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09-03 投稿


overheated 发音

英:[?o?v?r?hi?t?d]  美:[???v??hi?t?d]

英:  美:

overheated 中文意思翻译




overheated 短语词组

1、overheated symptoms ─── 过热症状

2、overheated cpu cpu ─── 过热

3、overheated economy ─── [经] 通货膨胀的经济社会

4、overheated sector ─── 过热扇区

5、overheated means ─── 过热方式

6、overheated car ─── 过热的汽车

7、overheated zone ─── [化] 过热区

8、overheated cow ─── 过热的牛

9、overheated cooking oil ─── 过热食用油

10、overheated structure ─── 过烧组织, ─── 过热组织

overheated 词性/词形变化,overheated变形

动词现在分词: overheating |动词第三人称单数: overheats |动词过去式: overheated |动词过去分词: overheated |

overheated 常用词组

overheated economy ─── 经济过热

overheated 相似词语短语

1、overbetted ─── 过度的

2、overdated ─── vt.加盖新日期于;n.硬币上加盖的新日期

3、overreacted ─── vi.反应过度;反作用过强

4、overheaped ─── 过热

5、overtreated ─── 过度治疗

6、overbeaten ─── 吃得太多

7、overhated ─── 悬垂的

8、overeaten ─── v.吃得过多,暴食(overeat的过去分词)

9、overhented ─── 提出了

overheated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maybe my brain had overheated and blown a fuse. But deep down, I badly wanted that $2 an hour. ─── 也许我的脑袋已经热昏了,但内心深处,我极其想要那每小时的2 美元。

2、EMCYLDN oils with good atomization characteristics are the suitable lubricants for saturated or overheated steam cylinder and worm gear drives. ─── EMCYLDN具有优良的雾化特性,特别适合饱和或过热蒸汽汽缸与蜗型齿轮的润滑。

3、The engine overheated. ─── 引擎热度过高。


5、Overall, then, the growth of domestic demand remains subdued, rather than overheated, relative to the rapid growth of potential and actual output. ─── 如此看来,相对于潜在和实际产出的快速增长,国内需求的增长总体而言仍然处于被抑制状态,而非过热。

6、The fully recrystallization temperature and the on-set overheated temperature have also been obtained. ─── 得出了完全再结晶温度和开始过烧温度。

7、Can not be "overheated" confused with "bubble", resulting in a misjudgment of the situation on the property market. ─── 不能把“过热”混同于“泡沫”,以致造成对房地产市场形势的误判。

8、Care must be taken not to overheat and damage valves during the soldering process. ─── 在焊接过程中,必须要小心谨慎,避免由于温度过高导致阀门受到损害。

9、Readers of this overheated but often on-the-mark polemic will conclude that the safest tactic is organic food and a fly swatter. ─── 过热但经常中肯的论战的读者们会下结论,最安全的策略是有机食品和一个苍蝇拍。

10、SAFE TEMPERATURE: Metal ramps overheat in direct sunlight and may cause nasty burns. Skatelite stays a comfortable temperature in any condition. ─── 安全的温度:金属型面板在阳光直射下,表面温度会升得很高,可能造成皮肤烫伤;Skatelite面板则在任何天候条件下都能维持适宜的温度。

11、"Crikey, one of our data centers (sic) has overheated! ─── 它在周日表示,“我们的一个数据中心过热了!

12、Does the Chinese economy experience the third overheat? ─── 中国经济是否出现了第三次过热?

13、He did warn there is a risk the Chinese economy will become overheated. ─── 但同时他指出中国经济有呈现过热现象的趋势。

14、Measures must be taken to have the overheated economy cooled down. Otherwise, it would be out of control. ─── 如果再不采取果断措施给过热的经济降温,经济局面会失控。

15、Thus, when using the recessive interview, the reporters should properly handle the "degree", so as to avoid the harmful effects of "excessiveness" and "overheat". ─── 因此,记者在使用隐性采访的过程中,必须正确地把握好“度”,以避免“过度”、“过热”等带来的不良后果。

16、You can trust Vector's Smart Battery chargers to never overheat or overcharge your battery. ─── 你可以信任向量的智能充电器来从未出现过热或过你的电池。

17、The difference between the actual real GNP and the potential real GNP. If the gap is negative an economy is overheated. ─── 实际真实和潜在真实的国民生产总值之间的差异。如果差距是负值,那么代表经济过热。

18、Engine and APU fire and overheat indication occurs on the P8 and P7 panels. ─── 发动机和APU过热和失火指示出现在P8或P7板上。

19、One Sunday night in fall 2007, the ventilation system in the kitchen stopped working, causing the room to overheat and the kitchen sprinklers to go off. ─── 2007年秋季的一个周日晚上,厨房的换气系统出了故障,导致房间过热,触发了厨房的自动喷淋系统。

20、Try walking on water to cool off an overheated ego. ─── 在水中行走或许可以冷却过于膨胀的欲望。

21、Under load, the working surfaces of the parts rub, overheat and deform. ─── 在负载情况下,零件的工作面摩擦、过热并变形。

22、Because every switch on the mobile phone, picture tube filament with respect to overheat, such meetings quicken the ageing of picture tube. ─── 因为每开机一次,显像管灯丝就过热一次,这样会加速显像管的老化。

23、In the past, Chinese authorities have curbed overheated lending by imposing sweeping credit quotas. ─── 以往,中国有关部门是通过广泛实施信贷额度来限制放贷过热。

24、Monarch Butterflies fly can overheat in hot climates however;they use "thermals," or warm air, allowing them to conserve energy and helps them glide as they migrate. ─── 帝王蝶在炎热的天气里的飞行可能过热,然而,它们利用“上升暖气流”或热空气,使得它们可以保存能量并帮助它们在迁徙途中滑行。

25、When overheated real estate, real estate notaries will be subjected to various pressures, high housing prices. ─── 当房地产过热时,房地产公证人会受到各种压力,高估房价。

26、We leave parched, overheated rooms to battle frigid snow and our skin pays the price. ─── 我们离开极干、热的房间去与冰天雪地抗争,我们的皮肤付出了代价。

27、At such a point, it is usually a good idea to check that your drive has not overheated, and to perform an immediate backup. ─── 在这一点上,它通常是一个好主意,检查硬盘有没有过热,并进行了即时的备份。

28、Central Bank report warning : "obviously overheated" industries use heavy hatchet? ─── 央行报告预警:“明显过热”行业要用重斧?

29、Avoid food overheat of undeserved, food or super-cooling: Overheat can make gastrorrhagia, super-cooling can make gastric convulsion and aggravate is aching. 4. ─── 忌饮食不当、饮食过热或过冷:过热会使胃出血,过冷会使胃痉挛而加剧疼痛。

30、It can improve the accuracy of measurement and decisionmaking level.we use the method in the Power cable overheat forecast system. ─── 将该技术应用于电厂电缆过热监控系统,在实际运行中取得了良好的效果,保障了电力设备的安全。

31、Even as companies seek other places to make their goods, they are stalked by overheated economies: in Vietnam, for example, inflation was 25.2 percent last month. ─── 即使很多公司都在寻求新的生产基地,但他们仍受困于过热的经济,比如在越南,上个月的通涨率达到25.2%.

32、But they now believe that China's investment in high prices, some of the overheated capital, and expressed concern about the A-share Dimi. ─── 但他们认为中国现在的投资价格高、资金有些过热,并关注A股的低靡。

33、After one power plant in Ohio had shut down, elevated power loads overheated high-voltage lines, which sagged into trees and short-circuited. ─── 俄亥俄州一座发电厂跳机后,暴增的电力负载使高压线路过热,电线垂挂在树上造成短路。

34、If you wrap the baby in too many wool covers, he will get overheated. ─── 如果你用过多的毛外套把婴儿包起来,他会感到过热的。

35、The property market is no longer overheated and authorized institutions are now being much more restrained in their property lending. ─── 原因是物业市场已没有过热迹象,而认可机构目前在物业贷款方面也更为克制。

36、Use the furnace control is the key, overheated is too thin easy to deform, cold shaping would not be too hard. ─── 使用时火候的控制是关键,过热则太稀易变形,冷了又会太硬无法塑形。

37、He was panting and felt overheated. ─── 他气喘吁吁,觉得非常热。

38、From the second half year of 2003, investment in fixed assets became overheated. ─── 2003年下半年开始,我国固定资产投资出现了又一轮过热。

39、The overheated pursuit of Wall Street of the collateralized debt obligation(CDO) and housing mortgage loan bond(MBS) has gradually pushed the Assets equity ratio higher. ─── 华尔街在对担保债务权证(CDO)和住房抵押贷款债券(MBS)的追逐中,逐渐形成更高的资产权益比率。

40、Burke sometimes shows an overheated, lyrical bent, and the extremes of Hurricane Katrina make it especially pronounced. ─── 伯克有时显示过热,一味抒情,而极端卡特里娜使其尤为突出。

41、For a period of time consumption was overheated. ─── 前一段消费过热

42、Tarring all with the mistakes of overheated Latvia, chaotic Ukraine or debt-sodden Hungary makes no sense. ─── 将所有过错都归咎于经济过热的拉脱维亚,混乱的乌克兰和不勘债务重负的匈牙利是不明智之举。

43、It is not allowed to store such equipment in a moist, overheated place or elsewhere with strong electromagnetic waves. ─── 不要将仪器放到潮湿、高热或者电磁波强的地方。

44、On his Gemini flight Cernan performed a difficult and pioneering spacewalk during which he became dangerously overheated. ─── 在其双子座飞行任务中,赛尔南实现了一次困难而具开创性的太空行走,而这期间他处于危险的过热状态。

45、EXAMPLE: Sales of automation equipment, such as machine drives, are also climbing as Chinese investment surges to levels that many economists say is overheated. ─── 例证:随着中国的投资急升至许多经济学家认为已经过热的水平,机械传动产品等自动化设备的销售也在攀升。

46、Don't sleep in an overheated room. ─── 不要在太热的屋子里睡觉。

47、The insulation of R4 grid was embrittled due to overheat, the grid is scrapped. ─── R4电阻绝缘层过度烧损,电阻栅报废。

48、Once tube wall is overheated, oxidation corrosion rate is not only accelerated, hut also the tube performance is rapidly deteriorated. ─── 一旦管壁过热不仅加速氧化腐蚀速率,且急剧恶化管材性能。

49、Insiders predict that with the overheated market, the price still has room for further reduction. ─── 内部人士预测虽然市场已经过热,但价格仍有一定的下降空间。

50、The blade core could have become overheated from a lack of sufficient water being applied to the blade or a lack of side clearance that results from uneven segment wear. ─── 叶片核心可能过热从缺乏足够的水用于刀片或清方缺乏不均造成部分佩戴。

51、Take all this together, and it begins to look not just overheated, but worryingly like the beginnings of a bubble. ─── 从上述种种因素来看,巴西经济看起来不仅仅是过热,而是像正在形成一个泡沫,这令人感到担忧。

52、These are used by several manufacturers of personal computers and other electronic devices and have been known to overheat. ─── 它们被一些生产商用于个人电脑和其他电子装置,并且一般都是会过热的。

53、Fumes dangerous to birds: smoke-filled air, insecticide spray, deodorizers, spray cleaners, fumes from fresh paint, gas, and overheated Teflon (very deadly). ─── 对鸟类有害的气体:充满尼古丁的空气,杀虫剂喷雾,防臭剂,乾洗喷雾,油漆气体,瓦斯及过热的聚四氟乙烯(即铁氟龙)(会致命)

54、Our previous considerations were to prevent a fast-growing economy from becoming overheated and to prevent the faster soaring prices from becoming obvious inflation. ─── 我们当前任务是阻止经济增长由快速转为过热,并阻止物价由飞涨转变为明显的通货膨胀。

55、And the same is true if we let much salt out through the skin when we get overheated. ─── 假使我们因受热过多从皮肤排出了大量的盐,情况同样如此。

56、The Chinese government is concerned that soaring prices might overheat the nation's economy and even threaten social stability. ─── 中国政府已经已经关注到房价持续偏高已经威胁了国家的经济甚至社会的稳定。

57、Whether or not such chatter is overheated, and whatever the demands of compassion, justice seems not to have been well-served. ─── 无论双方的谈话是否进行的非常热烈,无论有什么出于同情的要求,公平和正义在此似乎没有能够得到充分的体现。

58、My car overheated and broke down. ─── 我的汽车变得过热, 出了故障。

59、Bellick: We got a bunch of overheated cons getting loud in the A Wing.I don't blame them.It's an oven in there. ─── 我们在A区有一大堆头脑发热的家伙,这不能怪他们,那里就像个烤箱。

60、People were overheated by the robbers. ─── 人们被抢劫者激怒了。

61、If the Element is not able to dissipate heat energy equally in all directions, it may overheat and possibly fail. ─── 如果硅碳棒不能再各个方向上均匀散热,可能会导致部分区域受热过度乃至失败。

62、e. g. Measures must be taken to have the overheated economy cooled down. Otherwise, it would be out of control. ─── 如果再不采取果断措施给过热的经济降温,经济局面会失控。

63、Overheated metals may cast badly. ─── 加热过甚的金属可能难浇铸成型。

64、My engine tends to overheat on a hot day like this. ─── 我的引擎在这种熟天里常会湿度过高。

65、It doesn't break, jam or overheat. ─── 他不会损坏,卡壳,或是过热。

66、Too much oil to be leaking along the shaft and low drift, little overheated bearings burned to the accident! ─── 太少油要沿泵轴渗出并且漂贵,太长轴承又要功暖焚好形成事新!

67、The amount of heat required to bring the solder balls to melting temperature through topical application often will overheat the rework site and exceed recommended heating ramps. ─── 局部加热使得焊料球达到熔化温度所要求的热量,常常使返工区过热,且超出升温速率指导原则推荐的速率。

68、Running for home through the snowstorm, he got overheated and later got a chill. ─── 冒着暴风雪跑回家,他一身发热,过后又觉寒冷。

69、Don't overheat your environment. Sleep loves cold. Keep your bedroom cold but load up on blankets. ─── 不要把睡觉的环境弄得太暖和。睡眠喜欢冷空气。让你的卧室冷一些但是要盖好被子。

70、The engine and APU fire detection accessory unit M279, located in the E/E bay determines if a fire or overheat condition exists. ─── 发动机和APU火警探测组件M279,安装在电子设备舱,用于判断是否有失火或过热情况发生。

71、Argument that the two sides were already overheated Wu Jinglian, Fan steel, Lin Yifu and ideas but hot Li Yining, Xiao Zhuoji. ─── 争论的双方分别为主张已经过热的吴敬琏、樊钢、林毅夫和主张不过热的厉以宁、萧灼基。

72、Indeed, hydrogen produced by exposed and overheated fuel might have been the cause of it. ─── 当然,暴露在外的高温燃料所产生的氢气也可能是起火的原因。

73、We know that we had a global sell-off overseas and it was led by China and the worries about an overheated situation there. ─── 我们知道海外全球都发生了股市大跳水,而且这是由中国造成的,由对于在那里过热发展情况而带来忧虑的结果。

74、By waiting until the economy has overheated and is at risk of veering out of control, the need to act -- and act decisively -- has become more urgent. ─── 在经济已经过热、可能会失控的情况下,采取决定性的行动显得更加紧迫。传统的那些稳定宏观经济的办法,也不能解决中国目前的问题。

75、UTM formations may be accompanied by heat-induced cracking within these overheated areas that, if left in place, can propagate while in service. ─── UTM的形成可能是由于过热区内热损伤裂纹造成的,如果裂纹没有被及时处理,就会在实际使用过程中扩展。

76、This time, though, they will find it hard to do it: so overheated is the oil market that only Saudi Arabia has much surplus capacity. ─── 不过这一次没那么容易了:石油市场已达白热化,只有沙特还有更大的生产能力了。

77、Full auto sleep/ awake/ stop airflow/ cooling and auto overheat protection help energy save, environment protection and safety. ─── 全自动休眠/唤醒/风量停止/关机冷却等功能,及超温保护,省电环保,安全可靠。

78、The overheated engine was steaming over. ─── 引擎过热了,冒着蒸汽。

79、This had a short enough pulse duration to eliminate motion blur for the camera but wasn’t hot enough to cause the insects to overheat. ─── 它具有足够短的脉冲持续时间来消除运动模糊,而又不足以引起昆虫温度过高。

80、This principle can be used as a supplementary method to locate overheat spot in a transformer. ─── 总烃产气率法可作为在线测定变压器过热故障部位的一种辅助方法。

81、China's economy beginning to overheat? ─── 中国经济过热了吗?

82、You know, distasteful food, plainly-looking staff, noisy environment, overheated or overcooled rooms, all this will drive customers away. ─── 你知道,不可口的食物,面无表情的员工,噪杂的环境,过热或过冷的房间,这些都将驱使客户离开。

83、Some economists blame China itself for its inflationary woes, saying it has allowed the economy to overheat while keeping its currency low on the world foreign exchanges. ─── 一些经济学家认为,中国应为其通货膨胀问题承担责任。他们说,中国听任经济过热,同时压低人民币的比价。

84、Arrived 1993 2003, chinese economy has had antipodal macroscopical adjusting control two rounds, slant successfully to economic overheat and economy Leng Jin went to administer. ─── 1993年到2003年,中国经济进行过两轮正相反的宏观调控,都成功地对经济过热和经济偏冷进行了治理。

85、system overheated and filming had to stop. ─── 系统过热,拍摄工作不得不停下。

86、Care must also be taken to prevent silage from being overheated. ─── 另外,还应该注意防止青贮料温度过高。

87、The regional financial crisis which began in late 1997 triggered a correction in the overheated residential property market. ─── 一九九七年底出现的亚洲金融危机使到本港过热的住宅物业市场有所调整。

88、Overheated food either the drink will scald the mouth. ─── 过热的食物饮料会烫伤口腔。

89、During the whole working course,overheat water operates in a relatively sealing cyclical system,which has series of advantages. ─── 在整个工作过程上,过热水运行于一个相对封闭的循环系统。

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