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09-08 投稿



enumerated 发音

英:[??nju?m?re?t?d]  美:[??nu?m?re?t?d]

英:  美:

enumerated 中文意思翻译



enumerated 短语词组

1、enumerated set ─── 枚举集

2、ordered enumerated ─── [计] 有序枚的

3、ordered enumerated type ─── [计] 有序枚举类型

4、enumerated population ─── 经点算的人口

5、enumerated powers ─── 明确列举的权力

6、scalar enumerated type ─── [计] 标量枚举类型

enumerated 词性/词形变化,enumerated变形

动词过去分词: enumerated |名词: enumeration |动词过去式: enumerated |动词现在分词: enumerating |动词第三人称单数: enumerates |形容词: enumerative |

enumerated 相似词语短语

1、inumbrated ─── 淹没的

2、numerates ─── adj.会计算的,识数的;v.读(数);数,列举

3、connumerated ─── 已连接

4、enumerate ─── vt.列举;枚举;计算

5、numerated ─── adj.会计算的,识数的;v.读(数);数,列举

6、numerate ─── adj.会计算的,识数的;v.读(数);数,列举

7、exuberated ─── v.繁茂;充溢(exuberate的过去式及过去分词)

8、enumerates ─── vt.列举;枚举;计算

9、enumerator ─── n.人口普查员,计数员

enumerated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Roger Chillingworth possessed all, or most, of the attributes above enumerated. ─── 上述这些特色,罗杰-齐灵渥斯全部或者大部分具备。

2、Support for enumerated types. ─── 支持枚举类型。

3、She enumerated the items we had to buy. ─── 她列出了我们要买的东西。

4、It was enumerated in fourteen points. ─── 共分十四点。

5、Some typical methods are enumerated such as solvent extraction,microwave and supercritical CO2 fluid extraction.furthermore,the perspective of its utilization is briefly introduced. ─── 列举了溶剂萃取法、微波法和超临界CO2流体萃取等典型的提取精制方法,并简要介绍了辣椒碱的应用前景。

6、A pointer to a buffer that receives the null-terminated class string of the enumerated subkey. This parameter can be NULL. ─── 一个指针,指向接受子键类名(Class String)的缓冲区,包含null(即char(0))作为终止符.参数可以为Null

7、He enumerated to me the advantages of traveling bytrain. ─── 他为我一一列举出火车旅行的好处。

8、She enumerated the items we had to buy sugar, tea, soap, etc. ─── 她列出了我们要购买的东西--糖、 茶叶、 肥皂等。

9、The acts enumerated above are not exhaustive and the Security Council may determine that other acts constitute aggression under the provisions of the Charter. ─── 以上所列举的行为并非是穷举的,安理会可以在联合国宪章规定下决定其他行为可以构成侵略。

10、Typical association rules consider only items enumerated in transactions. Such rules are referred to as positive association rules. ─── 典型的关联规则仅考虑事务中所列举的项目,这样的规则主要是正关联规则。

11、The insurer may reinsure the insurance of the subject matter enumerated in the preceding paragraph. ─── 保险人可以将对前款保险标的的保险进行再保险。

12、He enumerated the capitals of the 50 states. ─── 他列举了50个州的首府。

13、The Commonwealth Constitution Act vests specific or enumerated power in the Commonwealth. ─── 《联邦宪法法》赋予政府以具体、详细的权力。

14、Introducing the pretreatment technics of auto pretected stripe,painting technics and principles,enumerated the application instance on auto pretected stripe painting technics. ─── 介绍了汽车防护条的预处理工艺、涂装工艺及设计原则,列举了防护条涂装工艺的应用实例。

15、There are far more instances than we have just enumerated ─── 例子何止这些。

16、He enumerated the facts to the jury. ─── 他向陪审团列举了事实。

17、Various concrete measures were enumerated in the plan. ─── 计划中列举了各种具体办法。

18、The amounts and kinds of stock that a corporation may issue are enumerated in the company's charter ─── 公司可以发行的股票金额和种类应该列举在公司的章程中。

19、The effective date of withdrawal from the partnership shall be the actual date of occurrence of any of the circumstances enumerated in the previous paragraph. ─── 前款规定的退伙以实际发生之日为退伙生效日。

20、Moreover, this paper also enumerated other problems in gas turbine when burning low heat value gas and proposed feasible solutions. ─── 同时也列举出了燃气轮机燃烧低热值气体所存在的其它问题,并提出了可行性解决方法。

21、Second, because peers were enumerated in a properties file there was a sense of permanence about them. ─── 其次,因为在特性文件中枚举了对等点,看上去它们就好象持久存在了。

22、The teacher enumerated many examples to us for understanding. ─── 为了我们理解,老师列举了很多事例。

23、Thus he avoided the quadruple trap which was set for him in the darkness by the four labyrinths which we have just enumerated. ─── 他就这样避开了黑暗向他伸出的、我们已列举过的四个迷宫给他设下的四个陷阱。

24、An application example is enumerated that the space plane parameters are confirmed based on invariance of cross radio. ─── 列举一个应用实例,利用交比的不变性确定空间平面参数。

25、Enumerated the origins of bionic design from time immemorial beginning, the ancient times, the modern age and the contemporary era. ─── 列举了从远古设计的起源开始,到古代劳动人民在生产工具、建筑、日常用品等方面的仿生艺术设计成就。

26、The XML Forms Generator detects the need for an open selection through the use of a custom ECore annotation on an element or attribute that has an enumerated type. ─── XML Forms Generator通过在具有枚举类型的元素或属性上使用定制的ECore注释,检测对于open选择的需要。

27、ordered enumerated ─── [计] 有序枚的

28、articles enumerated hereunder ─── 下列商品

29、She enumerated the many obstacles she had encountered. ─── 她列举出了她遇到的许多困难。

30、A few typical examples using the general CFD analysis software to design the flow-path of steam turbine are enumerated. ─── 列举CFD通用分析软件应用于汽轮机通流级分析的几个典型算例。

31、ordered enumerated type ─── [计] 有序枚举类型

32、Tetramer-positie (tet+) B cells were enumerated and ealuated for an association of their frequencies with known sensitization. ─── 四聚物阳性(即tet+)的B细胞被借助其显现频率与已知的致敏作用的相互关联而计数和评估。

33、She enumerated the items we had to buy, sugar, tea, soap, etc. ─── 她列出了我们要购买的东西,糖、茶叶、肥皂等.

34、The factors influencing quality of steaming bread are analyzed. The problems often happened during cooking steaming bread are enumerated,and the settlements are suggested. ─── 分析了影响馒头品质的各种因素,列举了馒头制作中经常出现的问题,并提出了相应的解决办法。

35、He enumerated to me the advantages of traveling by train. ─── 他为我一一举出搭火车旅行的好处。

36、A full-screen presentation, the height must equal the height of one of the enumerated display modes found through the ─── 即全屏呈现,则高度必须等于通过

37、The system composition and calculation principle of the calculation software for design of directly buried heat-supply pipeline are introduced,and the calculation examples are enumerated. ─── 介绍了直埋供热管道设计计算软件的系统构成及计算原理,列举了计算实例。

38、Displaying type names is the most basic feature of reflection, but a potentially more useful technique is to inspect or discover the valid values for enumerated types. ─── 反射的最基本功能是显示类型名,但是可能更有用的技术是检查或发现枚举类型的有效值。

39、, Cirsium lidjiangense Petrak ex Hand.-Mazz.The citation of specimens, distribution and distinctness from relative species has been enumerated in this paper. ─── 列出这些种的标本引证、地理分布和近缘种的区别等。

40、A series of new concepts concerning exploration geochemistry put forward by the author and his cooperators since 1980s are enumerated in this paper. ─── 列举了作者及其合作者从80年代以来提出的一系列勘查地球化学新概念。

41、She enumerated the items we had to buy,sugar,tea,soap,etc. ─── 她列出了我们要购买的东西,糖、茶叶、肥皂等。

42、For additional CMIS functionalities have to be carried over to the SNMP environment, the proxy must supply some especial services enumerated by the paper. ─── 为了支持这种映射,本文指出了委托代理必须提供的额外服务,并设计了委托代理进程在信息查询时可以使用的数据结构。

43、He enumerated a number of "dimensions" of pleasure and pain. ─── 他列举了一些快乐和痛苦的“范畴”。

44、If you are trying to explore a kind of effective method, might as well see here enumerated little secret of cookbook thin body. ─── 假如你正在尝试寻求一种有效的方法,不妨看看这里列举的食谱瘦身小秘诀。

45、Knuth first proved that S_n(231) is enumerated by Catalan numbers. ─── 42)和S_n(231,4(?)

46、One of the mouse hit-test enumerated values listed below. ─── 下面列出的鼠标击中测试枚举值之一。

47、For construction or modification of any works enumerated above, a project institutor shall submit detailed plans, drawings, and descriptions for the authority-in-charge’s approval. ─── 前项各款建造物之建造或改造,均应由兴办水利事业人备具详细计画图样及说明书,申请主管机关核准。

48、Therefore, information collection is enumerated as an absolutely necessary working skill now. ─── 因此,如今都把“情报搜集列为“绝对必要的工作技能”。

49、The common methods of reclaiming indium from the byproducts of lead metallurgy and zinc hydrometallurgy are enumerated,and analyzed every method's virtue and shortcoming. ─── 主要列举了从铅冶炼和锌湿法冶炼过程的副产品中回收铟的常用方法,并分析了各种方法的优缺点。

50、a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list. ─── 从一组事物中分离出来单独列举的不同部分。

51、Meta-annotation, you supply it at least one of these enumerated values and indicate which program elements the annotated annotation can target. ─── 元注释时,至少要提供这些枚举值中的一个并指出注释的注释可以应用的程序元素。

52、The Human genome Project last summer enumerated 3 billion letters of the human genome, a gold mine of raw data for countless medical breakthroughs ─── 去年夏天人类基因组计划(HGP)计算出人类基因组有30亿个字母,这些基本资料对无数医学突破简直就是一座金矿。

53、Second place is enumerated these oneself advantage as it happens and foreign enterprise secretary be identical of bearing of demand of this one post. ─── 乙所列举的这些自身优势正好与外企秘书这一岗位要求相吻合。

54、The methods for checkiug lignin biogradation have enumerated. ─── 列出了生物降解木素的监测方法;

55、They enumerated various reasons against my decision as well as various possible mishaps, advising me in the end to reconsider the matter. ─── 他们说了种种理由,预想了种种可能的障害,结末说,还是再考虑一下的好。

56、Then the applications of waterjet propulsion in modern ships are enumerated. ─── 列举了喷水推进在现代各国舰船上的应用;

57、Typical association rules consider only items enumerated in transactions, referred to as positive association rules. ─── 典型的正关联规则仅考虑事务中所列举的项目。

58、Of the kinds of words we have enumerated it may be observed that compounds are most in place in the dithyramb, strange words in heroic, and metaphors in iambic poetry. ─── 在上面所列举的词的种类中,我们可以看到复合词最常出现在酒神颂里,外来词最常出现在英雄诗里,隐喻最常出现在抑扬格诗歌里。

59、The powers of the Congress are specifically enumerated in the Constitution and include, among other things, the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, and tariffs.U.S.Const. art. ─── 国会的权力在宪法中被明确列举,并且还包括其他,如:规定并收取税金、关税、税则。

60、scalar enumerated type ─── [计] 标量枚举类型

61、Have enumerated the question that should pay attention to in the structure and design and construction of the energy-conserving wall where the common warm - keeping insulates against heat. ─── 列举了常见的保温隔热的节能墙体的构造和设计施工中要注意的问题。

62、He enumerated all his reasons. ─── 他列举了全部理由。

63、On view of demand of element to barriers,several element barriers produced by wet-laying process and serial elements were enumerated in the paper. ─── 从电池对隔膜要求的角度,列举了几种湿法工艺生产的电池隔膜及其所配套的电池;

64、Copyright administrative authorities under the local governments shall be empowered to redress the infringements against copyright enumerated in Article 46 of the Law. ─── 地方人民政府著作权行政管理部门负责查处本地区发生的著作权法第四十六条所列的侵权行为。

65、Any leading or trailing spaces around integer, Boolean, or enumerated values are ignored, even if enclosed in quotes. ─── 即使将整数、布尔值或枚举值用引号括起来,其周围的任何前导或尾随空格也将被忽略。

66、Represents a hierarchical collection that can be enumerated with an IEnumerator interface. Collections that implement the IHierarchicalEnumerable interface are used by ASP.NET site navigation and data source controls. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

67、Is one of these enumerated values, and indicates which portion of a month calendar is under a specified point. ─── 成员是这些枚举值之一,并且指示月历的哪个部分在指定点之下。

68、The article discussed the principle of clinical trial of traditional Chinese ophthalmology,enumerated the problems,and gave the methods to solve the problems. ─── 作者针对中医眼科概述了临床试验的原则,提出了目前存在的问题,探讨了解决方法。

69、Among the above enumerated , lubricating oil series products especially for Steyr vehicles are certified by the technology development center of China Heavy Duty Vehicle Co. ─── 其中斯太尔汽车专用润滑油系列产品通过中国重型汽车集团有限公司技术发展中心认证;

70、The four properties just enumerated are of fundamental importance. ─── 刚才列举的四个性质是非常重要的。

71、The reasons for this problem, if the possible ones are enumerated /exemplied/illustrated/instanced/recited one by one /one after another, may be numerous /innumerable/countless/. ─── 中文:至于这个问题的原因,如果把可能的原因都一一数出来的话,可能是数不清的。

72、The basic concept of using enumerated types is simple. ─── 使用枚举类型的基本概念很简单。

73、Selvage design method and side warp drafting &reed-in methods of several fabric normal selvage are enumerated. ─── 列举了几种织物常用布边的设计方法及边经穿综、入筘方法。

74、Second, because peers were enumerated in a properties file there was a sense of permanence about them. ─── 其次,因为在特性文件中枚举了对等点,看上去它们就好象持久存在了。

75、Meta-annotation type takes as its single argument one of the enumerated values you see in Listing 11. ─── 元注释类型使用清单11所示的枚举值中的一个作为惟一的参数。

76、He enumerated the advantages of air travel. ─── 他一一举出搭飞机旅行的好处。

77、color combinations with signs, combinations of colours, and combinations of any of the enumerated sings. ─── 带有标记的色彩组合,不同色彩组合,或多个标记组合。

78、Such a type is called an enumerated type, and the values it contains are called enumerations. ─── 这样一个类型被称为枚举类型,它所包含的值被称为枚举值。

79、The usage and performance of some products were also enumerated. ─── 列举了一些生产厂家的产品用途和性能特点。

80、it is enumerated that ─── adv. 列举(有人列举)

81、Within Web test cases, transactions only encapsulate actions into a group that can later be enumerated using code. ─── 在Web测试用例中,事务仅将操作封装到稍后可以使用代码枚举的组中。

82、She enumerated the main points. ─── 她列出了要点。

83、VDMDBG the function provided a good way enumerated in VDM, the creation and termination of 16 process (task). ─── VDMDBG 中的函数提供了很好的方式在 VDM 中枚举、创建和终止 16位进程(任务)。

84、The paper enumerated some representative definition of guild at home and abroad,expatiated the understanding to guild and discussed the legal nature of guild. ─── 列举了国内外对行业协会的有代表性的定义,阐述了对行业协会的理解,并对行业协会的法律性质进行探讨。

85、In this paper, some applications in military field are enumerated, and some questions of design are brought up. ─── 列举了复合材料在军事领域的一些应用,并指出军用复合材料设计中的一些问题。

86、Some new methods are also proposed which enumerated as follows:1) Twi-layer PCS network based on LONWORKS established, effectively reducing cost; ─── 基于LONWORKS的FCS两层网络的设计思想,更有效的利用资源,降低了成本;

87、a distinct part that can be specified separately in a group of things that could be enumerated on a list ─── 从一组事物中分离出来单独列举的不同部分

88、The main functions of BWDB have been further enumerated under the Bangladesh Water Development Board Act (2000) ─── BWDB的主要职能在孟加拉国《水资源开发理事会法案》(2000年)

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