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09-08 投稿



epiphora 发音

英:[[?'p?f?r?]]  美:[[?'p?f?r?]]

英:  美:

epiphora 中文意思翻译



epiphora 相似词语短语

1、epanaphoral ─── 肩胛骨

2、epiphonema ─── n.感叹句

3、epiphytal ─── 附生的

4、epiploa ─── n.大网膜;网膜(epiploon的变形)

5、epiphloedal ─── adj.韧生的,树皮上的

6、epanaphora ─── 首语重复(法)

7、epiphonemas ─── 附音

8、epiphragm ─── n.膜厣,冬盖

9、adiaphora ─── 铁线蕨

epiphora 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Self-produce internal tube;Interventional;Epiphora symptoms; ─── 自制内涵管;溢泪症;治疗;介入;

2、Methods: Eigty-two normal eyes and56 eyes with epiphora were investigated with digital subtraction dacryocystography and the dacryocystogram were studied. ─── 方法:利用数字减影泪道造影术对82只正常眼及56只溢泪眼进行检查,并对图像进行分析。

3、Acupumcture Therapy in 34 Cases of Epiphora due to Dysfunction of Lacrimal Ducts ─── 针刺治疗泪道功能不全之泪溢症34例

4、Epiphora co does not necessarily show too many tears secretion or blocked drainage. ─── 溢泪并不一定衷示泪水分泌太多或排流受阻。

5、Others were successful. 4 patients got eversion of lower punctum. 3 of the patiens got mild symptomatic epiphora postoperatively. ─── 下泪点轻度外翻者4例,其余68例无外翻,所有患者泪道冲洗均通畅。

6、Botulinum toxin for palliative treatment of epiphora in a patient with canalicular obstruction ─── 伴有泪小管阻塞的溢泪患者的肉毒杆菌毒素姑息治疗1例

7、OBJECTIVE To observe the clinical effects of acupuncture therapy in treating epiphora due to dysfunction of lacrimal ducts. ─── 目的观察针刺治疗泪道功能不全之泪溢症的临床疗效。

8、epiphora with warm tears ─── 迎风热泪

9、Methods The results of probing in 80 eyes with epiphora due to nasolacrimal duct obstruction were studied retrospectively after a mean follow up of 6 months. ─── 方法探通治疗鼻泪管阻塞引起泪溢的80只眼,经随访6个月,做了回顾性研究。

10、There are epiphora,conjunctival hyperemia.Press the area of the dacryocystitis there is mucous or mucopurulent secretion flowing out from the lacrimal punctum..... ─── 泪溢、结膜充血。挤压泪囊区有粘液或粘液脓性分泌物自泪小点流出。

11、Results: A 40-year-old female presented with epiphora and a medial can-thus painless mass of the right eye. ─── 结果:一位40岁女性主诉溢泪,并且在右眼内訾处摸到一无痛肿块。

12、epiphora with cold ─── 迎风冷泪

13、Keywords epiphora;silicone stent;nasolacrimal duct obstrution; ─── 伞端;硅胶管支架;鼻泪管阻塞;

14、Results:The lacrimal passages in 37 cases were unobstructed,1 cases had slight epiphora. ─── 结果:37例泪道冲洗均通畅,1例轻溢泪。

15、The condition of epiphora and syringing of the lacrimal passage were observed in the first month after the operation continuously. ─── 观察手术后连续1月溢泪及冲洗泪道通畅情况。

16、METHOD 34 cases of epiphora in the treatment group were treated with heat needling of JingMing point, while the cases in the control group were treated with the routine therapy of western medicine. ─── 方法治疗组34例采用温针睛明穴,对照组采用西医常规疗法。结果治疗组总有效率为91。07%,对照组总有效为54。29%,2组疗效经统计学检验有显著差异。

17、2.Method: Case report Results: An 84-year-old male patient presented with persistent epiphora of the left eye for many years and nasolacrimal duct obstruction with dacryocystitis was diagnosed. ─── 方法:病例报告结果:病例一:一名八十四岁男性因为多年的左眼溢泪前来求诊。

18、The symptoms of epiphora were immediatly resoluted and irrigation showed patency of lacrimal system in all patients. ─── 术后溢泪症状立即改善,泪道冲洗均通畅。

19、Objective To evaluate effect of probing as treatment of epiphora in adults with blocked nasolacrimal ducts in initial stage. ─── 目的评价成年人鼻泪管阻塞初期用探针治疗的效果。

20、Conjunctivitis - Signs include epiphora with blephorospasm, eyelids closed by excessive mucopurulent exudate and facial staining. ─── 结膜炎——症状有:伴有面部痉挛的溢泪,由于过多分泌的黏脓性分泌物导致难以睁眼和面污。

21、cold epiphora ─── 无时冷泪, 无时泪睛, 不时泪溢

22、Results 96 cases (96 eyes) were cured by one time treatment and epiphora disappeared in all of them. ─── 结果96例(96眼)经一次激光治疗后均无溢脓、溢泪症状。

23、Keywords Dacryocystography Digital subtraction radiography Lacrimal duct obstruction Epiphora; ─── 泪道造影;数字减影造影;泪道阻塞;溢泪;

24、Epiphora due to insufficient drainage ─── 泪溢由于引流功能不全

25、epiphora with wind ─── 目风泪出, 迎风流泪, 克风泪出症, 迎风洒泪症

26、Balloon Dilatation Dacryocystoplasty in the Treatment of Epiphora ─── 球囊泪囊鼻泪管成型术治疗溢泪症

27、Keywords epiphora;acupuncture therapy;Jingming point;heat needling; ─── 泪溢症;针刺治疗;睛明穴;温针;

28、wind epiphora ─── 风冲泣下, 风泪

29、Methods:Eigty-two normal eyes and 56 eyes with epiphora were investigated with digital subtraction dacryocystography and the dacryocystogram were studied. ─── 方法:利用数字减影泪道造影术对82只正常眼及56只溢泪眼进行检查,并对图像进行分析。

30、Epiphora due to excess lacrimation ─── 泪溢由于过度流泪

31、Methods Twenty-one eyes of twelve patients with epiphora from aged relaxed bulbar conjunctiva underwent a surgical excision of the relaxed bulbar conjunctiva. ─── 方法通过对门诊和住院的12例21眼老年结膜松弛隘泪病人进行结膜新月形切除术等手术治疗。

32、atonic epiphora ─── 张力缺乏性泪溢

33、post-traumatic epiphora ─── 外伤后泪溢

34、Objective To investigate the treatment methods and the pathogenesis for aged conjunctivochalasis with epiphora. ─── 目的探讨老年人因结膜松弛溢泪的治疗方法及发病机制。

35、All patients were followed up from 6 months to 3 years.Results Epiphora occurred in one patient due to rejection of dilation tube and others were cured. ─── 结果所有病人术后随访6个月至3年,除1例因泪囊鼻腔间置入的扩张管脱落而再次出现溢泪,经重新置管后症状消失外,其余病人均未再出现溢泪。

36、Methods:52 eyes (31 cases) of conjunctivochalasis with epiphora were operated with 7 patterns. ─── 方法:设计7种松弛结膜切除方法,对31例52眼结膜松弛性泪溢症患者手术切除松弛结膜。

37、pyretic epiphora ─── 无时热泪

38、Keywords epiphora;conjunctivochalasis;surgical operation; ─── 溢泪;结膜松弛;外科手术;

39、Conclusion The modified dacrycystorhinostomy is useful treatment for the patients with epiphora and chronicdacryocystitis.Also ... ─── 结论改良的泪囊鼻腔吻合术是治疗鼻泪管阻塞患者的有效方法。

40、Results Epiphora and purulent secretion in all of the cases were disappeared. ─── 结果38例(45眼)患儿中,溢泪,溢脓症状全部消失,冲洗泪道通畅。

41、Objective to introduce the therapy of epiphora symptoms with self-produced internal tube. ─── 目的介绍溢泪症的自制内涵管置入治疗。

42、However, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of lacrimal sac lesion, especially in patients with chronic epiphora and painless swelling of lacrimal sac. ─── 然而在诊断泪囊肿瘤时,我们仍应该将其列为鑑别诊断之一,特别是当病人有长期溢泪以及泪囊的无痛肿块时。

43、Partial Hyperthophic Lacrimal Carunclectomy for The Treatment of Functional Epiphora ─── 肥大泪阜部分切除术治疗功能性泪溢

44、Results 797 cases(90.65%)in this group appeared the successful and free of bore epiphora following surgery. ─── 结果本组病例中797例(90.6%)达到手术治愈,解除泪溢症状。

45、Analysis of endoluminal therapy for epiphora with self-produced internal tube on 38 patients ─── 自制内涵管介入治疗溢泪症38例分析

46、Conclusion: Hyperthophic lacrimal caruncle may be the cause of functional epiphora in some patients. ─── 结论:肥大泪阜可能是造成部分病人功能性泪溢的原因。

47、Treatment of epiphora by placing a tube through nasal cavity and lacrimal sac ─── 鼻腔泪囊置管治疗泪溢症

48、Clinical success was defined as complate resolution or great improvement in the symptoms of epiphora and the patency of lacrimal system to irrigation. ─── 以完全解决或最大程度地改善溢泪症状且泪道冲洗通畅为手术成功的标准。

49、epiphora induced by wind ─── 冲风泪出

50、Conclusion It is good that probing as treatment of epiphora in adults with blocked nasolacrimal ducts in initial . . . ─── 结论一次性探通治疗成年人鼻泪管阻塞初期,效果较好。

51、Objective:To explore the effects of surgery for conjunctivochalasis with epiphora. ─── 目的:探讨结膜松弛性泪溢症手术治疗效果。

52、Often there is inflammation and eventual stenosis of the nasolacrimal duct, resulting in chronic epiphora and hair loss. ─── 常常出现发炎和鼻泪管最终狭窄症状,从而导致慢性溢泪和脱发。使用抗菌性的药用软膏剂将会缓解改善大部分症状。

53、RESULTS All 31 cases cases underwent lateral rhinotomy did not have epiphora and lacrimal passage taint after operation. ─── 结果31例患者术后未出现溢泪及泪道感染。

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