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09-08 投稿



eavesdrop 发音

英:['i?vzdr?p]  美:['ivzdrɑp]

英:  美:

eavesdrop 中文意思翻译



eavesdrop 网络释义

n. 屋檐上流下来的水vi. 偷听,窃听

eavesdrop 短语词组

1、eavesdrop from ─── 偷听

eavesdrop 词性/词形变化,eavesdrop变形

动词现在分词: eavesdropping |动词过去分词: eavesdropped |动词过去式: eavesdropped |名词: eavesdropper |动词第三人称单数: eavesdrops |

eavesdrop 相似词语短语

1、eavesdropped ─── 偷听(eavesdrop的过去式和过去分词);窃听(eavesdrop的过去式和过去分词)

2、eavesdrip ─── 屋檐滴水

3、eardrop ─── n.耳坠,耳饰

4、eavesdroppers ─── n.偷听者

5、eavesdrops ─── v.偷听,窃听

6、to eavesdrop ─── 窃听

7、eavesdropper ─── n.偷听者

8、eavesdropping ─── n.偷听;窃取;v.窃听;偷听(eavesdrop的ing形式)

9、eavesdrips ─── 窃听

eavesdrop 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bridal mother understands everything to want successful, be in adjoining room eavesdrop. ─── 新娘的母亲为了要了解一切是否顺利,便在隔壁房间偷听。

2、Go to a place where there are a lot of people and eavesdrop on a conversation. ─── 去一个有很多人的地方,偷听一段谈话。

3、Wouldn't it be great if you could eavesdrop on conversations between some of the greatest brain scientists in the world? ─── 能偷听到世界上最伟大的几位大脑科学家之间的对话是不是很美妙?

4、Walking slowly because you're afraid we'll eavesdrop, aren't you? ─── 走得慢吞吞的,怕我们听见,是不是?

5、Just as no subject of her husband's could eavesdrop on her mental link, so none of the Regis's children bore any further allegiance to him. ─── 她丈夫的属下在这里无法窃听到她的心灵链路,所以瑞吉斯的孩子全都对他没有更多的忠诚可言。

6、Not only this, he a person undertook all eavesdrop a work.I give my radio old four, let him listen to. ─── 不但如此,他一个人承担了所有窃听工作。我把我的收音机给了老四,随他听。

7、Improvements in technology have also caused problems in the application of the Fourth Amendment because it is now simpler to eavesdrop on people and to engage in other covert activities. ─── 高科技的发展也使第四条修正案的运用引起许多困难,因为窃听别人或雇用他人从事这种行为是一件很容易的事情。

8、And the same percentage think they hear most intently when they are trying to eavesdrop on an argument taking place nearby. ─── 同样比例的受调查女性则承认,自己在偷听附近发生的争吵时会特别投入。

9、BarracudaDrive also bypasses firewalls and proxies since the communication protocol is HTTPS.The communication is protected by using SSL so no one can eavesdrop on your file transfer. ─── 能远程上传下载,管理你家里的电脑的文件With BarracudaDrive, you can securely upload, download, and manage your files on your home computer from anywhere in the world.

10、Tom: Lisa? We're not trying to eavesdrop, but we can hear you whispering. ─── 汤姆:丽莎?我们不想偷听,但是我们听到你们在窃窃私语。

11、In New Orleans, FBI agents bugged an Italian restaurant to eavesdrop on the video-poker-machine-skimming plans of organized crimes bosses with nicknames like Noogie and Fat Frank. ─── 在新奥尔良的联邦调查局窃听的意大利餐厅窃听视频扑克机滑行计划有组织犯罪与老板绰号一样noogie和脂肪坦率的。

12、Even though she hates magic, Petunia would have been bound to stick her nose into Lily's business and eavesdrop on any friends who came to visit. ─── 尽管佩妮讨厌魔法,但她还是会越过界线去管莉莉的事情并打听来访的朋友的事。

13、She also lets us eavesdrop on other Indians commenting on China and on Chinese airing their views on India. ─── 同样,她还让我们悄悄知道,其他印度人怎样评价中国人,中国人又怎样看待印度。

14、Bridal mother understands everything to want whether flexibly, be in adjoining room eavesdrop, should hear a bride to say so, cry: "Be no good, can not use small knife. ─── 新娘的母亲为了要了解一切是否如意,便在隔壁房间偷听,当听到新娘如此说,便大叫:“不行,不可以用刀子。”

15、Eavesdrop on the two guys behind you in a restaurant. ─── 在餐厅里拉长耳朵偷听隔壁桌两人的谈话。

16、I'm not gonna eavesdrop on my friend. ─── 我不会偷听我朋友的。

17、Phoebe: Oh, I'm not gonna do this, okay? I'm not gonna eavesdrop on my friend. ─── 噢,我不会那么做的,好吧?我不会偷听我朋友的。

18、Every few milliseconds,a FHSS signal bounces between different specific points in a designated "spread" of the electromagnetic spectrum,reducing interference from other signals and making it very difficult to eavesdrop on the transmission. ─── 每隔几毫秒,FHSS信号在指定“扩展”的电磁频谱的不同频率点上跳动,减少其它信号的干扰,使它在传输中难以被窃听到。

19、I could have sworn several people behind us were walking close enough to eavesdrop. ─── 我可以发誓有好几个人紧跟在我们后面,近得都能偷听到我们对话。

20、It is not polite to eavesdrop on the conversation of other people. ─── 偷听他人说话是很不礼貌的。

21、Power sockets can be used to eavesdrop on what people type on a computer. ─── 强大的程序接口可以窃听人们在电脑上的输入字符。

22、They're amazingly consistent if you eavesdrop on them during interviews: You'll hear plain, neutral, bland questions. ─── 如果你偷听他们的采访,你会吃惊于他们的始终如一的风格:你会听到朴素的、中立的、温和的问题。

23、eavesdrop on a conversation ─── 偷听别人谈话

24、President Bush has signed a bill overhaul ing rules on government eavesdrop ping. ─── 布什总统签署了一项议案,全面改革了政府的窃听法规。

25、How could any computer eavesdrop on all the goings-on that take place in there every moment of ordinary life? ─── 计算机怎么能窃听日常生活每时每刻发生在大脑里的全部活动呢?

26、How could any computer eavesdrop on all the goings-on that take place in there every moment of ordinary life? ─── 计算机怎么能窃听日常生活每时每刻发生在大脑里的全部活动呢?

27、to eavesdrop; to tap; to overhear ─── 偷听

28、No one can eavesdrop on what your are saying to your friend. ─── 没有人可以偷听你和你的朋友在说什么。

29、She ensconced herself in the closet in order to eavesdrop. ─── 她藏身于壁橱里,以便偷听。

30、The speech of a senior diplomat by eavesdrop. ─── 一位高级外交官的话语被窃听。

31、to eavesdrop on a conversation ─── 偷听谈话

32、After he boots you from the room, go up to the left wall and eavesdrop on the conversation. ─── 后来有人来找,杰德要你?避,按确定之后会被传送到隔壁。

33、Walking slowly because you're afraid we'll eavesdrop, aren't you?" ─── 走得慢吞吞的,怕我们听见,是不是?”

34、approved a controversial law that allows authorities to eavesdrop on all e-mail and telephone traffic that enters the country. ─── 瑞典议会本周三以微弱优势通过了一项颇具争议的法案,该法案允许官方截查和窃听所有跨国电子邮件及电话。

35、When adults can eavesdrop on the world of childlike innocence, kids certainly do say the darndest things ─── 当成年人可以偷听到无忌童言时,孩子们说的话的确奇妙极了。

36、This message was encryptedwhen it was sent. This means that it was hard for other people to eavesdrop on your message while it was being sent. ─── 此消息在发送时已被加密。这意味着在此消息的发送过程中其它人难以窃取您的消息。

37、Plants Eavesdrop for Defense Purposes ─── 植物为防御而窃听

38、The size of the data and the computing power needed mean hackers likely won't be able to eavesdrop on conversations at will, analysts say. ─── 分析人士说,数据的规模和所需的计算能力意味着黑客们很可能无法随意窃听手机通话。

39、Again Miss Lin rolled over on the bed, and raised tier head She would eavesdrop on this conversation. Whom could Ma be talking to, that voices had to be kept so low? ─── 林小姐在床上又翻一个身,翘起了头,打算偷听妈和谁谈话,是那样悄悄地放低了声音。

40、Any eavesdropper who tries to eavesdrop the information in the quantum communications can be detected surely,based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and no-cloning theorem. ─── 根据量子力学中的Heisenberg测不准原理及量子不可克隆原理,任何窃听者无法窃听量子保密通信中的信息而不被发现。

41、The only way to find out is eavesdrop on the conversations my mom and dad had. ─── 5年过去了,我开始对我的祖国所发生的一切感到好奇,我了解中国的唯一途径就是偷听父母的谈话。

42、NEW CONCEPTUAL THEORIES have spurred our thinking, and state-of-the-art laboratory techniques have enabled us to eavesdrop on the cell as it gives life and shape to a feather. ─── 新的概念性理论刺激我们思考,而最新的实验室技术则让我们能够窥探细胞塑造羽毛的过程。

43、He ensconced himself in the closet in order to eavesdrop. ─── 他藏在壁橱里,以便偷听。

44、Once messages are encrypted, even if illegal members eavesdrop these data, they can not decrypt the messages as well as only get unmeaning ones. ─── 也因为讯息被加密,即便是资料遭窃听,若不是合法成员,也无法将讯息还原,而只是一串无意义的资讯。

45、Sort of eavesdrop on the activity of nerve cells in the brain . ─── 颇类似于窃听神经细胞在大脑内的活动。

46、Read everything entered in journal. Go downstairs and take the bear walking stick on stand left of main door. Eavesdrop on dining room door again. ─── 阅读日志里的所有信息。下楼取走大门左侧的熊头手杖。再次偷听餐厅里的谈话。

47、When you're in touch with your soul, you eavesdrop on the wisdom of the universe. ─── 当你接触你的灵魂时,你可能窃听宇宙的智慧。

48、" did not think of this word lets one guest eavesdrop go. ─── 没想到这话让一客人偷听去了。

49、Mastery of a local telephone company switch offered more than just free calls: It opened a window into the lives of other people to eavesdrop on the rich and powerful, or on his own enemies. ─── 一个地方电话的征服公司开关提供了超过仅仅自由的呼叫: 资讯科技打开一扇窗户进其他人的生命之内在富有的和有力者身上偷听, 或在他自己的敌人身上。

50、He ensconced himself in the closet in order to eavesdrop ─── 他藏在壁橱里,以便偷听。

51、To listen to a conversation between others; eavesdrop. ─── 偷听听别人的谈话;偷听

52、While government may now have the power to eavesdrop on conversations a mile away, the speakers themselves now have the power to block the reception. ─── 政府能拦截互联网信息,但是这些信息发送者也可以各种手段加密这些信息,而在手抄信息时代,这样加密方式不可想象。

53、Any attempts by a third party to eavesdrop on the communications can be readily detected.Quantum cryptography could have applications in electronic communications, e-banking and e-voting. ─── 量子技术加密系统的适用范围非常广泛,包括电子通信系统,网上银行系统和网上投票系统。

54、There's no way that Colangelo would allow Knicks PR people and security officials to hound reporters and eavesdrop on interviews, the way that they're instructed to do now. ─── 有没有办法科朗吉洛将让尼克斯的公关人,并负责安全事务的官员向记者猎犬和窃听采访过程中,这样他们指示现在应该做的。

55、You should not eavesdrop our talking! ─── (你不应该偷听我们讲话!)

56、Prior is in together 1989, doomsday hacker organization controlled the phone system of company of American southern Bell, can eavesdrop phone, have network way by call. ─── 较早的一起在1989年,末日黑客组织控制了美国南方贝尔公司的电话系统,可以窃听电话、进行网络路由调用。

57、Those guys can talk!I also like to eavesdrop on conversations held by loud people when I’m in public places. ─── 我还喜欢在公共场所偷听那些大声说话的人们在谈论什么。

58、But if the web address beg ins with https://, that basically means your computer is talking to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on. ─── 舒淇曾今说过,喜欢一个人容易,爱一个人却很难。对黎明的爱,舒淇几乎爱到骨子里,可是,就是这样时时被女人的爱包围的男人,最后却背叛了她。

59、or to eavesdrop on my investigation? ─── |还是来调查 我调查方面的进展呢?

60、In this QKD network, an eavesdropper can launch a path-attack on the quantum channel to eavesdrop quantum information. ─── 在该量子密钥分发网络中,由于光学节点的插入损耗及用户之间量子信道损耗的影响,窃听者可以实施路径攻击来获取量子信息。

61、One of the cool things to eavesdrop on might be an undersea volcano called the Axial Seamount. ─── 窃听很酷的事情之一,可能是一个海底火山所谓的轴向海山。

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