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aponeurosis 发音

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aponeurosis 中文意思翻译



aponeurosis 网络释义

n. [解剖] 腱膜

aponeurosis 短语词组

1、aponeurosis linguae ─── [医] 舌腱膜

2、aponeurosis palmaris ─── [医] 掌腱膜

3、abdominal aponeurosis ─── [医] 腹肌腱膜

4、epicranial aponeurosis ─── [医] 帽状腱膜

5、bicipital aponeurosis ─── [医] 肱二头肌腱膜

6、Denonvilliers' aponeurosis ─── [医] 德农维利叶氏腱膜(筋膜), 直肠膀胱隔

7、aponeurosis of insertion ─── [医] 止腱, 止端腱膜

8、aponeurosis musculi bicipitis brachii ─── [医] 肱二头肌腱膜

9、Denovilliers' aponeurosis ─── [医] 德农维利叶氏腱膜, 前列腺会阴筋膜(直肠膀胱筋膜前列腺部)

10、aponeurosis of origin ─── [医] 起腱, 起端腱膜

11、Petit's aponeurosis ─── [医] 波替氏腱膜(子宫阔韧带后层)

12、aponeurosis of occipitofrontalis muscle ─── [医] 帽状腱膜

13、aponeurosis of investment ─── [医] 筋膜鞘, 肌鞘

14、aponeurosis of Zinn ─── [医] 齐恩氏小带, 晶状体悬器, ─── [眼]睫状小带

15、subscapular aponeurosis ─── [医] 肩胛下肌筋膜

16、palatine aponeurosis ─── [医] 腭腱膜

17、aponeurosis pharyngis ─── [医] 咽颅底板, 咽腱膜

18、Sibson's aponeurosis ─── [医] 西布逊氏腱膜, 椎胸膜韧带(由第一肋至第七颈椎横突,张过肺尖顶)

19、aponeurosis plantaris ─── [医] 跖腱膜

aponeurosis 反义词


aponeurosis 词性/词形变化,aponeurosis变形

名词复数: aponeuroses |形容词: aponeurotic |

aponeurosis 同义词


aponeurosis 相似词语短语

1、trophoneurosis ─── n.营养神经病

2、aponeuroses ─── n.腱膜(aponeurosis的复数)

3、aponeurotic ─── adj.腱膜的

4、aeroneurosis ─── 高空神经官能症

5、trophoneuroses ─── 滋养细胞糖

6、aeroneuroses ─── 气神经症

7、psychoneurosis ─── n.[内科]精神神经病(等于neurosis)

8、amaurosis ─── n.黑内障,黑朦(部分或完全失明)

9、neurosis ─── n.[心理]神经症;神经衰弱症

aponeurosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results: The frontalis aponeurosis flap suspension was one of methods for correction of complete blepharoptosis. ─── 结果:额肌筋膜瓣悬吊术对于治疗完全性的上睑下垂,可作为上睑下垂矫正术众多选择方法之一。

2、upper eyelid aponeurosis ─── 上睑提肌腱膜

3、aponeurosis of superior surface of levator ani muscle ─── 盆膈上筋膜, 提肛肌浅表腱膜

4、Clinical meaning and the relationship between the slide of the dorsal digital aponeurosis and the flexion of the PIP ─── 指背腱膜滑动与近侧指间关节屈曲关系及临床意义

5、aponeurosis pharyngobasilaris ─── 咽腱膜, 咽颅底板

6、The key of the operation was to protect the aponeurosis completely,washouted the inflammatory incarnative tissua and necrotic tissue of the bed sore,and sutured intensively. ─── 术中的关键主要保护筋膜的完整性,彻底清除褥疮的炎性肉芽组织及坏死组织,无张力缝合。

7、aponeurosis pharyngo ─── 咽腱膜, 咽底腱膜, 咽颅底筋膜

8、aponeurosis of Zinn ─── [医] 齐恩氏小带, 晶状体悬器, [眼]睫状小带

9、Levator aponeurosis ─── 临床表现

10、Sibson's aponeurosis ─── [医] 西布逊氏腱膜, 椎胸膜韧带(由第一肋至第七颈椎横突, 张过肺尖顶)

11、ischioprostatic aponeurosis ─── 尿生殖膈下筋膜

12、The deep head fibers were fan-shaped and conerged to insert by means of an aponeurosis onto the coronoid process. ─── 深头纤维呈扇形,汇聚并通过一片腱膜与尺骨冠状突。

13、palmar aponeurosis ─── 掌腱膜

14、Transverse fascicles of palmar aponeurosis ─── 掌腱膜横筋膜

15、aponeurosis of occipitofron talis muscle ─── 帽状腱膜

16、Applied anatomy on repairing the big indirect inguinal hernia via the transposition of vascularized flap of tensor fasciae! Atae muscle and aponeurosis ─── 带血管蒂阔筋膜张肌及腱膜转位修补巨型腹股沟疝的应用解剖

17、Frontalis aponeurosis flay and levator palpebrae superior aponeurosis flay on treatment of complete blepharoptosis ─── 提上睑肌腱膜瓣与额肌腱膜瓣悬吊在重度上睑下垂中的应用

18、Clinical meaning and the relationship between the slide of the dorsal digital aponeurosis and the flexion of the PIP ─── 指背腱膜滑动与近侧指间关节屈曲关系及临床意义

19、crural aponeurosis ─── 小腿筋膜

20、ischiorectal aponeurosis ─── 盆膈下筋膜

21、extensor aponeurosis ─── 伸肌腱膜

22、Keywords blepharoptosis;frontal aponeurosis flay;levator palpebrae superior aponeurosis; ─── 上睑下垂;提上睑肌腱膜瓣;额肌腱膜瓣;

23、AbstractFolding of lid levator and frontal muscle aponeurosis suspension in the treatment of severe blepharoptosis ─── 提上睑肌折叠术联合额肌力悬吊术治疗中重度上睑下垂

24、fasciculi transversi aponeurosis palmaris ─── 掌腱膜横束

25、supraspinous aponeurosis ─── [医] 冈上筋膜

26、frontal aponeurosis flay ─── 提上睑肌腱膜瓣

27、aponeurosis of occipitofrontal muscle ─── 枕额肌腱膜, 帽状腱膜

28、Objective To analyse the merits and defects of correcting serious congenital blepharoptosis by frontalis aponeurosis flap suspension and banked fascia flap suspension. ─── 摘要目的分析额肌筋膜瓣悬吊术和异体阔筋膜悬吊术矫正重度先天性上睑下垂的优缺点。

29、Denonvilliers' aponeurosis ─── [医] 德农维利叶氏腱膜(筋膜), 直肠膀胱隔

30、Keywords ptosis;resection of levator aponeurosis; ─── 上睑下垂;上睑提肌缩短术;改进;

31、lateral prostatic aponeurosis ─── 尿生殖膈上筋膜

32、Keywords Vitamin E;treatment;aponeurosis inflammation of waist muscle; ─── 关键词维生素E;治疗;腰背肌肉筋膜炎;

33、dorsal aponeurosis ─── 指背腱膜

34、When napping, the tendon membrane, aponeurosis, all muscle velum must be removed in order to keep freshness and shape of the beef. ─── 修整时,必须去掉筋膜、腱膜和全部肌膜。保持肉质新鲜,形态完整。损牦小,在牛排和火锅食用最佳 Striploin is the muscle of the back.

35、subscapular aponeurosis ─── [医] 肩胛下肌筋膜

36、aponeurosis pharyngis ─── [医] 咽颅底板, 咽腱膜

37、Observation of MC in the Deep Aponeurosis under the Fluorescent Microscope by Electric Needling in "Zusanli" ─── 电针“足三里”穴区深筋膜肥大细胞的荧光显微镜观察

38、Resection of levator aponeurosis ─── 提上肌缩短术

39、Conclusions: the decrease of the slide distance of the dorsal digital aponeurosis will influence flexion function of fingers. ─── 结论:指背腱膜滑动距离减少,严重影响手指的屈曲功能。

40、Methods We designed the single incision on the postmedial line of the cranium and dissectted bluntly under aponeurosis of occipitofron talis muscle. ─── 方法:将手术切口设计在颅后中线上,从帽状腱膜深层钝性分离,进入颞区在颞浅筋膜深分离至眶外侧,充分上提颞部组织后切除多余头皮组织,最后分层缝合。

41、Correction of complete blepharoptosis with suspension by frontalis muscle flap and levator palpebrae superior aponeurosis flap ─── 上睑提肌腱膜瓣与额肌瓣悬吊缝合矫正重度上睑下垂

42、Ⅱ zone the digital dorsal aponeurosis defect ─── Ⅱ区指背腱膜缺损

43、Kogler GF, Solomonidis SE, Paul JP. Biomechanics of longitudinal arch support mechanisms in foot orthoses and their effect on plantar aponeurosis strain. Clin biomech 1995;11(5):243-52。 ─── 吴昱沁、陈文斌、邓复旦(2001)部分足部截肢病人新式足部辅具之生物力学研究,中原大学医学工程所硕士学位论文。

44、Petit rs aponeurosis ─── 波替氏腱膜

45、aponeurosis of insertion ─── [医] 止腱, 止端腱膜

46、aponeurosis of investment ─── [医] 筋膜鞘, 肌鞘

47、Keywords Peroneus superficialis nervus;Peroneus superficialis nervus symptom complex;Deep aponeurosis; ─── 关键词腓浅神经;腓浅神经卡压征;深筋膜;

48、Keywords epicanthus;triangular section;lateral nasal aponeurosis;correction; ─── 内眦赘皮;三角形去皮;鼻根部深层固定;矫正术;

49、can aid in the diagnosis of clear cell sarcoma (of tendon and aponeurosis) and synovial sarcoma, respectively. ─── 分别对诊断透明细胞肉瘤和滑膜肉瘤有帮助。

50、Keywords artificial aponeurosis /anadesma;biological material;electron microscopes;animal experiments; ─── 人工腱膜/人工筋膜;生物材料;电子显微镜;动物实验;

51、Methods The absent parts of 6 cases of congenital abdominal muscle absence syndrome and 5 cases of large abdominal incisional hernia were restored with everted and shifted obliguus externus abdominis and aponeurosis. ─── 方法 用腹外斜肌及其腱膜翻转修补先天性腹壁肌肉缺损综合征6例,巨大腹壁切口疝5例。

52、pharyngeal aponeurosis ─── 咽腱膜

53、The local strip of palmar aponeurosis was excised. ─── 均手术切除局部的掌腱膜条索。

54、Methods Separated the frontalis aponeurosis flay and the levator palpebrae susperior aponeurosis from the affected upper eyelid. ─── 方法:在患侧上睑分离制作提上睑肌腱膜瓣和额肌腱膜瓣,将二瓣重叠缝合。

55、perineal aponeurosis, superior ─── 会阴上腱膜

56、local strip of palmar aponeurosis was excised. ─── 手术切除局部的掌腱膜条索。

57、Observation of MC in the Deep Aponeurosis under the Fluorescent Microscope by Electric Needling in "Zusanli" ─── 电针“足三里”穴区深筋膜肥大细胞的荧光显微镜观察

58、The mouse and rat inflammatory models were caused with dimethylbenzene(auricle smear method)and egg white(injection under the aponeurosis)respectively. ─── 并能对抗二甲苯所致的小鼠耳肿胀和蛋清所致的大鼠足肿胀。

59、Excision of aponeurosis of hand ─── 手腱膜切除术

60、Methods A series of 23 blepharochalasis in 13 patients between January 2006 and August 2007 were surgically treated by lacrimal gland reposition,external levator aponeurosis and blepharoplasty. ─── 方法对2006年1月-2007年8月诊治的13例(23眼)眼睑皮肤松弛症患者,用手术进行修复,术后1周内检查泪腺位置及上睑形状,3个月一次定期随访。

61、Keywords blepharoptosis/treatment lid levator fold/treat use frontal muscle aponeurosis suspension/treat use; ─── 上睑下垂/治疗;提上睑肌;折叠/治疗应用;额肌悬吊/治疗应用;

62、Lateralbranch of medial plantar artery anostomosed with minor branch of lateral plantar artery forms thesuperficial plantar arch between the aponeurosis plantaris and flexor digitorum brevis. 3. ─── 2.足底内侧动脉外侧支与足底外侧动脉的分支在足底腱膜与趾短屈肌之间吻合形成足底浅弓。

63、Keywords flexor tendon;dorsal digital aponeurosis;third toe;sectional anatomy; ─── 屈肌腱;趾背腱膜;第三趾;断面解剖;

64、Keywords Complete blepharoptosis Frontalis aponeurosis flap; ─── 上睑下垂;额肌瓣悬吊术;

65、The Clinical Application of Uplifting the Upper Eyelid Aponeurosis on Innateness Ptosis ─── 利用提上睑肌腱膜治疗先天性上睑下垂

66、aponeurosis linguae ─── [医] 舌腱膜

67、A modified technique for the correction of adult-acquired ptosis by aponeurosis replication with adjustable sutures is supposed to provide the surgeon with added controls over the final result. ─── 摘要本文报告以可调节性缝合法治疗后天性眼睑下垂病人的临床经验。

68、Galen's aponeurosis ─── 盖仑(氏)腱膜:颞肌附着的腱膜

69、Statistical analysis of complications of the frontalis aponeurosis flap for correction of complete blepharoptosis ─── 额肌筋膜瓣矫正上睑下垂并发症的统计

70、The pathology changes located not only at the palmar aponeurosis but also in the subcutaneous tissue and overlying skin. ─── 掌腱膜挛缩症的病理改变不仅仅局限在掌腱膜,也可累及皮下组织和皮肤。

71、perineal aponeurosis, superficial ─── 会阴浅腱膜

72、Petit's aponeurosis ─── [医] 波替氏腱膜(子宫阔韧带后层)

73、aponeurosis of origin ─── [医] 起腱, 起端腱膜

74、Methods Five hundred and thirteen patients who were found to have complications after frontalis aponeurosis flap suspension for blepharoptosis were studied by follow-up examinations. ─── 方法对513例在住院期间及门诊复查中发现的术后并发症进行病因和防治研究。

75、dorsal digital aponeurosis ─── 指背侧腱膜

76、Denovilliers' aponeurosis ─── [医] 德农维利叶氏腱膜, 前列腺会阴筋膜(直肠膀胱筋膜前列腺部)

77、Anterior aponeurosis repair to cure the aponeurotic ptosis ─── 前路腱膜修复术治疗腱膜性上睑下垂

78、Its distal aponeurosis blends with the pars transversa of the nasalis muscle to form the superficial musculoaponeurotic system of the nose. ─── 其远端腱膜与鼻肌横部混合形成鼻表浅肌肉腱膜系统。

79、palmar aponeurosis;palmara fascia; ─── 掌腱膜:aponeurosis palmaris;

80、aponeurosis of occipitofrontalis muscle ─── [医] 帽状腱膜

81、Conclusion: The areas of flexor tendon and dorsal digital aponeurosis decreased from proximal to distal. ─── 结论:屈肌腱和趾背腱膜的面积由近到远逐步变小。

82、abdominal aponeurosis ─── [医] 腹肌腱膜

83、vertebral aponeurosis ─── [医] 腰背筋膜

84、Keywords Palmar aponeurosis;Contracture;Hand; ─── 关键词掌腱膜;挛缩;手;

85、Methods Full thickness suture out of the peritoneum which consist of skin,subcutaneous tissues,aponeurosis of obliquus externus abdominis,obliquus internus abdominis,transverses abdominis. ─── 方法不缝合腹膜,在腹膜外将皮肤、皮下组织、腹外斜肌腱膜、腹内斜肌、腹横肌一层缝合。

86、aponeurosis palmaris ─── [医] 掌腱膜

87、Keywords Contracture of palmar;Surgical treatment;Palmar aponeurosis partial resection; ─── 掌腱膜挛缩症;外科治疗;部分切除;

88、Uplifting the upper eyelid aponeurosis ─── 提上睑肌腱膜

89、Keywords Small needle-knife;Heel bony spur;Plantar aponeurosis;Contracture;Clinical analysis; ─── 小针刀;跟骨刺;足底腱膜;挛缩;临床体会;

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