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sane 发音

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sane 中文意思翻译




sane 网络释义

adj. 健全的;理智的;[临床] 神志正常的n. (Sane)人名;(日)实(姓);(日)实(名);(芬、塞、冈、几比、塞内)萨内

sane 同义词

compos mentis | wise | healthy | lucid | sensible | realistic | stable | commonsensical |rational | practical | well-balanced | sound | logical | reasonable

sane 短语词组

1、we all sane ─── 我们都很理智

2、de la sane ─── 德拉萨内

3、non-sane memory ─── [法] 不健全的记忆力

4、ln sane ─── 神智正常

5、sane policy ─── [法] 稳健的政策

6、in sane adj. ─── 疯癫的,精神失常的;蠢极的,荒唐的

7、sane memory ─── [法] 健全的记忆

8、imperfectly sane ─── 神智不全

9、half-sane half-insane offender ─── [法] 半疯颠罪犯

10、sane person ─── [法] 神智清楚的人

sane 反义词


sane 词性/词形变化,sane变形


sane 相似词语短语

1、saine ─── n.(Saine)人名;(芬、瑞典)赛内

2、Zane ─── n.赞恩(John的异体)

3、Dane ─── n.丹麦人;戴恩(男子名)

4、saner ─── adj.健全的;理智的;神志正常的(sane的比较级);n.(Saner)(美、瑞士、土、英、印、阿根廷)萨纳(人名)

5、Jane ─── n.简(女子名)

6、Lane ─── n.小巷;[航][水运]航线;车道;罚球区;n.(Lane)人名;(英、俄)莱恩;(老)兰;(德、法、意、葡、塞、瑞典)拉内;n.兵线(游戏术语)

7、Vane ─── n.叶片;[气象]风向标;风信旗;n.(Vane)人名;(老)万;(塞、芬)瓦内;(英)文;(西)巴内

8、-ane ─── adj.一个的;仅有的,唯一的(等于one);det.(用于强调某人做某事)一个(等于one);pron.一,一个;那个人;那种人;任何人(等于one);n.一美元纸币(等于one);abbr.噪音环境(acousticnoiseenvironment);n.(Ane)(丹、挪、美、西、巴)阿尼(人名)

9、Tane ─── n.(Tane)人名;(罗、塞)塔内

sane 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The sane and conservative way in which Dr. Brown presented his case delighted the philanth-ropic heart of the Chandlers. ─── 布朗博士这种明智的、稳健的提出要求的方式使钱得勒夫妇的慈善的心情大为高兴。

2、Life I urance Benefit is not payable if the i ured person commits suicide within the first policy year, whether sane or i ane. ─── 在保单生效一年内,不论在神志清醒或不清醒的情况下自杀身亡,将不获身故赔偿。

3、Any people with sane brains will not put such malicious rubbish; especially, they should not evilly assault Chinese people and China. ─── 任何有健全脑子的人都不会放出这些恶毒的废话;他们更不应该邪恶地攻击中国以及中国人民。

4、I alone was sane, I thought, in a world of crazy people. ─── 我以为在这个狂人的世界中我是惟一清醒的。

5、Sometimes, the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy! ─── 人生就是一连串的被迫,幸好我们可以选择放弃。

6、I quite appreciate it! It's sane! I would follow it and strive for a prosperous future.Thank you! ─── 天空没有翅膀的痕迹,但我已飞过,相信自己,你的努力不会白费。。。。。。。。

7、Any sane man would turn around, return to the world he knows, forget what he has learned, and live his life in blissful ignorance. ─── 任何正常人都会回头,回到他熟悉的世界,忘掉他的发现,生活在幸福的无知之中。

8、He was perfectly sane when he committed the crime. ─── 他犯罪时,神志十分清醒。

9、I would kept silence with this thing if I had sane at that time. ─── 如果当时我有点理智的话,我就会对这事保持沉默。

10、Even if we could build a”perfect man”from scratchhe would still have flaws.You must embrace this fact if you wish to stay sane. ─── 就算我们真的可以重新打造一个“完美男人”,他还是会有缺点。如果你还有理智,就承认现实吧。

11、They met sane native americans. ─── 他们见到了一些美国印第安人。

12、She have a sane attitude towards diving and never go too fast. ─── 她对於跳水的态度很明智,从不操之过急。

13、By lack of understanding they remained sane. ─── 他们不具备理解力,于是他们心安理得。

14、They will keep one another sane for the first chaotic year. ─── 她们将在这忙乱的第一年使彼此保持明智。

15、It's hard to stay sane under such awful pressure. ─── 处于这种可怕的压力之下,不疯才怪呢。

16、Jim is not mad; he is as sane as any other normal person. ─── 吉姆没有疯, 他的神智跟任何其他正常人一样清醒。

17、If we're sane, we should be aware that nothing is flawless. ─── 如果我们够理智的话,我们就应该知道没什么东西是完美的。

18、When trained motivationally, sane high rank drive dogs can be real stars in many types of work. ─── 以激励的方式受训,健全的高等级序列驱力的犬会在许多工作领域成为真正的明星。

19、He was so crazy that he corrupted sane men. ─── 他那股疯狂劲把正常人都搞糊涂了。

20、He who keeps his vision sane and clear will have always this sense of wonder, and therefore has no need to distort the truth in order to make it seem wonderful. ─── 宇宙之生灭甚奇,人情之变幻甚奇,文句之出没甚奇,诚而取之,自成奇文,无所用于怪妄乖诡也。

21、God to be God must, in sober and sane reality, be the absolute and infinite totality of all existence, both negative and positive. ─── 在清醒理智的现实中,要成为上帝,那它必须是包含了所有存在的绝对而无限的整体,兼具阴阳两性。

22、In a sane world, the threat could wither and the promise could blood. ─── 在一个精神健全的世界中,威胁可以使之衰弱,而希望将会得到繁胜。

23、And positive and sane finance, financial policy pursued in earlier stage have not played due amazing consumption, spured the function of economic development yet. ─── 且前期推行的积极稳健的财政、金融政策还没有起到应有的刺激消费、拉动经济发展的作用。

24、In those days neither did a sane, reasonable man give thought to sharing his wealth, or even consider the plight of the poorer classes. ─── “在那时,没有一个健全的、理智的人考虑过将他的财富与别人分享,甚至也没有考虑过贫困阶级的境遇。

25、Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation. Ecology and politics and equality and sane living. ─── 任何我们需要的知识都可以在哪儿找到,从黄金定律---己所不欲、勿施于人,到真爱、卫生、生态、政治、平权和理智的生活,无一不备。

26、She seemed a sane, well-balanced sort of person. ─── 她看来是那种明智稳健的人。

27、Odious and unspeakable as all this would be if she were sane and conscious. ─── 倘若娜塔丽这时是神志清醒的,那么这一切就会令人作呕,不可名状的。

28、People once believed that sane women were withches in league with the devil. ─── 人们曾经相信一些妇女是与魔鬼串通一气的巫婆。

29、In the meantime he was occupied by another idea, which he prided himself upon as being a particularly sane, careful, and modest idea. ─── 他还有另一个想法。他为那想法的清醒、审慎、谦逊而得意。

30、Of course our sane resolve to avoid the horrors of some divorces and some stepfamilies was essential. ─── 为了避免某些离婚和再婚家庭的麻烦,我们的理智决断当然是必不可缺的。

31、Many times people really need to consider things with sane. ─── 人很多时候确实很需要理智的去考虑问题。

32、Cuius rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet. ─── 广义还不会,量子力学也不会。好像总是在考试前发现还有不会的。哎。。。。。。5#仁者无敌

33、She has a sane attitude towards diving and never goes too fast. ─── 她对於跳水的态度很明智,从不操之过急。

34、After four months the medical director of the sanatorium declared her sane and responsible , and she was released. ─── 四个月之后,疗养院的主任医师宣布她神志正常,能辨明是非,于是她获释出院。

35、It must have healthy profits and sane risk and pay policies. ─── 它必须拥有正常的(充足的)利润、合理的风险和工资政策。

36、In this case, we're talking about a law firm, a business in which clients look for good judgment, sound and sane counsel. ─── 在这里,我们谈论的是一间律师事务所,是一门客人来寻找律师寻求合理判决河良好健全的律师的生意。

37、In view of this, we must pay attention to the regional relationship between building and its location in a calm and sane attitude. ─── 在这样的背景下,我们必须以冷静、理智的态度重新关注建筑与所在地区的地域性关联。

38、He looked like a young businessman trying to make his way in the world, someone who wanted to show everyone that he was very, very sane. ─── 他看起来就像一个年轻的商人正准备踏入这个世界的舞台,他想要全世界都看到他是多么的正常。

39、He seemed, as usual, to be most convincingly sane. ─── 他似乎还同平时一样,心里是十分清醒的。

40、She has a sane attitude toward diving and never goes too fast. ─── 她对于跳水的态度很明智,从不操之过急。

41、It is wiser being good than bad; It is safer being meek than fierce; It is fitter being sane than mad. ─── 好的比坏的明智,温和比凶残安全,理智比疯狂合适。

42、If you TRULY love each other, you must die together in the end. Frozen outside instead of finding shelter like sane people. Just frozen.... ─── 如果你真心喜欢对方,你们会死在一起,情愿在外面冻死也不会找个地方取暖....只是冻着.

43、But she doesn't take her self too seriously: At the beginning of a phone interview she quips, "I hope I can be civil and sane. ─── 但是她却从未自视清高。在一次电话采访之初,她便托辞说:”我希望自己是一个文明开化而心智健全的人。”

44、A man should know the furthest bound of his understanding. He is sane to know that to be beyond the bound is fathomless. This is furthest bound of human knowledge. ─── 一个人知道自己了解力的极限范围,知道超出这个范围就无法理解是理智的。这个极限也就是人类知识的极限。已而为知者,殆而已矣!

45、Some of the inmates have written of those memories of which sane men cannot conceive. ─── 在集中营呆过的一些人曾写过许多回忆录,回忆录中提到的事是一般正常的人难以想像的。

46、Any sane youth would have rejected his perverted notion of patriotism. ─── 任何理智的年轻人都不会接受他那扭曲的爱国主义观念。

47、She summed up that sane consistent something existing in nine out of ten of the people Shelton knew. ─── 她总括了谢尔顿所认识的十居八九的人们中那种稳健的言行一致。

48、She believed that the springs of action, as Lowes Dickinson once said, lie deep in ignorance and madness. She wished to cultivate her understanding and to be sane. ─── 她相信,这种行为动机,正如洛斯·迪肯森曾说过的那样,全在于无知和疯狂。她希望养成自己的判断力,保持清醒的头脑。

49、His face was the gargoyle of the devil, it was not human, it was not sane. ─── 他的脸简直就像魔鬼模样的屋檐滴水嘴。

50、Nico pulled them into a world of cannibalism and horrifying tales that would disturb the mind of any sane individual. ─── Nico把他们带到了一个足以让神智正常的人不安的充满食人和令人恐惧的故事的世界。

51、As any sane man would do, I began purging their ranks. ─── 就如任何正常人会做的一样,我开始清洗邪恶。

52、The hostess sent down to the kitchen for sane cube sugar. ─── 他要求再给他一些胶水。

53、The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation, ecology, and politics and the sane living. ─── 处事的金科玉律、爱、卫生常识、生态学、政治学,还有健康的生活。

54、The enormity of his offence made it probable that the man was not sane. ─── 他攻击的凶残使得这男人有可能是神智不正常的。

55、Would any sane person choose to cross the ocean in a boat barely capable of floating upon the sea? ─── 任何心智健全的人会选择一条无能于泛波凌涛漏船横渡大洋吗?

56、For the first time she wondered whether he was perfectly sane . ─── 她第一次想到他的想法也许完全是合情合理的。

57、But at sane point you've got to take that leap of faith. ─── 但到了某一时刻,你必须根据自己的信念跳一步,迅速地作出决定才行。

58、Sane voices in India are few. ─── 在印度,理智的声音很少。

59、Ahh, who wants to be safe? -Yeah! And who wants to be sane? -Just a minute, kids, and we'll all play some nice games! ─── 啊,谁稀罕安全?-耶!谁稀罕理智?-等一下,孩子们,我们可以一起来玩好玩的游戏!

60、Chernovetsky said that he does loopy things to prove that he is sane. ─── 他说,他的怪异举止正是为了证明他的不怪异。

61、It is not easy to deal with a country whose leader is, at best, only sane on alternate days. ─── 在一个领导人最多隔天才神智正常的国家,做生意并不容易。

62、He was quite sane, yet he hated those men at mealtime. ─── 他的神志非常清醒,可是,每逢吃饭的时候,他免不了要恨这些人。

63、he come across as a sane, rational person? ─── 他看上去是不是一个头脑清醒而理智的人?

64、Instead of running from the pain, like a sane person would do, you step into it. ─── 你要迎着痛苦而上,而不是像有理智的人那样躲避。

65、And when you live in complete acceptance of what is - which is the only sane way to live - there is no "good" or "bad" in your life anymore. ─── 当你完全接受”是怎样”之后--这也是唯一清醒地生活方式--那么在你的生活中就没有“好”、“坏”。

66、He thought of his mother, dead of the pox, of his brothers killed in the street as children by noblemen passing on horses, of his sister, in the asylum, never to be sane again. ─── 他想起了他那死于瘟疫的母亲,想起了童年时惨死在贵族马蹄下的哥哥们,想起了他那精神失常的妹妹,她被送进疯人院永远也没有恢复的可能了。

67、He made a sane choice. ─── 他做了一个明智的选择。

68、She has a sane attitude towards diving and never go too fast. ─── 她对于跳水的态度很明智,从不操之过急。

69、And they came to Jesus and saw the demon possessed man sitting down, clothed, and sane, the man who had had the legion, and they became frightened. ─── 他们来到耶稣那里,看见那鬼附的人,就是从前被群鬼所附的,坐着,身穿衣服,神志清醒,他们就害怕。

70、It's just sth I love, sth keeps me sane. ─── 就只是我喜欢做的一件事,让我可以保持清醒。

71、You must take sane rest. You've been working much too hard. ─── 你应该休息一下了。你工作得太辛苦了。

72、Everything you need to know is in there somewhere.The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation.Ecology and polities and sane living. ─── 你所需要了解的任何事情:包括为人的原则、爱、应注意的基本卫生,生态环境和政治哲学以及健全的生活方式,你都能在该书的某个地方找到答案。

73、That woman in the market put it across me by selling me sane bad eggs. ─── 市场里的那个妇女骗我买了些坏鸡蛋。

74、She freely admitted that of old she had been a little mad, and now she pretended to be perfectly sane. ─── 她坦率地承认,她过去有些傻,今后一定要绝对保持清醒了。

75、Sometimes,the only way to stay sane is go a little crazy. ─── 为什么那么少人投票的?难道真的一点都不吸引吗?

76、A sane mind. To start with? Would it stay that way? ─── 一个头脑正常的人?作为开始?一直这样?

77、It's hard to keep sane for him, when he touches her body. ─── 当他碰触到她的身体时,他很难保持清醒。

78、But by the time I have finished with my statement you will, perhaps, have a glimpse of what is raging within my breast to run this maddest risk which a sane man can run. ─── 不过,我胸中到底是燃烧着一种什么样的东西,去冒一个理智的人所能冒的最大的风险,到我把陈述念完的时候,您就会略有所知。

79、Not that I have money; but I would do anything reasonable, sane, because my needs are very few, and I have no fear of being crushed out. ─── 不是说我有钱,而是我做事都是清醒理智的,因为我的需要真的很少,我没有被排挤出去的恐惧。

80、Guilt had been eating into his conscience for sane months. ─── 几个月来他的良心一直受到折磨。

81、A sane man would stop at this point and realize these magical heat rays were landing just inches from his tender scrotum. ─── 任何一个理智的人此时都会停下来,因为这些神奇的辐射光线离斯宾塞阴囊很近。

82、He doesn't seem sane at all. ─── 他的神志看来一点也不清醒。

83、The rest, hopeless and hardly sane after years of Isambart's cruelties, dared not trust themselves to swim the moat, and stood by the archway in the wall, staring stupidly. ─── 其余的人在依山巴特几年的残酷对待后,没有什么希望且几乎发疯,他们不敢信任自己能游过河,于是站在墙门旁,呆呆地望着。

84、If Ibelieved them I would not be sane, and since I know I am sane.Ido not believe them. ─── 如果我相信这些,我的神志就无法清醒,正因为我的神志清楚,所以我不相信这些。

85、He has a diseased body but a sane mind. ─── 他身体有病但头脑健全。

86、Show me a sane man, and I will cure him for you. ─── 谁是神智健全的人?我能把他治好。

87、Even prepared versions are going to at best split game one if they remain sane, with the Dragon hopefully making up for that in games two and three. ─── 在这类对局中,所有大脑正常、并且为大龙做过准备的家伙们,都会尽力施放它,并且继续以此取得第二、三局的胜利。

88、No sane person wishes to see conflict or casualties. ─── 人都不希望看到冲突或伤亡。

89、If I was sane at that time, I would keep silence for this thing. ─── 在处理紧急事情时要记住最重要的事情是保持镇定.

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