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09-03 投稿


disfigures 发音

英:[d?s?f?ɡ?z]  美:[d?s?f?ɡj?rz]

英:  美:

disfigures 中文意思翻译



disfigures 词性/词形变化,disfigures变形

动词第三人称单数: disfigures |动词过去式: disfigured |名词: disfiguration |动词过去分词: disfigured |动词现在分词: disfiguring |

disfigures 反义词

beautify |embellish

disfigures 短语词组

1、disfigures crossword ─── 毁容填字游戏

2、disfigures the image ─── 图像失真

disfigures 同义词

scotch | scar | deform | spoil | mutilate | blemish | knot |deface | injure | mar | harm | damage | mess

disfigures 相似词语短语

1、disinures ─── 造谣

2、disfiguring ─── v.(使)变丑,损毁……的外形(disfigure的现在分词);adj.让人破相的,容貌受损的

3、discoures ─── 演讲

4、configures ─── vt.安装;使成形

5、disfigure ─── vt.使变丑;损毁…的外形;使大为减色

6、disfigurements ─── n.缺陷;毁容;外形的损毁

7、disfigurer ─── 毁容者

8、disfeatures ─── vt.毁掉……的容貌

9、disfigured ─── v.损毁……的外形,(使)变丑(disfigure的过去式和过去分词);adj.容貌受损的

disfigures 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、THERE was a fire, an explosion and now a dark slick of oil disfigures the Gulf of Mexico like a bruise. ─── 前些天的火灾、爆炸以及如今黑乎乎的海面浮油已经把墨西哥湾弄得像受了瘀伤一样,面目全非。

2、Scene: The accident disfigures David's face. He doesn't know how to face his beloved girl. In the dream, they have a romantic and sad encounter. ─── 事故让大卫面目全非,他不知道该如何面对心爱的姑娘。在梦里,他们浪漫而心酸地相遇了。

3、Osteoporosis is a bone-thinning disease that disfigures and debilitates millions of middle aged and elderly people around the world, most of them women. ─── 骨质疏松是一种以骨量减少、骨的显微结构受损、骨骼脆性增加为特征而发病于世界上数以万计的中、老年群体中的疾病,尤以妇女居多。

4、1 I know nothing, indeed, which so disfigures the countenance of a young person, or so impresses every feature with an air of demureness, if not altogether of sanctimoniousness and of age. ─── 我,说真的,不知道有什么会把一个年轻人的面孔伪装成这样,给面孔的每一部分都加上如此明显的做作神情,如果说不是加上满脸的伪善和世故的话。

5、Before the surgery, he is a handsome boy, but now, in people's eyes, he disfigures himself. ─── 在做手术前,他是一个英俊的男孩,但是现在,在人们看来,他毁了自己的容貌。

6、Therefore, it is wise to keep away from anger or shun anger.Anger instigates bitterness, shatters friendship, disfigures our composure, converts wisdom into folly and destroys fame and glory. ─── 因此,远离愤怒是明智的,愤怒激起痛苦,破坏友情,打破平静,把智慧变成愚蠢,玷污名誉。

7、"The Girl Who is Contagious"? When one of the participants contracts a horrifying, contagious skin condition that disfigures her face, the other models are sent into a complete panic and fear for their own safety. ─── 今次有一名参赛者出现具传染性的皮肤病,少女们人人自危,不只担心皮肤受感染,最怕影响到面部外貌,全部人霎时进入惊恐状态,人人想办法保障自己安全。

8、"The state health insurance only has to pay for hair replacement when a bald head disfigures a person so severely that they would be ostracised from public life," the court added. ─── 根据德国健康保险体系的规定,只有在秃头使一个人的外貌严重受损以致于被隔离在社交生活之外的情况下,它才会为其支付购买假发的费用。

9、16Wickedness disfigures a woman's appearance, it saddens the face, making her look like a bear. ─── 敬畏上主,是爱上主的初步;信德是依附上主的起源。

10、Filariasis not only disfigures, it also disables." ─── 丝虫病并不仅仅只意味着丑陋,它还意味着残疾。

11、Every year, about 150 Americans are diagnosed with leprosy, a disease that disfigures the skin and affects the nervous system. ─── 每年,约有150美国居民被诊断为麻风病,这种病症损害皮肤,影响到神经系统。

12、was a fire, an explosion and now a dark slick of oil disfigures the Gulf of Mexico like a bruise. ─── 前些天的火灾、爆炸以及如今黑乎乎的海面浮油已经把墨西哥湾弄得像受了瘀伤一样,面目全非。

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