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09-03 投稿



expatiated 发音

英:[?k?spe??ie?t?d]  美:[?k?spe??ie?t?d]

英:  美:

expatiated 中文意思翻译



expatiated 词性/词形变化,expatiated变形

动词过去分词: expatiated |动词现在分词: expatiating |动词第三人称单数: expatiates |名词: expatiation |动词过去式: expatiated |

expatiated 相似词语短语

1、expatiating ─── vi.详述;细说;漫游

2、expatiates ─── vi.详述;细说;漫游

3、expatiator ─── 阐述者

4、expatriated ─── v.移居国外,定居国外;流放,放逐;使放弃国籍(expatriate的过去式和过去分词)

5、expiated ─── vt.赎罪;补偿;vi.赎罪;补偿

6、expatriates ─── n.外派人员(expatriate复数);移居海外的人;亡命国外者;v.使出国流亡;使移民国外(expatriate的三单形式)

7、expatiation ─── n.详述,详细的说明

8、expatriate ─── v.移居国外,定居国外;流放,放逐;n.移居国外者,侨民;被流放者;adj.移居国外的;被流放国外的

9、expatiate ─── vi.详述;细说;漫游

expatiated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mechanism, test device and results of vibratory mixing and secondary material mixing are expatiated. ─── 介绍振动搅拌和二次投料搅拌工艺的机理、试验装置及其试验结果。

2、The principle of the system of interferometer in large aperture image spectrometer has been expatiated. ─── 提出了大孔径干涉型成像光谱仪的原理,并展示了攻关样机和实验数据。

3、Aiming at oil leakage phenomenon of transmission output shaft of domestic ZL40/50 loaders, causes of the leakage and countermeasures are expatiated. ─── 摘要针对国产ZL40/50装载机变速器箱输出轴渗漏现象,详细阐述了引起输出轴渗漏的原因及解决的方法。

4、It expatiated suction way of medication fluidsfrom ampoules, disinfection of grinding stone. ─── 安瓿内药液抽吸方式;砂轮消毒问题;

5、Mr Thornhill expatiated upon the common topics of conversation with fluency . ─── 唐希尔先生平常谈话总是口若悬河的。

6、This paper has expatiated on the real reason of Clide's tragedy. ─── 摘要本文阐述了克莱德悲剧的真正原因。

7、In the safety section, the law, the management system, the organization, the management contents and some quality technology is expatiated on. ─── 安全篇中,较为全面地阐述了我国安全生产的法律法规、管理体制、组织机构、管理内容和一些安全技术。

8、What expatiated by him are the puzzling, bemusement and distress of the generation of youths, who grown up in today's society, to the world. ─── 他所阐释的是今日社会成长的一代少年所面临的对于世界的迷茫、困惑与痛苦。

9、Lunar landers successfully launched or being developed are expatiated on with their configurations and characteristics analysed. ─── 对国内外已经发射成功的和正在研制的典型月球着陆器作了详细的论述,分析了它们的结构特点。

10、Then he expatiated on style characteristics and expressional forms of oracle calligraphy, standing on the academic point after he explored his inditing experience. ─── 对其书法风格特征、表现形式从理论上加以阐述,并以笔者创作体验进行探索性研究。

11、In order to build saving water city, based on research on the spot and consulting new data, the status quo and problems of Yinchuan water resource were expatiated detailedly. ─── 摘要为了建设节水型城市,通过实地调研和资料查新,详细阐述了银川市水资源现状及存在问题。

12、When personality psychology was up against many dilemmas, the postmodernism, which adopted the new angle of view and the standpoint, expatiated on the personality theory. ─── 摘要当人格心理学正身陷困境时,后现代主义从新的视角和观点对其展开了阐述。

13、Meanwhile,we expatiated coenzyme Q10 s application in the food industry.At last we make a prospects on application of coenzyme Q10 in the food industry. ─── 全面阐述国内外关于辅酶Q10在食品行业的应用情况,并对其在食品行业的应用前景做了展望。

14、In addition, the authors have expatiated on data input, data process, error correct, maps" junction, quality examine and map output about operating methods. ─── 对操作方法上数据输入、数据处理、误差校正、图幅接边、质量检查和图幅输出进行了较详细的阐述。

15、The tasks, structure and information transfer of control system are expatiated in detail.PMAC controller is explained. ─── 具体阐述了其控制系统的任务,结构和信息传递,并对PMAC运动控制卡作了详细说明;

16、She expatiated on the thrills of her trip. ─── 她详载她旅行中刺激惊险的事。

17、It was expatiated that a good idea has to be expressed by graphic from the three aspects of graphic language, the accuracy, the creativity and the concision. ─── 摘要文中通过图形语言表达的3个方面:即准确性、创意性与简洁性,阐述了好的创意须依托好的图形得以实现,从而证明了图形语言是广告设计表达的重要手段。

18、It expatiated the mechanisms of thermotherapy in treatment of tumor patients and research progress on application of all sorts of thermotherapies in clinic. ─── 叙述了热疗在肿瘤治疗中的应用机制及各种热疗方法在临床中的应用研究进展。

19、paper introduced power supply applying to communication system, and expatiated request of design for distributed power supply. ─── 小文通过对现代通信设备供电系统的分析,阐述了分布式电源的设计要求。

20、Besides, the sensitivity of the drillability index in identification of ground layer is analyzed and its physical signification is expatiated also. ─── 同时,对新的可钻性指标在地层识别中的敏感性进行了分析,阐述了可钻性指标在地层识别中的物理意义。

21、What expatiated by him are the puzzling, bemusement and distress of the generation of youths, who grown up in today's society, to the world. ─── 他所阐释的是今日社会成长的一代少年所面临的对于世界的迷茫、困惑与痛苦。

22、Among diplomatism, they expatiated from International position (including the position of Dongbei Province), and failure of diplomatism. ─── 在外交方面,则从中国所处国际形势(包括东三省的形势)与外交的失败来探讨速开国会的理由。

23、The meaning of P/E ratio is expatiated according to Edwards-Bell-Ohlson(EBO) model,and the relation of P/E ratio and the achievement of company is analysed. ─── 借助Edwards-Bell-Ohl-son(EBO)模型阐述市盈率P/E的涵义及其与公司业绩的关系;

24、She expatiated on what she found there. ─── 她详细谈了自己在那里发现的一切。

25、In this paper,the mechanism and disadvantages was introduced briefly,and eutrophication treatment techniques were expatiated related to control of nutrition sources,direct... ─── 介绍了富营养化的危害及产生机理,重点从营养盐控制、直接除藻与生物调控三个方面阐述了富营养化治理技术。

26、The application of FMECA (Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis) in the maintenance management of Vehicles is expatiated. ─── 摘要阐述了故障模式、影响及其危害度分析在车辆维修管理中的应用。

27、He expatiated on the theme of the novel. ─── 他阐述了那本小说的主题。

28、Expatiated on the application theory of basic orbit, including subastral point calculation, visibility analysis, coverage evaluating and spacecraft life-span estimate.4. ─── 3、阐述了基本轨道应用分析理论,包括星下点轨迹计算、可见性分析、覆盖评估和轨道寿命估算。

29、We expatiated through the beautiful country. ─── 我们在风景秀丽的乡间漫游。

30、A method is expatiated for calling ADO database interface driver program based on MATLAB. ─── 摘要阐述了MATLAB调用ADO数据库接口驱动程序的方法。

31、We expatiated the system configure and the implement step, and made the improvement to the original service executive in the thesis. ─── 本文对服务封装的系统配置要求和具体实现步骤进行了全面阐述,对原服务执行程序的设计缺陷作了改进。

32、The tropospheric atmosphere refractivity of different laser wave length is expatiated. ─── 摘要阐述了对流层不同波长激光的大气折射率。

33、The characteristics and format of tellurium in copper anode slime is introduced.The recovering methods of tellurium from copper anode slime have also been expatiated. ─── 介绍碲元素在铜阳极泥中存在的形式,重点阐述从铜阳极泥中回收碲的方法。

34、The present situation of energy crisis, enology pollution and development of car industry were expatiated, and bioenergy should substitute for fossil fuel. ─── 摘要阐述了我国能源危机、环境污染以及汽车行业发展的现状,提出以生物能源作为汽车的替代燃料。

35、The function and control of intelligent electronic lockstitch bar tacker is expatiated on in this paper, and then a new method, i.e. ─── 摘要工团阐述了智能打结机控制系统的功能和控制原理,结合有限自动机和规则库理论提出了打结机控制系统一种新的设计方法,即自动机-规则库设计方法。

36、The speaker expatiated upon the question raised at the beginning of this meeting. ─── 发言人阐述了在会议之初所提出的那个问题。

37、This article expatiated that the innovation education is the historical mission which the times entrusts to us. ─── 摘要论述了创新教育是时代赋与教育工作的历史使命;

38、The mineral depositing and leaching processes that microbes may take part in were expatiated as well. ─── 并就其参与的矿物沉积和浸出行为做了阐述;

39、The operational principle of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) was expatiated, and methods on how to use SNMP to build a net flow inspecting system were introduced. ─── 摘要阐述SNMP简单网络管理协议的基本工作原理,介绍了知柯利用SNMP协议构建网络流量监测系统设计方法。

40、Expatiated function and effect of various new printing assistants on cotton and flax textile. ─── 摘要阐述了棉麻类纺织多种多样印染新助剂的作用和功效;

41、The authors concisely introduced the concept, characteristics and technology of POCT, mainly expatiated on its implementation in kinetic biochemical tests. ─── 摘要简要介绍了POCT的概念、特点、技术,及在运动生化检验中的实施。

42、Demand of the function and the system structure of the application program of the outlay management system are over all expatiated. ─── 对研究生经费管理系统的功能需求、系统结构与实现等方面进行了全面的阐述。

43、It is expatiated that great development has been made in rice plantation mechanization and main forms of serve organization in rice planter. ─── 介绍了常州市水稻种植机械化所取得的长足发展以及现有机插秧服务组织的主要形式;

44、It introduced the conception and grouping of presby cu sis. It expatiated mainly the etiological factors and prevention of presbycusis. ─── 介绍了老年性耳聋的概念与分型,重点阐述了老年性耳聋的病因和预防。

45、The authors of this article have explicated the emergency medicine teaching current situation was explored and expatiated emergency medicine educatio... ─── 为了促进急诊医学的发展,培养合格的临床医生,必须重视和加强急诊外科学的临床教学工作。

46、The idea is put forward that 4D is applied to the whole process of tailing depot reclamation in metal mine, and then application methods are expatiated. ─── 提出了4D应用于金属矿山尾矿库复垦全过程的设想,并对其应用方法做了阐述。

47、This paper analyzed the technical elements of telepathology and expatiated on a medical legal duty on consultation. ─── 分章分析了远程病理教学的这些技术要素及应用特点,并就远程病理会诊的医学责任和应用前景提出了自己的见解。

48、The aromatization evolvement of light hydrocarbon in fremdness and in china was summed up, and particular expatiated the aromatization catalyst which was developing. ─── 总结了当前国内外轻烃芳构化的研究进展,对目前正在研制开发的芳构化催化剂做了较详细的阐述。

49、Two principles of the phase field method are introduced, and the application of the phase field method for numerical simulation of solidification microstructure is expatiated. ─── 介绍了相场方法的两种基本原理,阐述了相场方法在金属凝固过程微观组织形成模拟中的应用情况。

50、It introduced the basic principle of injection moulding with fusible core, and expatiated the material, manufacture, installation, and fusible core release from mould. ─── 介绍了可熔型芯注射成型的基本原理,重点阐述了可熔型芯的材料、制造、安装、脱模。

51、This paper introduced power supply applying to communication system,and expatiated request of design for distributed power supply. ─── 小文通过对现代通信设备供电系统的分析,阐述了分布式电源的设计要求。

52、Characteristics and critical to triumph characteristics of six sigma management are expatiated. ─── 介绍了六西格玛管理的特征以及成功关键要素。

53、A model was developed to analyze the inter-filament mechanical function,and the creep of the cross section PTT and PET filaments was expatiated by four element models. ─── 对长丝之间的力学作用进行了模型建立和分析,利用四元件模型对十字形PTT和PET长丝的蠕变行为分别进行力学阐述,得出了长丝的力学参数:弹性模量、黏滞系数。

54、The testing method of some physical and chemical properties of water reducer, its mechanism on concrete and its development trends are expatiated. ─── 以分子结构改性的观点出发,提出了对芳烃系减水剂进行分子设计的新思路,并介绍其内容。

55、The concept of river ecosystem health is expatiated, and the assessment methods for river ecosystem health are discussed. ─── 阐述了河流生态健康的涵义,探讨了国内外河流生态健康评价方法。

56、FANUC,SIEMENS and NUM numerical control systems are widely used in our country.The common errors of FANUC system and troubleshooting are expatiated in this paper. ─── 在我国应用较广的数控系统有日本FANUC、德国SIEMENS、法国NUM等。现就FANUC数控系统常见故障及其排除方法给予阐述。

57、Mill expatiated upon the theme of representative government systematically.It includes the elements of direct democracy in his theory of indirect democracy. ─── 密尔系统地阐述了代议制民主的问题,他的间接民主理论中包含着直接民主的因素。

58、The character, application and development of xylose were presented, and the manufacturing technics of xylose and the development were expatiated. ─── 摘要综述了木糖的性质、用途、发展状况,着重阐述了木糖的生产工艺及其发展。

59、The demands for reinforcing fiber are introduced. The present research situation and development directions of reinforcing fiber are expatiated. ─── 摘要介绍了增强纤维的性能要求,详述了增强纤维的研究现状及发展趋势。

60、Method to conduct traction test for a fully hydraulic dozer is expatiated and procedure to process and analyze test data is described. ─── 介绍了全液压推土机进行牵引试验的方法,论述了试验数据的处理与分析过程。

61、On the technique side,this paper expatiated on the content,structure,function and technical characteristics of the network project. ─── 从技术的角度出发,阐述了网络建设的内容、结构、功能及技术特点。

62、The meaning of three methods for expressing the average length of fibers for papermaking was expatiated in this article. ─── 阐述了造纸纤维三种不同的平均长度表示法的意义。

63、A kind of anti-whirl PDC bit designed based on the idea of flexible bit is introduced in this paper and the structure and working principle of it is expatiated. ─── 回旋是导致PDC钻头早期失效的主要原因,介绍了一种基于挠性钻头的构想设计的抗回旋PDC钻头,阐述了其结构和抗回旋原理。

64、In respect of protecting depositor rights and maintaining banks credit, the causes of the intelligence deficiency in Chinese deposit insurance system are expatiated. ─── 摘要从保护存款人利益、维护银行信用等方面,指出了我国存款保险制度智能不足的原因;

65、And then, the theory of curve evolution, how to solve the PDEs model based on level set method and its calculation methods are expatiated. ─── 其次详细介绍了曲线演化理论、偏微分方 程模型的水平集方法求解以及数值计算方法。

66、The principle of energy saving of a parallel unit with several compressors in the refrigerated display cabinet was expatiated. ─── 阐述了冷藏陈列柜多机并联压缩机组的节能机理。

67、The principle of energy saving of a parallel unit with several compressors in the refrigerated display cabinet was expatiated. ─── 摘要阐述了冷藏陈列柜多机并联压缩机组的节能机理。

68、The author introduced the action mechanisms of prebiotics and expatiated the application of prebiotics in feed to pigs and birds. ─── 介绍了化学益生素的作用机制,并详述了化学益生素在猪、禽饲料中的应用情况.

69、Software and hardware design of this fabric defects automatic detecting industrial vision system are expatiated. ─── 阐述了织物疵点自动检测工业视觉系统的软、硬件设计方案。

70、The research progress of green natural hydrochloric acid pickling corrosion inhibitors has been expatiated. ─── 摘要文章综述了国内外天然绿色盐酸酸洗缓蚀剂的研究进展。

71、The key technology of simulated annealing algorithm was expatiated and the examples showed the reducer Design can be optimized remarkably. ─── 并通过实例说明,采用模拟退火算法对减速器进行优化,可以使减速器设计得到显著的优化。

72、The application, development and excellent meaning of planting Siraitia Grosvenorii (Swingle) based on "three avoidance" technology was expatiated in this paper. ─── 摘要阐述了“三避”(避雨、避寒、避硒)技术在罗汉果种植中的应用发展及意义,并提出了目前“三避技术”存在的问题及改进建议。

73、Because of the high reuses in business domain,domain-engineering has become a popular kind of reuses technology,which is expatiated here. ─── 作为特定应用领域实现的软件复用,复用的效率高,因此领域工程技术被引入到软件复用技术的研究中来,本文介绍了领域工程的概念。

74、Then the hardware implementation scheme is discussed in detail, and the method of adopting Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to realize control of the module is expatiated. ─── 接着详细论述了模块的硬件实现方案,并着重分析了采用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)技术控制模块的实现方法;

75、Secondly, time series trend analysis models in common use are introduced, whose illative process and applicability are also expatiated. ─── 其次,研究了常用的时序数据趋势分析模型,并对它们的推理过程和适用性进行了详细的阐述。

76、Hardware composition, software structure and work flow of the system are expatiated in the article. ─── 讨论了系统的硬件构成和软件结构以及系统的工作流程。

77、Abstract Expatiated the basic structure of the EHB (electronic hydraulic braking system), set up the brake hydraulic circuit system model when EHB work regularly. ─── 摘要 简述了EHB(电子液压制动系统)的基本结构,建立了EHB正常工作时的制动回路的液压系统模型,并且提出了基于单控制变量横摆角速度的稳定性控制策略。

78、It is discussed Murphy/Jahn's special design thinking and approach, which are also analyzed and expatiated by their recent works. ─── 介绍墨菲/扬独特的设计理念与工作方法,并以他们近期的作品为例进行了分析和解读。

79、In A Vision, Yeats expatiated on his theories about the evolution of history and about different kinds of personalities. ─── 叶芝的《幻象》一书阐述了关于历史的运动和人格的不同类型的理论。

80、This paper introduced the developing of software copyright , expatiated the patent trend in software industry, and at last it analyzed the internet, copyleft and service. ─── 介绍了国内外软件著作权发展历程,剖析了软件产业中的专利及其发展趋势,最后分析了网络环境下的软件知识产权,以及开源软件、软件服务等问题。

81、The presentation, development and application of VBM are briefly introduced, and the fundamental principle is expatiated as well. ─── 并指出VBM方法的局限性以及利用该方法进行研究的意义.

82、It expatiated the importance and influence of health behaviors for coronary artery disease patients from the aspects of self-efficacy, health belief and age. ─── 从自我效能、健康信念及年龄方面,阐述了冠心病病人建立健康行为的重要性及其影响因素。

83、The processing algorithms for the laser image of welding seam are expatiated, which are divided into two parts of preprocessing and postprocessing. ─── 对激光焊缝图像处理算法进行了详细阐述,算法分为预处理和后处理两部分。

84、The origin,development,and specialties of Coal washery management modes in Xishan Coal-Electricity Group were introduced,and then its existing problems were expatiated. ─── 介绍了西山煤电集团公司选煤厂的管理模式的产生、发展、特点,并对其存在问题进行了阐述。

85、It expatiated the way of psychological nursing care of myocardial infarction patients with PTSD in clinic both at home and in abroad. ─── 并阐述了国内外临床心肌梗死后PTSD病人的心理护理方法。

86、In contrition she expatiated on the beauty of the garden. ─── 在后悔中,她反复谈论着花园的美丽。

87、The speaker expatiated upon the question raised at the beginning of this meeting. ─── 发言人阐述了在会议之初所提出的那个问题。

88、This text expatiated on the process of this system through Bus technology, choice of sensors and realization of software and hardware, with communication protocols talked mainly. ─── 从总线技术、传感器的选择和软、硬件实现等方面介绍该系统的设计过程,重点阐述了该系统的通信协议实现。

89、The paper enumerated some representative definition of guild at home and abroad,expatiated the understanding to guild and discussed the legal nature of guild. ─── 列举了国内外对行业协会的有代表性的定义,阐述了对行业协会的理解,并对行业协会的法律性质进行探讨。

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