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09-08 投稿



hunker 发音

英:['h??k?]  美:['h??k?]

英:  美:

hunker 中文意思翻译



hunker 网络释义

vi. 蹲下,盘坐n. 守旧者

hunker 词性/词形变化,hunker变形

动词现在分词: hunkering |动词过去式: hunkered |动词第三人称单数: hunkers |动词过去分词: hunkered |

hunker 反义词


hunker 短语词组

1、hunker down at home ─── 呆在家里

2、hunker down ─── 沉潜待发

hunker 同义词

thrusting | driven | starved | hollow |ravenous | athirst | thirsty | voracious | peckish | starving | desirous | keen | famishing | avid | famished | ambitious | aggressive | malnourished | greedy | aspiring | eager

hunker 习惯用语

1、upon one's hunkers ─── [口]蹲着

2、on one's hunkers ─── [口]蹲着

hunker 相似词语短语

1、hunkier ─── 更饥渴

2、Dunker ─── n.德美浸礼会教派成员;n.(Dunker)(美、德)东克尔(人名)

3、Junker ─── n.(美俚)破车;吸食麻药者;n.(Junker)人名;(德、法、瑞典)容克尔;(芬)云克

4、hunkers ─── n.腿臀部;臀部;保守者(hunker的复数形式)

5、funker ─── n.坦克机电员

6、honker ─── 发雁叫声的人(或物)(honk的变体);汽车喇叭(honk的变体)

7、hanker ─── vi.向往,追求;渴望,期望;n.(Hanker)人名;(德、捷)汉克

8、hunger ─── n.饿,饥饿;渴望;vi.渴望;挨饿;vt.使……挨饿;n.(Hunger)(德、波)洪格尔;(英)亨格(人名)

9、bunker ─── n.沙坑;煤仓;燃料库;vt.使陷入困境;把球击入沙坑;n.(Bunker)人名;(英、西)邦克

hunker 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From “Political Hunker” to“Ideological Scholar”: Liang Qichao' Status Evolution in 1920 ─── 从“政治型思想家”到“思想型学者”:梁启超1920年的身份嬗变

2、The youngsters hunker down at the bottom of the nest, hiding until mom shows up for mealtimes. ─── 孩子们通常藏在巢穴底部,等到母亲呼唤时才出来。

3、hunker down ─── 盘坐, 隐匿, 顽固坚持

4、Certainly, the safest thing is to just hunker down at home and never leave, but we try to take carefully considered steps to continue to be together on occasion. ─── 一旦我们驶离哈马斯最大的射程,心理就会极大地解脱(当然只是持续到归来的行程,当你又回到他们的射程之内)。

5、In building the ranch in Eldorado, FLDS leaders planned to hunker down and escape notice. ─── 在建造理想国的大农场方面,FLDS的首领们曾想持观望和逃避注意的态度。

6、And the best strategy is not to hunker down and fit in. It's to stand up and stand out. ─── 因此最好的办法不再是守株待兔了,而是要站起来,从人群当中脱颖而出。

7、If so, you will find the early days of September to be the right time to hunker down and give all your concentration to your project. ─── 当惊喜在生活中出现的时候,当然需要乐观和欢迎的态度,这段时间受到欢迎的惊喜似乎很少,但是(我强调一下)惊喜总是有机会出现的。

8、I perform best when I can hunker down and do some undisturbed work. ─── 我发现当自己盘腿而坐,并在没有干扰的环境下任务完成的特别好。

9、And the thing is, we don't have to hunker down in the dark and forsake our worldly pleasures to be sustainable. ─── 事情是,我们不必躲在黑暗中,就为了能够“持续发展”的口头快感。

10、But this is hardly the time to hunker down and take bets off the table, financial pros say. ─── 不过金融专业人士表示,现在还不是蛰伏撤资的时候。

11、They are not allowed to hunker down to rest after running 5,000 meters. ─── 他们跑完5000米后不准蹲下休息。

12、Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down. ─── 他们目前的策略是保持低调,让事态慢慢平息。

13、For now, that seems to be having little effect as banks absorb the startling news from Washington and hunker down. ─── 但是现在好像起不到什么作用了,银行知晓了来自政府的惊人消息并开始自保。

14、Hopes that China's growing middle class would ride to the economic rescue have been dashed as Chinese hunker down and save Jack Tan was a Western marketer's dream. ─── 通过中国正在增长的中产阶级的消费来挽救经济危机的希望随着中国人选择了保守的储蓄而破灭了。

15、I have to hunker down to finish my algebra this evening. ─── 我今晚要专专心心地把代数作业做完。

16、When things go awry, and they always do, those kind of investors are not likely to hunker down with you and figure out how to solve whatever problems you are facing. ─── 当你有麻烦时,他们通常会不闻不问,也不可能为你解决问题出谋划策。

17、When they are confronted by crises, Chinese leaders “tend to hunker down,” says Moses. ─── 当面对危机时,中国的领袖们往往“倾向保守”,莫斯说。

18、I'd deflate a bit and hunker down in anticipation of the next binge. ─── 而我则会收缩一点儿,静静地等着下一顿大餐。

19、Most economists are betting that additional jobs are going to be cut in coming months as companies hunker down. ─── 大部分经济学家打赌说,随着公司经营的下滑,未来几个月内工作机会还会继续减少。

20、The discovery of the site of Hitler's ashes comes at a time of fierce debate over how and whether to preserve the hunker complex where he killed himself. ─── 就在希特勒骨灰的撒放地被发现的时候,德国各界正在就是否应该保存希特勒最后藏身的掩体进行激烈的辨论。

21、The buildings hunker there, like boxes in a closet, blocking the way to hidden birth-day gifts or other surprises the grown-ups haven't told us about. ─── 它们静静伫立,就像那些放在壁橱里的盒子,里面藏着神秘的生日礼物,或者大人们不想让我们知道的其他惊喜。

22、now we could hunker down and do the detailed collecting work necessary to begin piecing together an image of the past. ─── 我们发掘的白色岩层是砂岩,是当年注入低地的河水挟带的沙沉积形成的。

23、Work hard, hunker down, tighten your belt, and make a better life. ─── 努力工作、盘腿坐下、勒紧腰带、和改善生活。

24、And the best strategy is not to hunker down and fit in.It's to stand up and stand out. ─── 因此最好的办法不再是守株待兔了,而是要站起来,从人群当中脱颖而出。

25、All the economy’s problems are forcing people and businesses to hunker down, crimping spending and hiring, a vicious cycle. ─── 所有这些经济问题都强迫人们和商家放低姿态,压缩开支和雇佣,形成恶性循环。

26、Protesters said Monday the movement would continue to expand and said they were preparing to hunker down for cold weather. ─── 抗议者周一说,示威活动还将继续扩大,还说他们在准备天冷时的避寒措施。

27、So hunker down and get prepared and listen to the best brains telling it like it is. ─── 那么,蹲下身子做好准备吧,听听那些最好的大脑怎么说。

28、Employees find new jobs, or they hunker down and get ready to change. ─── 员工找到新工作,或准备好变革。

29、He felt his backache and didn't hunker down. ─── 他感到背很痛,而且蹲不下身。

30、And the thing is, we don't have to hunker down in the dark and forsake our worldly pleasures to be sustainable. ─── 事情是,我们不必躲在黑暗中,就为了能够“持续发展”的口头快感。

31、I can see how they may think that in light of what took place the past year because I just kind of had to hunker down. ─── 我能了解根据过去一年发生的一些事人们这样想的原因。

32、But, now they expect you to hunker down like everyone else and wait for things to eventually get better. ─── 工作方式和流程,一个人怎麽做事?

33、As credit problems spread, financial institutions became increasingly wary of lending, causing businesses and consumers to hunker down. ─── 信用危机的加剧使金融机构对贷款加强了审核,并导致企业和消费者低迷。

34、If you’re in the Fed and that is bunker mentality where you just hunker down and you look at each other or on the other hand where you go with the whims of politics. ─── 如果你是联邦调查局的成员,只是守在那里互相看着彼此,又或者盲目得跟随政界人士安排,这都是一种掩饰错误的心态。

35、If it isn't powerful enough, it won't hunker down in our minds, biding its time before it boomerangs back. ─── 如果不够强烈,信息不能在意识中存留,等着时间让其回归。

36、Mills and plantations are more expensive: controlling territory for hunting and mining is more valuable, and it is less easy/more expensive to hunker down in an easily defended space. ─── 磨坊和耕地更贵了:控制牧场和矿山更难,这使得据守在一个容易防守的地区不太容易,代价更大。

37、Private demand is plunging as consumers are battered by tight credit, falling wealth and rising unemployment, while fearful firms hunker down. ─── 消费者需求骤降,因为消费者受困于紧缩的信用状况,缩水的资产,和步步高升的失业率,并且也担忧企业进一步倒闭。

38、Japan has suffered its sharpest fall in exports on record as even previously robust markets hunker down against the shockwaves of the global financial crisis. ─── 日本的出口遭到有史以来最大幅度的下降,连此前强劲的市场在全球金融危机的冲击下也采取守势。

39、Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet: Hunker down at your flat at 221b Baker St. in London. ─── 你要秘密的藏在伦敦贝克街221b单元的平台上惊醒调查。

40、The shy, the introverted and the socially inept can all hunker down before a glowing computer and whisper to the world. ─── 所有害羞、内向和不善社交的人都可以盘膝坐在闪烁的屏幕前,面对世界低语。

41、Hunker down and watch the heroics as small boats battle their way towards the mouth of Departure Bay. ─── 他们还给我介绍了好些加拿大本地朋友,让我熟知加拿大本地的风土人情。

42、At home, the plan is defensive: to hunker down and prepare for the economic, political and perhaps military challenges that lie in store. ─── 其国内政策则以防御为主:未雨绸缪,着手控制可能的经济、政治甚至军事动乱。

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