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09-03 投稿



glaringness 中文意思翻译



glaringness 相似词语短语

1、sparingness ─── 节约;不足;慎用(sparing的名词形式)

2、daringness ─── n.勇敢;胆大

3、glariness ─── 透明

4、alluringness ─── 诱惑力

5、bracingness ─── n.支撑;支柱;背带(bracing的变形)

6、pleasingness ─── 愉悦

7、graspingness ─── 草

8、clankingness ─── 叮当声

9、boringness ─── 无聊

glaringness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He gave Dixon a mutinous glare. ─── 他朝狄克逊恶狠狠地盯了一眼。

2、However, many cars now have refracting or colored glass to cut down on glare. ─── 因此,许多汽车现在装备使光线折射的玻璃或把玻璃染色来减少眩目的影响。

3、To avoid glare of the sun,you had better wear a pair of sunglasses. ─── 为避免耀眼的阳光(照 射),最好戴上墨镜.

4、For example, activists chased Japanese whalers across the Southern Ocean under a full media glare this past winter. ─── 例如上个冬季,组织成员们在媒体广泛的关注之下“追击”着日本的捕鲸船跨过了南海。

5、He shielded his eyes from the glare of the overhead fluorescent lights. ─── 他遮住头顶上方荧光灯的光以保护眼睛。

6、Don't glare at me like that, you deserved the scolding. ─── 不要那么瞪着我, 你本该受到训斥的。

7、Don't glare at wild animals' eyes.That will be taken as a offensive gesture. ─── 别盯着野生动物的眼睛看那会被子视作攻击性的姿态。

8、Rich finish that reduces glare. ─── 复合表面处理降低反光。

9、The glare has gone and no touch of the sinister remains. ─── 光亮已经消逝,那凶险的迹象已荡然无存。

10、The shadow were soothing to his eyes after the glare of the sun. ─── 从刺眼的阳光下进来,里面的阴影都很悦目。

11、Shield one's eyes against the glare of the sun. ─── 保护眼睛不受强烈的阳光伤害。

12、To avoid the glare of the sun, drivers always wear a special pair of glasses. ─── 為了避开耀眼的阳光,汽车司机们通常会单一副特殊的眼睛。

13、His eyes were hollow, and shone with a brilliant and feverish glare. ─── 他的眼睛下陷,闪烁着炽热的光芒。

14、Number denoting the degree to which discomfort glare is controlled. ─── 代表对不舒适眩光进行控制的等级号码。

15、The sidewalks seem emptier as pedestrians shield their eyes from the unrelenting glare off the cars and store windows. ─── 人行道上的行人挡箭牌,似乎从一开始的汽车和商店的橱窗,不屈不挠的眼楮樽刺眼。

16、The glare from their blood shot eyes seemed to clash in the air and throw out sparks. ─── 四只红眼睛对了光,好象要在空气中激触,发出火花。

17、He turned his baleful glare on the cowering suspect. ─── 他恶毒地盯着那个蜷缩成一团的嫌疑犯。

18、Also producing light glare and unwanted shadows. ─── 另外,投影还会出现眩光和讨厌的阴影。

19、The rabbit was caught in the glare of the car's headlights. ─── 兔子在耀眼的汽车前灯照射下动弹不得。

20、Key words: C-BUS, EPS, Illuminance, Glare, Uniformity. ─── 关键词:C-BUS,eps,照度,眩光,均匀性,十二路智能继电器,智能主机,八场景智能面板开关。

21、A yellowish glare in the sky over an ice field. ─── 冰映光冰原上空中一种带黄色的光

22、Just as a good pair of sunglasses eliminates glare, interstellar dust can polarize the light. ─── 偏振太阳镜原理上应该是“检偏镜”,刺目眩光起偏在先。

23、His beautiful was more glaringness than the luna. ─── 他的美貌比月亮更皎洁。

24、The sky is full of stupendous flying-machines, dark as night,but picked out by lights with a yellowish glare. ─── 天空充满了巨大的飞行物,像黑夜那样地黑暗,但因为有微黄色的光束而辩认得出来。”

25、He squinted his eyes against the glare of the lantern , turned it down a trifle. ─── 亮晃晃的汽灯刺得他眼睛睁不开来,他把灯心扭小了点儿。

26、But then the glare died, and the darkness took charge of the moonscape. ─── 但紧接着亮光消失了,黑暗又重新笼罩月球表面。

27、If you stay any longer in this glare, you will be quite spoiled, and Basil will never paint you again. ─── 你要是再呆在烈日下,就要毁啦,巴兹尔也决不肯为你再画像喽。

28、A Discussion on Lamp Glaringness when Motor Vehicles Meeting ─── 机动车交汇时灯具炫目性的讨论

29、The light was almost vertical and the glare from the water seared one's eyes. ─── 太阳几乎是直射在沙上,海面上闪着光,刺得人睁不开眼睛。

30、Glare that is caused by a shiny object reflecting too much light into a television camera. ─── 刺眼的闪光发光物体反射到电视摄像机上的强光导致的闪光

31、"Why do you glare at me so inhospitably? ─── “你为什么那么充满敌意地瞪着我?”

32、He stood still with an angry glare. ─── 他两眼喷火,僵僵地站在那里。

33、The OLC (Omni-directional luminance control ) provides excellent even lighting without glare. ─── 全方位反射,配光均匀,无眩光。

34、Don't glare at your teacher like that. You deserved the scolding. ─── 别那么瞪眼望着老师,你是该骂的。

35、He shieldedhis eyes from, the glare of the overhead fluorescent lights. ─── 他遮住头顶上方荧光灯曲目的光以保护眼睹。

36、Domestic firms are also fleeing the glare of public markets. ─── 国内公司也在逃离公开市场的光环。

37、If it bore the slightest obscurities, our visual world would be a fun house of warped and blurred images and glare. ─── 只要它稍微不透明,我们的视觉世界就会变成像哈哈镜一般,充满变形而模糊的光影。

38、Glare that is caused by a shiny object reflectingtoo much light into a television camera. ─── 刺眼的闪光发光物体反射到电视摄像机上的强光导致的闪光。

39、If fact, by this date Hitler had already turned his glare to the east. ─── 事实上,这时希特勒已把目光转向东方了。

40、Don't glare at me like that,you deserved the scolding. ─── 不要那么瞪着我,你本该受到训斥。

41、A couple of times he shot at Pug the nasty glare he had first flashed in the Leningrad apartment. ─── 他用恶狠狠的眼色朝帕格瞪了两眼,就象上次他在列宁格勒公寓里那样。

42、In the glare from the street-light, I could see Dill hatching one. ─── 在耀眼的街灯下我看得出迪尔又在打鬼主意。

43、Dante: You cooled off yet, kid? What's the matter? Why the glare? ─── 你已经冷静了吗,小鬼?出了什么问题,为什么那么火呢?

44、He has to wear sunglasses because of the glare of the sun. ─── 因为阳光耀眼,他只好戴墨镜。

45、The sky is full of stupendous flying-machines, dark as night, but picked out by lights with a yellowish glare. ─── 天空充满了巨大的飞行物,像黑夜那样地黑暗,但因为有微黄色的光束而辩认得出来。

46、Under the glare of the street lamps, visibility was good. ─── 在街灯的照射下,可以看得很清楚。

47、Two competing women seduce a man. They glare, dress up, give attitude, change clothes, curl their hair, and smolder. ─── 两个互相竞争的女人在引诱一个男人,他们怒目而视,装扮自己,耍脾气,换衣服,卷头发,怒火中烧。

48、They screwed up their eyes, trying to get used to the glare. ─── 他们眨巴着眼睛,试图适应这闪耀光芒。

49、May be after a while, the sun will emit a weak light, so I feel a little glare. ─── 可过了一会儿,太阳便放出微弱的亮光,让我感到有点儿刺眼。

50、People could certainly see the first glare of the Sun. ─── 从人们见到第一缕阳光时起,

51、Removing direct light sources, moving your computer station, or installing blinds, screens, or shades can reduce glare. ─── 去除直接光源,移动您的电脑,或安装窗帘,屏风,或深浅可减少眩光。

52、The fierce glare on his face stopped me from talking. ─── 他面带怒色,使我不能讲话。

53、Low-angle winter sunlight penetration can give rise to glare. ─── 冬季小入射角阳光的透射可以增加室内亮度。

54、The bright glare of morning sunlight streaming through the trees overhead awakened Scarlett. ─── 从树枝里筛下来的早晨的阳光将思嘉晒醒过来。

55、But he has more than a steely glare and statements of the obvious. ─── 但希勒给我们带来的,不光是坚毅的眼神和表面上的慷慨陈辞。

56、The improved contrast and glare reduction is apparent. ─── 反衬的改善和炫光的减少是很明显的。

57、The sun glare out of the blue sky. ─── 太阳从蓝天中发出耀眼的光。

58、You should be careful to avoid the glare of the car headlights. ─── 你得小心,以避免汽车前灯的强光。

59、You find a nice ledge outside to eat on. You have a quick smoke and glare at anyone who passes by. ─── 你发现了一处很好的台子,可以在上面用餐。你恶狠狠地盯着路过的人,迅速地抽完了一支烟。

60、He pulled himself together and looked at the young man straight in the eye in the glare of the torchlight. ─── 他振作起全身的精神,在熊熊的火把光中望着那位青年的面孔,奋然说:

61、Keith wanted to ask June for a date but was wary of the disapproving glare of big daddy. ─── 基思想邀请琼约会,但唯恐遭受最重要人物不同意的目光。

62、Their eyes turned away from the glare of the vapour lamp, the perspiration coursing down their face. ─── 他们的眼睛避开了汽灯的光茫,脸上的汗水往下直流。

63、BNS pation floor reduce the heat and glare of sunlight into the house. ─── BNS户外木地板可有效防止太阳的光和热辐射到市内。

64、Don't glare at wild animals' eyes.It will be taken as an offensive gesture. ─── 别盯着野生动物的眼睛看,那会被视作攻击性的姿态.

65、CIE defined the discomfort glare and disability glare according to the vision status. ─── CIE从视觉状态出发将眩光定义为不舒适眩光 (Discomfortglare)和失能眩光 (Disabilityglare)。

66、Glare from surrounding lamps and lights can lead to eyestrain. ─── 从周围的眩光灯和灯光可能会导致眼睛疲劳。

67、He had to wear sunglasses because of the glare of the sun. ─── 因为阳光耀眼,他只好戴墨镜。

68、You pass from the heat and glare of a big open square in to a cool, dark cavern. ─── 你从一个巨大的露天广场上炎热而耀眼的阳光中进入凉爽阴暗的洞穴。

69、So the people asked him to hold the candle for Don Twelfth, just by reason that his beautiful was more glaringness than the luna. ─── 所以大伙请他为十二君举起蜡烛照明,因为他的美貌比月亮更皎洁。

70、I counted ten in all, gliding almost soundlessly through the bleak white glare. ─── 一共有十来个,静悄悄地在这耀眼的灯光中挪动。

71、They followed this outward to where the riot of leaves caught the glare of Hyperion's sun. ─── 他们沿着这条树枝走着,海伯利安的太阳光照在这些茂盛的树叶上。

72、At close range the glare dazzles one's eyes. ─── 光采夺目,不可逼视。

73、Dark glasses are an effective shield against the glare. ─── 墨镜有效地阻隔强光保护眼睛。

74、Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold; Thou hast no speculation in those eyes Which thou dost glare with. ─── 你的骨髓已经枯竭,你的血液已经凝冷;你那向人瞪着的眼睛也已经失去了光彩。

75、They were in the full glare of publicity. ─── 他们大肆炫耀。

76、His eyes dazzled in the glare. ─── 在强光下,他双眼发花。

77、She veers past with a heated glare, gasses up at the pump behind me, then screeches out of the station. ─── 可她眼睛里炫着怒火,却调转车头到我后面的油泵给车加油去了,尔后,尖声呼啸着蹿出了加油站。

78、He gets a glare for his pains. ─── 他的辛苦换来的却是怒视。

79、Don t glare at wild animals eyes.That will be taken as a offensive gesture. . ─── 别盯着野生动物的眼睛看 那会被子视作攻击性的 姿态.

80、He sent one glare of fierce, exultant defiance at the man in collar and cravat now. ─── 他横眉冷目,满脸鄙夷之色,狠狠地盯了一眼那位现在戴好衣领和系着领带的人。

81、He accompanied his words with a defiant glare. ─── 他话里带着挑衅。

82、Sid! @ Tom felt the glare of the old lady's eye, though he could not see it. ─── “希德

83、There is no dust, the sun does not glare. ─── 凡有阳光的地方都有灰尘。

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