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09-03 投稿



discussive 中文意思翻译



discussive 短语词组

1、discussive weighing ─── 讨论式称重

discussive 相似词语短语

1、dismissive ─── adj.轻蔑的,鄙视的,不加考虑的,不屑一顾的

2、discussible ─── adj.可讨论的;可议论的

3、discoursive ─── 话语的

4、discussives ─── 讨论者

5、discursive ─── adj.散漫的;离题的;东拉西扯的;无层次的

6、discursively ─── adv.东拉西扯地;推论地

7、discussion ─── n.讨论,议论

8、discussing ─── 论述

9、dissuasive ─── adj.劝诫的,劝阻的

discussive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I' ll discuss it with you whenever you like. ─── 你愿意什麽时候我就什麽时候和你商量这件事.

2、I never discuss this kind of things with anybody. ─── 我从不与别人讨论这类事情。

3、To discuss on the same topic is like coals to Newcastle. ─── 再讨论同样的题目未免多此一举。

4、I don't wish you to discuss this in this manner. ─── 我不希望你以这种方式跟我讨论此问题。

5、They had important matters to discuss. ─── 他们有些重要的问题要讨论。

6、Let's go on to discuss the question. ─── 咱们接着谈论另外一个问题吧。

7、Let's discuss how to do the matter. ─── 咱们来讨论一下如何做此事。

9、We don't discuss business at the table. ─── 我们不在餐桌上讨论公事。

10、I never discuss these things with strangers. ─── 我从来不和生人谈论这些事情。

11、Today, we are going to discuss tapers. ─── 今天我们学习圆锥体。

12、They said they had an important matter to discuss with you. ─── 他们说有要事与你相商。

13、Next week, we will discuss drying and smoking fish. ─── 应该译为“下周,我们将讨论烘干和熏制鱼肉”。

14、We don't discuss money even among the best friends. ─── 即使在好朋友之间我们也不谈论钱。

15、Did you discuss the plan they had handed in? ─── 他们交上来的计划你们讨论了吗?

16、With regard to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully. ─── 关於他的建议,我们将充分地讨论。

17、And discuss with them what they may share. ─── 商量分惠

18、Would you gather to discuss a better vision for our Singapore? ─── 你愿不愿意参与新加坡愿景的讨论?

19、They all oppose to discuss this problem. ─── 他们都反对讨论这个问题。

20、Discuss the importance of medical ethics. ─── 分组讨论医疗道德的重要性。

21、The lawyer invited the interested parties to discuss the problem. ─── 律师邀请有关的当事人一起商讨问题。

22、Discuss Classical art and Traditional art On China. ─── 中国的古典艺术和传统艺术的交流。

23、 双语使用场景

24、In regard to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully. ─── 关于他的建议,我们将充分地讨论。

25、He flatly refused to discuss the matter. ─── 他断然拒绝商讨这件事。

26、His suggestion is very good, but we'll have to keep it in cold storage until we have time to discuss it. ─── 他的建议非常好,但我们不得不把它暂时搁置,等到我们有时间时才能讨论。

27、To discuss repeatedly or at length; harp on. ─── 反复地或冗长地讨论;喋喋不休地讲。

28、Students discuss, and tell one's own idea. ─── 学生讨论,并说出自己的想法。

29、The committee held a session to discuss the proposed bill. ─── 委员会开会讨论提出的议案。

30、I shall discuss the question herein. ─── 在这里我将要讨论这个问题。

31、We will discuss both questions if time permits. ─── 如果时间允许,我们将把两个问题都讨论一下。

32、The brass hats in Washington often discuss important secrets. ─── 华盛顿的高级军事人员深沉讨论重要机密。

33、Let's hold a meeting to discuss the problem. ─── 咱们来开个会讨论这个问题吧。

34、This is hardly the time to discuss such matters. ─── 在现在讨论这事根本不合适。

35、We'll discuss it at the meeting next Friday. ─── 我们下星期五在会上讨论这个问题。

36、When are we going to discuss the matter[book]? ─── 我们什么时候讨论这个问题[这本书]?

37、You never discuss your love life with your parents. ─── 你从来不和你的父母讨论你的爱情生活。

38、But to discuss the topic was out of the question. ─── 但是谈论些事简直是不可能的.

39、As it was, we did discuss the plan. ─── 其实,我们的确讨论过这个计划。

40、I have no desire to discuss the question. ─── 我不想讨论这个问题。

41、He always display a certain reticence in discuss personal matter. ─── 他在谈论个人问题时总显得有些保留。

42、With regard to our quotation, we will discuss it later. ─── 关于我们的报价,以后再讨论。

43、They often discuss business in the evening. ─── 他们经常在晚上商谈生意。

44、Today we'll discuss the use of the article. ─── 今天我们讨论冠词的用法。

45、The national assembly has/have met to discuss the crisis. ─── 国民大会已对这一危机进行了讨论。

46、Lists topics that discuss how to parse strings. ─── 列出论述如何分析字符串的主题。

47、You need not discuss this matter with me . ─── 你不必和我讨论这件事。

48、Can you discuss your salary range with me? ─── 你能告诉我贵公司的薪水范围吗?

49、Naturally you will want to discuss it with your wife. ─── 当然,你要与你妻子讨论这事。

50、You will do well to discuss the matter with him. ─── 你还是与他商量一下这件事为好。

51、Mr. Wood refused to discuss the matter. ─── 伍德先生拒绝讨论这件事。

52、In this we do not discuss the losses. ─── 在这些事情上,我们很难讨论出个所以然来。

53、Mr. Brown,let's discuss the programme of a visit! ─── 布朗先生,让我们讲座来访的日程安排。

54、We will discuss that matter after lunch. ─── 午饭后我们要讨论那件事。

55、She was happy to discuss anything with him. ─── 她很高兴与他谈论任何事情。

56、Last month the leaders of the Big Three U.S. TV networks met to discuss the possibility of merger. ─── 上月美国三大电视网的首脑聚会讨论合并的可能性。

57、The cabinet meets tomorrow to discuss this problem. ─── 内阁明天将举行会议讨论这个问题。

58、Their unwillingness to discuss the problem is quite obvious. ─── 很显然,他们不愿谈论这一问题。

59、I'm not prepared to discuss this on the phone. ─── 我不想在电话里谈论此事。

60、A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program. ─── 专门小组聚在一起策划或讨论一个问题、裁判一场比赛或在无线电台或电视台小测验节目中充当一个队的一群人

61、Discuss the reason of the rising crime rate. ─── 分组讨论犯罪率升高的原因。

62、I don't discuss private matters with my colleagues. ─── 我不和同事谈私事.

63、We cannot discuss the details now for lack of time. ─── 因时间有限,我们现在无法讨论细节。

64、He came here on purpose to discuss it with you. ─── 他到这儿来是要与你讨论这事的。

65、His refusal to discuss the matter is very annoying. ─── 他拒绝商量这件事,令人很恼火。

66、It is which group is to have the first move that they will discuss tomorrow. ─── 他们明天所要讨论的问题是:哪一组先开个头。

67、They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow. ─── 他们明天将开会讨论这个问题。

68、He had to discuss knotty points of Rousseau and Hegel with her. ─── 他不得不和她讨论卢梭和黑格尔的那些深奥问题。

69、They're going to discuss it at the meeting next Friday. ─── 他们将在下周五的会上讨论这个问题。

70、No matter what the committee tries to discuss, even if it's only whether or not to paint the railings outside, Vera is always shouting the odds about the rights of women. ─── 不管委员会想讨论什么,即使只是讨论是否要油漆外面的栏杆,维拉也总是为争取妇女的权利而大声疾呼。

71、Well,I have to discuss these figures with my boss. ─── 噢,我必须跟我的老板讨论这些数字。

72、They discuss video games without end. ─── 他们没完没了地谈论电子游戏。

73、They will hold a council to discuss the proposal. ─── 他们将开会讨论这个建议。

74、She said she wanted to discuss our son's education with me, but she only tried to persuade me to remarry her all night. ─── 她说她想和我讨论我们儿子的教育问题,但是她整晚都在企图说服我再娶她。

75、He tried to pick a quarrel with me about it but I refused to discuss the matter. ─── 他极力想就那事找我的茬儿,但我绝不谈论此事。

76、Well,I suppose that's all we can discuss today. ─── 好吧,我想今天只能谈到这里。

77、He waited to discuss the terms with me. ─── 他留下和我讨论了条件。

78、I am afraid that I am not at liberty to discuss this matter. ─── 对不起,我无权讨论这个问题。

79、Can we discuss the packing today? ─── 我们今天谈一谈包装好吗?

80、But I am not going to discuss them today. ─── 我今天不说这方面的问题。

81、I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss my future. ─── 在他们讨论我的前途时,我恨不得能偷偷旁观。

82、We'll discuss both questions if time permits. ─── 如果时间允许,我们将把两个问题都讨论一下。

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