、All sorts of blueprint declare a gender, sex of product ingredient ration. ─── 各种图纸申报性,产品成分定量性。

5、The philosophical foundation is reflected in the early years of the major achievement of natural science of rationalism. ─── 其哲学基础是反映自然科学初期的重大成就的唯理论。

6、Coleridge was to spend the next thirty years attacking rationalism. ─── 柯尔律治在此后的30年中一直抨击理性主义。

7、To study construction ration must rely on studying construction process. ─── 对施工定额的研究离不开对施工过程的研究。

8、The Chinese people as a whole are practically-minded, exhibiting a compulsory (unquenchable, insuppressible) interest in pragmatism and rationalism. ─── 中国人讲实际,他们对实用和理性的兴趣是难以抑制的。

9、The notion of ego and self-awareness has been the bedrock of the hardheaded rationalism of the last few centuries. ─── 关于自我与自我意识的概念一直是近几个世纪来务实的理性主义的基础。

10、The pound and a half of sundried salmon, which was his ration for each day, seemed to go nowhere. ─── 巴克嘴馋,作为每天口粮的一磅半鲑鱼干似乎无济于事。

11、Failure to ration carefully becomes correspondingly less important. ─── 不去细致地安排日粮,也不太要紧。

12、But the rationalism(Socratic represents) restricted the Dionysrac Spirit, and this caused the degeneration of Greek tragedy and Hellenism finally. ─── 但是以苏格拉底为象征的理性精神的勃兴压制了酒神精神,最终导致了希腊悲剧的衰亡,也导致希腊文化的衰落。

13、In the academia, disputes on the experience rationalism and constructive rationalism embody the attributes of Chinese Rule of Law in its times of transformation. ─── 在学术上,也充满了经验理性主义和建构理性主义的交锋,凸现出转型时期中国法治的特点。

14、In the seventeenth century,western philosophy had an epistemological turn and rationalism and experientialism appeared. ─── 在十七世纪,西方哲学发生了认识论的转向,出现了唯理论和经验论。

15、Power gain (18) The ration of output power to input power. ─── 功率增益(18)輸出功率對輸入功率之比值。

16、One of the most far-reaching consequences of the rationalism of the Enlightenment was the undermining of basic Christian faith among the educated classes. ─── 启蒙运动理性主义的一个深远影响就是在受教育的阶层里破坏了基本的基督教信仰。

17、opposite of empiricism is rationalism. ─── 经验论的对立面是唯理论。

18、If problem still occurs consider delaying the change to lactator ration until after farrowing is complete. ─── 如果还有问题发生就要考虑把食物转换成乳汁配给食物,直到分娩全部完成。

19、This amounts to a form of socioeconomic theory in which (relational) context matters, in contrast with the universal rationalism assumed in orthodox economics. ─── 宏观经济理论强调理性环境的作用,而正统经济学则强调遍在理性。

20、It is a reactionary and irrational, because the rationalism of real life can not be made a convincing answer. ─── 它是对理性主义的一个反动,因为理性主义不能对现实生活作出令人信服的解答。

21、He asserted that Greek rationalism and Abrahamic spirituality had fused, a couple of centuries before the coming of Christ, in a providential synthesis. ─── 他在去年的雷根斯讲话说到了希腊文化,犹太文化以及启示录之间的关系,逻辑严谨,但仍引发不少争议。

22、A refrigerator ship brought into Masan a planned double ration of Christmas turkey. ─── 一艘冷藏船给马山带来了计划中的圣诞节火鸡大餐。

23、Critical rationalism plays an important role in the evolvement from logical empiricism to histori-cism. ─── 在西方科学哲学从逻辑经验主义向历史主义演变的过程中,批判理性主义起了纽带的作用。

24、There actually were soldiers at the gas stations to ration it out. ─── 实际上当时各加油站都有士兵在负责加油的份额配给。

25、Hence we might turn towards the "post-sceptical rationalism" of so-called "discourse ethics", as in Habermas and Apel. ─── 因此,我们得转向哈贝马斯和阿佩尔的所谓"商谈伦理学"的"后怀疑主义的理性主义"。

26、The effect of the structure parameter error on overlap ration of oscillator drives is also given. ─── 对丰富摆动活齿传动理论的实际应用具有积极意义。

27、No sort of mechanistic rationalism is ever possible and there is a strong hatred of the idea of logical necessity. ─── 机械式的惟理主义在这里是永远不可能的,而且对于逻辑的必须概念都抱着一种憎恶的态度。

28、Ration tells me there is no way to think about it. ─── 其实我也想,但是我没有兴致

29、In fact, a variation of European rationalism had made great gains among America's educated elite, as we saw earlier. ─── 事实上,一种变体的欧洲理性主义吸引了许多美国的菁英知识分子,我们前面提到过这一点。

30、It was the continuity of intelligent activities in the Middle Ages that make the renaissance of rationalism possible. ─── 但是有其孕育和形成的过程,而这一过程正是在中世纪实现的。

31、They take their programme as "the Relativist View of Knowledge", and are against the rationalism in the philosophy of science. ─── 他们把自己的纲领定位在“相对主义知识观”上,其批判的矛头直指科学哲学研究中的理性主义。

32、Have you used your ration of petrol for this week? ─── 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?

33、As part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar. ─── 作为饮食的一部份,每天要摄入少量的糖。

34、The following ration will contain approximately 18%crude protein and 80% TDN on a DM basis. ─── 下面的日粮大约含有18%的粗蛋白和80%的可消化总养分(干物质基础)。

35、The way of using TH-EDPS to calculate material ration is discussed in this article. ─── 利用TH-EDPS开发材料定额进行了探讨。

36、Ration is widely used in manufacturing industry. ─── 定额是制造业中广泛使用的一个概念。

37、After marriage or divorce, women's responsibility farmland, grain ration farmland and housing sites shall be secured. ─── 妇女结婚、离婚后,其责任田、口粮田和宅基地等,应当受到保障。

38、He does also accept that his ration coupons should be tradeable. ─── 他的确也承认,他的“配给券”应该是可交易的。

39、The assumption that reason and the realities of nature can be exactly the same is a fallacy of rationalism, which was exposed by philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724~1804). ─── 哲学家康德(1724-1804)揭示,假设原因和自然的现实可以完全一样,这是一种理性主义的谬论。

40、How to grasp the concept of ration is a basic cryterion for judging the attainments of an economist. ─── 对理性概念的把握,是判断一个学者经济学素养的基本标准。

41、The regular source problem has been a theme, the absolute being idea, rationalism, political authority, ethos, custom, etc with their respective stage. ─── 对于规则的来源问题,历来是哲学讨论的一个主题,神意、理性、政治权威、民族精神、习俗等等都成为规则不同时期的一个来源。

42、Especially the comment on rationalism of this part is essential for better understanding of irrationalism. ─── 尤其是对理性主义的论述和评析,为剖析当代非理性主义作了充分的铺垫。

43、Ration: survey material contain the quantity of various compositions. ─── 定量:测定物质所含各种成分的数量。

44、For RHC sampling design,the equation that the optimum matching ration satisfies is given. ─── 对于无放回的RHC抽样 ,给出了最优匹配比满足的方程

45、But at the same time he is a scrupulous doubter, ruthless in his criticism of the cruel rationalism and cosmetic morality of Western civilisation. ─── 南非种族隔离制度所导致的价值观和行为是库切小说作品的基本主题。

46、Yuanpei Translation is a benchmark, a fresh ration and a leading concept! ─── 元培是一根标杆!元培是一缕风尚!元培更是一种理念!

47、The classical economical theory has got the stigma of rationalism since its naissance. ─── 古典经济学理论从诞生那一天起,就深深地打上了理性主义的烙印。

48、To dispense in fixed quantities; ration. ─── 定量,配给供应以固定量分配;配给

49、Vuyk J,Mertens MJ,Olofsen E,et al.Propofol anesthesia and ration opioid selection.Anesthesiology,1997,87L:1549:62. ─── 吴新民,叶铁虎,岳云,等.国产注射用盐酸瑞芬太尼有效性和安全性的评价.中华麻醉学杂志,2003,23:248.

50、There are important ways in which we have come under the influence of rationalism and subjectivism. ─── 在许多重要的方面,我们也受到理性主义与主观主义的影响。

51、Overt rationalism had been advance d by French scientist Morin in 1980s. ─── 他们认为,分析事物、处理问题应该是逻辑分析与整体直觉判断的结合。

52、"I expect the economic political rationalism to prevail in the end," he says. ─── 他表示:“我预计,经济方面的政治理性主义最终将会占上风。

53、Evidently, lots of departments of the science of application are fact extend of the rationalism work and experimental work. ─── 十分明显,应用科学的许多部门都是纯理论工作和实验工作的实际延伸。

54、The other is that Pentecostalism offers a “third way” between scientific rationalism and traditional religion. ─── 另一点则是,五旬节信仰在科学理性主义和传统宗教之间提出了“第三条道路”。

55、He is thus regarded by western scholars as the 'national spiritualsymbol for the 19th century Britain' and 'the saint of the rationalism'. ─── 他被西方学者喻为“19 世纪英国不列颠民族精神的象征”、“理性主义的圣人”。

56、as a representative of the Enlightenment, Pope was one of the first to introduce rationalism to england. ─── 作为启蒙主义时期的代表人物,蒲柏第一个将理性主义引入英国。

57、Thus the problem that ration vary diversely can be solved. ─── 从而解决了在手工核算模式下所不能应付的定额变化频繁的普遍问题。

58、Hegel's law philosophy is a very complex and compound system, which is generally regarded as one thought in the field of rationalism. ─── 对于黑格尔法哲学这样一个异常庞杂的体系,学界一般认为其大体属于理性主义范畴。

59、People's ration of meat limited to a pound of meat per week. ─── 人们的定量供应被限制为一星期一磅肉。

60、The new ration did not start till tomorrow and he had only four cigarettes left. ─── 下一份供应量要到明天才能买,他的烟卷儿可只剩四支啦。

61、It was against the rationalism in the Enlightenment and showed the irrational things in people's souls deeply. ─── 它反对启蒙运动的理性主义,揭示人类心灵深处的非理性力量;

62、In my opinion, we must try to ration gas and electricity. ─── 依我看,我们必须实行煤气、电力的限量配给。

63、The standard ration pack had to be portioned out among fourteen men . ─── 一箱标准的配给食物必须分给14个人。

64、The allotment of ration coupons. ─── 定额配给券的分配

65、There are certain intervals between the ration precalculation,ration compilation,retion publication and ration use. ─── 定额从测算、编制到颁布、使用,总是要相隔一段时间,

66、In nearby Indore the ration is half an hour's supply every seven days. ─── 在邻近的印多尔则每7天才有一次半小时的供水。

67、At the bagel shop I go to, a homeless man calls for his daily free ration every morning. ─── 在我去的那家百吉饼店,一个无家可归的男子正在要他每天一份的免费配餐。

68、The experiment shows that the ration increase systematically with age. ─── 实验表明,比例随着年龄的增长而有规律的增加。

69、Serum ALB,A/G ration and liver NOS activity had not significantly changes among all groups. ─── 各组血清ALB、A/G比值无明显差别。

70、The cross-reactivity ration with similar toxin AFB_2 and AFG_2 was 7.14% and 6.25% respectively. ─── 与类似毒素AFB2、AFG2的交叉反应率分别是7.14%、6.25%;

71、And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grammes a week. ─── 就在昨天,刚宣布供应量要减少到每个星期二十克。

72、No significant difference in BSi extracted has been found for solid-solution ration between 1.25 and 5g/L. ─── 低含量样品测得结果:生物硅百分含量为0.238±0.004%(n=5),相对标准偏差为18.8‰。

73、This paper introduces the principle of non-destructive ration examining device for TCK wire rope. ─── 介绍了TCK型钢丝绳无损定量检测装置的检测原理。

74、One living in the language is just as experiencing Tao and Being in the work without any concept and ration. ─── 人们能够在语言中,如同在出神入化的工作中去体悟道,经验存在。

75、At the convalescent home, Aeron's daily ration of custard, requiring an egg, was regarded as royal fare. ─── 在疗养院里,埃伦每天能吃到一份配给的牛奶旦冻。这种只消一只鸡蛋就能制成的旦冻已被认为是上等点心。

76、Low peak milk production might lack of protein in the ration. ─── 产奶高峰期奶量降低可能是日粮中蛋白质不足。

77、In epistemology and in its broadest sense, rationalism is "any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification" (Lacey, 286). ─── 典型的理性主义者认为,人类首先本能地掌握一些基本原则,如几何法则,随后可以依据这些推理出其余知识。

78、Screen printing is a main process of surface deco- ration for plastic parts in electronic industry. ─── 丝网印刷是电子产品中塑料零件表面装饰的主要工艺之一。

79、The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol( DHCP) was designed to help ration IP addresses. ─── 动态主机配置协议(HCP)被设计帮助分配IP位址。

80、Kant extends this approach to his own philosophical tradition, Rationalism, which he significantly calls ‘dogmatism’, as well as Empiricism, which he calls ‘scepticism’. ─── 康德将这个方法延伸到自己的哲学传统,理性主义,他自己称作“教条主义”,经验主义,他称做“怀疑主义”。

81、But in treating the western values and rationalism, they are significantly different. ─── 但是在对待西方价值观和理性主义的态度上,两者差异显著。

82、This felicitous reconciliation between Cartesian rationalism , a belief in God and the support for empiricism did not survive for long. ─── 这种对笛卡儿式的理性主义(包含上帝的信仰在内)和对经验主义的支持之间的巧妙和解并没有持续多长时间。

83、The precondition of the investigation of ration is introducing into mathematical method. ─── 定量研究的前提是引进数学方法。

84、The strong subjective ideology and rationalism embodied in the ancient Greek myth has profoundly influenced the literature of later ages. ─── 古希腊神话中所体现的强烈的主体意识与理性精神对后世文学产生了极其重要的影响。

85、However, the modern rationalism proposed by Descartes started with a general doubt. ─── 值得一提的是,由笛卡尔所倡导的近代理性哲学以研究知识的可靠性和l必然性为己任,却是从普遍怀疑开始的。

86、The product ration of sodium-copper chlorophyllin was 0. ─── 叶绿素铜钠盐的收率达到0。

87、The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) was designed to help ration IP addresses. ─── 动态主机配置协议(DHCP)被设计帮助分配IP位址。

88、The overdeveloped industrialism also results hi rationalism, which in turn further suppresses the inner Nature of man. ─── 过度发展的工业也导致了理性主义的肆虐,它反过来进一步压抑人的内在天性。

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