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09-03 投稿


communicative 发音

英:[k??mju?n?ke?t?v]  美:[k??mju?n?k?t?v]

英:  美:

communicative 中文意思翻译



communicative 网络释义

adj. 交际的;爱说话的,健谈的;无隐讳交谈的

communicative 短语词组

1、communicative context ─── 交际语境

2、communicative drill ─── 交际练习

3、Communicative Orientation to Langua ─── 语言交际取向

4、communicative force ─── 交际力

5、communicative ability ─── 交际能力

6、communicative intention ─── 交际意图

7、communicative approach ─── 交际法

8、communicative norm ─── 交际规范

9、communicative interference ─── 交际干扰

10、communicative syllabus ─── 交际教学大纲

11、communicative activity ─── 交际活动

12、Communicative Orientation to Language Teaching ─── 语言教学的交际取向

13、communicative needs ─── 交际需要

14、Communicative Language Ability ─── 交际语言能力

15、communicative competence ( ─── 用外语与所学语言国家的人)交流思想能力

16、communicative grammar ─── 交际语法

17、communicative activities ─── 交际活动(communicativeactivity的名词复数)

18、communicative language teaching ─── 沟通式教学法

19、communicative function ─── 交际职能

communicative 反义词

reserved |uncommunicative

communicative 同义词

voluble | conversational | candid | forthcoming | gabby | enlightening | educational | loquacious | forthright | garrulous | eye-opening | unrestrained | outgoing | chatty | instructive | expansive |talkative | open | informative | conversable | communicatory | expressive

communicative 词性/词形变化,communicative变形

名词: communicativeness |副词: communica-tively |

communicative 常用词组

communicative competence ─── 交际能力

communicative function ─── 交际功能,交际职能

communicative 相似词语短语

1、communicatee ─── n.交流对象;传播对象;受众

2、communicating ─── adj.(房间)相通的,相连的;v.交流;传递;传播(communicate的现在分词)

3、uncommunicative ─── adj.沉默寡言的,拘礼的

4、communicatively ─── 沟通

5、incommunicative ─── adj.沉默寡言的;不爱说话的

6、communicate ─── vi.通讯,传达;相通;交流;感染;vt.传达;感染;显露

7、communications ─── n.[通信]通信;沟通;通讯系统;交通设施(communication的复数形式)

8、communication ─── n.通讯,[通信]通信;交流;信函

9、excommunicative ─── adj.逐出教会的;放除的

communicative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Communicative exchanges: two situational conversational texts are presented in pinyin, character and English. ─── 交际交流:由两组分别以拼音、汉字和英文形式组成的情景会话构成。

2、Swain, M.A Critical Look at the Communicative Approach[M].English Language Teaching Journal,pt, 1985. ─── 史宝辉.交际式语言教学二十五年[J].外语教学与研究,1997(3):66.

3、It argues that basic strategies in the practice include transliteration and communicative, explanatory, and descriptive translations. ─── 其次,多采用音译、意译、解释性翻译、以及描述的方法至关重要;

4、Job Description:In charge of production, order management with merchandisers and suppliers on daily basis;Commun...... ... ─── 公司名称:纳天柯国际贸易(上海)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-5-20

5、He has a headache and isn't feeling communicative today. ─── 他今天头痛,不爱说话。

6、Tasks are always activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative goal in order to achieve an outcome. ─── 任务是学习者为了做成某件事情用目的语进行的有交际目的的活动。

7、Thus,the construction and "the hope" of their communicative theories would become a dream of rootless"Utopia". ─── 因而 ,其交往理论的建构及展望变成为“无根”的“乌托邦”梦想。

8、On the other hand,communicative translation is actually used with high frequency.Generally speaking,implicit cohesion,combination and conversing ... ─── 另一方面,交际翻译的使用频率相当高,常用的手段包括隐性衔接、合并、句式转换等。

9、Good working experience around the world in well known hotels or restaurants at least 10-15 years.- Good commun...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京首都机场希尔顿酒店工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-4-18

10、Spoken interaction basically refers to any communicative act in which two or more people are exchanging information. ─── 互动口语基本上是指在两个或更多的人交换信息时产生的任何交际行为。

11、A student who demonstrates the ability to use appropriate language, the examiner will give him/ her a high grade for communicative ability. ─── 一个学生展示适当使用语言的能力,考官就会在沟通能力方面给他/一个高评级。

12、with not enough oppositions, hard to see the other side, easy to lose perspective. sextiles - communicative, creative, expressive. ─── 但没有足够的冲相时,难以用另一个角度去思考问题,容易失去洞察力。

13、Mastery of their origins and interpretation is of great help to linguistic and communicative competence. ─── 其中一些由人名构成的习语更是妙趣横生,让人回味无穷。

14、Could you give me a chance? I am eager to have this opportunity to demonstrate my communicative skills and work for your company as well. ─── 如果你给我一个机会,我一定可以充分展示我的交际能力,为贵公司效力。

15、They can hardly express their thoughtsfeelings in fluent English, that is to say, the communicative function of English hasn't been fully realized. ─── 几乎不能流畅地用英语来表达自己的思想和情感,那就是说,英语的交际功能没有很好地实现。

16、Nowadays, internet has been a communicative way of modern people. With internet, we feel a fascinating life with a long distance. ─── 因特网目前成为了现代人交流方式。即使我们在很远地方因有了因特网就感到精彩。

17、To realize their communicative purposes, the addresser would employ some strategies in the inaugural address. ─── 为了实现上述交际目的,演说者将会在就职演说中采用各种交际策略。

18、Requirement: Education: l University degree study in the field of business administration, economics, industrial engineering commun... ─── 公司性质:外资企业|学历要求:本科|公司规模:50人以下|招聘人数:多人

19、Communicative Language Teaching has been introduced to China. ─── 交际式语言教学由此开始在中国试行。

20、He didn't say any more, but we've always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. ─── 他的话说到这里为止。 不过,我们父子之间话虽不多,却特别善于理解对方,我懂得,他的含义远远不止于此。

21、Many universities are trying to optimize their courses by offering more options and adding communicative features to the current system. ─── 许多大学正在尝试优化课程设置,提供更多的选择,在现有的体系中加入更多交际的特色。

22、Jurgen habermas emphasized an endogenous learning mechanism and set up a new theory, the core being communicative action. ─── 在社会发展动力问题上,用两个发动机理论取代一个发动机理论,强调学习机制,最终创立以“交往行动”为核心的新理论。

23、According to traditional approach, we can only improve the students communicative competence by means of audio-lingual approach? ─── 传统的教学法认为,只有通过听说法、整体法和认知法才能培养学生的交际能力,而忽视了语法能力是交际能力的基础,是交际能力的一个重要组成部分。

24、Also my communicative ability and organization skills have been greatly improved through the internship. ─── 同时我的交际能力和组织能力也得到锻炼和提高。

25、Hymes, D.H. (1971).On communicative competence[M].Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press. ─── 侯国金.英语语言学精要问答与考试指南[M].武汉:中国地质大学出版社,1998.

26、Since the 1980s Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has impacted on the foreign language teaching in China. ─── 上世纪80年代以来,交际法教学在中国引起了很大的反响。

27、To communicate with him is no easy job, as he is not a communicative person. ─── 他是一个不爱说话的人,与他交流可不容易。

28、Simultaneously, we established a timely communicative system with our client as well as a series of satisfactory post-translation service system. ─── 同时我们与客户建立一个及时的沟通体系和一套让您满意的译后服务体系。

29、The fundamental method to overcome the colonization of the life is to realize the rationalization of the communicative action. ─── 克服生活世界殖民化现象的根本办法是实现交往行为的合理化。

30、Can ask and answer questions and participate in simple conversations on everyday topics. Able to handle basic communicative tasks and social situations. ─── 可以应对简单的对答,就日常话题,进行对话沟通。应对简单的沟通和社交需求。

31、This position needs the person who can interpret on site. Job Requirement: 1.Excellent written and verbal commun...... ... ─── 公司名称:泛骏华国际货运(上海)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-5-12

32、A well educated, western man, with humour. Being communicative, respecting woman. and love family life and enjoy different kinds of sports. ─── 受过良好教育,爱交流的人,有幽默,尊重妇女,热爱家庭生活,喜欢各类运动。

33、You are not reserved: you are frankly communicative. ─── 你并不是个藏得住的人,你是肚里有啥就要说啥的。

34、In many cases, utterances have illocutionary meaning implied, which reflects the user"s real intention or communicative purpose. ─── 因为把语用等值作为翻译目标或原则,译者可采用任何翻译方法,只要能有效传达原作的言外之意,达到原作的交际目的即可。

35、He bowed courteously to the communicative townsman, and whispering a few words to his Indian attendant, they both made their way through the crowd. ─── 他向和他谈话的那镇上人恭恭敬敬地鞠了一躬,又跟他的印第安随从耳语了几句,便双双穿过人群挤到前边去了。

36、Habermas' theory of communicative action aims to overcome this crisis. ─── 哈贝马斯的交往行动理论旨在克服这一危机。

37、The appropriate use of fuzzy language constitutes an important criterion of the communicative competence of English speakers. ─── 合理地使用模糊语言也是语言使用者交际能力的一个重要衡量标准。

38、Communicative:Inclined to communicate readily; talkative. ─── 健谈的:倾向于易于沟通的;爱说话的.

39、The influence may be on pronunciation, sentence structures, vocabulary or various aspects of COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE. ─── 发音、句子结构、词汇或交际能力的各个方面都可能受基础语言的影响。

40、She has become a lot more tolerant and communicative. ─── 她变成了一个更宽容,更健谈的人。

41、This study looks at how participants use repetitions to meet the communicative needs and maintain conversation. ─── 也就是说本研究著重于儿童如何使用重复用法以期达到沟通的目的。

42、Therefore, in order to improve the students' communicative competence, college instructors should teach English grammar in a communicative framework. ─── 因此,为了增进学生的英语沟通能力,大学英语教师应该给予学生以沟通为架构之英文文法教学。

43、Wang F F.The biological characteristics, introduction and cultivation of Bougainvillea glabra[J].Subtrop Plant Res Commun, 1999, 28(2): 47-51. ─── [2]王芬芬. 三角梅生物特性及引种栽培[J]. 亚热带植物通讯, 1999, 28(2): 47-51.

44、Use each language for different communicative purposes, e. G. One language for talking about school life and the other for talking about personal feelings. ─── 不同的交际目的使用不同的语言,如谈论校园生活时使用这一种,谈论个人感情时使用另一种。

45、"Blog" or "Weblog" is the fourth web communicative technique following Email,BBS,and ICQ,which is popularized in the web world. ─── “博客(Blog或Weblog),”或称“网志,”在近两年来风靡互联网世界,备受网民的青睐,是继Email、BBSI、CQ之后出现的第四种网络交流方式。

46、In the last Part of this thesis the author restates the importance of helping the students obtain a balanced communicative competence. ─── 在结论部分中作者重申了帮助学生全面掌握语言能力的重要性。

47、We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages. ─── 我们有一个交际能力很强的方法来教授语言。

48、I don't find him very communicative. ─── 我发现他不太爱说话。

49、He learns something from Schiller's aesthetics, seeking to save modernity through further enlightenment of rationality and construction of communicative rationality. ─── 他从席勒美学中受到启发,希望通过理性的进一步启蒙和交往理性的构建来拯救现代性。

50、An APPTOACH to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE. ─── 外语或第二语言的一种教学理论,它强调交际能力是语言学习的目标。

51、He bowed courteously to the communicative townsman, and, whispering a few words to his Indian attendant, they both made their way through the crowd. ─── 他向和他谈话的那镇上人恭恭敬敬地鞠了一躬,又跟他的印第安随从耳语了几句,便双双穿过人群按到前边去了。

52、In fact, it isn" t reliable that Jurgen habermas criticized that Historical materialism were short of the communicative viewpoints. ─── 事实上,哈贝马斯指责历史唯物主义缺少交往观是站不住脚的。

53、Because myself likes Chinese style, do not have of course so necessary meet everybody together communicative sitting room is made antique entirely, did local ornament only. ─── 因为我自己喜欢中式,所以当然没必要把大家一起聚首畅谈的客厅全部都打造得古色古香,只做了局部点缀。

54、People tend to use telegraph service much less than before owing to more advanced communicative means. ─── 因为信息技术越来越发达,人们越来越少使用电报业务。

55、Quel est le point commun entre une assurance maladie et une minijupe ? ─── 医疗保险和迷你裙的共同点是?

56、Communicative approach is adopted widely in todays language teaching,thus appears communicative language testing. ─── 在以交际法为主导的语言教学的今天,交际式语言测试应运而生。

57、Film subtitles translation,Relevance Theory,Feng Xiaogang"s films,subtitling strategies,communicative effects. ─── 01电影字幕翻译,关联理论,冯小刚电影,翻译方法,交际效果

58、In this article, the author puts forward suggestion on how to improve students' language communicative competence in intensive class. ─── 在本文中,笔者就如何在精读课中提高学生的语言交际能力提出了几点建议。

59、Communicative approach and China's English teaching II. ─── 交际法和中国英语教学2。

60、Communicative activities impel mankind to form cognitive structure and help to develop human cognitive competence. ─── 交际活动促进人类认知结构的形成,也促进人类认知能力的发展。

61、In English teaching, importance should be attached to improving students' communicative competence as well as teaching correct English. ─── 在实际的英语教学中,在强调英语表达正确性的同时,更要重视学生的实际交际能力的提高。

62、The theory of communicative language testing as advocated by Lyle F Bachman has great influence in the field of language testingworldwide. ─── Bachman的交际法语言测试对全球的语言教学和语言测试领域产生了很大的影响。

63、It is necessary for teachers to use those non-speech communicative forms such as body language, facial expressions, vision, gesture and dressing to improve teaching quality. ─── 因此教师有必要使用诸如身体姿态、面部表情、目光、手势等非言语行为以提升教学质量。

64、Discrimination among and suitable employment of the three concepts in speech activities will aid better achievements of certain communicative goals. ─── 在言语活动中对三者加以区别并适当运用,可以更好地完成交际目的。

65、Universal Pragmatics is the base of the complex theory of Communicative Action. ─── 哈贝马斯的普遍语用学是其体系庞繁的交往行动理论的基础。

66、Liu Jing-wen,Dong Shuang-lin.Nutrient metabolism and the major nutrient uptake kinetics of seaweeds[J].Plant Physiol Commun,2001,37(4):325-330 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [32]刘静雯,董双林.海藻的营养代谢及其对主要营养盐的吸收动力学[J].植物生理学通讯,2001,37(4):325-330.

67、Be communicative and expressive with your partner. Remember, sharing emotions is not weakness; it makes you whole. ─── 和你的伴侣进行交流、进行表达。记住,分享感情不是一种虚弱的表现;分享感情是让你成为一个完整的人。

68、In the process of translational action, the initiator decides the communicative purpose. ─── 在翻译过程中,由翻译行为的发起者决定译文的交际目的。

69、Over the process, changes also happened in the productive mode, life style, communicative manners, and theological conceptions. ─── 在演变的过程中,生产方式、生活方式、交往方式以及思想观念都发生了不同程度的变化。

70、CELI uses the communicative approach to language learning that employs possible real life situations and authentic language is exploited in the classroom. ─── CELI采用互动的语言学习方法,在课堂上,学员将会在真实的环境下学习英语。

71、Communicative and semantive translation bifurcate at a later stage of analytical or cognitive translation. ─── 交际翻译和语义翻译在认知翻译的后阶段分道扬镳。

72、I am to graduate this July from Wuhan Commerce College, having completed the two-year commercial courses. I am extroverted and communicative. ─── 今年7月我将从武汉商业学院毕业,读完两年的商业课程。我性格外向.喜好交流。

73、Violence propagandas are satiated in news coverage and global communicative network comes true,which help terrorism upgrade rampantly in the globe. ─── 从社会层面看,话语秩序包括主导性话语与职业性话语两个方面。

74、Acquisition refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. ─── 习得指的是日常交际环境中通过自然的运用第一语言能力而逐步地、下意识地发展这种能力。

75、The features just illustrated are those which McEldowney indicated to be the norm for expressing the communicative purpose of "narrative. ─── “一样的花费,更好的质量和服务”,这是新华翻译社对客户的承诺。

76、Simplification of a PCR method for analysis the condition of rice cDNA library [J].Plant Phsiol Commun, 2004, 40(3): 353-354. ─── PCR快速分析水稻cDNA文库构建质量方法的简化[J].植物生理学通讯,2004,40(3):353-354.

77、Thus, teaching reforms stressing on communicative competence, pedagogic character and practicality in normal colleges are tasks of top priority. ─── 因此,改革师专英语教学,突出交际性、师范性和实用性已是当务之急。

78、Having been the cadre of our class,I organized a multitude of activities which contributed much to my reconcilable and communicative ability. ─── 今天,我深知:过去的成绩已经成为历史,但我更深信:未来,我可以做出更好的成绩。

79、In fact, uncooperative phenomenon is a complex and highly tactical communicative manner. ─── 不合作现象其实是一种迂回会话和高策略的会话方式。

80、In order to be able to offer high quality training, she offers a resolutely communicative method and personalised monitoring. ─── 为了提供高质量的法语培训,她提出一个以直接大量交流和个性化跟踪教学为基础的培训方法。

81、The TOEFL®iBT test sets a new standard for measuring communicative English skills by simulating actual academic situations. ─── 基于互联网的托福考试(托福网考)通过模拟大学校园生活的真实场景,设定新标准来测试考生的英语交际能力。

82、Interpretor should understand these communicative ways and change one to another. ─── 口译员需要懂得不同语言中不同的交流方式,并始终可以进行相互转化。

83、ESL( English as a Second Language) students need to develop both communicative skills and cognitive academic skills in English. ─── 以英语为第二语言的学生需要同时培养英语会话技能和认知学习能力。

84、Therefore, cultivation and improvement of English communicative competence is the ultimate goal that every English lover has been longing for. ─── 因此,培养和提高用英语进行交际的能力成为英语爱好者最关注的话题。

85、Communicative ability, linguistic ability and Writing Strategy: Which is Crucial to English Writing? ─── 交际能力、语言能力与写作策略:影响英语写作最关键的要素是什么?

86、The task-based teaching is a language teaching approach, which comes from communicative approaches and emphasizes "learning by doing". ─── 任务型教学是一种从交际法发展而来的、强调“做中学”的语言教学方法。

87、Rhetoric includes two aspects: communicative Rhetoric and aesthetic Rhetoric, from which the appreciation of Diogenes and Alexander is carried out. ─── 在人文修辞学的范畴内,英语修辞包括交际修辞、美学修辞。 DiogenesandAlexander一文,无论从交际修辞,还是从美学修辞的角度,都有一定的欣赏价值。

88、Moreover, introverts and extroverts demonstrate no significant difference in the employment of communicative administrative strategies. ─── 内外向性格的学习者对交际管理策略的使用没有显著差异。

89、HECF is a Euro-denominated, Luxembourg-regulated Fonds de Commun de Placement (FCP), with an indefinite life. ─── HECF是一个由欧洲命名、卢森堡管理的共同投资基金(FCP),具有无限的生命力。

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