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09-08 投稿


maudlin 发音

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英:  美:

maudlin 中文意思翻译





maudlin 网络释义

adj. 感情脆弱的;容易流泪的;酒后伤感的n. 伤感;易流泪n. (Maudlin)人名;(英)莫德琳(教名Magdalen的昵称)

maudlin 词性/词形变化,maudlin变形

名词: maudlinness |副词: maudlinly |

maudlin 短语词组

1、maudlin defined ─── 莫德林定义

2、maudlin in a sentence ─── 一句话中的伤感

3、maudlin define ─── 莫德林定义

4、maudlin house ─── 莫德林之家

5、maudlin sentimentality ─── 伤感

6、maudlin house submissions maudlin house ─── 提交的材料

maudlin 相似词语短语

1、mauling ─── n.捶压;v.打伤;劈开;抨击(maul的ing形式)

2、moulin ─── n.冰川锅穴;n.(Moulin)人名;(法、意)穆兰

3、murlin ─── 鼠类

4、mafflin ─── 松饼

5、maslin ─── n.杂粮面包;(小麦和黑麦等的)混合粉

6、maudlinly ─── adj.感情脆弱的;容易流泪的;酒后伤感的(maudlin的变形)

7、maudit ─── 该死的

8、madling ─── 疯子

9、marlin ─── n.枪鱼,青枪鱼;四鳃旗鱼

maudlin 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、(The change of 1) mood: The patient's most outstanding symptom is abiding mood low, expression is expression depressed, downhearted, Mondayish, maudlin and cry. ─── (1)情绪的改变:患者最突出的症状是持久的情绪低落,表现为表情阴郁,无精打采、困倦、易流泪和哭泣。

2、3. a bathetic novel; maudlin expressons of sympathy; mushy effusiveness; a schmaltzy song; sentimental soap operas; slushy poetry. ─── 矫情的小说;伤感的表示同情;多愁善感的唠叨;伤感的歌曲;多愁善感的肥皂剧;多愁善感的诗歌。收藏指正

3、Maudlin expressions of sympathy ─── 伤感的慰问

4、1. a bathetic novel; maudlin expressons of sympathy; mushy effusiveness; a schmaltzy song; sentimental soap operas; slushy poetry. ─── 矫情的小说;伤感的表示同情;多愁善感的唠叨;伤感的歌曲;多愁善感的肥皂剧;多愁善感的诗歌。

5、But that's enough maudlin sentimentality, I have work to do! ─── 但那已多愁善感足够了,我有工作要做!

6、She continued in the same rather maudlin tone. ─── 她继续用那种颇带几分伤感的语调说话。

7、Maudlin's book focused on three important points. ─── 莫德林的书主要有三个重点。

8、displayed an almost maudlin concern for the welfare of animals ─── 对动物们的安康表现出一种近乎伤感的关切之情

9、* The quiet tone of pathos that ran through the novel never degenerated into the maudlin or the overly sentimental. ─── *安静的基调是感伤贯穿小说从来没有演变成的感伤或过于感伤。

10、displayed an almost maudlin concern for the welfare of animals(bAldous Huxley)See Synonyms at bsentimental ─── 对动物们的安康表现出一种近乎伤感的关切之情(b奥多斯 赫胥黎)参见

11、Dozens of commenters on the site said they had been touched by the dog's maudlin gaze. ─── 很多网友发表评论称自己被狗狗可怜的眼神所感动。

12、maudlin expressons of sympathy; ─── 伤感的表示同情;

13、We saw a maudlin movie about an orphan who lost his parents in the war. ─── 我们看了部令人落泪的电影,内容是有关一个在战争中失去父母的孤儿。

14、A movie or play with a sentimental, maudlin theme ─── 有着感伤的主题的电影或戏剧

15、" Some of Proust's work is "a maudlin false teeth gobble-gobble discharge from a colic-afflicted belly. ─── 普鲁斯特的一些作品是“从绞痛的肚子里排出的一副伤感脆弱的假牙”;

16、The company were in that maudlin mood when a little wit goes a great way. ─── 这些人充满着伤感情调,一点点打趣的话也会使大家感到很愉快。

17、The housing downturn, credit crunch, gloomy employment data and a parade of maudlin financial forecasts have been enough to send some investors scrambling for bubble gum and beer. ─── 房屋市场低迷、信贷危机、就业数据不佳以及一系列悲观的金融数据预期已足以让部分投资者开始竞相买进口香糖和啤酒等生活必需品类股。

18、Mr.Carrey may be consciously steering his movies toward maudlin pop psychology. ─── 金凯瑞也许有意将他的电影带往感情脆弱的大众心理学领域。

19、Occasionally we mourn that lost world, but that, it seems to me, is maudlin and sentimental. ─── 我们偶然对那个失去的天地感到悲痛,不过在我看来,那是感情脆弱多愁善感的表现。

20、maudlin expressions of sympathy; ─── 伤感的慰问;

21、The widow grew maudlin as she reminisced about her former connubial bliss. ─── 当寡妇回忆起她以前婚姻的幸福,她变得情绪化起来。

22、Her sickness presents an entirely different challenge.A powerful, prickly personality, Vivian develops a new appreciation for the simple, the maudlin, the kind. ─── 在她即将离去的日子里,一个突然的巨大变化扭转了薇薇安对生命、死亡、以及诗人多恩的看法。

23、"displayed an almost maudlin concern for the welfare of animals" (Aldous Huxley) ─── “对动物们的安康表现出一种近乎伤感的关切之情”(奥多斯·赫胥黎)。

24、1.The Magdalene became a symbol of repentance for the vanities of the world, and Mary Magdalene was the patron of Magdalene College, Cambridge (pronounced "maudlin", as in weepy penitents). ─── 抹大拉成为一个在空虚的世界上悔改的标记,玛丽亚抹大拉是剑桥大学抹大拉学院的赞助者(读作“抹大莲”,就像眼泪汪汪的悔改者一样)。

25、Within The Birch Forest, you can hear trademark Soviet instrumentation, including accordion and classical guitar, which create an eerie, maudlin atmosphere. ─── 内白桦林,你能听到的商标苏联仪器,其中包括手风琴古典吉他,营造一个个性,瞬间气氛。

26、If the Love Train ever came to my station, I planned on scoffing at the fools aboard, waving from my platform of self-satisfied singleness as they pulled away and became a blur of maudlin, gag-worthy sentiment on the horizon. ─── 如果爱情列车会经过我的车站,我打算去嘲讽那些列车上的傻瓜们,站在自我满足的单身站台上挥手,而列车将驾离,成为那地平线上那伤感、值得掉泪的情绪模糊物。

27、He grew maudlin , could hardly see the cards or sit upright. ─── 他变得沉醉了,不拘束了,几乎看不清牌,也坐不端正了。

28、Her heart is in maudlin mood when a little wit goes a great way. ─── 她的心充满着伤感情调,一点点打趣的话也会使她感到很愉快。

29、be maudlin ─── 醉后流泪

30、When scorned, they are very hurt and may overreact in an almost maudlin way. ─── 当被嘲笑,他们会非常受伤,可能以一种感情脆弱的方式反应过火。

31、He was brilliant, excessive, maudlin, tacky and possibly criminal, but you could never ignore him. ─── 他伟大、强势、脆弱、俗气,甚至很可能充满犯罪感,但你绝不能忽视他。

32、It was a nice moment for them, though I suppose my image might be a bit maudlin. ─── 对他们而言,那是一段美妙的时刻,尽管我想我的图片也许有那么一点感伤。

33、The company were In that maudlIn mood when a little wit goes a great way. ─── 这些人充满着伤感情调,一点点打趣的话也会使大家感到很愉快。

34、” and in that same article, has excerpts from other reviews where the film was called “maudlin,” “obvious,” “uneven,” that “fails to deliver. ─── 在同一篇文章里,摘录了关于电影的其他评论,说电影伤感,情节肤浅曲折,没有传达影片本身的含义。

35、I do not like such maudlin pictures. ─── 我不喜欢如此伤感的影片。

36、displayed an almost maudlin concern for the welfare of animals(Aldous Huxley)See Synonyms at sentimental ─── 对动物们的安康表现出一种近乎伤感的关切之情(奥多斯 赫胥黎)参见

37、Maudlin's work occurred against the backdrop of a new and profound shift in the intellectual environment. ─── 莫德林的著作正好出现在一个全新的氛围,那是在智性上发生深刻变化的时代。

38、He tended to be weepy and maudlin and embarrassingly affectionate, and Harry would prefer to see Voldemort in hell than have Malfoy see him when he was drunk. ─── 他会哭哭啼啼,变得深情款款,让人都觉得尴尬,而Harry宁愿去地狱见伏地魔,也好过让Malfoy见他喝醉的样子。

39、Let him know what effect this is having on the children - - without being maudlin or trying to fill him with guilt. ─── 要让他知道这事对孩子的影响,但不要哀求,也不要责怪他。

40、He always becomes maudlin after he's had a few drinks. ─── 他喝了几杯酒后总是变得多愁善感。

41、Monday and Tuesday might feel maudlin and moody, but you should take these as opportunities to get past any weird sentimentality that's been holding you back. ─── 星期一和星期二会感到脆弱和喜怒无常,但是你应该把握这些机会去超越任何阻碍你前进的古怪事情。

42、He was brilliant, excessive, maudlin, tacky and possibly criminal, but you could never ignore him. ─── 你可能认为他才华横溢、超越以往,也有可能认为好哭,显得俗气甚至,可能犯过罪,但是你永远不能忽略他。

43、We have recently been hearing much maudlin sympathy expressed for the "downtrodden denizens of the sweatshop" and the "homeless wanderer searching for the honest employment," and with it all often go many hard words for the men in power. ─── 近来我们听到很多人,对那些“工资低廉保守压榨”以及“为求温饱而工作的无家可归”的人表示同情,同时那些雇主成了千夫所指的对象。

44、These days, the expensive tickets are for maudlin Danish princes, not singing mermaid princesses. ─── 这些天来,昂贵的戏票属于多愁善感的丹麦王子,而不属歌声婉丽的美人鱼公主。

45、falsely emotional in a maudlin way. ─── 脆弱并且错误的情感。

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