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09-03 投稿


bulwarks 发音

英:[?b?lw?rks]  美:[?b?lw?ks]

英:  美:

bulwarks 中文意思翻译




bulwarks 词性/词形变化,bulwarks变形

动词过去分词: bulwarked |动词过去式: bulwarked |动词第三人称单数: bulwarks |动词现在分词: bulwarking |

bulwarks 短语词组

1、bulwarks nsn ─── 防波堤nsn

2、bulwarks mean ─── 壁垒意味着

3、bulwarks boat ─── 舷墙船

4、bulwarks ship ─── 防波堤船

5、bulwarks define ─── 壁垒定义

6、bulwarks definition ─── 舷墙定义

7、bulwarks osrs ─── 舷墙

8、bulwarks defined ─── 确定的壁垒

bulwarks 相似词语短语

1、barks ─── n.[林]树皮;狗吠(bark的复数);v.剥(树皮);狗吠(bark的三单形式);n.(Barks)人名;(英)巴克斯

2、ballparks ─── n.(美)棒球场;活动领域;可变通范围;adj.大约的

3、bulwarked ─── n.壁垒;保障;防波堤;vt.保护;筑垒保卫

4、bull sharks ─── 牛鲨;白真鲨

5、tulwars ─── n.弯刀,曲刀

6、pulwars ─── 粉

7、bulwarking ─── n.壁垒;保障;防波堤;vt.保护;筑垒保卫

8、bulwark ─── n.壁垒;保障;防波堤;vt.保护;筑垒保卫

9、b quarks ─── b夸克

bulwarks 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、High industrial bulwark, possible profit forecast, and low demand income elasticity ─── 产业的壁垒较高,又可预测利润,需求收入弹性低

2、He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge;His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. ─── 他必用自己的翎毛遮蔽你.你要投靠在他的翅膀底下.他的诚实、是大小的盾牌。

3、How can we build a bulwark in such a short time? ─── 一时三刻怎能建好瓮城?

4、Medium 'solace' I Remote Bulwark Reconstruction ─── 中型抚慰I遥控壁垒重造装置

5、And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. ─── 15又在耶路撒冷使巧匠作机器,安在城楼和角楼上,用以射箭发石。

6、QING: bulwark duke (the 6th highest title of imperial nobility) ─── 奉恩辅国公

7、13 Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces; that ye may tell it to the generation following. ─── 13细看他的外郭、察看他的宫殿、为要传说到后代。

8、An Economic Analysis of the International Green Bulwark and Study of Counter-measure ─── 国际绿色壁垒的经济学分析及对策研究

9、The data standardization and normalization for urban planning is effective guarantee for realizing and generalizing the electronic approval system, and an effective solution to" information bulwark". ─── 城市规划数据的标准化和规范化是电子报批系统得以实现和推广的重要保障,是解决"信息壁垒"的很好方法。

10、topside(above scantling draught),include outside of bulwark. ─── 干舷(结果吃上线以上)包括舷墙外表面:

11、There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it: ─── 14就是有一小城,其中的人数稀少,有大君王来攻击,修筑营垒,将城围困。

12、Wind deflector shall be fitted on top of bulwark at both wings outside wheelhouse according to approved drawing. ─── 依照认证图纸,在驾驶室外部两翼舷墙顶部安装挡风板。

13、Before World War II, the French regarded their Maginot Line as an impregnable bulwark against a German invasion. ─── 二战前,法国人认为他们的马其诺防线是不可攻破的堡垒,足以防御德国人的入侵。

14、He merely wished to bring the world to ruin, to build for himself a throne whose bulwark would be human fear. ─── 他只想毁灭这个世界,以人类的恐惧为基础,建起他自己的王座。

15、In fact,venery is to be blamed for this state of loss,both the literal loss of the dead child and for the lost childhood,corrupted early by the love of money and the belief that it constituted a bulwark against sin. ─── 实际上,这一缺失状态是因为欲望,死去的孩子和失去的童年皆源于斯,童年资本家早早地因喜爱金钱和认为金钱能防治罪恶而开始堕落。

16、a bulwark against racism ─── 坚决反对种族主义者

17、4 Thy neck, is as the tower of David, which is built with bulwarks: a thousand bucklers hang upon it, all the armour of valiant men. ─── 你的颈项宛如达味的宝塔,建筑如堡垒,悬有上千的盾牌,都是武士的利器。

18、He looked upon it for a moment, thrusting forth his under jaw, tried the point upon his hand, and then, hastily concealing it in the bosom of his jacket, trundled back again into his old place against the bulwark. ─── 他翘起下巴将刀子看了一会儿,用手试了试刀尖,立刻将它藏在上衣怀里,然后重新爬回到舷椅旁的老地方。

19、14 Draw thee water for the siege, build up thy bulwarks: go into the clay, and tread, work it and make brick. ─── 你应吸水防备围困,应巩固你的堡垒,踏黏土,踩胶泥,紧握砖型。

20、Large 'solace' I Remote Bulwark Reconstruction ─── 大型抚慰I遥控壁垒重造装置

21、With all my strength, I plucked myself clear of him and ran to the bulwarks. ─── 我拚命用全力挣脱了船长的手臂,向船舷奔去。

22、How will the agricultural product export face the broad technique bulwarks ─── 农产品出口如何面对国外技术壁垒

23、"We have seen the necessity of the Union, as our bulwark against foreign danger" (James Madison) ─── “我们已看到联盟的必要性,就如同建立用来抵御敌国入侵危险的壁垒一样必要”(詹姆斯·麦迪逊)

24、The Citadel; The Bulwark ─── 堡垒

25、“The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty” (George Mason). ─── “出版自由是自由最有力的保障之一”(乔治•梅森)

26、Are you better than No-amon, Who sat beside the canals With waters all around her, Whose bulwark was the sea And water was her wall? ─── 8你岂比挪亚们强么?挪亚们坐落在众河渠之间,周围有水;海作她的屏障,水作她的城墙。

27、The new international trade bulwark in farm produce and its countermeasure ─── 农产品国际贸易新壁垒及对策

28、Opposition to renewal in part came from Anti-Federalists -notably Thomas Jefferson-who saw the Bank as a bulwark of big government, concentrated economic power. ─── 反对意见部分来自反联邦党人士,特别是托马斯·杰斐逊,他们将美利坚第一银行视为捍卫大政府与经济集权的堡垒。

29、1 In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. ─── 1当那日在犹大地人必唱这歌说、我们有坚固的城.耶和华要将救恩定为城墙、为外郭。

30、freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty. ─── 新闻自由是自由最大的保障之一。

31、18 Come down from thy glory, and sit in thirst, O dwelling of the daughter of Dibon: because the spoiler of Moab is come up to thee, he hath destroyed thy bulwarks. ─── 住在狄朋的女儿!你该由荣耀中下来,坐在干地上,因为蹂躏摩阿布者已前来攻击你,摧毁你的要塞。

32、A means of protection or defense; a bulwark. ─── 保护保护或防御的方法;保障

33、Peace be within your bulwarks, And prosperity within your citadels. ─── 7愿你城中平安,愿你宫内兴旺。

34、Factors for the Formation of Green Trade Bulwark under Framework of WTO and Their Anti-strategies ─── WTO框架下的绿色贸易壁垒的成因与策略

35、In America, the bulwark of free enterprise, and in Britain, the pioneer of privatisation, financial firms have had to accept rescue and part-ownership by the state. ─── 在美国,作为自由企业的堡垒,在英国,作为私有化的先锋,这些金融公司不得不接受政府拯救,并容许政府拥有部分股份。

36、The welded seam of one stiffener on bulwark in way of std frame No.66 broken. ─── 如:连接甲板与舵角限制器三角板的焊缝断裂。

37、"The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty" (George Mason). ─── “出版自由是自由最有力的保障之一” (乔治·梅森)。

38、Without free-floating exchange rates, countries lose one of their most powerful bulwarks against a downturn. ─── 缺少了自由浮动的汇率,各国丧失了他们对抗低迷时期最有力的一个防御工事。

39、The technology trade bulwark which mostly content are technology statute, technology standard, and technology regular program assess become a major instrument to adjust the trade benefit of the world. ─── 以技术法规、技术标准和合格评定程序为主要内容的技术性贸易壁垒经成为世界各国调整贸易利益的重要手段。

40、Platform can be accessed from both side of wing bulwark. ─── 平台可以从驾驶室两翼舷墙进入。

41、"Even in his absence," Sen.Obama wrote, "his strong image had given me some bulwark on which to grow up, an image to live up to, or disappoint. ─── 奥巴马写道,即使在他不在我身边,他强大的形像也使我的成长有了坚强的堡垒,我要么无愧于他,不然就会令他失望。

42、"The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty" (George Mason). ─── “出版自由是自由最有力的保障之一”(乔治·梅森)。

43、The work of the Second International consisted in creating just such bulwarks during the epoch when it was still fulfilling its progressive historic labor. ─── 当第二国际还在进行进步的历史事业的时期,它正是致力于建设这样的堡垒。

44、And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. ─── 15又在耶路撒冷使巧匠作机器,安在城楼和角楼上,用以射箭发石。

45、A bulwark against despair, a anctuary of freedom, a subversive counterforce. ─── 它是抵挡绝望的壁垒,是捍卫自由的圣地,也是反政府的颠覆力量。

46、I Large 'Arup' I Remote Bulwark Reconstruction ─── 大型阿拉普I遥控壁垒重造装置

47、Consider carefully her bulwarks; Pass between her palaces; That you may recount it to the generation following. ─── 13当细看她的外郭,巡察她的宫殿,为要传述给后代。

48、If she be a wall: let us build upon it bulwarks of silver: if she be a door, let us join it together with boards or cedar. ─── 她若是墙,我们就在上面建造银垛她若是门,我们就用香柏木闩来关锁。

49、When the young man on board saw this person approach, he left his station by the pilot, and, hat in hand, leaned over the ship's bulwarks. ─── 大船上的那个青年看见了来人,就摘下帽子,从领港员身旁离开并来到了船边。

50、stern trawler A trawler where nets are retrieved from the stern with a derrick or gantry, up a ramp, over a roller or over the bulwark. ─── 尾拖捞船在船尾具有转臂起重机或起重台,可将网具提升至斜面,经过滚筒或舷墙以取回网具的一种拖捞船。

51、When the young man on board saw this person approach, he left his station by the pilot, and, hat in hand, leaned over the ship's bulwarks ─── 大船上的那个青年看见了来人,就摘下帽子,从领港员身旁离开并来到了船边,他是一个身材瘦长的青年,年龄约莫有十九岁左右的样子,有着一双黑色的眼睛和一头乌黑的头发

52、Bulwarks shall be set on the upper deck, forecastle deck, navigation deck and compass deck as general arrangement plan according to the Builder's standard and practice. . ─── 依照总布置图所示和造船方的标准和惯例在艏楼甲板、驾驶甲板,罗经甲板上设置舷墙。

53、And these bulwarks of workers” democracy within the bourgeois state are absolutely essential for taking the revolutionary road. ─── 但是,资产阶级国家内部的工人民主的堡垒,是走向革命道路所绝对必要的。

54、You also erode your bond with your internist, who is the single most important bulwark against disease in your life. ─── 你可能还会损害免疫细胞,它们可是身体抵御疾病入侵最重要的壁垒。

55、Antidumping advocates hail the law as a bulwark against unfair trade practices abroad. ─── 反倾销法律的拥护者认为它是阻止国外不公正贸易行为的壁垒。

56、That said, many long-standing dollar bulwarks are looking weaker. ─── 就是说,很多长期支持美元的壁垒开始变得弱小。

57、There was only one thing in the world that was a certain bulwark against any calamity which fate could bring, and that was money. ─── 世界上只有一种东西,一种能抵抗命运带来任何灾难的可靠保障,那就是金钱。

58、There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it: ─── 就是有一小城,其中的人数稀少,有大君王来攻击,修筑营垒,将城围困。

59、His name may be still a rampart, and the knowledge that he lives a bulwark, against all open or secret enemies of his country's peace. ─── 他的名字仍将时一道防线,他的长寿仍将是一座堡垒,可以抗击一切危害美国和平的公开或隐蔽的敌人。

60、Progress of Bulwark Replacement Technology on Cosmetic Toxicity Testing ─── 化妆品毒性检验壁垒性替代技术的研究进展

61、Before World War II, the French thought their Magnet Line as an invincible bulwark against German invasion. ─── 二战之前,法国认为他们的玛格涅特防线是对抗德国入侵不可攻破的壁垒。

62、Small 'solace' I Remote Bulwark Reconstruction ─── 小型抚慰I遥控壁垒重造装置

63、hands , who was not so far up , was , in consequence , nearer to the ship , and fell between me and the bulwarks. ─── 汉兹刚才爬得不高,或是说离甲板不远,因此掉在我和舷墙之间的水里。

64、From the resort you may admire the enchanting rolling Chianti Hills, a natural bulwark that runs along the border between the upper Valdarno Area and the Siena area. ─── Located in a beautiful area of the Arno Valley, the Chiena 度假村 酒店 is in the heart of Tuscany and few kilometres away from the Florence.

65、The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people,and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over its government(Franklin D.Roosevelt. ─── 唯一能保持持久和平的真正武器是一个能保护国民利益的强大政府和一个能保持对政府的主权控制的强大民族(富兰克林·D·罗斯福)。

66、Now the general is the bulwark of the State; ─── 夫将者,国之辅也。

67、Conservatives, including non-believers, also consider a church led by Pope Benedict to be a stout bulwark against Islamic fundamentalism. ─── 保守派,包括无信仰派,也将本笃教宗领导的教会看成对抗伊斯兰原教旨主义者的坚固堡垒。

68、The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark. ─── 士兵们保持头低低地在堡垒的后面。

69、Now the general is the Bulwark of the State; if the Bulwark is complete at all points; the State will be strong; if the Bulwark is defective, the State will be weak. ─── 夫将者,国之辅也。辅周则国必强,辅隙则国必弱。

70、How to Cope with New Trade Bulwark in Chinese Costume Export ─── 如何应对我国服装出口中的新贸易壁垒

71、and just as I gave the last impulsion, my hands came across a light cord that was trailing overboard across the stern bulwarks. ─── 正当我划下最后一桨时,我的手碰到了一根从大船后舷桔上挂下来的细绳子。

72、The aft std bulwark plating hanged overboard into water. ─── 如:右舷尾部舷墙板悬挂在水中。

73、Israel Hands propped against the bulwarks, his chin on his chest, his hands lying open before him on the deck, his face as white, under its tan, as a tallow candle. ─── 伊斯利尔 - 汉兹靠着船舷坐在那里,下巴抵着前胸,双手掌心朝上摊在他面前的甲板上,棕色的面孔像牛油烛一般苍白。

74、When the young man on board saw this person approach,he left his station by the pilot,and,hat in hand,leaned over the ship's bulwarks. ─── 大船上的那个青年看见了来人,就摘下帽子,从领港员身旁离开并来到了船边。

75、Blodgett College is on the edge of Minneapolis it is a bulwark of sound religion. ─── 布格杰特学院座落在明尼阿波利斯的近郊,它是正统宗教的堡垒。

76、Break the Old Bulwark with New Thinking ─── 冲破壁垒产业共赢

77、Even then I was still so much interested waiting for the ship to touch, that I had quite forgot the peril that hung over my head, and stood craning over the starboard bulwarks and watching the ripples spreading wide before the bows. ─── 即使在船已经搁浅后,我仍然非常兴奋,等待着大船碰到沙滩,而且我竟然忘了危险近在咫尺,站在右舷旁探出身子去看那些在船头划开的涟漪。

78、The traditional scientific way of thinking makes the bulwark of the subjects, which acts against the oneness of the world itself. ─── 传统科学思维范式造成的学科壁垒,从根本上违反了世界的统一性要求。

79、Our people's support is a bulwark against the enemy. ─── 人民的支持就是抗拒敌人的堡垒。

80、Switzerland is also trying to rebuild its reputation as a financial fortress by beefing up the capital bulwarks of its biggest banks. ─── 瑞士也正试图通过加强其最大银行的资本壁垒来重建其作为金融堡垒的声誉。

81、Almighty Computer Level Communication Bulwark, Wireless Communication Build Delicacy Life ─── 全能计算夷平沟通壁垒无线通信建构精致生活

82、The capture of power by Iraq's long-oppressed Shias is perceived as having, for the first time in history, removed the main Arab bulwark against Persian expansion. ─── 伊拉克长期受到压迫的什叶派夺取了权力这一事实被视为有史以来第一次拔除了阿拉伯抵抗波斯扩张的主要壁垒。

83、Bulwark attachment plates, with stanchion bases and chainplates being welded on. ─── 堡垒附着板,与stanchion基地和chainplates正在焊接的。

84、Many Americans would assume that China's recent history of trade surpluses would be its bulwark during a recession. ─── 很多美国人认为中国近代史上的贸易盈余将作为堡垒支持她渡过经济不景气。

85、The soldiers kept theirs heads down behind the bulwark. ─── 士兵们低头隐蔽在堡垒的后面。

86、So such an approach is a bulwark against extremism but it is also a civilising force in a future in which Western economic and political weight will be less than hitherto. ─── 因此,在未来,尽管西方的政治经济地位远不如今日,仍会有一个坚实的堡垒,伫立在极端主义面前,推动世界的文明与开化。

87、collapsible bulwark ─── 可收舷墙

88、And if we expect the IAEA to be a bulwark of the nonproliferation regime, we must give it the resources necessary to do the job. ─── 如果我们期望国际原子能机构成为不扩散体制的一个堡垒,我们就必须让它获得做好这项工作的必要资源。

89、Surgery and X-irradiation nevertheless remain the bulwarks of cancer treatment throughout the world. ─── 外科手术和X射线疗法依然是全世界治疗癌症的主要方法。

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