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09-03 投稿


wain 发音

英:[we?n]  美:[wen]

英:  美:

wain 中文意思翻译



wain 网络释义

n. 运货马车;北斗七星n. (Wain)人名;(英)韦恩

wain 短语词组

1、wain am ─── 流浪汉

2、i am wain the office ─── 我在办公室工作

3、wain define wain ─── 定义

4、wain definition wain ─── 定义

5、wain kellum ─── 最后一杯酒

6、wain green wood ─── 绿林

7、Charles's Wain n. (=Big Dipper) ─── 北斗七星

8、red wain ─── 葡萄酒红

9、wain art ─── 艺术大师

10、John Barrington Wain ─── [网络] 约翰·巴灵顿

11、John Wain ─── [网络] 韦恩;约翰;约翰·韦恩

12、louis wain ─── 虹

wain 词性/词形变化,wain变形

名词复数形式:wains 过去式:wained

wain 相似词语短语

1、fain ─── adj.愿意的;强迫的;adv.乐意地,欣然地;n.(Fain)(美)法因(人名)

2、swain ─── n.乡村青年;情郎;求爱者;n.(Swain)人名;(英)斯温

3、Cain ─── n.凶手;杀兄弟者;该隐(亚当之子)

4、Twain ─── n.两;二;一对;adj.一对的;n.(Twain)人名;(英)特温

5、ain ─── adj.自己的;n.(Ain)(马、美、英)艾因(人名)

6、Wain ─── n.运货马车;北斗七星;n.(Wain)人名;(英)韦恩

7、Main ─── adj.主要的,最大的,最重要的;n.(输送水、煤气等的)总管道,主管道;(themains)(水、电等的)供应,供应系统;电源插座;海洋,公海;主帆(mailsail的简称);(掷骰子游戏中)叫数;斗鸡比赛;n.(Main)(美)梅因(人名)

8、wains ─── n.运货马车;北斗七星;n.(Wain)人名;(英)韦恩

9、Jain ─── n.印度耆那教徒;adj.耆那教徒的;耆那教的;n.(印、美、英、加、澳)然(人名)

wain 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、shamming insanity to get his tormentors to leave him alone(bJohn Wain) ─── 假装发疯以使折磨他的人走开,让他独自呆着(b约翰 韦恩)

2、The blog has also trashed Mr Wain's book, which has been held up at Malaysian customs. ─── 他的博客也指责了韦恩先生的这本书,而这本书也在马来西亚海关滞留。

3、Some persons have compared “entering WTO”as playing chess with master-hands, i.e. short pain will Wain the persons with unusual skills. ─── 有人曾把“入世”比作与高手下棋,短暂的痛苦自然会磨练出非同寻常的技艺。

4、the wain, with its popularity limited to small crowds in Beijing. ─── 运货马车,与它的名声对在北京中的小群众限制。

5、The content of this page is from the WAIN port or WAIN customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自WAIN港口或WAIN海关的进出口公司目录;

6、" Say: "I will not follow your wain desires: If I did, I would stray from the path, and be not of the company of those who receive guidance. ─── 你说:“我不顺从你们的私欲;否则,我必迷误,而绝不是遵循正道的人。”

7、John Wain, Graham Swift and Julian Barnes are all important figures in inheriting and developing that tradition. ─── 约翰?韦恩、格雷厄姆?斯威夫特和朱利安?巴恩斯都是这一传统中继往开来的重要人物。

8、The blog has also trashed Mr Wain's book, which has been held up at Malaysian customs. ─── 他的博客也指责了韦恩先生的这本书,而这本书也在马来西亚海关滞留。

9、At the center of its frame is a brook. A hay wain advances through the water. ─── 画面的前景是一条小溪,一辆拉着干草的大车正涉水行进。

10、Laertes was also wounded['wu:ndid] badly.The Queen drank the poisoned wine [wain] for Hamlet and warned Hamlet that the drink was poisoned. ─── 雷厄提斯临死前说出真相,哈姆雷特杀死了克劳迪斯后也最终死去。”

11、Being goal-oriented will help you re wain positive during dark days, and running your own business can put your career's future in your own hands. ─── 以目标为导向,能让你在“黑暗”时期保持积极;创业能让自己把握职业未来。

12、wain communication network ─── 列车通讯网络

13、Here I love you and hides you in wain. ─── 我在这里爱你,而地平线徒然地隐藏你。

14、Wain with me and maybe ─── 与我同路

15、These ideas are summarized in a diagram reproduced from wain and Fawcett ─── 这些见解归纳在从韦恩和福西特复制的一个图解上。

16、British landscape painter whose use of broken color influenced later French painters. The Hay Wain(1821) is his best-known work. ─── 康斯太伯,约翰1776-1837英国风景画家,他对分裂色彩的使用影响了后来的法国画家们。干草车(1821年)是他最著名的作品

17、wain river course ─── 主河槽

18、Behold, I will screak under you as a wain screaketh that is laden with hay. ─── 看,我要使你们脚下的地摇荡,好像满载禾捆的车摇荡一样,

19、"shamming insanity to get his tormentors to leave him alone" (John Wain) ─── “假装发疯以使折磨他的人走开,让他独自呆着”(约翰·韦恩)

20、shamming insanity to get his tormentors to leave him alone(John Wain) ─── 假装发疯以使折磨他的人走开,让他独自呆着(约翰 韦恩)

21、Of all pains ,the greatest pain,is to love ,but love in wain. ─── 所有痛苦中的最大痛苦,就是爱人而不为人所爱。

22、Charles wain ─── =Charles's Wain

23、The move to broaden the age means older women can also now access the vaccine but it is not free, and Dr Wain says those interested should talk with their GP. ─── 疫苗的适用范围扩大到中年的妇女,但是并不是免费的,有意者请咨询你的家庭医生。

24、Barry Wain,The Refused:The Agony of the Indochina Refugees,New York:Simon &Schuster,1981,p.199. ─── 由2.4万名从内地到达香港的越南非法入境者人数/中国安置的28万多名越南难民人数而计算出此数值.

25、Charles rs Wain ─── 北斗七星

26、maglev wain ─── 磁悬浮列车

27、John Wain, Graham Swift and Julian Barnes are all important figures in inheriting and developing that tradition. ─── 约翰?韦恩、格雷厄姆?斯威夫特和朱利安?巴恩斯都是这一传统中继往开来的重要人物。

28、current wain ─── 现车

29、the wain , with its popularity limited to small crowds in Beijing. ─── 运货马车,与它的名声对在北京中的小群众限制。

30、the Wain ─── charles's Wain

31、I n wain have I struggled . It is no good. I cannot conquer my feelings . You must allow me to teil you how warmly I admire and love you ─── 我徒劳地进行思想斗争,但毫无用处。我再也无法控制自己的感情了。请允许我告诉你我多么敬慕你,多么爱你。

32、British landscape painter whose use of broken color influenced later French painters. The Hay Wain (1821) is his best-known work. ─── 康斯太伯,约翰:(1776-1837)英国风景画家,他对分裂色彩的使用影响了后来的法国画家们。干草车(1821年)是他最著名的作品

33、1For the hand of the Lord shall rest in this mountain: and Moab shall be trodden down under him, as straw is broken in pieces with the wain. ─── 上主!你是我的天主,我要称扬你,我要赞颂你的名,因为你忠实真诚地成就了你旧日的奇妙计划。

34、Charles's Wain ─── n. 北斗七星(=Big Dipper)

35、John Wain ─── 韦恩

36、It is in wain for a boy to attempt to hide himself from that young man. ─── 小孩子想让这个年轻人不知道他,想躲着年轻人都是不行的。

37、The oil sketches of The Leaping Horse and The Hay Wain, for example, convey a vigour and expressiveness missing from Constable's finished paintings of the same subjects. ─── 从1806年开始在英格兰北部旅行,作品的水平越来越高,终于抓住了人们的视线。

38、The wain was quite popular in the past for farm use. ─── 运货马车在过去农作上非常普及。

39、Keywords Crystalline Copolyazomethineether;newatic liquid crystalline;phasetransition temperature;mesogenic group;wain chain liquid crystalline polymer; ─── 甲亚胺液晶共聚醚;向列型液晶;介晶基;相变温度;主链液晶分子;

40、[ wain ] n. ─── 葡萄酒;果子酒;

41、British landscape painter whose use of broken color influenced later French painters. The Hay Wain(1821) is his best-known work ─── 英国风景画家,他对分裂色彩的使用影响了后来的法国画家们。干草车(1821年)是他最著名的作品

42、I have made thee as a new thrashing wain, with teeth like a saw: thou shall thrash the mountains, and break them in pieces: and shalt make the hills as chaff. ─── 看啊,我使你成为一架锋利多齿的新打禾机,叫你压榨高山,压得粉碎,使丘陵变为碎末。

43、Correlation between the wain Charcters of the Normal Fertile Cytoqlasmic F_1 and CMS F and comparative Analysis of Their qarental Combin ning Abiliities ─── 玉米N质F_1与CMSF_1主要性状的相关性及其亲本配合力的对比分析

44、Cervical cancer takes years to develop not months, like the warts, and Dr Wain says Australians would next see a marked decline in rates of abnormal pap smear tests, and preventative surgeries. ─── 宫颈癌要经过几年才会发病,而不是像疣只需几个月就会发病。接下来,澳洲人应该能看到非正常宫颈涂片检验结果和预防性手术明显的下降。

45、wain house ─── 仓库

46、all pains, the greatest pain, is to love, but love in wain. ─── 所有痛苦中的最大痛苦,就是爱人而不为人所爱。

47、I wish that the rain would stop and let me cry in wain. . . ─── 我真希望雨停下来,让我无望地哭泣,

48、I think it's in Qing dynasty.If it's spoon shape Charles's Wain,it will be in better year. ─── 不敢称兄,个人觉得看清吧,如果是“勺状”的北斗七星,年份应该会好些。


















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