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09-03 投稿



inhales 发音

英:[?n?he?lz]  美:[?n?he?lz]

英:  美:

inhales 中文意思翻译




inhales 同义词

gulp | smoke | huff | inspire | smell | breathe in | breathe | in |gasp | pant | sniff

inhales 词性/词形变化,inhales变形

动词现在分词: inhaling |动词第三人称单数: inhales |动词过去式: inhaled |动词过去分词: inhaled |

inhales 反义词


inhales 相似词语短语

1、inhaled ─── 吸入

2、inhaulers ─── 目录

3、Sinhalese ─── n.僧伽罗人(等于Singhalese)

4、inhaler ─── n.[临床]吸入器;空气过滤器;吸入者

5、Sinhalas ─── 僧伽罗语选择unicode块名

6、inhale ─── vt.吸入;猛吃猛喝;vi.吸气

7、inhauler ─── 承托人

8、inhalers ─── n.[临床]吸入器;吸气者;滤气器;小口矮脚酒杯(inhaler的复数)

9、pinwales ─── n.一种有凸纹的灯心绒;细棱条灯心绒

inhales 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How it works: A patient inhales haimless nonradioactive Xenon gas, which is tracked by a scanner as it enters the brain. ─── 工作原理病人吸人无害的、无放射性的氙气。氙气进人大脑后由扫描仪进行跟踪。

2、An animal is dependent on the oxygen which he inhales for his very existence. ─── 动物离不开氧气,为了生存需要吸氧。

3、Her gilded bosom heaves as she inhales, opens her lipsticked maw and lets loose an earthshaking high note. ─── 当她吸气的时候,镀金的胸盔鼓起,她张开涂红的大嘴,发出地动山摇的高音。

4、She inhales a breath she never breathed before ─── 她贪婪地呼吸过去从未呼吸过的空气

5、At the very moment when the sand decides to speak, a torrent comes up, and a great force inhales the grain of sand into a big hole. ─── 在非常时刻,沙决定发言,在激流中出现,和一个伟大的力量吸入沙成一个大洞粮食。

6、Mr Koirala, as he inhales from the oxygen tank that is keeping his ailing body alive, needs to ponder that. ─── 柯伊·拉腊先生吸氧来维持自己的生命时,他必须考虑这一点。

7、A third experiment reealed that each of a person's two nostrils inhales distinct smells, pulled from non-oerlapping regions in the air. ─── 第3个试验显示人的两个鼻孔各自吸入不同的气味,这些气味来自于鼻子两边互不重叠的气体空间。

8、When a person with infective pulmonary tuberculosis coughs or sneezes, the bacteria gets into the air and causes disease if a susceptible person inhales it. ─── 肺结核病人咳嗽或打喷嚏时会将细菌散播到空气中,抵抗力稍差的人吸入后便会染病。

9、The deep breath, lets the campus purely, inhales my body; ─── 深深的呼吸,让校园纯粹的,吸入我的身体;

10、YeahShe inhales a breath she never breathed before ─── 她开始用全新的方式呼吸

11、As animal is dependent on the oxygen which he inhales for his very existence. ─── 动物离不开氧气,因为它吸了氧气才能生存。

12、How it works: A patient inhales haimless nonradioactive Xenon gas,which is tracked by a scanner as it enters the brain. ─── 工作原理:病人吸人无害的、无放射性的氙气。氙气进人大脑后由扫描仪进行跟踪。

13、The StressEraser cues you to not only slow your breathing but, just as importantly, to synchronize your inhales and exhales with the natural cycle of your heart rate. ─── 这可能需要几个波形后,你才能完全保持同步,所以要耐心等待。不要着急,记住你的目标是放松呼吸。

14、He inhales desert lore and data all his waking hours. ─── 他利用所有时间学习研究与沙漠相关的知识和资料。

15、Also some part is rushed to by the barometric pressure the masculine urethra male because also inhales other liquids, the bioelectricity reduces the seminal fluid to dilute! ─── 还有一部分就被气压冲到男性尿道了男性也因为吸入其他液体,生物电降低精液被稀释!)

16、The etheric body and light body of the plant kingdom inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide while humans and mammals inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen in the nonphysical. ─── 植物王国的的以太体和光体吸入氧气而呼出二氧化碳,而人类和哺乳动物在非物质体却吸入二氧化碳而呼出氧气。

17、Additionally, the type of cigarette and how deeply a person inhales could affect the amount of carcinogens in the body. ─── 此外,人们把烟吸入身体的深度也会影响致癌物在体内的数据。

18、One inhales the effluvia of the great black void. ─── 我们常会嗅到黑暗中太空的气息。

19、Each one of us inhales CFCs in every breath we take. ─── 我们每人每呼吸一次就会吸入一些氟氯化碳。

20、6 It is feint that the cavity of bellows is empty. Actually, it is stuffed with air and inhales new air constantly, which is the secret of blowing wind. ─── 风箱的空肚子,实际是假像而已;它肚子里的空气填得饱饱地,并且不时吸收新的空气,这才是它动而愈出的秘密。

21、He pries the girl's mouth and inhales deeply himself covering his mouth over hers blowing air into it laboriously. ─── 他扒开她的嘴,自己深吸一口气,把嘴唇贴到她的嘴上,使劲儿把气体吹进她的嘴里。

22、It is feint that the cavity of bellows is empty. Actually, it is stuffed with air and inhales new air constantly, which is the secret of blowing wind. ─── 风箱的空肚子,实际是假像而已;它肚子里的空气填得饱饱地,并且不时吸收新的空气,这才是它动而愈出的秘密。

23、Inhales second-hand smoke at work everyday ─── 每天都在工作场所吸入二手烟

24、He sticks his hand in his pocket and pulls out a joint. Candy takes it with a smile. Brian lights it. She inhales deeply. ─── 他把手伸进口袋,拿出一支大麻香烟。凯蒂微笑着接过来。布莱恩点着火。她深深吸了一大口。

25、Bring your focus onto your breath.Focus all of your attention on your inhales and exhales. ─── 如果你感到愤怒,你可以口头发泄(当你独处的时候),将心里所有不满都释放出来。

26、If a person inhales even a small amount of water, they could experience a delayed reaction. ─── 人吸入了少量水后,反应有时会延迟。

27、Imagine that your inhales are drawing in peace and your exhales are releasing pain, negatie emotions and stress. ─── 想象你的吸气正带领你进入宁静的心态,你的呼气正释放着痛苦,压力和不适。

28、Conclusion: The oxygen inhales of salbutamol sulfate in curing bronchiolitis take effect quickly and has significant effects with less side ... ─── 结论:氧气吸入沙丁胺醇治疗毛细支气管炎起效快,疗效明显,副作用少。

29、To do this, he first inhales then exhales normally and stops at the moment of natural respiratory pause. ─── 要做此,他首先吸入通常然后呼气并且停止在自然呼吸停留的时刻。

30、objective: In order to study the oxygen inhales of salbutamol sulfate in curing bronchiolitis. ─── 目的:探讨氧气吸入沙丁胺醇佐治毛细支气管炎的疗效。

31、terbutaline inhales ─── 特布他林气雾剂, 喘康速

32、Clouds overhead come together, move apart, come together again with the pace of successive exhales and inhales. ─── 头上的云随着呼吸散了聚,聚了散。

33、Try this on your next walk or run: First feel your breath, she says, and let the sound of your inhales and exhales register. ─── 在你下次步行或跑步时试试下面的方法:首先感觉你的呼吸,聆听你吸气和呼气的声音。

34、Its complex mouth inhales unsuspecting prey that swim haplessly by near Milne Bay. ─── 在米尔恩湾,它复杂的嘴可以吸进任何不幸游到附近的猎物。

35、Breath Sounds: by listening to the chest cavity as the patient inhales and exhales, the doctor may note an absence of breath sounds, or note these sounds may be muted. ─── 呼吸音:通过听病人吸气和呼气时的呼吸音,医生可能注意到呼吸音的消失或减弱。

36、The beehive beneath my office window quietly exhales legions of busybodies and then inhales them. ─── 在我办公室的窗下,蜂箱静静地任由忙碌的蜜蜂进进出出。

37、Surfacing with a splash, a whale exhales, then inhales enough air to fill a van, all in a second and a half. ─── 蓝鲸“哗”地浮出水面(最下),先呼气,然后吸入足以充满一辆面包车的空气,一切只需1.5秒便可完成。

38、Samuel sits down next to him, watching as he inhales and turns his face to the sky, eyes closed. ─── 塞缪尔挨着他坐下,看着他深深的吸入一口烟,然后抬起头,闭上眼睛。

39、An impressive pile forms. Heywood bends down and inhales deeply, smelling the aroma. Rapture. ─── 一小排香烟。海沃德低下头使劲地闻着香烟的气味,高兴不已。

40、When the user takes a "drag" or inhales the air that passes through the atomizer heats up the nicotine liquid. ─── 当吸烟者"抽"或吸烟时,吸到的是通过雾化器加热的尼古丁液体的气体。

41、Ujjayi is especially known for the soft hissing sound the breather makes by directing her inhales and exhales over the back of her throat. ─── ujjayi特别被人所知的是由练习者在吸气和呼气时用咽喉后部所发出的柔和的咝咝声。

42、Smoker who inhales is likely to become addicted to nicotine. ─── 吸烟的人容易对尼古丁上瘾。

43、One form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is known as farmer's lung because the farmer inhales thermophilic actinomycetes in moldy hay that set off the reaction. ─── 过敏性肺炎的一种类型农民肺,由于农民吸入耐热的放线菌,它由发霉的干草中繁殖生长。

44、An animal is dependent on the oxygen which he inhales for his life. ─── 动物离不开氧气,为了生存需要吸氧。

45、The observation of curative effect of oxygen inhales of salbutamol sulfate on bronchiolisis ─── 氧气吸入沙丁胺醇佐治毛细支气管炎

46、Heywood bends down and inhales deeply, smelling the aroma.Rapture. ─── 海沃德低下头使劲地闻着香烟的气味,高兴不已。

47、The air element is also related to the “Breath of Life” and circular breathing where one inhales the oxygen from one's own etheric body to subsist. ─── 气元素也是与“生命的呼吸”和循环呼吸有关的,其中你从自己的以太体那里吸入氧气来维系生存。

48、When one inhales, one should syncopate their breath of life with both physical and nonphysical counterparts breathing together in divine timing. ─── 当你吸气时,可在神性计时中让物质与非物质配合呼吸来切分生命的呼吸。

49、to actor or actress because of having card capacity only, the policeman inhales my corrupt foul smell, a soot passerby anxious " , answer to a riddle searchs in the article please. ─── 谜面曰:“任我污染任我走,只因有牌身份优,交警吸我污浊气,股股烟尘路人愁”,谜底请在文章里找。

50、The smoker inhales doses of nicotine vaporized with the help of a solvent such as propylene glycol. ─── 尼古丁溶解在丙二醇等溶剂中,挥发后被吸烟者吸入。

51、"Breathe, " he says. Long, slow, full breaths with exhales at least as long as the inhales. ─── "呼吸,"他说。深长、缓慢、充分的呼吸,呼气至少要同吸气一样长。

52、Providing Smart with the proof-positive of photographs will cause his Supervisor’s eyes to bulge as he inhales a deep breath of resignation and declares, “Hey, this one’s gonna cost us” . ─── 聪明与提供证据阳性照片会使上司的眼睛胀他吸入一口气,并宣布辞职,"喂,这其中的代价,我们相聚".

53、"Breathe, " he says. Long, slow, full breaths with exhales at least as long as the inhales. ─── “呼吸,”他说。深长、缓慢、充分的呼吸,呼气至少要同吸气一样长。

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