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09-03 投稿



chaired 发音

英:[t?e?d]  美:[t?erd]

英:  美:

chaired 中文意思翻译



chaired 短语词组

1、chaired davis husband images ─── 主持戴维斯丈夫形象

2、chaired upham ─── 乌帕姆主席

3、chaired define ─── 主持定义

4、co-chaired (co-chair ─── 的过去分词) n. 共同主席;联合组长

5、chaired means ─── 主持方式

6、chaired meaning ─── 主持意义

7、chaired syn ─── 主持syn

chaired 词性/词形变化,chaired变形

动词过去式: chaired |动词现在分词: chairing |动词第三人称单数: chairs |动词过去分词: chaired |

chaired 相似词语短语

1、unchaired ─── 不成对的

2、chair bed ─── n.坐卧两用的折椅

3、cochaired ─── v.担任……的联合主席;n.联合主席

4、haired ─── adj.有毛发的;长着...头发的(常用以构成复合词)

5、chared ─── n.家庭杂务,日常琐事;令人厌烦的工作(等于chore)

6、chairmen ─── n.主席;董事长(chairman的复数);委员长

7、charred ─── adj.烧黑的,烧焦的;v.烧焦;当家庭清洁工(char的过去式和过去分词)

8、chained ─── adj.链接的;装链的;v.束缚(chain的过去分词);用链条系住

9、-haired ─── adj.有毛发的;长着...头发的(常用以构成复合词)

chaired 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He hoicked a chair to him and sat by me. ─── 他大咧咧地猛地拉过一把椅子,坐在了我的身旁。

2、Don't drape your feet over the chair! ─── 别把你的双脚吊儿郎当地搁在椅子上!

3、He twisted in his chair to see what was happening behind him. ─── 他在座位上转过身去看他身后发生了什么事。

4、He canted over from his chair onto the floor. ─── 他从椅子上跌倒在地板上。

5、He rose to fetch a chair from the next room. ─── 他立起身来去隔壁房间搬一张椅子。

6、Neither chair is comfortable. ─── 两把椅子坐起来都不舒服。

7、He lolled back in his chair by the fire. ─── 他懒洋洋地靠着椅背坐在炉火边。

8、He pulled up a chair and sat with us. ─── 他拉过一只椅子,跟我们坐在一起。

9、He swivelled (round) in his chair to face us. ─── 他把坐著的转椅转过来面向著我们。

10、He struggled to his feet from the chair. ─── 他吃力地从坐着的椅子上站了起来。

11、He hulked up from his chair by the hearth. ─── 他从火炉边的椅子里懒洋洋地站起来。

12、She sprang out of her chair to greet her father. ─── 她从椅子上跳起来迎接她父亲。

13、The chair took him half a day to cobble up. ─── 他花了半天功夫就草草做成了这把椅子。

14、She dropped into a chair, utterly worn out. ─── 她一下子坐到椅子里,筋疲力尽了。

15、Exhausted, he flopped (down) into the nearest chair. ─── 他累得一下子坐到离他最近的小沙发上。

16、She chaired the department for many years. ─── 她在这个系当主任已经好几年了。

17、He had a snatch of sleep sitting in this chair. ─── 他坐在这张椅上小睡了一会儿。

18、He planted himself in a chair by the fire. ─── 他一屁股坐在火炉旁的一把椅子上。

19、All out of breath,she plump down on a chair. ─── 她上气不接下气,扑通倒在椅子上。

20、He has turned a set of chair legs. ─── 他已经车出了一副椅子腿。

21、He sank back into the chair. ─── 他筋疲力尽地倒在椅子上。

22、Park yourself in that chair while I make you a cup of tea. ─── 你坐在那张椅子上,我给你沏茶去。

23、He flumped down into his chair with a sigh. ─── 他叹了一口气就扑通一声坐到椅子上。

24、He sat on the arm of a chair. ─── 他坐在椅臂上。

25、He napped in the chair. ─── 他坐在椅子上打盹儿。

26、Since the evening was chaired by Hugh Patrick, a professor of Japanese studies, I was not surprised to see some Japanese faces there. ─── 由于当晚担任主持的是日本研究教授休?帕特里克(HughPatrick),因此,在会场里看到一些日本面孔并不令我感到意外。

27、He had a snatch of sleep sitting in his chair. ─── 他坐在椅子里稍睡片刻。

28、He hove a chair through the window. ─── 他把椅子从窗户中抛出。

29、She cuffed the dog when she found it on the chair. ─── 她发觉狗跳到椅子上,便轻轻打了它一下。

30、The committee is chaired by all the members in rotation. ─── 委员会由所有成员轮流主持。

31、Mr Smith will take the chair at the next meeting. ─── 下次会议将由史密斯先生主持。

32、He heaved his huge bulk out of the chair. ─── 他挺起巨大的身躯,从椅子上站了起来。

33、He holds the chair of philosophy at Oxford. ─── 他任牛津大学哲学教授。

34、He lay back in his chair and dozed off. ─── 他靠在椅子上打起瞌睡来。

35、The meeting was chaired by schoolmaster Mr White. ─── 会议由校长怀特先生主持。

36、He leapt out of the chair, which surprised me greatly. ─── 他一下子从椅子上跳了起来,把我吓了一跳。

37、She bagged (ie occupied, sat in) the most comfortable chair. ─── 她占了最舒适的椅子。

38、She told him to take a chair. ─── 她告诉他就座。

39、He wriggled uncomfortably on the hard chair. ─── 他在硬椅子上不舒服地扭来扭去。

40、Secretary Clinton chaired the meeting, held on the last day of the United States' month-long presidency of the council. ─── 国务卿克林顿主持会议,它在美国做为为时一个月的安理会的主席国的最后一天召开。

41、When he won the race his supporters chaired him round the field . ─── 他在比赛中获胜后,他的支持者抬着他绕场一周。

42、On Monday, January 2, Hollis chaired a full review of the case. ─── 1月2日,星期一,霍利斯主持了一个会议,全面审查这一案件。

43、Don't tilt your chair or you'll fall over! ─── 别翘椅子,不然你就摔倒了!

44、He asked Uncle Wang to take the chair. ─── 他请求王大叔主持会议。

45、He draped his legs over the arm of the chair. ─── 他懒洋洋地把双腿搭在椅子的扶手上。

46、The meeting should be chaired by the most senior person present. ─── 会议应由在座的职位最高的人主持。

47、All out of breath, she plumped down on a chair. ─── 她上气不接下气,扑通倒在椅子上。

48、Turf the cat out if you want to sit in the chair. ─── 你要想坐那把椅子,就把猫赶走。

49、He untied me from the chair. ─── 他把我从椅子上松开。

50、He was bound to a chair and left. ─── 他被绑在一把椅子上,就那样待著。

51、She sprawled herself out in a comfortable chair. ─── 她伸开手足躺在一张舒服的椅子里。

52、He seated himself in a chair. ─── 他在椅子上坐下。

53、He sat in a chair near the door. ─── 他坐在靠门的一把椅子上。

54、The chair was taken at eight sharp. ─── 会议八点整准时开始。

55、He swiveled his chair round and looked at me. ─── 他把椅子旋转过来看着我。

56、He has wired the broken chair together. ─── 他用金属丝将坏椅子绑好了。

57、Director Liu, in the chair, opened the meeting. ─── 刘厂长主持会议,宣布开会。

58、He coaxed the large chair through the narrow door. ─── 他巧妙地把一张椅子从狭窄的门搬进去。

59、He sat into a chair with careless ease. ─── 他随便往椅子里舒舒服服一坐。

60、He chaired the United States Delegation at the 1994 Cairo Conference on Population and Development, and was the lead U. ─── 1994年他率领美国代表团出席“开罗人口和发展大会”,也是“京都气候大会”上的美方首席谈判员。

61、He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair. ─── 他坐在摇椅里前后摇晃着。

62、She flopped into the chair with a sign of relief. ─── 她一下子坐在椅子上,舒了一口气。

63、He flung himself into a chair. ─── 他猛然坐进椅子。

64、The engagement track was set out in May 2008 at a meeting I chaired in London. We all 6 countries made a very clear offer to Iran. ─── 我曾经在伦敦主持了六国外长会议,在会议上我们谈的就是“接触”。

65、"I'm fed up on that, " as the baby said pointing to the high chair. ─── "那里我坐腻了"婴孩指着那张高椅子说。

66、He removed his wet shirt and threw it into a chair. ─── 他脱下湿衬衣,扔在椅子上。

67、The conference is chaired by a highly skilled facilitator who has been fully trained. ─── 会议由一位受过充分训练、技巧娴熟的协调人主持。

68、He sat rocking (himself) in his chair. ─── 他坐在椅子上前後摇动著。

69、France's president, Nicolas Sarkozy, who chaired the summit, said he would visit Moscow and Tbilisi to check on Russian compliance. ─── 欧盟轮值主席国法国总统萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)宣称,将会访问莫斯科和第比利斯调查俄国是否遵守协议。

70、She struggled up from the chair. ─── 她从椅子上使劲站了起来。

71、She was lolling in a chair, with her arms hanging over the sides. ─── 她双臂垂在两旁,懒洋洋地躺在椅子上。

72、He set me down in a comfortable chair. ─── 他让我坐在一张舒适的椅子里。

73、The Financial Stability Forum (FSF), ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy, has started to tackle these issues. ─── 金融稳定论坛在意大利银行马里奥.德拉基(MarioDraghi)的得力领导下,已开始着手处理这些问题。

74、He wildly stamped the chair with his foot. ─── 他粗野地把一只脚踏在椅子上。

75、He planked himself in the chair. ─── 他自己安坐在椅子上。

76、He steered me to a table and sat me down in a chair. ─── 他把我领到一张桌子前,让我在椅子上坐下。

77、She perched on a high chair. ─── 她坐在一张高椅子上。

78、They padded the seat of the chair with horse-hair to make it soft. ─── 他们往椅子的坐垫里填塞马鬃以使之柔软。

79、He gave vent to his anger by kicking the chair. ─── 他猛踢椅子,以此泄怒。

80、The chair fragmented under his weight. ─── 在他重压下,椅子断了。

81、He chaired the meeting in his proper person. ─── 他亲自主持这个会议。

82、Exhausted, he flopped into the nearest chair. ─── 他累得蓦地坐到离他最近的小沙发椅中。

83、He settled himself in his chair. ─── 他在椅子里舒服地坐下。

84、He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. ─── 他在椅子不舒服地动来动去。

85、Don't tilt your chair back so far, it might fall over. ─── 别把椅子一个劲向后倾斜,它会翻倒的。

86、His knee struck against the chair. ─── 他的膝盖撞到了椅子上。

87、His legs knocked against the chair. ─── 他的两条腿撞到了椅子。

88、He felt a little dizzy and butted his head against the chair. ─── 他感到有点头晕于是一头撞在椅子上。

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