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schoolmaster 发音

英:['sku?lmɑ?st?]  美:['skulm?st?]

英:  美:

schoolmaster 中文意思翻译



schoolmaster 网络释义

n. 男校长;教导者;男教师

schoolmaster 同义词

teacher | headmaster | master

schoolmaster 词性/词形变化,schoolmaster变形

形容词: schoolmasterish |

schoolmaster 反义词


schoolmaster 短语词组

1、schoolmaster def ─── 校长定义

2、schoolmaster pan american ─── 泛美校长

3、schoolmaster bk bk ─── 校长

4、schoolmaster fwc ─── 校长fwc

5、schoolmaster desk ─── 校长办公桌

6、schoolmaster kjv kjv ─── 校长

7、schoolmaster login ─── 校长登录

schoolmaster 相似词语短语

1、choirmaster ─── n.唱诗班指挥

2、schoolmasterish ─── 学究式的

3、to schoolmaster ─── 致校长

4、schoolmasters ─── n.男校长;教导者;男教师

5、schoolmastering ─── 学校管理

6、schoolmastered ─── 学校掌握

7、schoolmasterly ─── 学究

8、schoolmate ─── n.同学;同窗

9、schoolmates ─── n.同学;同窗

schoolmaster 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the second stage, school management mainly depends on a set of perfect system and mechanism, which enables the smooth operation of the school during the schoolmaster’s absence. ─── 学校的发展,尤其是学校可持续的发展,不仅要有办学条件与师资队伍的保障,更要有科学的管理制度与机制的保障。

2、A schoolmaster, finding such errors in a schoolboy's essay, would be justly indignant. ─── 小学老师在学生的作文里发现这样的错误一定会生气,而生气不是没有道理的。

3、The schoolmaster looked earnestly at her as she spoke, laid aside his pipe, and rose up directly. ─── 她说话的时候,教师诚恳地注视着她,然后把烟斗放在一边,立即站了起来。

4、"There's a small allowance of money," said the schoolmaster. ─── “还有小额的薪水呢,”教师说道。

5、“The schoolmaster was twitted about the lady who threw him over” (J.M. Barrie). ─── “校长因被那位女士抛弃的事而受人嘲笑”(J.M.巴里)。

6、So heedful a writer as Henry James, for instance, on occasion wrote so ungrammatically that a schoolmaster, finding such errors in a schoolboy's essay, would be justly indignant. ─── 就拿亨利·詹姆士来说吧,连他这样细心的作家写的东西,有时也不合语法。要是小学老师在学生的作文里发现那样的错误也会生气,而生气是完全应该的。

7、A good mother is worth a hundred of schoolmaster. ─── 一位好母亲顶得上一百位老师。

8、In Oct.1998, schoolmasters of the Mingde Senior Middle-school, Mingde Junior Middle-school, Mingde Primary School and the honorary schoolmaster reported school work to Dr. Yuan Jialiu. ─── 1998年10月,明德高中、初中、小学校长及名誉校长向袁家骝博士汇报学校工作。

9、To villages where he found no schoolmaster, he quoted once more the people of Queyras: "Do you know how they manage?" he said. ─── 在那些没有教师的村子里,他又谈到格拉谷的居民了: “你们知道他们怎么办?”

10、"You have been walking a long way," said the schoolmaster. ─── “你们一定走了很长的一段路了,”教师说。

11、She is a beautiful and young headmistress who devotes herself to all the students. If it were you, would you like to become the “ Schoolmaster of village”? ─── 一个美丽年轻的女校长,一心一意为了学生,如果是你,你愿意成为“乡村校长”吗?

12、The schoolmaster sat in his homely dwelling attached to the school. ─── 学校的教师坐在和校舍相连的朴素住宅里。

13、Children are afraid of the austerity of their schoolmaster. ─── 孩子们都害怕校长的严厉。

14、There's a small allowance of money , " said the schoolmaster. " ─── “还有小额的薪水呢,”教师说道。

15、At the end of every term a schoolmaster reports on each of his pupils. ─── 每学期结束时,教员都要报告每位学生的情况。

16、The new schoolmaster has some build! ─── 新来的校长体形还挺不错呢!

17、VACATION was approaching. The schoolmaster, always severe, grew severer and more exacting than ever, for he wanted the school to make a good showing on "Examination" day. ─── 暑假即将来临,向来就严厉的老师现在变得比以往任何时候都更加严厉、越发苛刻了,他目的是要全体同学在考试的那一天好好表现一番。

18、English: Adversity is a good [great] schoolmaster. ─── 中文:困境是最好的磨练。

19、American schoolmaster's lack of originality showed patently in their inability to find new methods of presentation or new reading selections. ─── 从美国教师没有能力寻找新的陈述方法和阅读材料可以看出他们在创新方面的欠缺。

20、He rushed into the schoolmaster's cottage, calling her name. ─── 他冲到教师的住处,喊着她的名字。

21、The meeting was chaired by schoolmaster Mr White. ─── 会议由校长怀特先生主持。

22、He declared that the future lies in the hand of the schoolmaster, and busied himself with educational questions. ─── 他说未来是在小学教师的手里,他关心教育问题。

23、He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of a schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil: 'How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?' ─── 他停了下来,又恢复了一种教训聪颖儿童的教师神情:“温斯顿,一个人是怎样对另外一个人发挥权力的?”

24、The students who live near school go home by themselves,but all act as" bodyguard" from schoolmaster to the school cleaners,convoying their students 200 meters from school each time. ─── 有的学校除了教师家访外,还每个月送给每位家长一张学生综合情况联系卡,让家长随时掌握孩子在校的各方面情况;

25、4. As the schoolmaster had already left his bed and gone out, she bestirred herself to make it neat and comfortable. ─── 因为教师早已起身出门去了,她便自告奋勇地把里面打扫得干干净净、舒舒服服。

26、The village is said to have at least 12 spectres , including a highwayman , a phantom monk, the hanging body of a schoolmaster and a poltergeist in the local pub. ─── 据称,该村庄至少有12个“鬼”,其中包括一个路盗,一个幽灵修道士,一具校长的半悬尸体,以及一个在当地一家酒吧出没的吵闹鬼。

27、Schoolmaster snappers hover near a support for the Aquarius underwater research station at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. ─── 可耻的真鲷徘徊接近在一个为提供叫水瓶座水下实验室位于佛罗里达要害的国家海洋避难所。

28、Respect Individual Requirements of Schoolmaster and Explore New Way of Training and Management ─── 尊重校长个性化需求探索培训管理新思路

29、He is the schoolmaster who caused a scandal by what he said in the letter he wrote to the Times. ─── 他就是那个因在写给《泰晤士报》的信中所说的事情而引起公愤的校长。

30、The darling of his desires was to be a doctor, but poverty had decreed that he should be nothing higher than a village schoolmaster. ─── 他最热衷的愿望就是想当一个医生,可是贫穷注定了他的命运,使他只当了一个村镇上的小学校长,无法升迁。

31、His father, a schoolmaster, was his earliest music teacher. ─── 他的父亲是一位学校教师,是他最早的音乐启蒙教师。

32、But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. ─── 25但这因信得救的理,既然来到,我们从此就不在师傅的手下了。

33、Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. ─── 24这样律法是我们训蒙的师傅,引我们到基督那里,使我们因信称义。

34、Our govermant allocated very little money to the education and spend much money on the administration expense, this is the reason for that female schoolmaster! ─── 我们的政府只给教育一点点钱,而花费巨资进行行政消费,这才是女校长收废品的原因!

35、So schoolmaster asked her to charge for graduation two months later. ─── 因此,校长吩咐她负责组织两个月后的毕业典礼。

36、Yesterday when the schoolmaster was dying, he told me that the wolf actually was him.Untill then I knew that he eating children was following thing. ─── 昨天小学校长在弥留之际,才告诉我,当初那匹狼是他变的。我才明白,他吃孩子是后来的事。

37、He was Rolland Hill, a schoolmaster in England. ─── 他就是Rolland Hill,英格兰一年学校的校长。

38、A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmaster. ─── 一位好母亲抵得上一百个教师。

39、The schoolmaster heard her with astonishment ─── 教师惊诧地听着她讲。

40、Now shall my friend Petruchio do me grace, And offer me disguis'd in sober robes To old Baptista as a schoolmaster Well seen in music, to instruct Bianca; ─── 我想换上一身朴素的服装,扮成一个教书先生的样子,请你把我举荐给巴普提斯塔,就说我精通音律,可以做比恩卡的教师。

41、That's why a good schoolmaster is sought after and attempts have been made to in nurturing good schoolmasters. ─── 于是人们在期盼着好校长,寻觅着好校长,并且尝试着运用各种方法试图培养好校长。

42、The parents don't like the way the schoolmaster barks at the pupils so ferociously . ─── 家长们不喜欢校长那样恶狠狠地对着学生们吼叫。

43、But the ability and consciousness of the schoolmaster is far from being enough. ─── 以规范为基础的管理,依靠的是体制、机制与制度的力量。

44、"The schoolmaster was twitted about the lady who threw him over" (J.M. Barrie). ─── “校长因被那位女士抛弃的事而受人嘲笑” (J.M.巴里)。

45、Research on the Teaching Reform of City Schoolmaster Training--On the Function of the Course-completion Paper to Guarantee the Quality of Schoolmaster Training ─── 市级中学校长培训教学改革之研究--谈结业论文的撰写对保证校长培训质量的作用

46、To underline a poem word by word is the work of misguided schoolmaster. ─── 在诗句下面逐字画线,那是拙劣的教师才干的事儿。

47、The poor schoolmaster made her no answer, but bent over her in silence; for his heart was full. ─── 可怜的教师没有回答她,只是沉默地伏在她身上,因为他心里充满了悲伤。

48、Wells, a shy Eton schoolmaster who, besides teaching classics, had two passions: cricket and fishing.Over a long career he twice bowled out W. ─── 威尔斯,伊顿中学一个教员同时也教授古典文学的内向男子,有两项小嗜好:板球和垂钓,在漫长的生涯中,他两次打破W.

49、As monastic property, Durham College surrendered to Henry VIII, who planned to re-found it with provost, 4 readers, 9 scholars, 10 divinity students at Oxford and 10 at Cambridge, schoolmaster and usher. ─── 后来,作为寺院的财产,达勒姆学院又被亨利八世没收;他打算对学校进行重建,配备1名院长,4名讲师,9名学者,牛津和剑桥的神学院学生各lo名,还有1名教师和1名助教。

50、And the stories of schoolmaster Owen also encourage me a lot . ─── 三年光阴似箭,转眼到了毕业之际。

51、The schoolmaster or major administrative person-in-charge shall independently exercise the educational, teaching and administrative management powers. ─── 中外合作办学机构的校长或者主要行政负责人依法独立行使教育教学和行政管理职权。

52、They are so shorthanded in the school that the schoolmaster has to wear two hats. ─── 学校缺少人手,校长只好身兼两职。

53、Schoolmaster Ni Huanchih ─── 倪焕之

54、He was village schoolmaster for several years. ─── 他当了好几年的乡村小学的校长。

55、We are afraid of the austerity of our schoolmaster. ─── 我们都害怕校长的严厉。

56、The schoolmaster met us and led us round the campus. ─── 校长接待了我们,带我们在校园里转了转。

57、The retrospection and analyse of the training of schoolmaster ─── 中小学校长培训课程的回顾与分析

58、A-is a great schoolmaster. ─── [谚]逆境是锻炼人的最好场所。

59、When the dance was over, Ichabod, the schoolmaster, found a group of old people sitting at a corner, talking in low voices under a dim lamp light. ─── 当舞会结束时,伊卡伯这位小学教师发现一群老人围坐一角,在昏暗的灯光下低声交谈著。

60、Judging from the management practice of elementary and secondary schools in China, a schoolmaster is important. ─── 从我国中小学管理实践来看,校长是重要的,然而,仅仅依靠校长的能力与良知是远远不够的。

61、There is a chasm between the professor and the schoolmaster. ─── 教授和校长之间出现了分歧。

62、The poor schoolmaster made her no answer, but bent over her in silence; for his heart was full. ─── 可怜的教师没有回答她,只是沉默地伏在她身上,因为他心里充满了悲伤。

63、Several students burst into the schoolmaster's office just as he was about to leave. ─── 校长正要离开时,几个学生闯进了他的办公室。

64、While I was wondering at this ,our schoolmaster took his place .“ Children , ” he said , “this is the last time that I shall give you a lesson . ─── 我正感到疑惑时,老师走到讲台,他说:“孩子们,这是我最后一次给你们上课了。

65、The darling of his desires was to be a doctor, but poverty had decreed that he should be nothing higher than a village schoolmaster. ─── 他最热衷的愿望就是想当一个医生,可是贫穷注定了他的命运,使他只当了一个村镇上的小学校长,无法升迁。

66、When he was barely in his teens, the village schoolmaster tasked him with writing a speech to mark Israel's independence day. ─── 当他为数众多的听众为民族主义颂词拍掌叫好,但却无视他晚年更加微妙和形而上学的词句时,他时而会苛责他们。

67、Composedly smoking, he leaned an elbow on the chimney-piece, at the side of the fire, and looked at the schoolmaster. ─── 他悠然自得地抽着烟,一只手肘支撑在壁炉架上,立在壁炉的一边,眼睛望着这位教师。

68、But, talk about myself, I won't be a village schoolmaster. ─── 但是,说到我自己,我不会成为一名乡村校长。

69、The program of building up a schoolmaster contingent has always been art educational topic attracting world-wide attention. ─── 摘要中小学校长队伍建设问题历来就是一个令世人关注的教育命题。

70、"You have been walking a long way," said the schoolmaster . ─── “你们一定走了很长的一段路了,”教师说。

71、Ascham, in "The Schoolmaster", tells a touching story of his last visit to Lady Jane Grey. ─── 另一个是乞丐,他每晚梦见自己成了一个王子,住进了王宫。

72、But not long before he died, he wrote to a friend: “Only a few weeks ago, I realized suddenly that I had at last forgiven the cruel schoolmaster who so darkened my childhood. ─── 在他去世前不久,他写信给朋友说:“就在几周前,我突然意识到,对于那位曾经让我的童年充满黑暗的老师,我终于能宽恕他了。

73、It's said that our schoolmaster would go aboard to visit a middle school in the USA. ─── 据说校长要出国去美国的一所中学访问。

74、"Depend upon it, there is some joke in this, some mystification," said the old cobbler, who knew more than the schoolmaster and the parson. ─── “瞧吧,这里面肯定有名堂,”皮匠说道。 他比小学校长和牧师都懂得多。

75、His teaching career began as a village schoolmaster. ─── 他的教师生涯是从一名乡村小学教师开始的。

76、Principals with high quality urgently needed --Report on an investigation of the schoolmaster in middle schools of Nanchang ─── 努力建设一支高素质的校长队伍--南昌市中学校长素质抽样调查情况分析及思考

77、The new schoolmaster was shocked at the slack discipline in the school. ─── 新校长对于学校松懈的纪律感到震惊。

78、The student that was praised by the schoolmaster is the monitor who is very modest and works very hard. ─── 受到校长表扬的学生是位谦虚好学的班长。

79、What he shows through his Schoolmaster is that a rational and secular value system of the kind proposed by Monod is delusion that may crumble as soon as it is subjected to stress. ─── 他通过笔下的那位校长告诉我们,莫诺所倡导的那种理性的、世俗的价值体系,只不过是一场幻觉,一旦遇到压力便会破灭,化为乌有。

80、The meeting was chaired by schoolmaster Mr White. ─── 会议由校长怀特先生主持。

81、The schoolmaster is abroad. ─── 教育普及了。

82、Hello!I am the schoolmaster of Chun Lei Bilingual Art Kindergarten. We are very glad to see your smiles behind our true hearts. ─── 您好!我是春蕾的园长,我们会用真心换取每个家庭的微笑!

83、I really admire the female schoolmaster and appreciate her actions, but the act itself should not be recommended. ─── 我很钦佩这位女校长,也欣赏她的作为,但是行为本身并不值得推荐。

84、schoolmaster [primary or elementary school] ─── 小学校长

85、"Old in adversity and trial, sir," replied the schoolmaster ─── “她受的磨难和挫折倒不少了,阁下,”教师答道。

86、The schoolmaster told us that there was to be a flower show for the school children this year, and that an old gentleman would give prizes to the best arranged wild flowers. ─── 校长告诉我们,今年将为学校的孩子们举办一场花展,一位老先生将为精心布置的野花颁奖。

87、It's not easy indeed to work well as a schoolmaster ─── 当好校长真不容易

88、The darling of his desires was, to be a doctor, but poverty had decreed that he should be nothing higher than a village schoolmaster. ─── 他最热衷于当医生,可是贫穷却注定了他当不了别的美差,只能做一名乡村教师。

89、A column of schoolmaster snappers hovers near a support beam for the Aquarius research station near Florida Conch Reef. ─── 佛罗里达州海螺大堡礁附近的水族研究工作站成立于1993年,在其水下支撑梁旁边,一排笛鲷靠着柱子游来游去。

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