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09-08 投稿



extirpated 发音

英:[?ekst?pe?t?d]  美:[?ekst?rpe?t?d]

英:  美:

extirpated 中文意思翻译



extirpated 同义词

decimate | quell | carry off | show up | overshadow | press out | take away | smother | destroy | snuff out | suppress | blow out | eclipse | obscure | surpass | outshine | snuff | crush out | stub out | do away with | wipe out | put out | eradicate | damp |quench | exterminate | crush | eliminate | end | out | terminate | put | douse | annihilate | get rid of

extirpated 短语词组

1、extirpated species ─── 绝迹种

extirpated 词性/词形变化,extirpated变形

动词过去分词: extirpated |形容词: extirpative |动词现在分词: extirpating |名词: extirpation |动词第三人称单数: extirpates |动词过去式: extirpated |

extirpated 反义词

ignite | kindle | light

extirpated 相似词语短语

1、extirpates ─── v.根除;彻底毁坏

2、extirpation ─── n.消灭,根除;毁灭

3、extirpative ─── 根除的;除尽的;灭绝的

4、extirpate ─── v.根除;彻底毁坏

5、extreated ─── 挤压的

6、extirped ─── 消灭

7、extirpator ─── n.扑灭者;摘除器

8、extirpatory ─── 根除的

9、extirpating ─── v.根除;彻底毁坏

extirpated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results: The surgically extirpated ventral prostate lobe in rats regenerates attaining plateau size at 8~16 weeks post lobectomy. ─── 结果:手术摘除大鼠腹侧前列腺叶的再生在叶切除术后的8~16周达到最大值。

2、The population around South Georgia Island was extirpated, along with those that once fed in the coastal waters of Japan. ─── 南乔治亚岛附近的鲸群被斩尽杀绝,一度活跃于日本沿海的鲸群也无一幸免。

3、It is relatively easier for the side shoot to grow, and the side-shoot to be extirpated in time. ─── 发生侧枝能力较强,应及时摘除侧枝。

4、The other classification is labor class in which we repaired canal, constructed road, extirpated weed, even carried excrement. ─── 另一种则是劳动课,在课上,我们修渠、造路、除草甚至挑粪。

5、Once, following World War I, bison from zoos were brought here to replenish a species nearly extirpated by hungry soldiers. ─── 第一次世界大战之后,动物园饲养的欧洲野牛被带到这片森林中,来补充这个几乎被饥饿的士兵全部吃光的物种。

6、Many species have been extirpated from those areas. ─── 许多物种已在那些地区灭绝了。

7、Under general anesthesia, the entire mass was extirpated with CO2 laser endoscopically, and the pathologic diagnosis was a vascular leiomyoma. ─── 在全身麻醉下,经显微雷射手术摘除肿瘤,病理报告证实为罕见的血管性平滑肌瘤。

8、We look forward to the day when leprosy will be extirpated. ─── 我们期待着麻风病绝迹的一天。

9、One patient with large draining vein was also extirpated completely, but only with visual loss. ─── 1例患者虽然完整摘除但术后视力丧失,术前影像学检查显示肿瘤存在粗大引流静脉;

10、Many species have been extirpated from large areas ─── 许多种动物已在大片区域内灭绝。

11、The social compact would dissolve, and justice be extirpated from the earth, or have only a casual existence, were we callous to the touches of affection. ─── 假如我们麻木无情,社会契约就会解体,公道就会在世上绝迹,或者不过偶然存在。

12、Many species have been extirpated from large areas. ─── 许多种动物已在大片区域内灭绝。

13、He says "I raise the question, Wouldn't it be a sad loss if humanity was extirpated from the planet? ─── 他说:“我提出了问题,如果人类被从地球上消灭,难道不会是一个令人伤心的损失吗?

14、When the wolves were extirpated in the park as a menace, elk numbers soared, and the hordes consumed the vegetation, denuding the Lamar Valley and driving out many other species. ─── 当公园里的狼群被视为威胁而遭到消灭,麋鹿的数量便开始窜升,成群的麋鹿大啖植被,剥光拉马河谷,将许多物种驱逐出境。

15、The evil gangsters who had been harassing the people in this city were extirpated. ─── 骚扰这个城市的一伙坏蛋被铲除了。

16、extirpated species ─── 绝迹种(动)

17、a huge nonmagnetic intraocular foreign bodies on ora serrata was extirpated via limbal incision, through dissociating vitreous body by vitrectomy. ─── 1例锯齿缘巨大非磁性异物,行晶体摘除后经角膜缘切口取出。

18、must be extirpated. ─── 必须根除绑架。

19、Observe the different degree of pain as the dental pulp was extirpated by devitalization and anesthetization respectively and severity of pain was observed. ─── 结果:二组的疗效有极显著性差异(P

20、Because of this, large trees are unscrupulously poached; in some areas the species has been nearly extirpated . ─── 因为这个,大棵的树常被乱砍伐,在一些地区,这一种红豆杉已经消失。

21、extirpated Extinct in a particular country but surviving in others. ─── 根除在一个特别的国家中已灭绝但是存活在其它国家。

22、At present,extirpated by operation at maturation phase is the mainly therapy of age-related cataract,but the medical treatment is still challenged. ─── 年龄相关性白内障目前的治疗仍以成熟期手术摘除为主。

23、Recently, large trees are unscrupulously poached for wood and exploitation of the species for medicinal purposes is further threatening it.In many areas yew has been nearly extirpated. ─── 近年来,除了有人砍大树猎取木材外,药用加剧了对其资源的掠夺,野生红豆杉濒临灭绝,在许多原来有大面积分布的地方现在已经不再见其踪迹。

24、Once following World War I bison from zoos were brought here to replenish a species nearly extirpated by hungry soldiers. ─── 第一次世界大战之后,动物园饲养的欧洲野牛被带到这片森林中,来补充这个几乎被饥饿的士兵全部吃光的物种。

25、Many species have been extirpated from those areas. ─── 许多物种已在那些地区灭绝了。

26、Wolves Canis lupus, extirpated from the western U.S. before the mid-20th century, have made a rapid and surprisingly painless recovery because wild areas and prey populations remained abundant. ─── 狼在二十世纪中叶就在美国西部灭绝了,但是目前由于有广阔的生存区域和丰富的食物,种群恢复很快。

27、Because of this, large trees are unscrupulously poached;in some areas the species has been nearly extirpated. ─── 因为这个,大棵的树常被乱砍伐,在一些地区,这一种红豆杉已经消失。

28、The Wang Ching-wei gang must be extirpated. ─── 务绝汪党,投畀豺虎。

29、The individuals extirpated, the tribe subsists. ─── 个人被剔除,族类仍存在。

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