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09-03 投稿



dichromatic 发音

英:[?da?kro??m?t?k]  美:[?da?kr???m?t?k]

英:  美:

dichromatic 中文意思翻译



dichromatic 短语词组

1、dichromatic lattice ─── 双色晶格

2、dichromatic cord ─── 双色帘线

3、dichromatic erythrocyte ─── [医] 二色性红细胞

4、dichromatic cable ─── 双色电缆

5、dichromatic effect ─── 二色效应

6、dichromatic glass ─── 二色玻璃

7、dichromatic key ─── 双色键

8、dichromatic vision ─── [计] 二色性视觉

9、dichromatic eyes ─── 双色眼睛

dichromatic 相似词语短语

1、dichroitic ─── 二向色性

2、dichromatism ─── n.二色性;[动]二色变异

3、trichromatic ─── adj.三色的;三色版的;三原色的

4、dichromate ─── n.[无化]重铬酸盐

5、achromatic ─── adj.消色差的;非染色质的;非彩色的

6、chromatic ─── adj.彩色的;色品的;易染色的

7、dichromats ─── n.[眼科]二原色视者,[眼科]二色视者

8、dichromates ─── n.[无化]重铬酸盐

9、dichromat ─── n.[眼科]二原色视者,[眼科]二色视者

dichromatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dichromatic atmospheric scattering model ─── 二色大气散射模型

2、By means of consulting a great deal of literature, the authors found that dichromatic oxidation titration method fits for the determination of organic matter in semiorganic fertilizers. ─── 测定肥料和土壤中有机质的方法有多种,通过文献查阅发现,用重铬酸钾滴定法测定有机无机复混肥中的有机质是可行的。

3、What is yellow, white dichromatic, symbol, rice said, "silver, cakes," and "annual high" homophonic, meaning the people's life and work to improve each year. ─── 年糕有黄、白两色,象征金银,年糕又称“年年糕”,与“年年高”谐音,寓意着人们的工作和生活一年比一年提高。

4、dichromatic LED ─── 双色发光二极管

5、Ark of the tea table of the sitting room, TV is Chinese style new classicism, with Hei Gong dichromatic give priority to. ─── 客厅的茶几、电视柜是中式新古典风格,以黑红两色为主。

6、Black and white and dichromatic still be today season the mainstream color of this beach cap, clean and comfortable, the feeling of very rich and carefree holiday. ─── 黑白两色依然是今季此款沙滩帽的主流颜色,干净舒适,非常富有悠闲假期的感觉。

7、Abstract: Objective Based on the basic principle of the color-vision theory and the characteristics of RGB images, simulate the vision of the monochromat and the dichromat or anomalous trichromat. ─── 文章摘要: 目的 基于色视觉理论的基本原理和RGB图像的构成特点模拟全色盲者和红绿色盲者或红绿色弱者的视觉。

8、initial phase The first adult colour phase of a sexually dichromatic fish. Also called primary phase. ─── 起始阶段性双形的鱼第一个成鱼阶段的颜色。也被称为初期阶段。

9、dichromatic cell ─── 重铭酸电池

10、On average, wildlife ecologists find that "dichromatic" bird species die out nearly 25 percent more often than their monochromatic relatives. ─── 野外生态学家发现,平均而言,公、母鸟羽色不同的鸟种,其死亡率比起公、母鸟羽色相同的相似鸟种高了25%。

11、initial phase The first adult colour phase of a sexually dichromatic fish. Also called primary phase. ─── 起始阶段性双形的鱼第一个成鱼阶段的颜色。也被称为初期阶段。

12、The quality or condition of being dichromatic. ─── 二色性呈现二色性的状态或情状

13、dichromatic dye ─── 双色染料

14、dichromatic Members of a species having different coloration; usually related to sexual or growth differences. ─── 二型性的同一种的个体有两种外型;通常是因性别的或成长阶段不同。

15、The Dichromatic Properties of F2Centers in NaF and Doped Crystals[J]. ─── 引用该论文 冯志萍,王存达,顾洪恩,高节,万良风.

16、Aluminium alloy material basically has dichromatic, it is silvery white, it is dark brown, also appeared now nevertheless chromatic aluminium alloy, its main use is door window material. ─── 铝合金材主要有两色,一为银白、一为茶色,不过现在也出现了彩色铝合金,它的主要用途为门窗料。

17、The hologram recorded with a hardened dichromatic gelatin platecan receive a diffractional effeciency of 80%. Illuminated by whitelight,it can reconstructe a three-dimensional clear and bright image. ─── 用重铬酸盐明胶记录的全息图,可以达到80%以上的衍射效率,用白光可以再现出清晰明亮的三维图象。

18、This kind " dichromatic furniture " let a person feel " bone has the flesh " , seem a kind of fashionable dress. ─── 这种“两色家具”让人觉得“有骨有肉”,好似一种时装。

19、Tie-in: Choice depth makes bottom makeup by dichromatic pink, make whole and facial have stereo feeling more. ─── 搭配:选择深浅两色的粉底打造底妆,使整个面部更有立体感。

20、dichromat value ─── 重铬酸盐值

21、dichromatic color copier ─── 双色复印机

22、The Application of Dichromatic Reflection Model to Moisture Analysis of Tongue-Fur ─── 二分光反射模型在中医舌苔润燥分析中的应用

23、Abstract : In this paper, we study the chromatic and dichromatic sum functions of rooted general maps on the plane.The chromatic and dichromatic sum function equa- tions of such maps are obtained. ─── 摘要 : 本文研究了平面上一般带根地图的色和与双色和,得到了这类地图的色和与双色和函数方程。

24、It occurred to us that we might test this idea if we could re-create that initial step in the evolution of primate trichromacy in a dichromatic mammal such as a laboratory mouse. ─── 如果能在双色视觉的哺乳动物(例如小鼠)身上重现三色视觉演化的最初步骤,或许就能检验这些想法。

25、Humans and old world monkeys have three different types of cones (trichromatic vision) while other mammals lack cones with red sensitive pigment and therefore have poorer (dichromatic) colour vision. ─── 人和高等的灵长目动物有三种不同的视锥细胞,而其它哺乳动物缺乏对红色的视锥细胞,因此它们对颜色的分辨比较差。

26、But Zhang Zhifeng thinks, chinese cannot blindly follow sb at Hesperian follow, the fashion colour that takes in wedding wanders in black, white, dichromatic on. ─── 但张志峰认为,中国人不能亦步亦趋于西方人后尘,在婚礼服的流行色徘徊在黑、白、两色上。

27、Ark of the tea table of the sitting room, TV is Chinese style new classicism, with Hei Gong dichromatic give priority to. ─── 客厅的茶几、电视柜是中式新古典风格,以黑红两色为主。

28、dichromatic polynomial ─── 范色多项式

29、dichromatic radiation ─── 二色辐射

30、The kitchen chose a tiling of Roman, saying is tiling is mixed in vain only actually ash is dichromatic. ─── 厨房选了罗马一款花砖,说是花砖其实只有白和灰两色。

31、Output performance of solid state heat capacity laser with active-mirror and dichromatic coatings[J]. ─── 引用该论文 徐美健,于海武,段文涛,蒋新颖,袁晓东,林东晖,魏晓峰.

32、" Hence the second said: "but black and white and dichromatic, it must be brown color, the two festivals dress like my father. ─── 于是第二个说:“要不是黑白两色,那肯定是棕红两色,像我父亲节日礼服一样。”

33、uniocular dichromat ─── 单眼二色视者

34、By means of consulting a great deal of literature, the authors found that dichromatic oxidation titration method fits for the determination of organic matter in semi-organic fertilizers. ─── 测定肥料和土壤中有机质的方法有多种,通过文献查阅发现,用重铬酸钾滴定法测定有机-无机复混肥中的有机质是可行的。

35、dichromatic erythrocyte ─── 二色性红细胞

36、dichromatic solution ─── 重铬酸盐溶液

37、Other Petroleum Company also choose bright-coloured, marked color as far as possible, the card that be like housing the gas station of Petroleum Company is uniform with red, yellow dichromatic; ─── 其他的石油公司也尽可能选用鲜艳、醒目的色彩,如壳牌石油公司的加油站一律用红、黄两色;

38、Study on calcite infrared dichromatic polarizers[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李国华,李继仲.

39、Chromatic and Dichromatic Sums of General Maps on the Plane ─── 平面上一般地图的色和与双色和

40、Keywords organic carbon;dichromatic oxidation titration;semiorganic fertilizer; ─── 有机碳;重铬酸钾滴定法;有机无机复混肥;

41、Black and white and dichromatic collocation, let sofa bed put on a kind of elegance again. ─── 黑白两色的搭配,又让沙发床添上一种典雅。

42、dichromatic reflection model ─── 双色反射模型

43、dichromatic cord ─── 双色缆

44、dichromatic theory ─── 二色论

45、See this piece of picture, black and white and dichromatic adornment, be not drab, cold and cheerless some? ─── 看这张图片,黑白两色的装饰,是不单调、冷清了些呢?

46、dichromatic cable ─── 双色电缆

47、See this piece of picture, black and white and dichromatic adornment, be not drab, cold and cheerless some? ─── 看这张图片,黑白两色的装饰,是不单调、冷清了些呢?

48、ObjectiveBased on the basic principle of the color-vision theory and the characteristics of RGB images,simulate the vision of the monochromat and the dichromat or anomalous trichromat. ─── 目的基于色视觉理论的基本原理和RGB图像的构成特点模拟全色盲者和红绿色盲者或红绿色弱者的视觉。

49、Besides Bai Huang dichromatic, still have red, green with blue. ─── 除了白黄两色,还有红、绿和蓝色。

50、And in the eye in another architect, black and white and dichromatic became classic, refined delegate however. ─── 而在另一位设计者的眼中,黑白两色却成为了古典、雅致的代表。

51、The national flag of Canada from red, white dichromatic constitute. ─── 加拿大的国旗由红、白两色组成。

52、As the interface reflection of the surface of non metal object indoors is weak, the dichromatic reflection model can be simplified, and the normalized color can be used. ─── 可以利用室内图像中非金属目标界面反射较弱的特点,简化反射模型,使用规一化彩色,然后再作区域增长,这样分割的效果令人满意。

53、The holographic match filter was made by dichromatic gelation. ─── 同时,保持其傅里叶变换的相位不变。

54、" The first one said, "it is black and white and dichromatic, like sesame. ─── 第一个说,“那一定是黑白两色,像芝麻点料子布一样。”

55、A little unwilling and ordinary stylist wants to break white, rice then the depressing aspect of dichromatic unify the whole country, let closestool also come beautiful change personally. ─── 有些不甘平凡的设计师于是便想打破白、米两色一统天下的沉闷局面,让马桶也来一次漂亮变身。

56、Because: Gray lies just about this is dichromatic between. ─── 因为:灰色正是处在这两色之间。

57、A similar deficiency accounts for the most common form of dichromatic color blindness in humans. ─── 同样的缺陷导致了大多数常见的人类双色色盲症。

58、dichromatic Members of a species having different coloration; usually related to sexual or growth differences. ─── 二型性的同一种的个体有两种外型;通常是因性别的或成长阶段不同。

59、Colour is tie-in: In relaxed style head push white, black dichromatic; ─── 色彩搭配:清爽的风格里首推白、黑两色;

60、dichromatic vision ─── 二色视觉二色视觉

61、The kitchen chose a tiling of Roman, saying is tiling is mixed in vain only actually ash is dichromatic . ─── 厨房选了罗马一款花砖,说是花砖其实只有白和灰两色。

62、Study on Dyeing Process of Polyvinyl Alcohol Polarizer Using Azoxy Dichromatic Dye ─── 蓝色氧化偶氮染料对偏振片染色工艺研究

63、Dichromatic coatings ─── 双色膜

64、Add into black, white dichromatic. ─── 加进黑、白两色。

65、Black and white and dichromatic increased contrast, make whole space more stereo, vivid. ─── 黑白两色加大了对比度,使整个空间更加立体、生动。

66、dichromatic effect ─── 二色效应

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