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09-08 投稿


consigner 发音

英:[[k?n'sa?n?]]  美:[[k?n'sa?n?]]

英:  美:

consigner 中文意思翻译



consigner 词性/词形变化,consigner变形

动词现在分词: consigning |动词过去分词: consigned |动词第三人称单数: consigns |形容词: consignable |名词: consignation |动词过去式: consigned |

consigner 短语词组

1、consigner doctor ─── 委托人医生

2、consigner id ─── 发货人id

3、consigner francais ─── 收货人法国

4、consigner nraas ─── 委托人nraas

5、consigner def ─── 发货人定义

6、consigner medicine ─── 寄主药

consigner 相似词语短语

1、consigned ─── 委托

2、consigners ─── n.发货人;委托人;寄售人

3、consignors ─── n.发货人;货主;委托者

4、nonsigner ─── 未签名

5、consignee ─── n.收件人;受托者;承销人

6、consignees ─── n.[贸易]收货人

7、nonsigners ─── 非签名者

8、consignor ─── n.发货人;货主;委托者

9、cosigner ─── n.联合签署;联署者

consigner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The purpose of this item is the system of PRS to develop a can consign the usage to satisfy the business enterprise inside come from 200 are in national every locality store everyday is altogether 400 special return of goodses application. ─── 2006年9月6日1.本项目的目的是开发一个可交付使用的PRS系统以满足企业内来自200个在全国各地店铺中每天总共400份特殊退货申请。

2、Time urgent,but we will try our best to reserve the bunk and keep in touch with the consigner. ─── 主题:时间太紧张,我们会尽力保留舱位并保持和发货人的联系。

3、Ah! How cheerfully we consign ourselves to perdition! ─── 啊!我们是多么欢欢喜喜地使自己沦于万劫不复的境地啊!

4、Sorry.Your bag is too big. For the passenger's safety we have to consign it for you. ─── 对不起,您的行李太大了,为了乘客的安全,我们帮您办一下托运手续。

5、The air transport company will collect payment on your behalf from the consigner, against delivery. ─── 航空运输公司可以代你在交货时,向收货人收取货款。

6、Consigner ... or in case any damage, decay occurs due to no consignee to get ... ─── book stand 书立book stand. 日记簿diary book. 文件袋expanding file.... 立书人.

7、Communicate and work closely with the oversea consigner to formulate a packing and shipping strategy for each project to ensure smooth shipping and an efficient clearance. ─── 与国外委托方密切联系、定时沟通,规划和制定货物的包装与运输策略,保证项目的运输工作能够顺利执行。

8、To sign the contract of the consignment base on the mutual analysis and discussions. The consigner to pay deposit within agreed period. ─── 双方根据对所招聘职位的分析结果,共同协商并签定“招聘委托猎头协议书”。委托方在约定期限内支付约定的保证金。

9、We are not prepare to consign the goods. ─── 我们不准备寄售此货。

10、We now consign the following, per M.S. America maru, which sail today from here. ─── 我们现将下列委托品装上“美国”号货轮,该船今天从这里启航。

11、The custom of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a lot of, the form is also each not same, but all consign the people to the living infinite passion and to fine life of look forward to. ─── 中秋节的习俗很多,形式也各不相同,但都寄托着人们对生活无限的热爱和对美好生活的向往。

12、The owner or consigner shall pay the freight and average and all other lawful charges accruing on said property. ─── 货主或收货人应当支付运费、海损费以及就上述货物所发生的一切其他费用。

13、Consignment; consignment goods; consign goods; an article consign. ─── 寄售品。

14、We consign the least worthy qualities to oblivion, and cherish the nobler and imperishable nature with double pride and fondness. ─── 我们任凭那些不值一文的品质湮没无闻,珍视比较崇高而又永垂不朽的天性,倍感骄傲和眷恋。

15、Well operated mediacy credit was beneficial to merchants' successful management, and imperfection in mediacy credit might injured the economic interests of consigner. ─── 居间信用的良性运转有利于商人的成功经营,居间信用的缺失对委托者的经济利益构成侵害。

16、We have consign the goods, value $19,000, 000 as the first consignment to you. ─── 我们已将第一次寄信品寄交贵公司,价值19,000,000元。

17、Consign to thee, and come to dust. ─── 与你签下那死亡的契约,而后化作灰尘.

18、With regards the delivery of samples, you can consign the local FEDEX or other Int'l express Co. in Maldif to come to collect the goods in China.There is no need to remit via WESTERN UNION. ─── 关于样品的寄送,贵司可以委托马尔代夫当地的FEDEX或其他国际快递公司来中国收货就可以了,也不需要通过西联汇款了。

19、We are going to consign your company to be our sole sale agent in China . ─── 我们将委托贵公司作为我公司在中国的独家业务代理。

20、Xindanwei starts to sell, consign, display interesting design, book etc. ─── 我们出售、寄卖、展示、协助开发/制造有趣、好玩的设计品、书籍等。

21、Consign ceremonially, .. ─── 交付仪式上,...

22、Once insulate, imprison in the slope of the garden the previous and small house, I the feeling consign into limbo, very depressed. ─── 一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。

23、3.Dodo McNeill: Not one of you has the right to consign Bess to hell! ─── 你们谁都没有权利诅咒贝丝下地狱!

24、If Exhibitors do not consign their shipment strictly in accordance with the above Consignment Instruction, they must bear all the responsibilities and extra expense arising therefrom. ─── 展商必须严格遵守以上的发运指示。因为展商未遵守发运指示而产生的所有问题和相关的额外费用,由展商承担。

25、Because we cannot consign our nation to an open-ended recession. ─── 因为我们不能听任我们的国家陷入无止境的衰退。

26、Prevent repertory accessories and parts from attaint, consign them in the order of arrival, put them on the principle of weight, make well records of receiving and consignment, and save original credence. ─── 保证库存配件材料的完好无损,做到配件先进先出、下重上轻的原则,做好收发记录,保存原始凭证。

27、Kindly realize the goods consign you on our behalf as advantageously as possible ─── 委托贵公司销售的商品,请为本公司利益,尽力售出。

28、A consigner is the person who brings the clothes in that they want the store, the consignment store, to sell for them.So a consignment is just like being a distributor. ─── 一般来说,客户拿东西到她们商店来,有一位专门负责收购的经理决定哪些她们能卖出去,哪些她们不愿意卖。

29、consign the training pf personnel to a certain school ─── 委培

30、But I'm not willing to consign a teenage girl to a lifetime of struggle because of lack of access to birth control. ─── 但是,我并不愿意一个十来岁的小姑娘陷入一生的艰难生活中,只是因为社会没有给予其足够的节育途径。

31、Consign Ding Hong carry out second party auditions, and can savea lots manpower and material resources to reduce cost further. ─── 委托鼎宏实施第二方审核,可使客户节省大量人力物力,并进一步降低成本。

32、Part B consign Part A carry its fashion cargo from Ningbo China to Moscow Russia. ─── 乙方委托甲方承运自中国宁波至俄罗斯莫斯科的的服装货物国际运输代理业务。

33、Review consign materials from customer to meet sale order. ─── 复审来自于客户的物料能够满足销售订单。

34、To consign( goods) to one; to sell on commission ─── 委托销售,给佣金销售

35、Have to consign all expenseses. ─── 必须交付所有费用。

36、On the basis of the forecast of demands from consigner and the case-analysis of presale issues in European lines of CSCL. ─── 在对货主需求进行预测的基础上,结合中海集运亚欧航线上的舱位预售问题进行了实例分析。

37、We can finally consign my old bird to the scrap heap. ─── 我们终于可以把旧飞机扔掉了。

38、If the extra temp controller in need should be packed at the factory before packaged, the consignee should put forward to the request directly to the consigner. ─── 如果需要在货物内额外安装温控器那么应该在工厂包装前将其打包在内,请收货人直接向发货人提出该要求;

39、Many environmentalists would like to consign nuclear power to the dustbin of history, but it seems that it's an energy source that just won't go away. ─── 很多环保主义者好像已经把核能扔进了历史的垃圾箱,但是似乎这种能源并不会简单的被淘汰。

40、In order to properly deliver the samples, in 2001, CIQ started to consign to DATONG International transportation Co. of sample delivery by air express. ─── 为保证残留监控样品的安全传递,2001年原国家出入境检验检疫局委托大通国际运输有限公司,将需要航空快递的样品指定由该公司进行运送。

41、We will consign the goods to him by express. ─── 我们将以快递把货物寄给他。

42、I have consign to you, per m/s " asahimaru ", 1/20 - twenty bale cotton, value $1,000,000 . ─── 我们已将20包棉花装上“旭号”货轮,运往贵公司。唛头1/20,价值1,000,000元。

43、Also consign the oneself to you, , ─── 也把自己交付给你

44、consign a letter to the post ─── 付邮

45、We will consign your company acting as the agent for us in Mauritius. ─── 我们将委托贵公司作为我公司在毛里求斯的业务代理。

46、Responsible for finished the other works consign by the leading. ─── 完成领导临时交办的其他一切事务。

47、Consigner Signature: Date: Company Stamp of the Payer ─── 委托经办人签名日期付款公司盖章

48、"Son of man, wail for the hordes of Egypt and consign to the earth below both her and the daughters of mighty nations, with those who go down to the pit. ─── 人子阿、你要为埃及群众哀号、又要将埃及、和有名之国的女子并下坑的人、一同扔到阴府去。

49、If you have foreign currency notes, bills of exchange and checks, you can consign a business office of Bank to handle collection or discount. ─── 如您持有外币本票、票及支票等,可委托银行的营业网点办理托收或贴现。

50、Research on how to consign effectively ─── 如何有效利用系统效率进行出库发货

51、If rain were to grace an upcoming episode of our Wall adventures, a tent would consign it to a minor role. ─── 如果说雨水可以给我们即将进行的这轮长城冒险活动带来荣耀,那么购买一个挡风避雨的帐篷将使冒险变得平凡。)

52、According to our country's present corporate governance structure, shareholders' meeting, board of directors, independent director and audit committee can't be competent at the auditing consigner. ─── 从我国目前的公司治理结构来看,股东会、董事会、独立董事和审计委员会均不能胜任委托人的角色。

53、With Cosco and Coscon’s global nets and liner service, all containers that booked through Cosco Austria GmbH, could be reached to consigner quickly and safely. ─── 以中远集团及中远集运公司的全球货运网络为依托,以中远集运的密集班轮航线为基础,使得经中远乘运的奥地利的进出口货物得以快速,安全地送到客户的手中。

54、On the basis of discussing about the characteristics and patterns of agent construction system in the government investment projects, this essay focuses on research of risk of consigner and surrogate. ─── 在对政府投资项目代建制管理模式的特点及模式进行讨论的基础上,着重研究代建制委托一代理风险。

55、They can't just consign me to the scrap heap because I'm over fifty! ─── 他们不能因为我超过五十岁就弃我不顾!

56、So the consigner can consign fake goods or the buyer can refuse to pay, leading to problems at all stages of the process. ─── 因此,委托人可以委托拍卖假货,买家可以拒绝付款,使得整个拍卖过程的各个阶段都问题重重。

57、(1) Provide legal opinion for the overall restructuring project where the Consigner so requires. ─── (1)应委托人的要求,就重组项目提供全面法律咨询意见。

58、The person that should buy a house thinks the building accords with an agreement, and be in " the building is checked and accept hand over sheet " on after signing, development business finished the consign of the building. ─── 当购房者认为房屋符合约定,并且在《房屋验收交接单》上签字以后,开发商就完成了房屋的交付。

59、In Samadhi I consign my practice totally to Qi, Kundanili, essence and soul.Despite what the name we calling him, I lay myself on him anyway. ─── 在三昧中,我将练功的课程完全放任的交给气、挫火、精气、识神,不论我们给祂什麽名字,反正我是赖上祂了。

60、Refer to Meeting Notice for detailed information of meeting reception, accommodation, and exhibit consign. ─── 会务接待、住宿、展品托运等请见《会务通知》。

61、When Qi operates, our will is totally childish and innocent.We consign our relation between Qi and yoga to Qi.In consciousness we don't know Qigong and have its function. ─── 我们只需将气与瑜伽之间运作的关系完全交给气自己去安排与统合,至于在意识界里,我们则始终是一个完全不懂、也并不具备任何气功能力的人;

62、Zhang Ai ling's text is should be worldly, but the customs get such compactness, making people find out there a kind of consign. ─── 张爱玲的文本是世俗的,但是世俗得如此精致,使人们在她那里找到了一种寄托。

63、We have good cooperation with domestic manufacturing enterprises, and offer advanced physical distribution consign equipment and professional facile service to the market. ─── 公司拥有多家合作、生产企业,为客户提供高品质的产品。

64、When patent right is infringed, you can consign our office to proceed against tortious person to court. ─── 专利权受到侵犯时,可以委托本所向人民法院起诉侵权者,或向管理专利工作部门请求处理侵权者。

65、Article 17 Upon consent of the customs, an intellectual property right holder and the consignee or consigner may view relevant goods. ─── 第十七条经海关同意,知识产权权利人和收货人或者发货人可以查看有关货物。

66、To dispatch or consign (a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. ─── 寄送,托运:派遣或寄送(例如船只)给代理商店或代理人。

67、We cannot agree to consign the goods. ─── 我们不同意寄售此货。

68、consign for shipment on a vehicle,as of luggage ─── 在交通工具上运行李

69、consign other companies to maintenance the equipment system ─── 委外

70、To consign for future use or reference or for preservation ─── 交付,保管:为将来使用、参考或保存而寄存

71、Bought house is period room, next year consign, think now a renown give up, OK? How to change? ─── 买的房子是期房,明年交付,现想把户名改掉,可以吧?怎么改?

72、To dispatch or consign(a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. ─── 寄送,托运派遣或寄送(例如船只)给代理商店或代理人

73、With openly advertised schedules for shipments from various liners, shippers may then consign their shipments to the liner that offers the most economical and convenient liner services. ─── 定期货柜航线运送讲求定港、定线、定期、定时之服务特色。讬运人根据所需,查询定期航商所提供之船期表,择其适合之船期进行讬运;

74、Only when audit consigner "s localization was standarded ,can the questions which social audit commission style exists be settled thoroughly. ─── 只有规范审计委托人的定位,才能彻底解决社会审计委托模式存在的问题。

75、If you consign your heart to it, eventually, you will regret, disappoint and fret. ─── 你如果将心交给它,将心放在它上面,最终你就会后悔、失望、不断懊恼。

76、In nature, the right to petition of consignment is a kind of right to petition of obligatory right, including the right of requesting to consign and to correct the consignment. ─── 动产交付请求权性质上为债权请求权,包括请求交付的权利和请求更正交付的权利。

77、Domestic remittances: Members of the public may consign Chunghwa Post to make a remittance of a specific amount to a domestic beneficiary. ─── 一国内汇兑:指公众以一定金额委托中华邮政公司支付与国内受款人之业务。

78、They consign the goods to us. ─── 他们已将该商品销于本公司。

79、Our company consign Shenzhen Gongchangda Cargo Services Co., Ltd for delivering express and packages(UPS waybill filled by our company will be the final evidence). ─── 兹本公司现委托深圳市共畅达货运代理有限公司办理UPS快件业务,付款方式为运单上列明的收件人付款或指定的第三方付款(最终以本公司所填的UPS运单为依据)。

80、Accordingly, baoan, Long Gang two areas altogether after November 1, 1994 the building project of complete consign, all press construction (property) always invest the scale capture of 2% to pay special fund. ─── 因此,宝安、龙岗两区凡1994年11月1日以后竣工交付的房屋项目,均按建设(物业)总投资百分之二的比例缴交专用基金。

81、consign for shipment on a vehicle, as of luggage. ─── 在交通工具上运行李。

82、I have consign to you,per m/s Asahimaru,1/20-twenty bale cotton,value $1,000,000. ─── 我们已将20包棉花装上“旭号”货轮,运往贵公司。唛头1/20,价值1,000,000美元。

83、At the moment, you're only limiting the behavior of the auction house, not the consigner or the buyer. ─── 目前只能限制拍卖行的行为,而不是委托人或买家。

84、If it is wood, pls mark up clearly the good is made from non-processed wood or regenetive one.Also the consigner need to provide an explanation document for information. ─── 如果是木质的,请清楚的注明是原木的还是再生木的,还需要发货人提供一张情况说明。

85、Assist the project management company designated by Consigner in drafting the preliminary due diligent report. ─── 协助委托人聘请的项目管理公司撰写初步尽职调查汇总报告。

86、They consign him to jail. ─── 他们将他移交监狱。

87、When the love leaves me of time, Q's spoiling is my unique consign, I gave everything virtual pet. ─── 当爱情离开我的时候,Q宠就是我的唯一寄托,我把一切给了虚拟的宠物。

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