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09-08 投稿


whimsically 发音

英:[?w?mz?kli]  美:[?w?mz?k(?)li]

英:  美:

whimsically 中文意思翻译



whimsically 短语词组

1、whimsically amusing crossword ─── 古怪有趣的纵横填字游戏

2、whimsically wed ─── 异想天开的婚礼

3、whimsically mean ─── 古怪的刻薄

4、whimsically volatile ─── 反复无常的

5、whimsically def ─── 异想天开地

6、whimsically amusing ─── 奇思妙想

whimsically 词性/词形变化,whimsically变形

副词: whimsically |

whimsically 相似词语短语

1、inimically ─── adv.抵触地;有敌意地

2、whimsicalness ─── 异想天开

3、chemically ─── adv.用化学;以化学方法

4、whimsical ─── adj.古怪的;异想天开的;反复无常的

5、chimerically ─── 嵌合体

6、whimsicality ─── n.异想天开;反复无常;怪诞的行为或想法

7、ohmically ─── 欧姆

8、mimically ─── 模仿地

9、physically ─── adv.肉体地,身体上地;依据自然规律,按自然法则;根本上

whimsically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I watched him giggle whimsically and throw aggressive fits. ─── 我心情浮动地看他吃吃地笑而且故意拿东西扔他。

2、A touch whimsically, Nim speculated on whether he was falling in love . ─── 尼姆突然异想天开地想到他是否正陷入情网。

3、She smiled at Scarlett, whimsically, as the music ended, making a little moue of apology as she dabbed with her handkerchief. ─── 乐曲终了的时候,她轻轻用手绢拭了拭脸,同时奇怪地向思嘉微微一笑,好像要略表歉意而又不屑于这样做似的。

4、Droll -- amusingly odd or whimsically comical ─── 古怪有趣的;离奇可笑的

5、Now and again a whimsically painted steeple breaks the horizon, its gilded cupola glittering in the bright spring sun. ─── 在地平在线,不时可以看到一座漆着鲜艳色彩的教堂尖塔,镀金的圆顶在明亮的春日下闪闪发光。

6、Virtually her only contact with her friends and with the outside world came to be made through her letters, her very whimsically written letters ─── 与外界和朋友的联系仅仅限于书信来往了

7、's telling me plainly, 'You're not as young as you once were, '" said Anne whimsically. ─── 的告诉我,‘你已经不再年轻了!’” 安妮幽默的说。

8、We whimsically insist that it be pronounced "in-foof" , not "info-of" . ─── 我们坚持将它戏谑地发音为“in-foof”,而不是“info-of”。

9、Seuss said so whimsically: Be who you are and say what you feel.Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter won't mind. ─── Seuss古怪的话:成为你自己,说出你的感觉,不要介意别人会怎么想,也不让别人想的左右你。

10、Bryant, asked daily about last spring's meltdown, suggests, however whimsically, that it had its pluses ("It takes pressure sometimes to make a diamond"). ─── 布莱恩特被问到去年春季的垮台时,提出不管有多奇怪,事情总有好的一面(有时需要有压力才能制造出钻石)

11、They were crocuses, scattered whimsically throughout the front lawn. ─── 是番红花,在屋前草坪上星罗棋布到处都是。

12、But he was able to set up a file for a nonexistent student, whom he whimsically named God. ─── 但是他已经可以建立一个并不存在的学生的文件,他把这个账号搞怪的命名为上帝。

13、The underlying philosophy of this form of contracting has been whimsically described by construction contractors as a matter of "what you bid and what you thought"v."what you did and what you got. ─── 他基本理念,这种形式的合同已经成为所描述的建筑承包商作为一项“你出价的,哪些是你认为”五“你做什么你。

14、Many cosmologists think that, in the extremely young universe, there was a brief period of very rapid expansion (whimsically called inflation). ─── 很多宇宙学家认为宇宙在非常年轻时期有过一段急速的膨胀(被称为暴胀)。

15、Now and again a whimsically painted steeple breaks the horizon, its gilded cupola glittering in the bright spring sun. ─── 在地平在线,不时可以看到一座漆着鲜艳色彩的教堂尖塔,镀金的圆顶在明亮的春日下闪闪发光。

16、Which can prevent layers from stepping into the nest whimsically. ─── 可防止鸡随意进窝。

17、A touch whimsically, Nim speculated on whether he was falling in love . ─── 尼姆突然异想天开地想到他是否正陷入情网。

18、But he was able to set up a file for a nonexistent student, whom he whimsically named God. ─── 但是他已经可以建立一个并不存在的学生的文件,他把这个账号搞怪的命名为上帝。

19、In addition to being whimsically functional, the “Dielectrics” serve to protect the outlets from the suicidally probing fingers of unfortunate small children. ─── 这样的设计除了有很强的实用性外,还具有保护性能,可以避免儿童触电。

20、Amusingly odd or whimsically comical. ─── 滑稽古怪的。

21、He shrugged whimsically, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses. ─── 他滑稽地耸了耸肩,眼镜后面的双眼眯了起来。

22、Amusingly odd or whimsically comical. ─── 古怪有趣的或离奇可笑的

23、It's telling me plainly, 'You're not as young as you once were,'" said Anne whimsically. ─── 安妮幽默的说。

24、Each piece in this stainless steel cutlery set is whimsically fish-shaped, right down to tail, fins, mouth, and eyes. ─── 每一个不锈钢餐具都有奇妙的鱼造型,有鱼尾,鳍,嘴和眼睛。

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