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09-03 投稿


Borneo 发音

英:['b?:ni?u]  美:[?b??rn??o?]

英:  美:

Borneo 中文意思翻译



Borneo 短语词组

1、North Borneo ─── 北婆罗洲(马来西亚第二大洲)

2、borneo tallow ─── [机] 婆罗洲脂

3、borneo pygmy elephant ─── 婆罗洲侏儒象

4、Borneo camphor ─── [医] 龙脑, 冰片

5、borneo cities ─── 婆罗洲城市

6、cave paintings in borneo ─── 婆罗洲洞穴绘画

7、borneo post ─── 出生后

8、Borneo Flowerpecker ─── 婆罗洲啄木鸟

9、borneo sucker fish ─── 婆罗洲吸盘鱼

10、Borneo Earless Monitor ─── 婆罗洲无耳监视器

11、borneo bulletin ─── 婆罗洲公报

12、Pitcher Plants of Borneo ─── 婆罗洲的皮彻植物

13、borneo jakarta ─── 雅加达婆罗洲

14、Indonesian Borneo ─── [网络] 印度尼西亚婆罗洲

15、borneo divers ─── 杂硼

16、Borneo elephant ─── 婆罗洲大象

17、borneo island ─── 婆罗洲岛

18、Dutch Borneo ─── 荷属婆罗洲(婆罗洲岛南部大部分地区的旧称, 现为印度尼西亚的一部分)

Borneo 相似词语短语

1、borneol ─── n.[中医][有化]冰片,[林]龙脑,茨醇

2、Forney ─── n.(Forney)人名;(英)福尼;(法)福尔内

3、Roneo ─── n.复印机;vt.用复印机复印

4、Borneo ─── n.婆罗洲(加里曼丹的旧称)

5、-borne ─── v.忍受;负荷;结果实;生子女(bear的过去分词);n.(Borne)人名;(德、西、法)博尔内

6、aborne ─── 中止

7、Corner ─── n.角落,拐角处;地区,偏僻处;困境,窘境;vi.囤积;相交成角;vt.垄断;迫至一隅;使陷入绝境;把…难住;n.(Corner)人名;(法)科尔内;(英)科纳

8、borne ─── v.忍受;负荷;结果实;生子女(bear的过去分词);n.(Borne)人名;(德、西、法)博尔内

9、boranes ─── n.[无化]硼烷,[无化]甲硼烷,硼氢化合物

Borneo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The huntings of human striving for survival could also be the reasons of uneven distribution of orang in Borneo and Sumatra. ─── 在历史上,人们为生存而进行的捕猎活动可能也是造成猩猩不连续地分布在婆罗洲和苏门达腊岛的原因。

2、a chain of islands including Borneo and Celebes and Java and Sumatra ─── 包括婆罗州,西里伯斯岛和爪哇以及苏门答辣岛的一系列岛

3、the part of Indonesia on the S of the island of Borneo. ─── 位于婆罗洲岛南部印度尼西亚的一部分。

4、Souvenir T-shirt with Kuching, Sarawak or Borneo motif. ─── 以古晋,砂拉越或婆罗洲岛为主题的衬衫。

5、Asia: Indochina, Thailand to Borneo and Java. ─── 亚洲:印度支那,泰国到婆罗洲与爪哇。

6、Andlyzing the Application of Borneo Camphor in Znvigorate the Kidney and Awake Brain Prescription ─── 冰片在补肾醒脑方中应用浅析

7、India, Burma, Thailand, Hainan, Guangdong, Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Palawan ─── 印度,缅甸,泰国,广东,马来半岛,苏门答腊,爪哇,婆罗洲

8、Borneo, Burma, China (not include Taiwan), India, Peninsular Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. ─── 婆罗洲、缅甸、中国(台湾除外)、印度、马来半岛、菲律宾、新加坡、斯里兰卡及泰国。

9、Deep within the cliffside caves of eastern Borneo, 10,000-year-old paintings featuring the hands of the artists themselves may offer clues about ancient migrations. ─── 在东部婆罗洲的洞穴深处的岩壁上,有着1万年前岩画,画的是艺术家们自己的手,这将有可能为研究古代移民提供线索。

10、He thinks for a minute before responding, "I did a film in the Borneo rainforest, and I had to eat steak tartare in the Borneo rainforest. ─── 他想了好一会儿才回答:“我曾在婆罗洲的雨林中拍过戏,当时吃的是(拌有洋葱、鸡蛋等供生吃的)鞑靼牛排,肉全都变质了。

11、large long-armed ape of Borneo and Sumatra having arboreal habits. ─── 产于波罗门和苏门答腊的有很长的臂大型树栖类人猿。

12、porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail. ─── 产于婆罗洲和苏门答腊岛的短刺长尾豪猪。

13、Among the 10 primate species that inhabit this area are the orangutan and proboscis monkey, which live only on Borneo. ─── 在此栖息的十种灵长类动物中,红毛猩猩与长鼻猴是婆罗洲特有的。

14、large long-armed ape of Borneo and Sumatra having arboreal habits ─── 产于波罗门和苏门答腊的有很长的臂大型树栖类人猿

15、Gazetteer Asia: Thailand to Sumatra and Borneo. ─── 亚洲:泰国到苏门答腊与婆罗洲。

16、Located in Western Borneo, this protected area of rain forest is home to many unique species, such as Low’s pitcher plant, the rot-scented rafflesia, and the silvered leaf monkey. ─── 位于西波罗洲,这是热带雨林保护区对于许多独特的种类例如低级的囊状叶植物,那腐坏-香rafflesia,和镀银同族的猴子。引自:“美国国家地理杂志”,当天的图片。

17、Orangutans, found only on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, are the largest tree-dwelling mammals in the world. ─── 只在苏门答腊与婆罗洲才见到的红毛猩猩是世界上最大的树居哺乳类。

18、an arboreal anthropoid ape(Pongo pygmaeus) of Borneo and Sumatra,having a shaggy reddish-brown coat,very long arms,and no tail ─── 一种大型的树栖类人猿(猩猩属)产于波罗门和苏门答腊,有稀疏的红棕毛皮、很长的臂且无尾

19、a chain of islands including Borneo and Celebes and Java and Sumatra. ─── 包括婆罗州,西里伯斯岛和爪哇以及苏门答辣岛的一系列岛。

20、With so much to see and experience, it's no wonder the Danum Valley has the reputation as one of the best places to view Borneo's wildlife. ─── 丹浓谷有这麽多可供人观看与体验的生态,难怪名列婆罗洲一个观赏野生生物的最佳地点。

21、The Eastern Himalayan alpine meadows have more varieties of plant than anywhere in Asia, except the rainforests of Borneo. ─── 东喜马拉雅山脉高山草地的植物种类比亚洲其他任何地区都多,婆罗洲的雨林除外。

22、Wi ld orangutans in Borneo hold leaves to their mouths to make their voices sound deeper than they actually are, a new study shows. ─── 一项新研究显示,波罗洲的野生星星将树叶贴近嘴边使它们的声音听起来比平常低沉。

23、Clinging to the hand of a human protector, six-year-old Mugi is one of some 500 orphans cared for at the Nyaru Menteng Orangutan Rescue Center in Indonesian Borneo. ─── 六岁的穆吉紧紧握着人类保护者的手,它是印度尼西亚语婆罗洲的亚鲁曼藤猩猩救援中心约500个“孤儿”之一。

24、Farmers and plantation companies are responding to the higher prices, seizing land in places like Borneo from indigenous people and clearing tropical forest to replant with rows of oil palms. ─── 农场业主与种植场因应日益升高的价格,在婆罗洲等地从原住民手中攫取土地,砍光热带森林,改种一排排油棕。

25、For example, Dayak villagers in Borneo see climate change in observations of bird species, rising water levels and the loss of plants traditionally used for medicine. ─── 例如,婆罗州达亚族村落透过观察常见鸟种、水平面上升和传统用来制药的植物流失等现象,来见证气候的变化。

26、It had previously been thought that the British introduced elephants into Borneo from India 350 years ago. ─── 在此之前,一般的看法都认为岛上的大象是由英国人在350年前从印度引进婆罗洲的。

27、Kinabalu Park, in the State of Sabah on the northern end of the island of Borneo, is dominated by Mount Kinabalu(4,095 m), the highest mountain between the Himalayas and New Guinea. ─── 基纳巴卢山公园,位于沙巴婆罗岛北端,被喜玛拉雅山和新几内亚之间的最高的山基纳巴卢山(,095米)环绕。

28、a country in southeastern Asia on Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. ─── 亚洲东南部的一个国家,包括马来半岛的南部和婆罗洲岛的北部。

29、A group of zoologists with Conservation International say they found the frogs by the side of the road in Borneo, near a national park. ─── 动物学家以及国际保育组织表示,他们是在婆罗洲一个靠近国家公园的路边发现这些小雨蛙的。

30、And not just to celebrate the 45th anniversary of Sabah and Sarawak, Britain's colonies on Borneo, joining with the Malayan peninsula to form Malaysia. ─── 反对党领导人安瓦尔和他的联盟自从3月份在大选中有了出色的表现之后,承诺截至庆典日到来时,他将从执政联盟争取到30个以上转为支持他的国会议员。

31、Tribes in Borneo watch as their rainforests catch fire. ─── 婆罗州部落看著他们的雨林失火;

32、a region of Malaysia in northeastern Borneo. ─── 婆罗洲东北部马来西亚一地区。

33、On September 29 heavy rains and a change in the wind direction brought a sharp drop in the Air Pollution Index in Borneo and Malaysia. ─── 9月29日,大雨和改变风向带来大幅下降,空气污染指数在婆罗洲和马来西亚。

34、Thailand,Java,Indo-China,Burma,Borneo,Sumatra and Philippines.Merkus pine called Cambodian pine Sumata pine and Mindoro pine by theri orgin.Sometimes planted.In Indonesia this species has been planted for long.Export of logs banned. ─── 分布于泰国、瓜哇、中南半岛、缅甸、婆罗洲、苏门答腊及菲律宾,谟库松是高棉人的称呼,依产地不同亦被称呼为苏门答腊松及民多罗松,有造木林,印尼政府禁止该中木材外销。

35、Raffles' pitcher plant, from the jungles of Borneo, produces nectar that both lures insects and forms a slick surface on which they can't get a grip. ─── 莱佛士的猪笼草来自婆罗洲的丛林,它产出的花蜜既能吸引昆虫,又能形成一个光滑的表面,让昆虫无法找到着力点。

36、Orangutans in Sumatra and Borneo are under threat by habitat loss due to illegal and legal logging and forest clearance for palm oil plantations. ─── 在苏门答腊岛和波罗洲的猩猩因为非法的或合法的伐木业和为生产棕榈油而清除森林制造耕地而导致栖息地的丧失,正处于威胁之中。

37、Today this ape, which dwells in the rain forests of Borneo and Sumatra, is the sole survivor of that successful group. ─── 今天,红毛猩猩生活在婆罗洲与苏门答腊的雨林中,是西瓦猿繁华落尽的唯一子胤。

38、another is the area between North and South America,and the third,between Asia and Australia,Includes the islands of Sumatra,Borneo and Java. ─── 另一个是北美和南美间的油区,而第三个是亚洲和澳洲之间的地区,包括苏门答腊、婆罗洲和爪洼岛。

39、2. In 1943, Mount Kinabalu Anti-Japanese guerillas led by Guo Yinan (Kuok Aik Nam) in British North Borneo seized Jesselton and killed more than 60 Japanese soldiers. ─── 1943年,英属北婆罗洲成立以郭益南为首的“神山游击队”,曾一度攻占亚庇城,歼灭日军60多人。收藏指正

40、In Borneo and Malaysia, the Nepenthes pitcher plant traps insects using a jug-shaped attachment, or pitcher, at the end of its leaves. ─── 在婆罗洲和马来西亚,忘忧瓶子草用它叶子末端水壶状的部位或瓶状叶吸引着昆虫。

41、Gazetteer Asia: India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Borneo (Ref. 4833). Recorded from the Mekong delta (Ref. 12693). ─── 亚洲:印度,斯里兰卡,孟加拉,缅甸与婆罗洲.(参考文献4833)记录自湄公河三角州了。(参考文献12693

42、Last week reports told how on Guadalcanal a group of Japs of the 224th Infantry Regiment, veterans of China, Borneo and the Philippines, were trapped in a heavily wooded ravine. ─── 上周有报道讲述了在瓜达康纳尔岛,一群224步兵团的日本兵,和来自中国、婆罗洲、还有菲律宾的老兵,在一个丛林峡谷遭到伏击。

43、In those days India had colonies, in Cambodia (Kambuja in Sanskrit) in Java, (Chavakam or Yava dwipa) in Sumatra, in Borneo, Socotra (Sukhadhara) and even in Japan. ─── 在那些日子里,印度在高棉(即束埔寨),在爪哇,在苏门答腊岛,在婆罗洲,在索科特拉岛,甚至在日本都有殖民地(梵语里叫卡布加)。

44、Book Reviews: 1.Anaconda 2. Singing the Turtles to Sea 3. The Systematics and Zoogeography of the Amphibia of Borneo. ─── 书评:1.森蚺2.唱龟出海,墨西哥土著的爬虫艺术与科学3.婆罗洲两栖类的系统与分布.

45、The Study of Immunohistochemistry on Borneo and Honey Ointment ─── 冰蜜生肌膏

46、Creators Profile The Creator Chang Chu Hwa, is coming from Betong Town (Middlewood), Sarawak State (Borneo Island), MALAYSIA. ─── 创造者曾楚铧,来自于马来西亚,砂劳越州(玻罗洲岛),木中镇(美乐坞)。

47、Only a few years earlier, Indonesia and Malaysia had been fighting a guerrilla war against each other on the island of Borneo. ─── 就在几年前,印尼和马来西亚还一直在婆罗洲进行游击战。

48、Kinabalu Park, in the State of Sabah on the northern end of the island of Borneo, is dominated by Mount Kinabalu (4,095 m), the highest mountain between the Himalayas and New Guinea. ─── 基纳巴卢山公园,位于沙巴婆罗岛北端,被喜玛拉雅山和新几内亚之间的最高的山基纳巴卢山(4,095米)所环绕。

49、NW India, Xizang, Jiangsu, Korea, S Japan, Philippines, Palawan, Borneo, Lesser Sundas, Sumba, Flores ─── 印度东北部,江苏,韩国,日本南部,菲律宾,婆罗洲

50、Actually the bearcat isn't really a bear or a cat. It's a type of civet. It lives in forests in Vietnam, Borneo, Burma and Palawan. ─── 事实上,熊狸既非熊也非猫,牠是一种果子狸,生活在越南、婆罗洲、缅甸及巴拉望的森林里。

51、They are found in tropical rainforests on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. ─── 牠们在热带雨林,如印尼的苏门达腊岛和婆罗洲岛。

52、Mr Lawson said the fact that the Heart of Borneo is in mountainous areas means it is not at immediate risk. ─── 劳森说,因为「婆罗洲之心」地处山区,没有立即的危险。

53、Indonesian farmers turn their hoes to mining, illegally digging for gold on a torn up riverbank in Borneo. ─── 印度尼西亚的农民用他们的锄头转而采矿,非法采金损毁着婆罗洲的河堤。

54、Trips that many adults would consider the adventure of a lifetime—treks in Borneo, a sports tour to Barbados—appear to have become almost routine at some state schools. ─── 婆罗洲徒步旅行、前往巴巴多斯的体育之旅——这些旅程被许多成年人视为一生的冒险,在一些公立学校似乎已经成为惯例。

55、Conservationists have been warning for years that Borneo could lose almost all its lowland forest and that the need to conserve the habitat and species of the world’s third largest island is urgent. ─── 保育人士多年来持续发出警讯,世界第三大岛屿婆罗洲可能会失去所有的低地森林,急需保护各类生物以及其栖息地。

56、A country of southeast Asia in the Malay Archipelago comprising Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, the Moluccas, parts of Borneo, New Guinea, and Timor, and many smaller islands. ─── 印度尼西亚,荷属东印度群岛:位于东南亚马来群岛的一个国家,包括苏门答腊岛、爪哇岛、沙罗威岛、摩鹿加群岛、加里曼丹岛的一部分、新几内亚岛、帝汶岛以及许多小岛。

57、a country in southeastern Asia on Borneo and the Malay Peninsula ─── 亚洲东南部的一个国家,在马来半岛和婆罗洲岛上

58、created in unusual way,has no relation with the name but only superb taste will remain you to the deepest jungle in borneo with the dayaks origin. ─── 使用不同的方法调制,与名字没有关系,但只有卓越的口味保持着丛林深处的味道.

59、Indonesia: any of the regional Radio Republik Indonesia stations, especially Jambi in Sumatra on 4925 kHz, Palangkaraya in Borneo on 3325 kHz, Palu in Sulawesi varying 3945-3960 kHz. ─── 印度尼西亚:一些印度尼西亚共和国电台的区域广播,特别是苏门答腊的占碑用4925千赫的广播,婆罗洲的帕朗卡拉亚用3325千赫的广播,苏拉威西的帕卢用3945到3960千赫的频率变换广播。

60、Theme Dinner - Borneo Rainforest ─── 主题晚宴-婆罗洲雨林

61、a native or inhabitant of Borneo. ─── 一个波罗洲的本地人或居民。

62、Penan woman weaves inside a shelter in a government settlement camp. As logging on Borneo island decimates the forests, the nomadic Penan drift toward settlement camps. ─── 在政府的安置营地的一个避难棚里一个本南族的妇女正在编织。由于婆罗洲岛上的伐木业已经破坏和大批的森林,使得原本游牧的本南族人也逐渐趋向于定居营地的生活。

63、Under the cover of darkness, a butterfly with folded wings rests gracefully on a leaf in the Danum Valley Conservation Area in Sabah, Borneo. ─── 在婆罗洲的沙巴的丹浓谷保护区中,一只蝴蝶正在夜幕的掩护下优雅的在一片叶子上合翅休息。

64、Water Monitor could be found in India, Sri Lanka, Southern China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines, Indonesian Islands. ─── 五爪金龙(蜥蜴)被发现在印度,斯里南卡,中国南部,缅甸,泰国,寮国(挝)越南,马来西亚,婆罗洲,菲律宾和印度尼西亚群岛。

65、Asia: Mekong and Chao Phraya basins, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo. ─── 亚洲:湄公河与湄南河流域,马来半岛,苏门答腊与婆罗洲。

66、Scuba Diving, Dive Trips, Pulau Tiga, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia ─── 国外潜水旅游,马来西亚,沙巴,婆罗洲,亚庇市,潜水套装行程

67、It was rather absurd, and somehow sinister, to see this social pretence in those poverty-stricken surroundings on a borneo river ─── 在婆罗洲的一条河上,周围一片穷困潦倒的景象,还装模作样的摆谱,真有点不伦不类,简直可以说是荒诞离奇了。

68、If Borneo's forests are cleared for oil palm plantations then the endangered orangutan may become the first Great Ape to go extinct at the hands of humans. ─── 如果婆罗洲的热带雨林砍光换成油棕种植园,那本已濒临灭绝的猩猩很可能成为第一个在人类手中遭灭绝的类人猿。

69、Gazetteer Asia: southern Borneo, Indonesia. ─── 亚洲:印尼婆罗洲南部。

70、Two new leafhopper species from Sabah (Borneo) of the genus Fistulatus are dealt with in this paper. Both type specimens are deposited in the National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, UK. ─── 关键词:同翅目,叶蝉科,缘脊叶蝉亚科,脊翅叶蝉族,管茎叶蝉属,新种,加里曼丹|全部关键词

71、Toti, a five-day-old male baby orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) from Borneo, lies at an animal hospital in Taman Safari Park in Bogor, west Java August 9, 2005. ─── 出生才满5天的婆罗洲红毛猩猩躺在印尼西爪哇的动物医院里。

72、Banjarmasin_Post_On_Line Banjarmasin Post online, Newspaper from Borneo, Kalimantan Selatan. Berisi berita-berita menarik dari Surat Kabar Banjarmasin Post. ─── 凤凰古城旅游网提供湖南凤凰古城人文历史,民俗风情,旅游线路,景点介绍,旅游咨询,酒店宾馆客栈预定,自驾车旅游接待等旅游服务指南。

73、In a study conducted in Borneo during the early 1980s, Mitani and his field assistants observed 151 copulations by arrested males; 144 of the matings were forced. ─── 1980年代初期,三谷带著助理在婆罗洲做研究,观察到发育迟滞的雄性交配151次,其中144次是强暴。

74、1 species in philippine,Borneo,Sulawesi and New Guinea.Quite a little imported,and mixed in logs from Philippine and New Guinea,SOMETIMES from Sulawesi. ─── 一属一种?分布于菲律宾、婆罗洲、苏拉威西及新几内亚?进口数量并不大?在原产地常呈混杂林分布。

75、The Creator Chang Chu Hwa, is coming from Betong Town (Middlewood), Sarawak State (Borneo Island), MALAYSIA. ─── 创造者曾楚铧,来自于马来西亚,砂劳越州(玻罗洲岛),木中镇(美乐坞).

76、Book Reviews: 1. Amphibians &Reptiles of Mount Kinabalu(North Borneo). 2. Geckos-All Species in One Book. ─── 书评:1.吉纳巴鲁山(北婆罗洲)之两栖爬虫类.2.守宫全辑-全部品种在一书.

77、Tropical Africa,India,Ceylon,Borneo,New Guinea and Microesia.Afromosia in west Africa belonging to the same genus. ─── 分布于热带非洲、印度、锡兰、婆罗洲、新机内亚、波里尼西亚、西非。

78、"The jungles of Borneo are one of the last wild places left on the planet. ─── 婆罗洲丛林是目前地球上仅存的野生动植物栖息地之一。

79、The Danum Valley, located on Borneo, the third largest island in the world, beckons adventurers to come and experience the wild. ─── 位于世界第三大岛婆罗洲的丹浓谷吸引热爱探险的人前去体验荒野世界,

80、Look at Borneo, where you instantly think of the orang-utans. ─── 看到婆罗洲,你立刻就会想到猩猩。

81、monkey of southeast Asia, Borneo and the Philippines. ─── 产于东南亚、婆罗洲和菲律宾的猴子。

82、In 1943, Mount Kinabalu Anti-Japanese guerillas led by Guo Yinan (Kuok Aik Nam) in British North Borneo seized Jesselton and killed more than 60 Japanese soldiers. ─── 1943年,英属北婆罗洲成立以郭益南为首的“神山游击队”,曾一度攻占亚庇城,歼灭日军60多人。

83、Photos taken underwater in Indonesia, including Bali, Java, Moluccas, Papua (Irian Jaya), Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi (Celebes), and other dive spots in Indonesia. ─── 关于印度尼西亚,包括巴厘岛,爪哇岛,摩鹿加群岛,巴布亚(伊里安查亚),加里曼丹(婆罗洲),苏拉威西岛(西里伯斯),和其他在印尼的潜水景点的水下摄影作品。

84、porcupine of Borneo and Sumatra having short spines and a long tail ─── 产于婆罗洲和苏门答腊岛的短刺长尾豪猪

85、The Indonesian part of the island of Borneo ─── 加里曼丹岛婆罗洲的属印度尼西亚的部分

86、They've fixed to go to Borneo. ─── 他们决定到婆罗洲。

87、Asia: western and southern Borneo. ─── 亚洲:婆罗洲西部与南部。。

88、North Borneo ─── 北婆罗洲

89、Borneo (Brunei) was one of the countries with which China kept close friendly contact in the early Ming Dynasty. ─── 明初浡泥是中国友好往来较为密切的海外国家之一。

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