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09-03 投稿



repels 发音

英:[r??pelz]  美:[r??pelz]

英:  美:

repels 中文意思翻译



repels 反义词


repels 词性/词形变化,repels变形

动词现在分词: repelling |动词第三人称单数: repels |名词: repeller |动词过去式: repelled |动词过去分词: repelled |

repels 同义词

deter | deny | fend off | keep away | drive back | beat back | reject | offend | fight off | rebuff | nauseate | hold off | snub | sicken | resist | stem | ward | prevent | off | hold | revolt |repulse | ward off | gross out | push back | disgust | back | refuse | decline | drive

repels 短语词组

1、repels all granules ─── 排斥所有颗粒

2、repels all animal repellent ─── 排斥所有动物驱蚊剂

3、repels mice and rats ─── 排斥老鼠

4、repels fleas ─── 亚麻绳

5、repels spiders essential oils ─── 驱除蜘蛛精油

6、repels moths crossword ─── 驱虫填字游戏

repels 相似词语短语

1、repeats ─── 重复

2、repeals ─── vt.废除,废止,撤销(法律、议会法案);放弃;否定;n.废除,撤销

3、repanels ─── _其他组织者

4、drupels ─── n.小核果

5、repegs ─── repegs

6、rappels ─── n.绕绳下降;坐式下降法;vi.用绳索下降

7、propels ─── vt.推进;驱使;激励;驱策

8、repel ─── vt.击退;抵制;使厌恶;使不愉快

9、bepelts ─── 毛皮

repels 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He managed to repel his enemy. ─── 他设法驱逐他的敌人。

2、You can repel treant with omni, if you don't want him to go invisible. ─── 如果你不要大树隐身,你可以"帮"他放一个魔免盾。

3、Your Light will be so powerful that it repels or transmutes the lower energies. ─── 你们的光将会如此强大,以致于它驱逐或者转变较低的能量。

4、It does not believe, and even repels, the power of symbols. ─── 可以说,艺术家们在“非生产”状态下的严肃实践,创作具有“学问”特质的作品之状态。

5、For though the word has a derogatory stamp, the very people we label narcissistic often are those who attract as well as repel us. ─── 因为尽管这个名词有损人的意思,被我们贴上自恋者这个标签的对象往往是那些我们又爱又恨的人。

6、Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other. ─── 同性电荷互相排斥,异性电荷互相吸引。

7、If you want to get into that tunnel you first have to________away all the rocks . A . haul B . transfer C . repel D . disp... ─── 大学英语四六级词汇题型动词搭配辨解 五、动词搭配 以下这道题目就是考查动词词义与动词句型的搭配真题。

8、When electrified bodies may repel as well as attract. ─── 一旦通过电流物体就既可以排斥,也可以吸引。

9、Rubner seeded a polymer thin film with rows of silica nanoparticles and coated the surface with a fluorinated chemical that aggressively repels water. ─── Rubner)在聚合物薄膜上放置矽奈米微粒,并在表面涂布拨水效果十分优异的氟化物。

10、It was only you who managed to repel the invasion, and saved humanity from an eternity of servitude. ─── 只有你才可以击退这次入侵同时把人类从永久的奴役下解救出来。

11、A warm-up problem is illustrated below: Suppose that like repels like at a distance of two, and the only strand types are aqua, blue, crimson and dark yellow. ─── 下图是一道暖身题:我们将条件改成,假设在三个相邻的圆环内,其颜色是互斥的,而且只使用浅绿、蓝、深红、土黄四种颜色。

12、In its early years, the Han Dynasty was not strong enough to repel the Huns, so the Han rulers resorted to the policy of heqin to pacify the borders. ─── 在早期,汉朝没有足够的力量去击退匈奴,所以汉朝的统治者凭借“和亲”的政策去抚慰边疆。

13、They stood prepared to repel any attack. ─── 他们准备好打退一切进攻。

14、Besides, it was pleasant to be with him. He did not repel her. ─── 何况,跟他在一起也令她陶醉,她对他不再反感了。

15、Better red than fed (on). Wild apricot and apple trees in Kyrgyzstan blush bright red in the fall, which might help repel insects. ─── 变红好过被吃:吉尔吉斯斯坦野生的杏树和苹果树,在秋天变得亮红色,这可能有助于击退昆虫。

16、A chemical messenger is, at least, a "double agent". It attracts some species and repels others. ─── 化学信使至少是一种“双作用体”。它引诱一些昆虫,忌避另一些昆虫。

17、One of the Lads : Repel Bandits. ─── 好伙计:反抗强盗。

18、With the same kind of electricity as appears on another near by, the two objects will repel each other. ─── 如果一个物体带有与它邻近的物体上所出现的同种类的电荷,这两个物体就会互相排斥。

19、People beautify only what they love, and death repels us and tires our patience. ─── 人们只会美化他们只所爱,但是死亡让我们反感并消磨我们的耐心。

20、Magnets built into the floor and into the bed itself repel each other, pushing the bed up into the air. Thin steel cables tether the bed in place. ─── 地面的磁体与床里的磁体互相排斥使得床漂浮在空中,同时细电缆线将浮床在空中定位。

21、Like chili plants, tarantulas produce agony-inflicting toxins designed to repel would-be predators, researchers say. ─── 同辣椒类的植物相似,狼蛛也能产生会引起不适反应的毒素来击退潜在的掠食者。

22、Like poles repel each other. ─── 同极相斥。

23、In medieval Europe, beans were worn to repel witches. ─── 在中世纪的欧洲,人们佩戴豆子以驱除巫婆。

24、For fusion to occur, a star's gravity must produce temperatures high enough to force nuclei together despite their tendency to repel one another. ─── 为了引发核融合反应,恒星的重力必须产生够高的温度,以强迫原子核聚集在一起,对抗它们相互排斥的倾向。

25、At the front, it is imperative to sustain military defence and repel any offensive campaigns the enemy may launch. ─── 在正面,必须支持军事防御,打退敌人可能的任何战役进攻。

26、Within our control are our own opinions, aspirations, desires, and the things that repel us. ─── 在我们控制之内的是我们自己的意见、负、望、及我们的厌恶。

27、Scientists attribute the phenomenon to dark energy, a force that repels gravity. ─── 科学家将这个现象归因于暗能量——与万有引力相抵触的一种力。

28、The orange boom repels oil; white boom absorbs it. ─── 黄色屏障可以驱除石油,而白色屏障能够吸收石油。

29、They have a double coat: a soft, downy undercoat that keeps them dry and warm in cold water and a hard outer coat that helps them repel water. ─── 他们有一个双重大衣:柔软,绒短毛这使它们处于干燥和温暖,在寒冷的水和硬外涂层,可以帮助他们击退水。

30、They prepared to repel the invaders. ─── 他们准备赶走侵略军。

31、A marble-sized ball, originally of camphor but now of naphthalene, stored with clothes to repel moths. ─── 卫生球一种弹子大小的球,原本由樟脑制成,现在由荼制成,与衣物存在一起以驱除蛾子

32、"I do not repel other material pledges, be full of forever in the life that can be me plastic, this is my lifestyle. This is my lifestyle.. ─── “我并不排斥其他材质,可是我的生活中永远布满塑胶,这是我的生活方式。”

33、That is, like repels like up to a distance of three. ─── 亦即,在相邻的四圆环内,颜色是互斥的。

34、On the contrary, if the sample is hydrophobic, the liquid will repel it, as clearly shown in the picture on the right. ─── 反之,如果是疏水性样品,液体则会疏远样品,如右图所示。

35、Similarly, the modernity does not repel the Chinese characteristic. ─── 同样,现代性并不排斥中国特色。

36、Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract. ─── 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。

37、The Earth behaves like an huge electric armature negatively charged, which repels the electrons and attracts the positive ions. ─── 地球像一个巨大的行为负电电枢收费,而排斥的电子和正离子吸引。

38、But, and repels rashly to the traditional ethics's pure praise, hinders the people to establish the traditional ethics resonsideration indeed works as the question consciousness. ─── 但是,对传统伦理的单纯礼赞和轻率拒斥,妨碍人们建立起传统伦理反思的确当问题意识。

39、The pristine beaches have spikes driven into them, to help repel invaders, which appear to all be rusting fast. ─── 在海滩上有许多尖刺,以用来击退侵略者,似乎快被完全锈蚀了。

40、Made from natural Citronella extracts, its scent repels mosquitoes. ─── 它所散发的自然香气,就能达到驱除蚊虫的功效。

41、How long will it take to repel the Zhao? ─── 守多久赵军才退?

42、They monopolize politics, repel commoners my impoverished family. ─── 他们垄断政治,排斥庶族寒门。

43、In 2005 a cruise ship even reported its use to repel pirates off the coast of Somalia. ─── 2005年,一艘巡逻艇甚至报告说用它击退了索马里海岸附近的海盗。

44、A country must have the will to repel any invader. ─── 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。

45、Like charges repel each other , unlike charges attract. ─── 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。

46、It is through pictures that websites can either relate to an audience or repel them. ─── 图片既能吸引受众,也能排斥受众。

47、Only after a long hard struggle were we able to repel the enemy from our shore. ─── 在经过长期艰苦的战斗后我们才把敌人赶出我们的海岸。

48、It repels all that is chaotic, insubstantial, or comes from lesser desires, attachments, tendencies, and the pull of the material world and mass consciousness. ─── 它驱退混乱、薄弱或次要欲望的一切;驱退执著、潮流以及物质世界或集体意识的拉扯。

49、Do not be moved by the man feeling sorry for you, because psychologically speaking, he who feels regretful subconsciously starts to repel you. ─── 不要被男人对你的愧疚心感动。因为按心理深层因素分析,当他对你有愧疚感的时候,通常在潜意识里开始排斥你了。

50、Repel the limits of survival, manage hunger, thirst and fatigue to the rhythm of the tides. ─── 击退限制的生存,管理饥饿,干渴和疲劳的节奏潮汐。

51、The special coils aboard the train and on the guideway repel each other, making the train float. ─── 不断减少火车接触到铁轨的磨损。

52、You utter ancient words of Supernal, conjuring a silvery glyph that repels your foes. ─── 你念诵古老的天界之语,创造一个银色的符文用来击退你的仇敌。

53、Two negative charges repel each other, and so do two positive charges. ─── 两个负电荷相斥,每个正电荷也是如此。

54、He discovered that objects charged with vitreous electricity repel each other but attract objects charged with resinous electricity. ─── 他发现,带有玻璃质电的物体彼此排斥,但与带树脂质电的物体则相吸引。

55、The positive poles of two magnets repel each other. ─── 两块磁铁的正极互相排斥。

56、N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide is a safe and nonpoisonous compound that can repel mosquitos very effectively. ─── 二乙基间甲苯甲酰胺是一种安全无毒、驱蚊效果好的驱蚊剂。

57、A study which repels you is invaluable. ─── 使你望而生畏的研究倒是大有用处的。

58、Earl Rambert hides in a hard to reach valley where he's sparing no expense to build an army that can repel any attack. ─── 兰贝尔特伯爵藏匿在峡谷中以便用尽可能低的费用组建一支足够抵挡任何攻击的军队。

59、Start the generator and the ball rolls around the pan as the force of the upper disk repels it. ─── 打开静电产生器,则球会因上面板子的斥力开始在盘中滚动。

60、As lucky charms,these flints were believed to have special power to attract love and to repel the effects of the evil eye. ─── 作为吉祥符,这些燧石箭头被认为有吸引爱情、抵挡恶毒眼光的独特能力。

61、Like charges repel each other, but opposite charges attract. ─── 同种电荷互相排斥,但异种电荷却互相吸引。

62、Far from repel his advance she rather encourage him. ─── 她不但不拒绝他的求爱,反而半推半就。

63、QUOTE:Play as one of 4 different cultures and build defensive turrets to repel wave after wave of vicious Hun enemies. ─── 塔防:扮演一个4种不同的文化民族且建造防御炮塔击退一波又一波的匈奴敌人。

64、With fire that draws while it repels. ─── 却象一团火焰引我前行。

65、But a Shanghai man is never discouraged, as pressure can never repel him. ─── 但上海男人从不气馁,因为他从不屈服于压力。

66、Like electric charges repel. ─── 同性电流相斥。

67、No, a turn-off is something that repels someone.Turn-off,t-u-r-n -o-f-f. ─── 噢,是一个让人讨厌的什么东西。是不是指一个人的性格里有什么地方让你不喜欢他?

68、Opposite poles attract, like poles repel. ─── 同性相斥,异性相吸。

69、He says photons of light do not normally interact with each other. In contrast, the electrons used by computers strongly repel each other. ─── 他说光子通常不会相互作用。相反,计算机使用的电子却会强烈的互相排斥。

70、One end of the soap molecule is attracted to oil and keeps away water, while the other end attaches itself to water and repels oil. ─── 其中一个肥皂分子的一端被吸引到石油,并保持了水,而另一端附着于水和油排斥。

71、A plastic coating repels moisture. ─── 塑料涂层能防潮。

72、A chemical messenger is, at least, a " double agent " . It attracts some species and repels others . ─── 化学信使至少是一种“双作用体”。它引诱一些昆虫,忌避另一些昆虫。

73、Once applied to your car windscreen, Nanokote Auto instantly repels most substances that come into contact with it. ─── 一旦应用到你的汽车挡风玻璃上,Nanokote马上自动抵挡大多数和它接触的物质。

74、Two like electric charges repel one another. ─── 同种电荷互相排斥。

75、Homosexuality fascinates many Africans as much as it repels. ─── 在非洲人当中,被同性恋吸引的人和排斥同性恋的人一样多。

76、Protego Description: A shield charm that can be used to repel harmful charms. ─── 一个可以抵御攻击咒语的防御咒。

77、He knows now we do not have the strength to repel him. ─── 他知道我们没有力量来抵抗。

78、Like charges repel each other,unlike charges attract each other. ─── 同种电荷相互排斥,异种电荷相互吸引。

79、Actually, the modern female generally also no longer repels regardingthis in the understanding and the motion, because they similarly havepursue fresh impetusing the need. ─── 其实,现代女性在认识上和行动中对此一般也不再排斥,因为她们同样有追求新鲜剌激的需要。

80、Her callous attitude repels me. ─── 她冷酷无情的态度引起我的反感。

81、With Omniknight, always do repel before your ulti, otherwise the repel will disable his ulti. ─── 使用全能骑士时,放了魔免盾才放大绝。不然魔免盾会净化大绝的效果。

82、Since electron repel each other, they tend to keep out of each other's way. ─── 因为电子彼此排斥,它们倾向于彼此回避。

83、Two negative charges repel each other , and so do two positive charges . ─── 两个负电荷相斥,两个正电荷也是如此。

84、Two like electric charges repel each other. ─── 同性的电互相排斥。

85、The troops were brought up in time to repel the enemy from their country. ─── 及时调出部队,将敌人从他们的国土上赶出去。

86、If a person is too loyal, does not understand amiably, will repel other people. ─── 如果一个人太忠诚,不懂得随和,就会排斥他人。

87、Play as one of 4 different cultures and build defensive turrets to repel wave after wave of vicious Hun enemies. ─── 作为一个玩4种不同的文化和建造防御炮塔击退匈奴后,恶性一波又一波的敌人。

88、Revitalize skin, inhibit the activity of melanocytes, repel dullness, and double the luster. ─── 具有焕肤的功效,抑制黑色素细胞的活动,击退暗哑,倍添光泽。

89、The negative poles of two magnets will repel each other . ─── 两块磁铁的负极相互排斥。

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