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09-03 投稿



quaffing 发音

英:[?kw?f??]  美:[?kw?f??]

英:  美:

quaffing 中文意思翻译




quaffing 词性/词形变化,quaffing变形

动词过去式: quaffed |动词现在分词: quaffing |动词过去分词: quaffed |名词: quaffer |动词第三人称单数: quaffs |

quaffing 相似词语短语

1、faffing ─── v.(非正式)胡乱做事,无事瞎忙;慌张,小题大作;n.忙乱;大量的无谓奔忙

2、flaffing ─── 炫耀

3、cuffing ─── n.成套(如血管周围白细胞聚集如套状)

4、blaffing ─── 吹牛

5、daffing ─── n.傻瓜;懦夫;vt.推开;vi.开玩笑;演丑角;n.(Daff)人名;(英、法)达夫

6、buffing ─── n.[机]磨光,[机]抛光

7、chaffing ─── v.开玩笑,打趣,戏弄(chaff的现在分词);n.玩笑

8、baffing ─── n.抛光;v.以球杆打球下部使之高飞(baff的ing形式)

9、duffing ─── 未击中(某物);弄糟(某事)(duff的现在分词)

quaffing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Upstairs at the Cheshire Cheese could be found the Sun, quaffing alongside the industrial correspondents. ─── 在柴郡干酪酒吧的楼上可以看到《太阳报》的记者正在那里开怀畅饮。

2、Might there not be an irresistible desire to quaff a last, long, breathless draught of the cup of wormwood and aloes, with which nearly all her years of womanhood had been perpetually flavoured? ─── 既然自从她成为妇人以来的多年中,几乎始终品尝着苦艾和芦荟,难道这时就不会有一种难以逼止的欲望要最后一次屏住气吸上一大杯这种苦剂吗?

3、Might there not be an irresistible desire to quaff a last, long, breathless draught of the cup of wormwood and aloes, with which nearly all her years of womanhood had been perpetually flavoured. ─── 既然自从她成为妇人以来的多年中,几乎始终品尝着苦艾和芦荟,难道这时就不会有一种难以逼止的欲望要最后一次屏住气吸上一大杯这种苦剂吗?

4、Quaff pursuing the sun and Sisyphus forever rolling the boulder uphill are eternal symbols of utopia,in relentless pursuit of perfection and never reaching it. ─── 夸父追日,西西弗斯永远推石上山,则是它永恒的象征:追求完美,而不是达到完美。

5、Life tastes much the same, whether we quaff it from a golden goblet or drink it out of a stone mug. ─── 无论我们是用镀金的高脚杯畅饮,还是用粗陶瓷杯牛饮,生活的滋味都大同小异。

6、we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it, instead of which it only overflows the more — ─── 像婴儿带着微笑入睡,我们躺在用自己编织成的摇篮里,让大千世界的万籁之声催哄我们安然入梦;

7、Yours will be the ineffable joy of quaffing the cup of martyrdom for His sake. ─── 你得到的将是畅饮为祂殉道的莫名欢乐之杯。

8、self-exile of getting lost in the middle of nowhere after quaffing at night is cosseted, decadent, egotistical or magnanimous? ─── 今宵酒醒何处的自我放逐是耽溺颓废还是自负与豁达?

9、To drink; quaff. ─── 喝;狂饮

10、quaff off ─── 喝干; 大口大口喝

11、and quaffing, at their pleasure, draughts of wine or aqua-vitae from pocket-flasks, which they freely tendered to the gaping crowd around them. ─── 他们还随心所欲地从衣袋里掏出酒瓶,大口喝着葡萄酒或烈性洒,并且随随便便地递给围周那些目蹬口呆的人们。

12、quaffing his beer by the pint ─── 论品脱地大喝啤酒.

13、At this point it might be worth considering the relative merits of skipping the pill and simply quaffing one's own urine. ─── 在这点上它值得考虑相对省略药丸优点和简单饮用自己的尿。

14、But how can I rest any more, when I yield to the feeling that masters my inmost self, when I quaff from your lips and from your heart a scorching flame? ─── 但是我怎能再继续休息等待,服从我内心深处的感受,我要疯狂攫取你的唇和你那颗燃烧着炽热火焰的心。是的,一个夜晚已经足够教会我这痛苦煎熬的一切。)

15、How often hath a sinner attained, at the hour of death, to the essence of faith, and, quaffing the immortal draught, hath taken his flight unto the Concourse on high! ─── 屡见不鲜的是,某个罪人,在临终之际领悟到信仰的真谛,畅饮了不朽之佳酿,然后飞向天庭!

16、Vodka drinks a way best is to pour on one cannikin, quaff, then mind warms one blast meaning, passion came. ─── 伏特加最好的喝法是倒上一小杯,一饮而尽,于是心头一阵暖意,激情来了。

17、Yours will be the ineffable joy of quaffing the cup of martyrdom for His sake. ─── 你得到的将是畅饮为祂殉道的莫名欢乐之杯。

18、9 see joke: A man comes to bar, wanted a bottle of liquor, quaff, laughed subsequently sufficient have 3 minutes. ─── 9看笑话: 一个男人来到酒吧,要了一瓶白酒,一饮而尽,随后大笑了足有三分钟。

19、‘I'll quaff three glasses to thank you, darling.’ She means what she says. ‘Now tell me how you knew his code.’ ─── ‘我连干三杯,以示谢意。’她说完,一口气喝了三杯。‘说说吧。’

20、Despite the minimal increase in power the car is said to quaff 12 percent less fuel resulting in an average consumption of 22.4mpg. ─── 尽管有少量增加动力的汽车,据说quaff百分之十二的燃料导致平均消费22.4mpg。

21、quaff a brew ─── vt. 喝一杯啤酒

22、to quaff (off ) a glass of beer ─── 将一杯啤酒一饮而尽

23、Quaff at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water, the common wisdom goes, or you'll suffer the consequences: flagging energy, dry skin, lowered disease resistance, even constipation. ─── 我们每天至少要喝8杯水,如果经常缺水,您就将会遭受没有力气,皮肤干燥,免疫力低下,甚至便秘的后果。

24、Cacique unplugged tampion, in the cup in everybody flood one dock-glass wine, when groups of big quaff, discover however drink those who go down is clear water. ─── 酋长拔掉了木塞子,在每个人的杯中都注满了一大杯酒,当大伙一饮而尽时,却发现喝下去的都是清水。

25、2. He is quaffing his beer by the pint. ─── 他论品脱地大喝啤酒。

26、quaff v. ─── 一饮而尽;痛饮;

27、Life tastes much the same ,whether we quaff it from a golden goblet or drink it out of a stone mug. ─── 无论我们是用镀金的高脚杯畅饮,还是用粗陶瓷杯牛饮生活的滋味都大同小异。

28、quaff kwB:f, kwCf v.;n. v. ─── 一口气喝干, 大口地喝;

29、"Yet, if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it.See!It is even now at my lips. ─── 不过,要是这杯药可以致我于死地,在你眼看着我一口吞下去之前,我请求你再想一想。

30、perfect quaffing for the health conscious. ─── 适合各种场合饮用。

31、Adventurers can satisfy their hunger on Harvest Fish, Harvest Fruits, or Harvest Boar, as well as quaffing some Harvest Nectar. ─── 冒险者们可以用收割节鱼,收割节水果,收割节猪猪,也有可能由收割节的甘露来填饱肚子。

32、So if you're quaffing red wine and black tea, or smoking cigarettes or cigars, expect the results to show up as not-so-pearly whites. ─── 如果你痛饮红葡萄酒和红茶,或者抽烟抽雪茄,那么预料其结果就会显示出你的牙齿没有那么 珠光白。

33、"Yet, if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it. ─── 不过,要是这杯药可以致我于死地,在你眼看着我一口吞下去之前,我请求你再想一想。

34、Approach, and quaff your fill. ─── 开口说吧,不可沉默!

35、I went down to the bar to quaff a brew. ─── 我去酒吧喝啤酒去了。

36、Perfect for quaffing with your favorite chicken, seafood or summer pasta dish. ─── 适合配鸡肉类,海鲜或意大利粉类一同畅饮。

37、Usually the light liquor's intensity is not strong, them are soft and pure, cool and sweet, so you can quaff it. ─── 通常辣白酒的度数不高,绵和醇香清凉甘冽没有酒力,可以大口痛饮。

38、"Yet, if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it. See! It is even now at my lips." ─── 不过,要是这杯药可以致我于死地,在你眼看着我一口吞下去之前,我请求你再想一想。看!杯子已经沾到我嘴唇了。"

39、The clubbable, whisky-quaffing, poodle-cuddling Mr Musharraf is no fundamentalist. ─── 善于交际的,大口大口喝威士忌的,搂着小狗的穆沙拉夫并不是原旨教者。

40、‘You quaff first.’ He intends to let her drink more to release her depression. ─── ‘先干了这杯,再告诉你。’他想让她多喝一些减轻压力。

41、These well-tried, highly-honoured "heroes and heroines" were preparing to "quaff the cup of victory"-though not, of course, without some qualms about the possible outcome. ─── 这班劳苦功高的“英雄”,手颤颤地举着“胜利之杯”,心头还不免有些怔忡不定。

42、" small lotus wants to refuse originally, hear this word, be forced quaff, say good-bye along with body of of people of talent. ─── 小莲本想拒绝,听到这话,只好一饮而尽,随后起身告辞。

43、Adventurers can satisfy their hunger on Harvest Fish, Harvest Fruits, or Harvest Boar, as well as quaffing some Harvest Nectar. ─── 冒险者们可以用收割节鱼,收割节水果,收割节猪猪,也有可能由收割节的甘露来填饱肚子。

44、Quaff in one gulp ─── 一饮而尽

45、He is quaffing his beer by the pint. ─── 他论品脱地大喝啤酒。

46、Let me quaff this kind Nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!" ─── 喝吧,喝吧,忘掉你对失去的丽诺尔的思念!”

47、He drank, quaff, drunk. ─── 他喝了一口,一饮而尽,醉了。

48、At this point it might be worth considering the relative merits of skipping the pill and simply quaffing one's own urine. ─── 在这点上它值得考虑相对省略药丸优点和简单饮用自己的尿。

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