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09-08 投稿



clamper 发音

英:[?kl?mp?r]  美:[?kl?mp?(r)]

英:  美:

clamper 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 接线板


clamper 短语词组

1、diode clamper ─── 二极管箝位器

2、clamper circuit ─── [医]箝位电路

3、clamper gear ─── 夹紧装置

4、clamper wire tool ─── 夹线工具

5、clamper logo clamper ─── 徽标

6、clamper tube ─── 箝位管

7、clamper widder ─── 夹持器

8、clamper def ─── 夹具def

9、upper clamper ─── 上夹持器

10、clamper br ─── 夹持器br

11、clamper amplifier ─── 钳位放大器

12、clamper bar ─── 夹持杆

13、core clamper ─── [机] 砂心夹

14、clamper ecv ─── 夹持器ecv

clamper 词性/词形变化,clamper变形


clamper 相似词语短语

1、clamber ─── vi.攀登,爬上;vt.爬,攀登;n.攀登,爬上

2、clasper ─── n.抱握器;卷须

3、champer ─── n.咀嚼;咀嚼声(champ的变形)

4、clumper ─── 严重冒顶

5、clapper ─── n.拍手者;铃舌;响板;唠唠叨叨的嘴巴;n.(Clapper)人名;(英)克拉珀

6、clampers ─── n.[电]接线板;(防滑用)鞋底钉;钳位电路

7、clamped ─── adj.夹紧的;v.夹住;强制实行;用沉重脚步行走(clamp的过去分词)

8、camper ─── n.露营者,野营者;n.(Camper)人名;(荷、英)坎珀

9、clammer ─── n.蚌蛤捕拾者

clamper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、gate clamper ─── 控制箝位器, 选通箝位器


3、Reversed Core Clamper for Milling Twist Drill ─── 铣削麻花钻头的反顶尖装夹

4、Keywords tongs;core clamper;fixing; ─── 夹具;顶尖;定位;

5、The thin film packing,equipped with a chopstick clamper and an automatic stopping,features embossing,three-sided sealing,cutting,automatic counting and tiding up. ─── 一双筷子包一个袋子,通过压花,三边封口,切断,完成包装。全机设有计数、整理、夹筷自动停机、变频变速等装置。

6、the battery is located with clamper handle inside battery shell; ─── 电池设置在夹子手柄的内部的电池壳内;

7、The strengthened clamper ensures certainly clamping and unclamping. ─── 强力卸扣装置,确保卸扣万无一失;

8、(5)The applications of PN diode: Rectifier, Filter, Clipper, Clamper, and Voltage-doubler; ─── (5)半导体二极体之应用:整流器,滤波器,剪波器,箝位器,倍压器;

9、triode clamper ─── 三极管箝位电路

10、test result shows that clamper greatly increases only the first natural frequency. ─── 结果表明,夹板只对第一阶固有频率有较大提高。

11、The constructure, Principle of clamper which is used for protective cap of petrol drum and its design calculating model are introduced in this paper. ─── 本文介绍了油桶保安盖销紧器的结构、工作原理、力学模型及设计计算.

12、A Hydraulic Autocontrol Rail Clamper ─── 液压式自动夹轨器

13、Formation cause and prevention of gas holes in stainless steel wirerope clamper castings produced by investment casting ─── 不锈钢钢丝绳夹座熔模铸造气孔的产生与防止

14、die clamper ─── 模夹具

15、A clamper is arranged on a tool bar of a screwdriver. ─── 它是在螺丝刀刀杆上设置一个夹持器。

16、The clamper can also be made of nonmetallic material, and is especially suitable for situations which need insulating. ─── 该夹持器还可用非金属材料制成,特别适用于需要绝缘的场合。

17、protecting clamper ─── 防护钳位

18、clamper amplifier ─── 信号电平固定放大器

19、Core Clamper for Turning Big Axis ─── 车削大轴类零件的活顶尖

20、Analysis of 8 MN tension straighten-leveller clamper unfix reason ─── 8 MN张力矫直机拉伸夹头打滑的原因

21、Keywords electrode clamper;finite element method;structure analysis;improvement; ─── 电极夹持器;有限元;结构分析;改进;

22、clamper noise ─── 箝位器噪声

23、The separated, strengthened clamper ensures certainly clamping and unclamping. ─── 分离式强力卸扣装置,确保可靠夹持和卸扣;

24、transistor base clamper circuit ─── 晶体管基极箝位器电路

25、keyed clamper ─── 键控箝位器


27、diode clamper ─── 二极管箝位器

28、The executive mechanism of Cu-Al pipe butt welder, based on above, was designed, including its air system and mating clamper. ─── 在此基础上,设计了铜铝管对焊机的执行机构,包括其气动系统和配套夹具。

29、Grandmother often reads a hymnbook with a sliver clamper in her spare time. ─── 闲暇时,奶奶经常会拿着一个银夹子给我们读赞美诗集。

30、air clamper ─── 气动夹紧装置气动压紧装置

31、core clamper ─── 顶尖芯铁夹持器

32、rotary trunk-layer stripping machine without clamper ─── 无卡轴旋切机

33、clamper circuit ─── 箝位器电路

34、Keywords Protective cap of petrol drum Clamper Design andcalculation; ─── 油桶保安盖;锁紧器;设计计算;

35、By assembling with thermistor clamper, the thermistor is very easy to replace, and the application range is widened. ─── 由于装有热敏电阻夹持器,热敏电阻更换十分方便,扩开了使用范围。

36、Keywords clamper transmission shaft trouble analysis; ─── 夹持器;传动轴;故障分析;

37、clamper is arranged on a tool bar of a screwdriver. ─── 在螺丝刀刀杆上设置一个夹持器。

38、Grandmother often reads a hymnbook with a sliver clamper in her spare time. ─── 她经常在空闲时间拿着一块长条板读一本赞美诗集。

39、Spring Core Clamper for Axial Position ─── 轴向定位弹簧顶尖

40、The executive mechanism of Cu-Al pipe butt welder,based on above,was designed,including its air system and mating clamper. ─── 在分析了铜铝管焊接工艺过程的基础上,重点论述了铜铝管对焊机执行系统和控制系统的设计。

41、synchronized clamper ─── 同步箝位器

42、switching clamper ─── 开关钳位电路

43、Casting Defects and Prevention of a Ductile Iron Clamper Body ─── 球铁钳体铸造缺陷与对策

44、Keywords evaporite bed;drilling speed;clamper;Tahe Oilfield; ─── 盐膏层;钻井速度;减振器;塔河油田;

45、Developing Design for Clamper for Protective cap of petrol drum ─── 油桶保安盖锁紧器的开发设计

46、The utility model relates to a screwdriver with a clamper. ─── 一种带夹持器的螺丝刀。

47、clamper tube ─── 箝位管

48、Keywords diods;clamper circuits;pulse;Laplacian transformation;electric resistance; ─── 二极管箝位电路;脉冲;拉氏变换法;电阻;

49、balanced clamper ─── 平衡钳位电路

50、Analysis on the Destruction of Holding Clamper of Meer Pipe Hydropress ─── 米尔水压试验机举升夹持机构破坏原因分析

51、The Inner Aligning Clamper of Small-bore Pipeline by Hydraulic Pressure ─── 小口径管道液压内对口器

52、(6)The applications of PN diode : Rectifier, Filter, Clipper, Clamper, and Voltage-doubler; ─── (6)半导体二极体之应用:整流器,滤波器,剪波器,箝位器,倍压器;

53、The paper analyses the failure reason of the EAF electrode arm clamper and proposes the countermeasure. ─── 本文对珠钢电炉电极横臂夹持器功能失效原因进行分析,同时提出解决问题的办法。

54、This invention relates to lamp clamper, which comprises clamper body, LED bulb and battery, wherein, the clamper device ad the LED bulb are located on the front of the clamper gear; ─── 本发明涉及一种带灯夹子,其包含夹子本体、LED灯泡和电池;还包含夹片装置;LED灯泡设置在夹子前齿的上部;

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