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09-03 投稿


serenity 发音

英:[s??ren?ti]  美:[s??ren?ti]

英:  美:

serenity 中文意思翻译




serenity 网络释义

n. 平静,宁静;晴朗,风和日丽n. (Serenity)人名;(英)塞雷妮蒂

serenity 反义词


serenity 词性/词形变化,serenity变形


serenity 同义词

still | easeful | patient | peaceable | unruffled | equable | placid | untroubled | quiet | unagitated | collected | tranquil | pacific | noiseless | content |calm | silent | composed | cool | orderly | peaceful | laid-back

serenity 短语词组

1、serenity movie location ─── 宁静电影拍摄地点

2、lady serenity ─── 宁静女士

3、serenity conten ─── 宁静包含

4、serenity day ─── 宁静日

5、serenity time ─── 宁静时刻

6、serenity resort ─── 宁静度假村

7、in all this great serenity ─── 在如此宁静的环境中

8、serenity in motion ─── 运动中的宁静

9、Serenity Prayer ─── 宁静祈祷

10、serenity tea ─── 宁静茶

11、inner serenity ─── 内心的宁静

12、serenity capital ─── 宁静资本

13、serenity of suffering ─── 痛苦的宁静

14、serenity in murder ─── 谋杀案中的平静

15、sea serenity ─── 海上宁静

16、serenity journey ─── 宁静之旅

17、Serenity Place ─── 宁静的地方

18、sweet serenity ─── 甜美的宁静

19、serenity film ─── 宁静电影

serenity 相似词语短语

1、serenities ─── n.平静,宁静;晴朗,风和日丽;n.(Serenity)人名;(英)塞雷妮蒂

2、serenata ─── n.合唱剧;小夜曲

3、perennity ─── n.持久;永久;长久

4、serenatas ─── n.合唱剧;小夜曲

5、serenely ─── adv.安详地;沉着地;宁静地

6、serosity ─── n.浆液;如水液体;浆液一般的性质

7、serendipity ─── n.意外发现珍奇事物的本领;有意外发现珍宝的运气

8、serenated ─── 安详的

9、serenate ─── n.合唱剧;小夜曲(serenata的变形)

serenity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tonight I'll find my sanity and serenity by letting my own voice guide me. ─── 今天,让我自己的声音引导自己,那样我会找到我的醒悟和平静。

2、Quiet solitude in a remote mountain retreat may bring peace and serenity to some. ─── 在静僻的深山里隐居能够给人带来一些平和安详。

3、Because you have really lived, you have reached peacefulness and serenity and the state of neglecting fame and money. ─── 因为你真正的生活过,已达到了平和安详,淡泊名利的境界。

4、Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. ─── 大意:上帝赐予我接受不能改变事实的平静,赐予我勇气去改变我有能力改变的一些事情,还赐予了我知道两者之间差别的智慧)

5、This serenity arose in part from Rachel's religious beliefs. ─── 这种平和部分由于雷切尔的宗教信仰。

6、But quietness could still be tasted by spectators, which is a serenity at heart. ─── 但我们在观展的过程中能体会到,这里依然的宁静的。是心的宁静。

7、If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. ─── 人们总觉得快乐是很短暂`其实不然,换个角度想,快乐就...

8、As if it was gently holding my hand, my inner guidance gracefully led me to a place of inner serenity and clarity. ─── 就像是被我的手轻轻的抓住,我内心的向导将我带到一个平和和清晰的地方。

9、And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief. ─── 你便会平静地守候以度过痛苦的冬季。

10、People gradually come to notice that the serenity, nimbus and cultural legacy in Bali have decayed. ─── 人们慢慢察觉,巴厘岛的宁静、灵气与文化遗产渐渐变质。

11、Feel the energies of serenity and patience flowing through you. ─── 你感到了宁静与耐心的力量,它们流经你的全身。

12、God grants me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. ─── 如果今年工资没变,社保却上调了,那不是拿到手的钱会越来越少?可不可以还是按原来的基数不变呢?

13、God,grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and wisdom to know the difference. ─── 中文意思是,上帝,请赐予我平静让我可以接受我所不能改变的,赐予我勇气让我可以改变我能够改变的,赐予我智慧以分辨这二者的不同。...

14、Our all day dining room set among the serenity of our gardens and lotus pond offer taste - tempting. ─── 我们每天都在饭厅集园林、安宁的莲花池,提供美味诱人。

15、I feel a sense of serenity and also like a very small part of something so much larger and greater. ─── 我感受到宁静,也喜欢成为如此壮观的自然的很小的一部分。

16、God give you the Courage to change what you can change, the Serenity to accept what you cannot change, and the Wisdom to distinguish them. ─── 大意是上帝赐予你勇气去改变你能改变的事,给你平静去接受你不能改变的事,和给你智慧去分辨他们(能不能改变)

17、But this painful respiration hardly troubled a sort of ineffable serenity which overspread her countenance, and which transfigured her in her sleep. ─── 但是在她脸上,有一种无可形容的安闲态度,使她在睡眠中显得另有一番神色,那种苦痛的呼吸并不怎么影响她。

18、If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. ─── 如果你找到了平静和幸福,他们可能会嫉妒,不管怎样,总是要快乐;

19、Nothing ever ruffles his serenity. ─── 任何事情都搅乱不了他的安详。

20、Her face had an expression of absolute serenity. ─── 她脸上带着极为平静的表情。

21、Its beauty and serenity encourage people to create their own fairy tales. ─── 它的美丽与恬静赋予了人们灵感,创造他们自己的童话故事。

22、If children live with serenity, they learn to have peace of mind. ─── 如果一个孩子生活在真诚之中,他就会头脑平静地生活。

23、"He was always a cool man; nothing could disturb his serenity" (Mark Twain). ─── 他永远是个冷静的人;没有什么事可以打扰他的平静” (马克·吐温)

24、Such charming scene can only be found in Wu Guanzhong's traditional Chinese painting ? planting adamancy in serenity;gestating hope in fantasyland. ─── 寄不屈于宁静淡雅,怀希望于忧郁梦境,这神韵只有在国画大师吴冠中先生的笔下才能见到。

25、His serenity was but the array of wild flowers niched in his ruin. ─── 其实,他的安祥只是点缀在他这片废墟上的几朵野花而已。

26、God,grand me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,courage to change the things I can,and wisdom to know the difference. ─── 主啊,请赐予我平静,让我接受那些我无力改变的事实,赐予我改变事实的勇气,赐予我看穿异同的智慧。

27、You will find much more serenity in life following this tip. ─── 学会这一条技巧你会更加开朗豁达。

28、If you live with serenity, your child will live with peace of mind. ─── 如果一个孩子生活在真诚之中,他就学会头脑平静地生活。

29、If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous. ─── 如果你找到幸福和快乐,他们也许会妒忌你。

30、She could bring forth the serenity from any place. ─── 她能在任何地方展示这种极致的平静之美。

31、She escaped to the comparative serenity of the kitchen. ─── 她逃到相对安静的厨房里。

32、I also think you need to understand that I am the only love, serenity, warmth, but not always closely related storms and waves. ─── 我还认为你必须明白,我是唯一的爱,宁静,温暖,但并不总是与风暴和巨浪密切相关。不要怀疑,我将不再怀疑。

33、But fear and pain will become transmuted into an inner peace and serenity that come from a very deep place - from the Unmanifested itself. ─── 但是恐惧和痛苦将会被转变为来自深处--来自“未呈现自身--的内部平和、宁静。

34、Denmark is a beautiful and dreamlike place. Its beauty and serenity encourage people to create their own fairy tales. ─── 丹麦是个美丽的梦想之国。它的美丽与恬静赋予了人们灵感,创造他们自己的童话故事。

35、But it's time for me to go home. It's getting late, it's dark outside. I need to be with myself in center, clarity, peace, serenity... ─── 但现在是我回家的时候。现在太晚了,外面天已经黑了。我需要我自己在中心、明净、平静、宁静之中...

36、Her face, though sad, still evoked a feeling of serenity. ─── 她的脸色虽然悲伤,但仍使人感觉安详。

37、If children live with serenity, they learn to have a peace of mind. ─── 如果?孩子生活在平稳的环境里?他将学会如何拥有心灵的平安。

38、Orchid SPA in the hotel Easter-Lake Restaurant F3, in there you can serenity, Comfortable,freedom relax mood with full of potpourri bath. ─── 兰SPA设在酒店东湖荟三楼,在这里您可以宁静、舒适地在充满花香的沐浴中自由放松心情;

39、Nothing is given to man automatically, neither knowledge, nor self-confidence, nor inner serenity , nor the nght way to use his mind. ─── 人得到的任何事物,包括知识、自信、内心的安宁、思考的正途等,都不是天上掉下来的。

40、I had a wonderful feeling of peace and serenity when I saw my husband. ─── 我看到我的丈夫就有一种平和安详的美妙感觉。

41、The sky gives space and peace and serenity. ─── 一旦失去我的宁静祥和,你们就什么也不是了。”

42、It is relaxing and restful with a soft, meditative serenity. ─── 它是用一种舒缓、想平静使人放松和宁静的音乐。

43、Midnight serenity, came the faint thoughts condensed water plants reach the silent place. ─── 午夜的安祥,走过凝结着水草的淡淡思绪,到达无声的地方。

44、At night, the floodlit stadium looks like a giant fan shell immersed in the serenity of the nearby ocean. ─── 夜晚,在泛光灯照明的陪衬下,像一个闪烁光芒的巨大扇贝静卧在海边,展示了海边建筑的地方特色。

45、A blue-robed man, whose fittest roof is the overarching sky which reflects his serenity. ─── 一个穿蓝衣服的人,他的最合适的屋顶便是那苍穹,其中反映着他的澄清。

46、While visitors look at him with respect, Deng's wax statue seems to look at the bustling Hong Kong with peace and serenity in his eyes. ─── 参观者们怀着崇敬的心情瞻仰邓小平腊像,而邓则仿佛正在看着香港的繁华市井,眼神从容而安详。

47、Even death cannot take away your joyful dance, happy tears, purity, serenity, sedateness and ecstasy. ─── 即使死亡也无法带走你的欢舞,你欢乐的泪水,你自身的纯洁,你的宁静,你的安详,你的狂喜。

48、"In moments of madness it has helped me find moments of serenity" McCartney said in the concert announcement. ─── “在疯狂的时刻,它帮助了我找到宁静的时刻,”麦卡特尼说,在演唱会公布。

49、If children live with serenity, they learn to have a peace of mind.-----by Dorothy Law Nolte. ─── 在平静之中成长的孩子,可以具备和平的心志。

50、The breeze was chilly, but I strode along, trying to recapture the serenity I needed. ─── 但我继续沿着沙滩走,努力找回我想要的静谧。

51、If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous. Be happy anyway. ─── 如果你找到了平静和幸福,他们可能会嫉妒你。不管怎样,你还是要快乐。

52、It is said to symbolize integrity and serenity. ─── 传说中;竹,象征着正值与宁静相处。

53、The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city. ─── 那家旅馆远离闹市,是一个幽静安谧的好去处。

54、And all the sweet serenity of books. ─── 和所有甜蜜安详的书籍。

55、After the victory in Genoa finds serenity and even cracked a joke, asking political asylum to the Liguria region that always seems to do Milan good. ─── 在热那亚获胜后,是平静,甚至开玩笑,在利古里亚区寻求政治避难一直对米兰来说看上去不错。

56、God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. ─── 上帝给予我平静的心态去接受我无法改变的,给予我勇气去改变我力所能及的,以及给予我智慧去分辨两者。

57、The euphoria after the World Cup was over very quickly but I've found serenity and I've moved on. ─── 世界杯后的狂喜之情很快消散,但我找回了平静的心态,我正在继续前进。

58、The breeze was chilly, but I strode along, trying to recapture the serenity I needed. ─── 但我继续沿着沙滩走,努力找回我想要的静谧。

59、It is wateriness and enjoyment, health and peace, serenity and quiet. ─── 其实就是平淡而快乐,健康和和平,宁静和安稳。

60、Despite the seemingly ghoulish material, Ms Horn has clearly embraced a new serenity. ─── 如果不论这些看似令人毛骨悚然的材料的运用,可以清楚地感觉到,霍恩女士已经拥有了一种全新的平静安详的心态。

61、"Magnificent Adventure" is a vehicle for more of the talented young lady's ballads - it showcases her pure voice to create an atmosphere of serenity. ─── “华丽的冒险”成为更多天资聪颖年轻女士的情歌工具,用她擅长的清澈嗓音创造平静的意境。

62、He was always a cool man;nothing could disturb his serenity(Mark Twain. ─── 他永远是个冷静的人;没有什么事可以打扰他的平静(马克 吐温)

63、The real beneficence is to hope with heartease, to seek without flurry, to have with serenity, to delay without regret. ─── 2真正的善行,是心平气和地去希冀,从容不迫地去寻找,平静地去拥有,无悔地延迟

64、He wanted me to have a day of beauty and luxurious serenity. ─── 他说要我做一整天的美容,豪华而舒适。

65、Zong Baihua undertakes the narration of his art philosophy theory on the basis of the aesthetics serenity and aesthetic modification. ─── 宗白华以"静照"与"飞动"作为理论支点,由此展开其艺术哲学的理论阐释。

66、Don't take things too seriously.Live a lief of serenity,not a life of regrets. ─── 不要事事都太计较,过平静的生活,不要活在悔恨之中。

67、To ensure that Wuxi Banya Leisure SPA is in serenity and peace, all customers are required to keep quiet when receiving our service. ─── 为保证无锡班雅休闲SPA按摩的宁静与平和,我们特别要求所有客人尽可能保持安静。

68、Serenity and profoundness are the characteristic in Brahms works which are revealed extremely perfect ! ─── 完美无缺的展示了勃拉姆斯安详宁静、厚重沉稳的音乐特色。

69、How important is it to prepare the season with serenity? ─── 冷静的备战新赛季有多重要呢?

70、As per below are Photography works of Gilles Bisson, notice how Gilles captured calmness, serenity and peacefulness all into his stills. ─── 下列是吉尔斯.柏生的摄影作品,照片里,是一幅又一幅极其安静、平静的世界。

71、In all this great serenity of ocean it is seldom that we espy so much as another ship. ─── 在这平静的大海上,我们难得看见其它船只。

72、Find happiness in nature, in the beauty of a mountain, In the serenity of the sea. ─── 在自然中找寻快乐,快乐来源于山川的美景和大海的平静。

73、Serenity; tranquillity; peace. ─── 宁静;平静;安宁

74、God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. ─── 上帝请赐给我安详,以接受我不能改变的事务;赐给我勇气,以改变我能改变的事实;赐给我智慧,能表示我的异议。

75、God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. ─── 上帝,请赐给我宁静去接受我所不能改变的,给我勇气去改变我所能改变的,并给我智慧去分辨两者的不同。

76、He was always a cool man; nothing could disturb his serenity. ─── 他总是非常沉着; 没有什么东西能打乱他的平静。

77、Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets. ─── “过平静的生活,不要生活在悔恨之中。”翻译?

78、"In moments of madness, it has helped me find moments of serenity," McCartney said in the concert announcement. ─── “在疯狂的时刻,它帮助了我找到宁静的时刻,”麦卡特尼说,在演唱会宣布。

79、In her face there was that exalted serenity that sometimes came to her at moments of deep feeling. ─── 在她的脸上呈现出心满意足的宁静,这种神情只有她陷入激情时,人们才能看到。

80、It was his serenity that stoked the flames. ─── 他心平气和,反而把火焰拔得更旺了。

81、Oh, maple, your spirit is the union of serenity and fervor, the integration of simplicity and greatness. ─── 宁静与热情的统一,平实与伟大的结合,形成了枫树独特的品味。

82、If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;Be happy anyway. ─── 如果你获得了心灵的平静和真正的快乐,他们可能会妒忌;但不管怎样,还是要追求快乐。

83、Portanova believes that the main reason behind Siena's excellent results is the coach Mario Beretta: "He gave us serenity. ─── 博塔诺瓦相信锡耶纳能够取得如此好的成绩,应归功于主教练马里奥-贝里塔:“他给了我们很多帮助,他做的非常优秀,我相信俱乐部应该与他续约。”

84、He is always a cool man; nothing can disturb his serenity. ─── 他总是非常沉着;没有什麽东西能打乱他的平静。

85、In her face there was that exalted serenity that sometimes came to her at moments of deep feeling. ─── 在她的脸上呈现出心满意足的宁静,这种神情只有她陷入激情时,人们才能看到。

86、Don't take things too seriously- Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets. ─── 不要事事都太计较-过平静的生活,不要活在悔恨之中。

87、It feels very much like Cameron Highlands but in addition to that it possesses a much stronger feeling of culture and serenity. ─── 如今这座小镇虽没昔日般繁华,但隐隐散发著一股浓浓的吸引力,是一个旅客必到的地方。

88、She has a Madonna-like serenity. ─── 她有圣母画像一样的平和。

89、You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenity indifferent to fame or wealth. ─── 因为你真正地生活过,已达到了平和安详,淡泊名利的境界。

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