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09-03 投稿



detours 发音

英:[?di?t??z]  美:[?di?t?rz]

英:  美:

detours 中文意思翻译



detours 词性/词形变化,detours变形

动词过去分词: detoured |动词现在分词: detouring |动词过去式: detoured |动词第三人称单数: detours |

detours 短语词组

1、detours movie ─── 绕道电影

2、detours bike bag ─── 绕道自行车包

3、detours tony evans pdf ─── 绕道托尼埃文斯pdf

4、detours jordan davis ─── 绕道乔丹·戴维斯

5、detours of maine ─── 缅因州绕道

detours 相似词语短语

1、repours ─── v.再浇

2、detort ─── 德特

3、detoxes ─── n.排毒;(对吸毒者或酗酒者的)脱瘾治疗;v.(使)脱瘾;戒酒,戒毒;给身体排毒

4、devours ─── v.吞食;毁灭

5、detorts ─── 绕道

6、detour ─── n.迂回路;临时绕行道路;v.绕道,绕行;n.(Detour)(美、法)德图尔(人名)

7、detoured ─── n.迂回路;临时绕行道路;v.绕道,绕行;n.(Detour)(美、法)德图尔(人名)

8、dyvours ─── 颜色

9、retours ─── n.归还;回到原地;n.(Retour)(法、英、波、比)勒图尔(人名)

detours 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A: Do not worry!Let us make a detour. ─── 别担心。让我们绕道走吧。

2、Only a weak person will make a detour . A person who is strong will only go ahead, and nothing will stop him! ─── 只有弱者才会绕道,强者只会勇往直前,任何东西都无法阻挡它!

3、In roundabout conversations, full of traps and detours, one man would probe another's views. ─── 在拐弯抹角的交谈中,互相套对方的想法,又给自己留后路,以防万一。

4、She is not DUMB - She is a DETOUR OFF THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY. ─── 她并不傻,只不过在信息公路上绕道而行。

5、Because it was blocked by the traffic accident, I have to make a detour. ─── 因交通事故道路被堵塞,我只好绕道走。

6、In the history of thought, we realize that detours may serve useful purposes. ─── 从历史角度考虑,我们认识到绕弯可能服务于有用的目的。

7、Failure is a temporary detour, not a dead end street . ─── 失败是暂时改道,而不是死路一条。

8、Since the Japanese bombardment of Shanghai only Mrs. Lu Xun has made a detour to visit the tomb, but no others have ever been there. ─── 从开炮以后,只有许先生绕道去过一次,别人就没有去过。

9、They had to detour a road-block. ─── 他们得绕过路障。

10、Take, for instance, this particular first contact: as you know, this mission has required constant reroutings and detours from the norm. ─── 举个实例,这次特殊的第一次接触:如你所知,这个任务需要不断的重新选择新路径,从弯路中折回。

11、Such an examination will take us for a moment out of Red Territory and lead us into a long detour through Chinese history. ─── 为此,我们将暂时离开解放区,回溯一下漫长的中国历史。

12、A motorcycle is in the way, so he has to make a detour. ─── 前面有摩托车挡道, 他只好绕开。

13、There's a reservoir ahead. We'll have to make a detour. ─── 前面有个水库, 我们得绕道过去。

14、Establishing goals is xll right if your don't let them deprive you-of interesting detours. ─── 不妨订立目标,只要你不让它阻挡你兜有趣的圈子.

15、If the bear is unaware of you, detour quickly and quietly away from it. ─── 如果熊没有发现你,那你可以迅速绕路远离,但要保持安静。

16、I took a pretty freaky detour. ─── 只不过走了一段阴阳路。

17、They made a detour to avoid the centre of the town. ─── 他们绕道避开了城中心。

18、Peer motzism of the order, but in the end will not become a bolster orders, many companies have in this regard donnedthe, detour. ─── 国外同行转接的订单比较现实,但最终不会成为企业持久的订单,许多企业已经在这方面吃了亏,走了弯路。

19、Poetry-writing is always a detour, and I have known no consummation with writing, either as an act or as a product. ─── 写诗于我而言永远是在绕弯,我至今从没体验过什么如鱼得水的感觉。

20、Chueh-hui hesitated, then made a detour around his brother Chueh-hsin's quarters and entered the large garden. ─── 他便止了步,迟疑一下,终于换了方向,向上房走去。 快要走到上房他便向右转弯走进了过道。 他走完过道,进了花园的外门,又走过觉新房间的窗下,一直往花园里去了。

21、Both were wounded during their 145-kilometer inland detour. ─── 两只鲸鱼都在游进内陆的145公里过程中受伤。

22、One day, after visiting our grandparents, she made Dad detour past the Jinmao Building construction site. ─── 一天,在看望了外祖父母后,母亲要爸爸绕道带我们经过金茂大厦的施工场地。

23、To explain their place in his life, Ryback has to take us on some long detours through relatively familiar historical territory. ─── 为了解释这些书籍在他生活中的位置,里拜克有时候不得不领着我们在我们相对比较熟悉的历史背景中做较长时间的旅行。

24、We made a little detour to drop Jim off on the way home. ─── 在回家的路上,为了照顾到Jim下车我们稍稍绕了点儿路。

25、He made a detour to pass the house where she lived. ─── 他想从她家门口经过,特地绕了一个圈子。

26、He made a detour to avoid an unsafebridge. ─── 他绕道而行以避危桥。

27、Heavily loaded vehicles, please detour, construction ahead. ─── 前方施工,请重载绕行。

28、But casino workers were able to detour the 150-pound bear back toward a loading dock and back into the wild, still hungry. ─── 但娱乐场的工作人员成功地将重达150磅,仍饥肠漉漉的它带到了码头装载运回到野外了。

29、As the frontage road is in mantainance,so we'd better make a detour. ─── 前方道路正在维修中,过不去。所以我们只好绕道而行。

30、She made a detour and rejoined us on the other side of the wood. ─── 她绕道在树林的另一边与我们重新会合.

31、How to avoid making detour when stepping into the society and start your enterprise with a good beginning? ─── 如何在涉世之初少走弯路,有一个好的开端,开始一番成功的事业?

32、And so we walked down a parallel street, making a detour whose only purpose was to avoid passing our house. ─── 因此我们走到了另一条平行的路,绕了个大圈,就是为了不要再路过我家的老房子。

33、What makes difference is that I will make a detour and scurry around the slippers-like men when meeting them again. ─── 只不过,碰到拖鞋男人的时候,我会绕道疾走。

34、A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. ─── 一个真正快乐的人是那些在绕弯路时还能欣赏风景的人。

35、Participating in the full understanding of their own, in a targeted manner Advisory detours will be less. ─── 在参展前充分了解自己,有针对性地咨询才会少走弯路。

36、Jullien introduces a "detour" research strategy. ─── 于连提出一种“迂回”的研究策略。

37、Because of the construction, we must take a detour. ─── 因施工,我们必须绕道而行。

38、Taking a detour, however, does not in any way imply that she has changed the objective of her journey. ─── 可是,进入匝道并不意味着她已以任何方式改变了自己旅程的目标。

39、The driver told him that even after she had taken the detour from the main road, a silent object with flashing red light continued to follow her. ─── 司机告诉他更,她接受大道,一寂静目的在闪烁红灯继续遵循她时的迂?路线。

40、Well, I was gonna say there're lots of bridges in detours along the way. We really have to start out with a great idea. ─── 好吧,我要说的是,前进的路是曲折的,有许多桥等着你去跨越。开始的时候我们必须得有很棒的想法。

41、"We are here alone to the children's hospital, in the vast majority of patients are in the process made a detour. ─── “单就到我们这儿住院的患儿讲,绝大多数在就诊的过程中都走过弯路。”

42、They took a straight forward route to the beach and you didn't avoid detours. ─── 别人去海边取直道,而你却走了弯路。

43、Hotshot rookie race car Lightning McQueen is living life in the fast lane until he hits a detour on his way to the most important race of his life. ─── 在赶往比赛地加州的66号公路上,结识了老吊车拖线,两人很快成了好朋友。

44、He made a detour of many miles. ─── 他走了好多英里的弯路。

45、There are never any mistakes in life -- just detours,shortcuts,and small excursions along the way. ─── "生活里永远没有错误的安排--有的只是弯路,捷径,或是围绕某一个目标作的远足罢了“

46、If it is used as the Detours as to alter the function jmp head, can be read in WinVerifyTrust Wintrust.dll realize the location, the restoration of function of the binary header. ─── 如果仅仅是被挂钩了IAT,那么可以直接通过函数指针调用。如果是像Detours那样用jmp改写了函数头,可以通过读取WinTrust.dll中WinVerifyTrust的实现位置,恢复函数头的机器码。

47、The train actually does not disappear, it just detours round the circle to the other side of the tunnel. ─── 列车其实没有消失,它只是绕了一个大圈,再从隧道的另一端驶出来。

48、After about three miles,you detour east to Dresternan Castle. ─── 大概三英里后,向东绕到德雷特南城堡。

49、Near Arrecife, take the detour on the left towards Norte de la Isla - Costa Teguise. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。

50、Maybe I is a heretical person, so I didn't even take the trouble to make a detour through the back gate, and I chose to over the wall. ─── 如果绕回到后门太麻烦,像我这样喜欢走旁门左道的人,当然选择了翻墙。

51、They took a straight forward route to the beachyou didn't avoid detours. ─── 别人去海边取直道, 而你却走了弯路.

52、He made a detour to avoid an unsafe bridge. ─── 他绕道而行以避危桥

53、But just as we do not burn down our houses to broil our daily chops, there is no reason why the admirer of Marx should go through his historic circuitous detours and redundancies. ─── 但是,就像我们不会烧毁我们的房子来烤我们每天的排骨,马克思的支持者没有理由要遵循他的历史迂回绕弯和冗余。

54、Not help sighed and said: "Only the weak will detour, the brave will go forward despite hardships and difficulties. ─── 不由感叹道:“唯有弱者才会绕道而行,勇者只会勇往直前,不畏艰险。

55、Later, in Livengood, I did a brief detour to see the ghost town. ─── 后来,在古德,我做了简短的弯路看到鬼城。

56、Since the founding of the People's Republic, we have achieved much in our national reconstruction.At the same time we have made a few detours and missed some opportunities. ─── 中华人民共和国成立以来,我们的建设取得了很大成就,同时也走了一些弯路,失去了一些机遇。

57、"In China do not pay-TV standard template, we really take a lot of detours. ─── “在中国做付费电视没有标准模板,我们确实走了很多弯路。”

58、Gov.Spitzer took a quick detour on his way to an event in the Bronx yesterday when he saw a back door to the House that Ruth Built was wide open. ─── 史必哲州长昨天在百忙中特地来到布朗克斯区,当看见他从后门来到这雄伟宽广的贝比鲁斯之屋。

59、Saint-education point of view: a good teacher, let your little education detours! ─── 厦门最好的钢琴培训----厦门圣桑钢琴培训优秀教师团队!

60、What should have been a straight line between two points, may now seem to be nothing but pot holes and detours. ─── 两点之间本应是一条宽敞的直路,却充满了坑坑洼洼,令人不得不绕道而行。

61、Hematemesis dedication 320X240 LCD driver, comments, particularly detailed, look less detours from Friend! ─── 吐血奉献液晶320X240的驱动程序,注释特别详细,望朋友借鉴少走弯路!

62、If the hospital with symptoms and the corresponding departments, in fact, can be avoided in patients with few detours. ─── 如果医院设有与症状相对应的科室,其实能避免患者少走弯路。

63、A: Oh, is it?Can we make a detour? ─── 噢,是吗?能不能绕道走?

64、Her immediate goal is to overcome her problems and take as short a detour as possible to get back to the highway quickly. ─── 她即时的目标是克服自己的问题,进入的匝道尽可能的短,以迅速回到高速公路上。

65、Local wars and bandits often blocked their travel , making countless detours necessary. ─── 内战和盗匪也常阻挡他们前进,迫使他们绕了无数弯路。

66、Instead, the airline detours a flight half-full of mildly surprised passengers to pick us up and take us to Mexico City. ─── 于是,航空公司让一次航班绕航来接我们去墨西哥城。这让原来航班上。。那些的乘客颇感到惊讶。

67、You will want to find detours around the construction zones so you do not get caught up in the heavy traffic. ─── 必要的时候你就可以在建筑区里绕行,这样你就不会被困在堵车大军里了。

68、It also doesn't accurately reflect the detours users can take. ─── 而且它不能准确反映用户可以使用的弯路。

69、The past can be useful detour, but the destination must always be the future. ─── 也许,过去只是有助于我们成长的迂回之路,但我们的目的永远是未来.

70、They made a detour to avoid the town center. ─── 他们绕道而行,避开市中心。

71、She make a detour and rejoin us on the other side of the wood. ─── 她绕道在树林的另一边与我们重新会合。

72、Instead, just remember what I said about detours and scenery, and keep going. ─── 相反,请记住我说过的:弯路会看到优美的风景,请继续前行。

73、Saint-education point of view: a good teacher, let your little education detours ! ─── 圣桑教育观点:选择一个好的老师,让您的教育少走弯路!

74、However, before we look at the details of the files in Application Server 4.0, we need to take a detour into the EJB 2.0 Specification. ─── 但是,在查看Application Server 4.0中文件的详细信息之前,我们先讨论一下EJB 2.0规范。

75、The 408UL is a multi-media networking system (laser, radio, cable, etc.) Offering practical solutions for detours and complex layouts. ─── 408UL是一种多媒体网络系统(激光中继,无线中继,电缆等),为绕线和复杂的排列布署提供切实可行的解决方案。

76、Establishi goals is all right if you-don't let them deprive youf interesting detours. ─── 瞚妨订立目标,只要你不让它阻挡你兜有趣的圈子.

77、Midway through the linac, when the particles are at an energy of 150 GeV, the electron bunches will take a small detour to produce the positron bunches. ─── 在穿过直线加速器的中途,当粒子的能量达到150GeV时,电子束团会走一条迂迴小路以制造正子束团。

78、They were force to make a long detour to the Central Asian city of Bukhara. ─── 于是,他们不得不饶很长的路去中亚城市布哈拉。

79、We shall take some measures for prevention when it detours. ─── 在绕道而行的时候,我们毕竟可以采取一些管理措施,尽可能地防止这种行为发生。

80、We look back on the detours encountered and lessens to be drawn in the research leading to the discovery of nuclear fission. ─── 回顾了原子核裂变发现走过的一段弯路,讨论了这段历史提供的启发和教训.

81、The main road was blocked so we had to make a detour. ─── 因为干道被堵,我们不得不绕道而行。

82、The past can be useful detour, but the destination must always be the future. ─── 也许,过往只是一段有助于我们成长的迂回之路,但我们的目的地永远都是未来。

83、The past can be a useful detour , but the destination ought to sll the time be the future. ─── 也许过往只是一段有助于咱们成长的迂回之路,但咱们的目的地永远都是未来。

84、By "detour", Jullien means to adopt a strategy of detouring to the back of western theories to deconstruct them from outside. ─── “迂回”就是指在策略上绕行到西方理性的背后,从外部解构它。

85、We must immediately fix these mistakes to prevent future detours. ─── 我们必须立刻修正这些错误,以避免将来走更大的弯路。

86、If she fails, she is required to take the detour and move to flexible loan. ─── 如果她没有做到,那么他就要进入匝道,并转到灵活贷款。

87、Greater regional traffic at the airport when the right time to remind the community of vehicles traveling on a detour to regulate and ease the pressure on the airport road region. ─── 在机场区域车流量较大时,适时提醒社会车辆绕道行驶,疏导和缓解机场区域的道路压力。

88、Oh, is it? Can we make a detour? ─── 噢,是吗?能不能绕道走?

89、Establishing goals is all right if your don't let them deprive you of interesting detours. ─── 不妨订立目标,只要你不让它阻挡你兜有趣的圈子。




英语缩略词“YMT”经常作为“Your Man Tours”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“你的男人旅行”。



英文单词:Your Man Tours


中文拼音:nǐ de nán rén lǚ xíng


缩写词领域:Companies & Firms

以上为Your Man Tours英文缩略词YMT的中文解释,以及该英文缩写在英语的流行度、分类和应用领域方面的信息

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