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09-03 投稿


fomes 发音

英:[['f??mi:z]]  美:[['fo?mi:z]]

英:  美:

fomes 中文意思翻译



fomes 短语词组

1、fomes officinalis ─── 官房

2、Fomes japonica ─── [医] 紫芝, 灵芝

3、fomes pini ─── 荒松

4、genus Fomes ─── [网络] 属类

5、fomes aquinas ─── 亚琛座μ

6、fomes meliae ─── 苦楝属

7、fomesfomesntarius fomesntarium ─── 公司

8、Fomes igniarius ─── [网络] 呕吐物

9、fomes ligneus ─── 线性饥饿

10、fomes fungi ─── 真菌

11、fomes latin ─── 拉丁语系

12、fomes fomentarius ─── [医]木蹄层孔菌

13、fomes shoes ─── 福姆斯鞋

14、fomes sp ─── 福姆斯公司。

15、Fomes juniperinus ─── [医] 杜松菌

fomes 词性/词形变化,fomes变形

动词第三人称单数: foments |动词过去式: fomented |动词过去分词: fomented |名词: fomenter |动词现在分词: fomenting |

fomes 相似词语短语

1、fumes ─── n.烟气(fume的复数);v.表达气愤(fume的第三人称单数)

2、domes ─── n.[建]穹顶;拱形结构;西班牙域名;n.(Domes)人名;(德、葡、捷)多梅斯

3、foxes ─── n.[脊椎]狐狸;绳毛绒;狡猾的人(fox的复数形式);v.欺骗;耍狡猾手段(fox的三单形式)

4、momes ─── n.笨蛋,傻瓜;n.(Mome)(法、美、巴)莫梅(人名)

5、fames ─── n.饥饿

6、homes ─── n.家庭(home的复数形式);房屋;n.(Homes)人名;(德)霍梅斯

7、comes ─── v.来自;从…来(come的三单形式);n.伴引血管;伴星;n.(Comes)人名;(法)科姆;(德、西、意)科梅斯

8、femes ─── n.女人,妻子;(非正式)(女同性恋中的)女方充当者(等于femme)

9、foes ─── 敌人;反对者;危害物(foe的名词复数)

fomes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fomes officinalis polysaccharides ─── 阿里红多糖

2、The present invention relates to a compound extract of fomes yucafensis and betulin, its preparation method and preparation. ─── 本发明涉及桑黄白桦茸的复合提取物,该复合提取物的制备方法及其制剂。

3、Adopting double direct and double front crooked needle fomes double line 401 stitch. Auto-forcing-lubricating device. ─── 采用双直针,双前弯针构成双行401线迹,采用自动强注润滑机构。

4、The dried fruiting body of certain fungal species in the genus Fomes, formerly used in medicine, especially to inhibit the production of sweat. ─── 层孔菌某些属于层孔菌属的真菌属类的干的子实体,以前用作药物,特别用于防止出汗

5、Fomes officinalis Ames ─── 阿里红

6、any of various mushrooms of the genera Agaricus,Fomes,or related genera,having large umbrellalike caps with numerous gills beneath ─── 任何伞菌属,层孔菌属或相关菌属的多种伞菌中一种,具有巨大的伞状菌盖,菌盖下面有无数的菌褶

7、Any of various mushrooms of the genera Agaricus, Fomes, or related genera, having large umbrellalike caps with numerous gills beneath. ─── 伞菌任何伞菌属,层孔菌属或相关菌属的多种伞菌中一种,具有巨大的伞状菌盖,菌盖下面有无数的菌褶

8、The wood-decaying fungus Fomes fomentarius has been observed in Japan and Northeastern China to have two morphologically different types hased on its fruiting body. ─── 木蹄层孔菌(Fomes fomentarius)在中国东北和日本存在子实体形态不同、寄主范围明显有别的两个类型:小型和大型。

9、A large number of mushroom species including Ganoderma lucidum, Coriolus versicolor, Fomes fomentarius, Tremella fuciformis and Lentinus edodes are traditionally used in Chinese folk medicines. ─── 大量的蕈类品种,包括灵芝、云芝、木蹄层孔菌、银耳和香菇,是我国传统的民间药物。

10、The anti-tumor effect of ethanol extract of Fomes fomentarius and its influence on immunological function in tumor- bearing mice ─── 木蹄层孔菌乙醇提取物体内抗肿瘤活性及其对荷瘤鼠免疫功能的影响

11、Keywords Fomes officinalis Ames.;triterpenic acid;thrombin; ─── 阿里红;三萜酸;凝血酶;

12、Eyes: Dust may cause moderate skin allergy. Fomes may irritate eyes. ─── 眼睛:粉末将导致中等程度眼睛过敏。

13、When she travelled, Mrs Fome would arrange for friends to look after her beloved pet.This time, she was forced to ask her neighbour Susan Mayer. ─── 她旅游的时候会让朋友们照顾她的爱猫。这次,她被迫去请求邻居。

14、Keywords Fomes Officinalis Ames;beneficial effect;anti fatigue;oxygen deficient durable; ─── 药用层孔菌;补益作用;抗疲劳;耐常压缺氧;

15、[Fomes igniariusFr.;Boletus igniarius L.; ─── 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Phellinus igniarius Quel.

16、The limpid expression in your eyes come fome the aeon. ─── 澄澈的视线来自那永恒的世界。

17、Ingredients: Contain natural herb essence such as ginseng, Fomes japonica and liquorice. ─── 成份:蕴含人参、灵芝、甘草等天然草本精华。

18、At times, however, there are good reasons to exclude the courts from reviewing certain agency actions, or at least Fome of the findings underlying these actions. ─── 可是,有时存在正当的理由排除法院对某些行政机关行为进行复审,或至少不得对支持那些行为的调查结果进行复审。

19、Fomes lignosns (Brek) Ccok ─── 木质层孔菌

20、Scavenging activity of fomes officinalis polysaccharides on oxygen free radicals ─── 阿里红多糖对氧自由基的清除作用

21、Process Research of Black Liquar Treatment in Paper Manufacture by White Fomes ─── 白腐菌处理造纸黑液工艺研究

22、Fomes japonica ─── [医] 紫芝, 灵芝

23、Scavenging activity of fomes officinalis polysaccharides on oxygen free radicals ─── 阿里红多糖对氧自由基的清除作用

24、Fomes juniperinus ─── [医] 杜松菌

25、Keywords Fomes officinalis polysaccharides;free radicals;SOD;MDA;lipid peroxidation; ─── 阿里红多糖;自由基;超氧化物岐化酶;丙二醛;脂质过氧化;

26、Fomes officinalis ─── 阿里红药材

27、Fome then on everything would get different,life would get diversified, and love would appr-oach step bu step,andmang successes would come too. ─── 一切开始与众不同,生活开始五光十色,爱情在嘻哈欢笑中一步步接近,努力在为好换来一个个小小的成就感.


29、) Kotlaba et Pouzar Fomes cajander Karst. ─── 粉肉拟层孔菌( Fomitopsis cajander (Karst.

30、herba fomes japonicus jam ─── 灵芝草糖浆

31、A large number of mushroom species including Ganoderma lucidum, Coriolus versicolor, Fomes fomentarius, Tremella fuciformis and Lentinus edodes are traditionally used in Chinese folk medicines. ─── 大量的蕈类品种,包括灵芝、云芝、木蹄层孔菌、银耳和香菇,是我国传统的民间药物。

32、Two fomes of STOLZ theorem are given and extend. ─── 给出STOLZ定理的两种形式并把它们进行了推广,讨论了它们的应用。

33、Bracket fomes ─── 多孔菌

34、to com tanta fome ; ─── x 心情: pissy 昨天。

35、Fomes fomentarius ─── 木蹄层孔菌

36、Inhibition of Tumor Cells by Ethanol Extract of Fomes Fomentarius ─── 木蹄层孔菌乙醇提取物对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用

37、Keywords fomes officinalis polysaccharides;humoral immunity;cellular immunity;non-specific immunity; ─── 关键词阿里红多糖;细胞免疫;体液免疫;非特异性免疫;

38、Eyes : Dust may cause moderate skin allergy . Fomes may irritate eyes. ─── 眼睛:粉末可能导致中等程度眼睛过敏。

39、timber fungus (Fomes fomentarius) ─── 木紫芝

40、Inhibition of Tumor Cells by Ethanol Extract of Fomes Fomentarius ─── 木蹄层孔菌乙醇提取物对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用

41、Objective: To investigate the scavenging effects of fomes officinalis polysaccharides (FOPS) on oxygen free radicals. ─── 目的:研究阿里红多糖对氧自由基的清除作用。

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