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09-08 投稿


breechloading 中文意思翻译



breechloading 短语词组

1、breechloading shotguns ─── 膛式猎枪

breechloading 词性/词形变化,breechloading变形


breechloading 相似词语短语

1、freeloading ─── v.吃白食,依赖他人为生(freeload的现在分词);adj.利用别人慷慨而占便宜的

2、breech-loader ─── n.后膛炮;后膛枪

3、breeching ─── n.马的屁股带;驻退索(发炮时阻止炮身后退的绳索)

4、breech-loading ─── 后膛装填

5、reechoing ─── v.回响,回荡

6、breech-loaders ─── 炮尾装载机

7、backloading ─── 回装

8、breechloader ─── n.后膛炮;后膛枪

9、preloading ─── v.事先装好;预加载(preload的现在分词)

breechloading 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、2.The metal part that closes the breech end of the barrel of a breechloading gun and that is removed to insert a cartridge and replaced before firing. ─── 从后膛装弹的枪炮上的一个金属闩,在开火前我们先把这个闩向后拉,放进弹药,再把它关上,然后才能进行战斗。

2、A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge. ─── 枪栓,枪机装在后枪膛中为子弹定位的滑动金属条,可关闭枪膛和输入将用的子弹

3、a sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles,closes the breech,and ejects the spent cartridge ─── 枪栓,枪机,装在后枪膛中为子弹定位的滑动金属条,可关闭枪膛和输入将用的子弹

4、A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge. ─── 枪栓,枪机:装在后枪膛中为子弹定位的滑动金属条,可关闭枪膛和输入将用的子弹。

5、The metal part that closes the breech end of the barrel of a breechloading gun and that is removed to insert a cartridge and replaced before firing. ─── 炮闩,枪闩关闭后膛装弹枪的枪后部的后膛的金属部分,可以拆卸下来装子弹并在射击前被替换

6、7. A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge. ─── 从后膛装弹的枪炮上的一个金属闩,在开火前我们先把这个闩向后拉,放进弹药,再把它关上,然后才能进行战斗。收藏指正

7、7.A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge. ─── 排出空弹药筒代替它并关闭膛部的后膛装药框架中的滑栓。

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