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09-03 投稿



schiller 发音

英:[???l?r]  美:[???l?]

英:  美:

schiller 中文意思翻译



schiller 短语词组

1、Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller ─── [网络] 席勒;德国席勒;歌德或席勒

2、friedrich schiller ─── 席勒

3、Schiller's method ─── [医] 许累尔氏法(人工呼吸法)

4、Schiller's test ─── [医] 希勒氏试验(检子宫颈癌)

5、Schiller-Christian disease ─── [医] 许-克二氏病(综合征), 汉德氏病(慢性特发性黄瘤病)

6、Schiller's phenomenon ─── [医] 许累尔氏现象(器质性偏瘫患者步行时易向患者偏斜)

7、Schiller's syndrome ─── [医] 许累尔氏综合征(慢性特发性黄瘤病)

8、Schiller's disease ─── [医] 许累尔氏病(慢性特发性黄瘤病,局灶性颅骨骨质疏松)

9、Schiller's ducts ─── [医] 许累尔氏管, 尿道旁腺管

10、Schiller's solution ─── [医] 希勒氏液(含碘,碘化钾)

schiller 相似词语短语

1、schizier ─── 滑块

2、chilled ─── adj.(人)感觉冷的;放松的,不担心的;v.使变冷;使震惊;(非正式)镇静下来;消磨时光(chill的过去式和过去分词)

3、Achilles ─── n.阿基里斯

4、chillers ─── n.冷水机(chiller的复数);冷却装置

5、Schiller ─── n.席勒(姓氏,德国诗人及剧作家)

6、chiller ─── n.制冷机;恐怖电影或书籍

7、hiller ─── n.[农机]培土器

8、scroller ─── n.照片卷轴;用于画涡形的画笔

9、achillea ─── [植]蓍属

schiller 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Therefore, the EU anthem is in effect the Beethoven theme (or melody) rather than Schiller's poem, ─── 因此欧盟的国歌实际上是贝多芬的主题曲而不是席勒的诗,

2、Schiller's conception of aesthetic education is complete and has great significance for present education. ─── 他的美育思想体系是完备的,对当代教育有很好的借鉴意义。

3、Schiller and Naumann equation ─── 希勒-瑙曼方程

4、Schiller's solution ─── [医] 希勒氏液(含碘, 碘化钾)

5、Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller (1864~1937) ─── 席勒,F.C.S.(1864-1937)

6、Schiller's statements on beauty is the second creator of human ─── 席勒论美是人的第二创造者

7、And Apple's marketing boss Phil Schiller is all over Instagram. ─── 并且苹果公司的市场营销老大PhilSchiller就是一个Instagram狂热用户。

8、Schiller has passed away for 200 years. ─── 席勒已经逝世200周年。

9、I believe that our contemporary pragmatists, especially Messrs. Schiller and Dewey, have given the only tenable account of this subject ─── 我相信当代的实用主义者,特别是席勒和杜威两位先生,对于这个问题已经给了我们唯一有条理的解释。

10、Only those who h*e the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily 。 (Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet)。 ─── 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。(德国剧作家、诗人席勒。F。

11、Schiller International University Florida Campus ─── 席勒国际大学佛罗里达校园

12、The Aesthetics of Schiller: A Reconstructed Political and Philosophical Discourse of Modernity ─── 席勒美学:一种重建的政治哲学现代性话语

13、Schiller International University Florida USA ─── 以及美国席勒国际大学

14、aesthetics of Schiller ─── 席勒关学

15、The First and second parts of this article are parallel relation, expounding the theory of human nature of Schiller and Li Zehou separately. ─── 正文的第一、第二部分成并列关系,分别梳理了席勒与李泽厚的人性建设思想。

16、Ben Schiller surveys China's African rise. ─── 本·席勒研究中国在非洲的影响力。

17、Protoperidinium ovum schiller ─── n. 卵形原多甲藻

18、Schiller machine ─── 希勒玻璃成形机

19、Essentially the antithesis between the method of Shakespearean standard and that of Schiller's style is the one between "the authenticity of realism" and "the truth of matter's inherent law". ─── 席勒式方法与莎士比亚化方法之间的对立实质上就是“本质真实”与“现实主义的真实性”之间的对立。

20、Schiller, Dan. (2000). Digital Capitalism. (p. 6.) (First MIT Press paperback edition.) Massachusetts: The MIT Press. ─── 丹·席勒著《数字资本主义》,(中译本,杨立本译)江西人民出版社2001年版,第10页。

21、Schiller's style ─── “席勒式”

22、Though Schiller's aesthetics is universally appreciated today, this paper argues that what he did was no more than to provide a Utopia in aesthetic sense. ─── 摘要席勒美学虽在今天仍赢得人们普遍的赞誉,然而其思想只不过提出了一个审美乌托邦而已。

23、Schiller's syndrome ─── [医] 许累尔氏综合征(慢性特发性黄瘤病)

24、Representative figures in artistic play theories or theories on relationship between art and play based on the five above-mentioned play theories are Kant, Schiller, Freud, Gadamer and Huizinga. ─── 基于这五种游戏理论的艺术游戏论或艺术与游戏的关系论的代表人物分别是康德、席勒、弗洛伊德、伽达默尔和胡伊青加。

25、Just as said by Schiller:"people is only the complete people when playing". ─── 正如席勒所说:“人只有在游戏时才是完全的人”。

26、Schiller rs test ─── 希勒氏试验

27、It can be said that Schiller's aesthetics is a reconstructed political and philosophical discourse of modernity in the vision of enlightenment. ─── 可以说,在启蒙的视域之下,席勒美学是一种重建的政治哲学现代性话语。

28、Abstract: In Schiller’s thinking, there is a contradiction: he sometimes criticizes the religion, but sometimes praises it. ─── [内容摘要] 席勒的思想中,存在着对宗教的批判和赞扬的矛盾。

29、In this sense, a critical reading of Schiller's works will certainly offer us some beneficial resources of theoretical considerations. ─── 批判地阅读席勒的著作,会从反面给我们提供许多理论建构的有益资源。

30、His reluctant limo-driver, Rick Schiller, a down-on-his-luck indie filmmaker, is enlisted to find Taylor before the childstar destroys himself. ─── 倒霉的独立电影制片人,兼他的豪华轿车司机瑞克·席勒被应征在泰勒毁了自己的童星称号前找到他。

31、From the point of art, Schiller views aesthetic feeling, not moral, as the aim of tragedy, while moral is the way to achieve aesthetic feeling. ─── 摘要席勒从艺术的层面把审美快感而不是道德视为悲剧艺术的目的,道德则是作为达到审美快感的途径。

32、In the introduction, the paper gives the aesthetics works of Kant, Fichte and Romanticists, Schelling, Schiller and Hegel new illuminations. ─── 本文包括三个部分:导论性的对德国古典美学的批判,作为全文主体的对现象学美学的批判以及结论部分。

33、A Study of Schiller's Principles on Form of Artistic Aesthetics and "Target-Oriented" Theory ─── 席勒的艺术美形式原理与"对象化"

34、Schiller test ─── 宫颈粘膜碘试验

35、The Influence of Schiller's Thought on Aesthetic Education Over Karl Marx and Its Significance at the Present Time ─── 席勒美育思想对马克思的影响及其当代意义

36、Mr Schiller, as though emphasising that he was not trying to replace Mr Jobs, turned it into “one last thing”. ─── 斯其乐表面上好像强调自己并不想成为乔布斯的继任者,却将其变成了“最后一件事”。

37、At the age of 14,Schiller was forced by the principality ruler Wurttemburg duke to go to Carl's school to study law, afterwards just agree that he could learn medical. ─── 14岁被公国统治者符腾堡公爵强迫进入卡尔学校学习法律,后来才同意他学医学。

38、Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist_and_poet). ─── 德国剧作家、诗人席勒.F.

39、Dr. Schiller is chairwoman of the Lung Cancer Committee for the Eastern Cooperatie Oncology Group, which designed and conducted the study. ─── 施乐博士是西部肿瘤合作小组肺癌委员会的**。合作小组设计并进行了临床试验。

40、I think he lives at 19 Schiller Place. ─── 我想他家是席勒广场19号。

41、Schiller's Discussing on Different Types but Same Structures between Category of Beauty and Self-generating of Human ─── 席勒论美的范畴体系与人的自我生成异型同构

42、Schiller's ducts ─── [医] 许累尔氏管, 尿道旁腺管

43、Investors, Schiller promises, will be interested in making bets on this sort of thing. ─── 席勒承诺,投资者们对于在这类事情上下赌注将会很有兴趣。

44、Schiller's disease ─── [医] 许累尔氏病(慢性特发性黄瘤病, 局灶性颅骨骨质疏松)

45、China’sising involvement in Africa hanbrought opportunity and investment, says Ben Schiller . ─── 中国的不断介入为非洲国家带去了投资和发展机遇。

46、Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily . (Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet). ─── 只有有耐心圆满完成简单的人,才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。(德国剧作家、诗人席勒.F.

47、Schiller is the esthetician who first made aesthetics to be systematization in its history, and it's also he who first endowed aesthetic education a function of salvation. ─── 席勒是美学史上第一个将美育理论系统化的美学家,也是第一个赋予美育救世功能的美学家。

48、Just as said by Schiller : " people is only the complete people when playing " . ─── 正如席勒所说:“人只有在游戏时才是完全的人”。

49、Schiller solution ─── 库勒液

50、"The apple's cleft right through the core" (J.C.F. von Schiller). ─── ”苹果的裂缝正好通过果实的心” (J.C.F.冯·席勒)

51、Schiller, German Dramatist and poet. ─── 德国剧作家、诗人席勒。

52、Schiller's "free play" puts "freedom" in opposition to "desire" or "end," providing a false illusion of freedom and a remedy for incurable social diseases. ─── 席勒的“自由的游戏”将“自由”与“欲求”和“目的”对立,提供了虚假的自由幻象和不能治疗社会疾病的药方。

53、When we make an examination on the thought of Schiller, we find that the foundations of his thoughts arise from the two aspects: the historic background and theoretic source. ─── 当我们考察席勒这一思想时,社会历史背景与其理论渊源的双重因素凸现于面前,这是席勒思想产生的现实和理论的土壤。

54、Stefanie Schiller is the interface between our customers in South America and the technical department at Krones. ─── 我们南美客户与克朗斯技术部门之间的联络站由Stefanie Schiller女士负责。

55、Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily .(Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet). ─── 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。(德国剧作家、诗人席勒.F.)

56、Schiller's System of Aesthetic Category ─── 席勒的美学范畴体系(下)

57、I believe that our contemporary pragmatists, especially Messrs. Schiller and Dewey, have given the only tenable account of this subject. ─── 我相信当代的实用主义者,特别是席勒和杜威两位先生,对于这个问题已经给了我们唯一有条理的解释。

58、Schiller s aesthetic politics and aesthetic anthropology can both be called harmonious aesthetics. ─── 席勒的审美政治学和审美人类学都可以称为“和谐美学”。

59、Only Dating th-ose who have thehpatience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily . (Friedrich Schiller , German Dramatist and poet). ─── 只有有耐心圆满完成简单工作的人,才能够轻而易举地完成困难的事。(德国剧作家、诗人席勒.F.

60、Mr Schiller put on a gamely performance, but in subtle ways the absence of Mr Jobs, a consummate showman, was felt throughout. ─── 席勒做了一个勇敢的表演,但是是在乔布斯缺席时用了一种微妙的手段,一个出色的表演者会被人觉得到处都是。

61、Schiller's method ─── [医] 许累尔氏法(人工呼吸法)


63、Abstract: The poetic thoughts of Rousseau, Schiller and Hölderlin inherited with each other and have been gradually deepened. ─── 摘要:卢梭、席勒和荷尔德林的诗性之思处于逐步深化的关系中。

64、Friedrich Schiller ─── 席勒

65、Schiller's AestheticEducational Thought and Contemporary Humanistic Education ─── 席勒美育思想与当前人文教育

66、Remember I asked you from the preface, John Ray's preface, to figure out who Dolly Schiller is, who dies in childbed. ─── 还记得我曾让你们找出约翰·雷序言中的,死在产床上的多莉是谁。

67、As Yale University economist Robert Schiller said : "the real estate as a hedge paradise, this concept has been deeply implanted into national culture. ─── 正如耶鲁大学经济学家罗伯特?席勒所言:“把房地产视为避险天堂,这个观念已经深深植入各国的文化。”

68、Starting on a particular time, Schiller's conception of aesthetic education was deeply influenced by traditional philosophy ideas. ─── 摘要席勒的美育思想产生于特定的时代,并深受传统哲学思想的影响。

69、This thesis studied age background and idea source, and construed the system of Schiller"s theory.I think F.Von Schiller"s proffer behaved in these facets: 1. canonizing sensibility; ─── 本文通过考察席勒美育思想形成的时代背景和思想渊源,进一步分析了它的结构体系,认为席勒的贡献主要表现在:1.为感性正名;

70、Schiller and His Aesthetic Anthropology ─── 席勒的审美人类学

71、Schiller's phenomenon ─── [医] 许累尔氏现象(器质性偏瘫患者步行时易向患者偏斜)

72、The eruption of French Revolution and the development of the revolutionary situation make Schiller think over such a question: how to avoid the unfree ways to obtain the goal of freedom? ─── 法国大革命的爆发及革命形势的发展使席勒思索这样一个问题:如何避免用不自由的手段去达到自由的目的?

73、Schiller was born at a poor citizen's family of German Wurttemburg principality, his father was a surgeon, and then his father went to the troops as a surgeon. ─── 席勒出生于德国符腾堡公国的一个贫穷市民家庭,父亲是名外科医生,后在部队里当军医。

74、Keywords Inner Mongolia;Vulpes corsac;Echinococcus sibiricensis Rausch et Schiller;1954;uterus structure;metacestode development; ─── 关键词内蒙古;沙狐;西伯利亚棘球绦虫;子宫;绦虫幼虫期发育;

75、In the late 18th and early 19th centuries the small Thuringian town of Weimar witnessed a remarkable cultural flowering, attracting many writers and scholars, notably Goethe and Schiller. ─── 18世纪末至19世纪初,魏玛这一图林根小城见证了当时文化的极度繁荣,许多作家及学者如歌德、席勒等都被吸引至此。

76、On Schiller Viewpoint of Aesthetical Education ─── 浅谈席勒的美育观

77、The gem of Schiller's aesthetic idea is "Man is the product of aesthetic education"-this idea and prediction point directly to the highest aim of man's free existence and full development. ─── 席勒美学思想的全部精髓即在于“人是审美教育的产物”,这个天才思想与光辉预言,直接指向了人的自由生存与全面发展的最高理想目标。

78、Mr Schiller, as though emphasising that he was not trying to replace Mr Jobs, turned it into "one last thing" . ─── 斯其乐表面上好像强调自己并不想成为乔布斯的继任者,却将其变成了“最后一件事”。

79、Abstract: Schiller is an important aesthetician m the west, who had mane a special research to me relationship between game and aesthetics. ─── 摘 要: 席勒是西方重要的美学家,对游戏与审美的关系作了专门研究。

80、As a representation of classicalism aesthetics in Germany, Schiller is an esthetician who discusses perfectly the theory of sublime aesthetics after Kant. ─── 作为德国古典主义美学思想的代表,席勒是继康德后对崇高美学做出完善探讨的美学家。

81、Schiller International University London Campus ─── 席勒国际大学

82、Another Interpretation of the Principle and Historic Significance of Schiller's Art Form ─── 席勒艺术形式原理及其历史意义新释

83、At this epoch when Waterloo is only a clashing of swords, above Blucher, Germany has Schiller;above Wellington, England has Byron. ─── 当滑铁卢剑声铮铮的时代,在布吕歇尔之上,德国有哥德,在威灵顿之上,英国有拜伦。

84、This text proceeds from this kind of current situation, examine the modern meaning of aesthetics of Schiller closely again under the aesthetic modernity vision . ─── 本文就是由此现状出发,在审美现代性视野下重新审视席勒美学的现代意义。

85、He learns something from Schiller's aesthetics, seeking to save modernity through further enlightenment of rationality and construction of communicative rationality. ─── 他从席勒美学中受到启发,希望通过理性的进一步启蒙和交往理性的构建来拯救现代性。

86、Schiller had most properly generalized the anthropologic function of art that beauty is the second creator of human being. ─── 席勒对美的人类学功能作了一个概括的说明,那就是:美是人的第二创造者。

87、Kant,Schiller and Hegel made great contribution in searching the inter media ry which unite man and nature. ─── 康德、席勒、黑格尔为寻找人与自然统一的中介都作了很大贡献。

88、Schiller mesonephroma ─── 希勒中肾瘤

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