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09-03 投稿


beatification 发音

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beatification 中文意思翻译



beatification 网络释义

n. 受福;列福式;(天主教)宣福礼

beatification 短语词组

1、beatification meaning catholic ─── 祝福意味着天主教

2、beatification of michael mcgivney ─── 迈克尔·麦基夫尼的祝福

3、beatification definition ─── 祝福定义

4、beatification meaning ─── 祝福的意义

5、beatification of father mcgivney ─── 麦基夫尼神父的祝福

6、beatification of mcgivney ─── 麦基夫尼的祝福

7、beatification of father michael mcgivney ─── 迈克尔·麦基夫尼神父的祝福

8、beatification 2020 ─── 祝福2020

beatification 词性/词形变化,beatification变形

副词: beatifically |

beatification 相似词语短语

1、rectification ─── n.改正,矫正;[化工]精馏;[电]整流;[数]求长

2、gratification ─── n.满意;喜悦;使人满意之事

3、testification ─── n.证据;举证;立证

4、beautification ─── n.美化;[建]装饰

5、gelatification ─── n.胶凝作用

6、certification ─── n.证明,鉴定;出具课程结业证书,颁发证书

7、beatifications ─── n.受福;列福式;(天主教)宣福礼

8、basification ─── n.[土壤]碱化

9、ratification ─── n.批准;承认,认可

beatification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mamma Margaret’s person is much loved, admired and venerated by all groups in the Salesian Family, anxiously awaiting her Beatification. ─── 我们急切地期待著她的宣福。适逢她逝世一百五十周年,这正是我们更深入了解她的时刻。

2、Now, the official who promotes a candidate in the first place also has the power to recommend him or her to the Pope for beatification ─── 如今,候选人最初的提名官员也有权建议教皇给其候选人施行宣福礼。

3、Beatification, which is bestowed only on the dead, is the penultimate step before sainthood. ─── 受宣福,只能适用于死了的人,是封圣前的步骤。

4、Thousands attended the beatification of Juan Diego. ─── 数千人参加了胡安·迪亚哥的宣福仪式。

5、Conclusion: Eguiyangxue syrup has some effects on facial beatification to a certain extent. ─── 结论:阿归养血糖浆具有一定的美容作用。

6、In the course of the meeting a number of technical issues were discussed regarding the launching of the process of beatification and canonisation. ─── 在会面过程中,讨论了很多有关展开册封真福品及封圣程序的技术性问题。

7、One of the steps, beatification, requires at least one confirmed miracle. ─── 步骤之一,宣福礼,需要至少一个确实的奇迹。

8、The Effective Research of Wild Purslane Herbs on Anti - oxidation, Beatification and Health - Protection ─── 野菜马齿苋抗氧化美容等保健功效研究

9、John Paul's beatification means he has had a miracle attributed to his intercession. ─── 保罗二世的宣福礼意味着他在为人代祷中已经行了一次神迹。

10、Today, his beatification causes barely a flicker: all attention is on child abuse and Vatican social teachings. ─── 今天,他的赐福仪式几乎吸引不到多少注意:所有的注意力都集中在虐童事件和梵蒂冈的社会教义上面。

11、The highlight of the trip should be the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, a liberal theologian much beloved of Anglo-Catholics. ─── 此行的重头戏应该是红衣主教约翰·亨利·纽曼的宣福礼,此人为备受英国国教天主教派所喜爱的19世纪自由神学家。

12、More than a million people descended on Rome to take part in the beatification ceremony of the late Pope John Paul II. ─── 多万人来到罗马参加为已故教皇保罗二世举行的宣福礼。

13、You can find anything for dog there... from small dogs to large ones, from beatification services to training programs, from food to medicine... anything you need, they've gotten it. ─── 从小型犬到大型犬,从犬美容到犬训练,从狗食到狗药,只要是你能想到的与狗有关的物品,你都能在那里找到。

14、One of the steps, beatification, requires at least one confirmed miracle. ─── 步骤之一,宣福礼,需要至少一个确实的奇迹。

15、Beatification, which is bestowed only on the dead, is the penultimate step before sainthood . ─── 受宣福,只能适用于死了的人,是封圣前的步骤。

16、Conclusion: Eguiyangxue syrup has some effects on facial beatification to a certain extent. ─── 结论:阿归养血糖浆具有一定的美容作用。

17、1909 - Joan of Arc receives beatification. ─── 1909年的今天,贞德接受赐福。

18、Beatification, which is bestowed only on the dead, is the penultimate step before sainthood. ─── 宣福,只能适用于死了的人,是封圣前的步骤。

19、Another person says: "Beatification beatification is like endure hardships. ─── 另一人说:“受福如受罪。”

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