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09-03 投稿



dateless 发音

英:[?de?tl?s]  美:[?de?tl?s]

英:  美:

dateless 中文意思翻译



dateless 相似词语短语

1、hateless ─── adj.不憎恶的,不憎恨的

2、casteless ─── adj.没有社会阶级的;(在印度)不属于任何阶级的

3、bateless ─── 无精打采的

4、gateless ─── 无门的

5、mateless ─── 无配偶

6、sateless ─── adj.贪得无厌的,不知足的

7、grateless ─── 无耻的

8、hasteless ─── 匆忙的

9、datedness ─── 日期

dateless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste: Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow, For precious friends hid in death's dateless night ─── 带着旧恨,重新哭蹉跎的时光;于是我可以淹没那枯涸的眼,为了那些长埋在夜台的亲朋

2、Being dateless on New Year's Eve is proof positive of a person's social and sexual undesirability. ─── 除夕时没有约会是社交上不受欢迎,而且缺乏性魅力的铁证。

3、The Party' s revolutionary spirits are not outdated, but rather dateless with great spiritual values. ─── 党的革命精神并没有过时,而是历久弥新,具有巨大的精神价值。

4、two dateless friends hanging out at the ball together? ─── 两个不再约会的朋友一起参加舞会?。

5、in a phone less , dateless , amish existence. ─── 没有电话,没有约会,象阿门宗派一样的生活。

6、Need Object Dateless as Need Oases in Desert ─── 永久的依赖它将感受到置身沙漠绿洲中的清凉

7、after leaving, will us having gather soon? or a year or dateless ? ─── 分离后,我们还会重聚吗?不久,一年,还是无期?

8、A dateless bargain to engrossing death! 6 u3 ]! b2 }- ? D. ─── 跟贪婪的死神订立一份永久的合同!

9、"the dateless rise and fall of the tides";"time is endless"; ─── 注释列句:having no known beginning and presumably no end;

10、the dateless rise and fall of the tides; time is endless; sempiternal truth ─── 永恒的潮起潮落;时间是无穷的;永恒的真理

11、20 pence coins.An error by the Royal Mint in Britain has seen the issue of tens of thousands of 'dateless' 20 pence coins -- driving their value up to 50 poundseach, a collector said Monday。 ─── 一名收藏者于本周一称,英国皇家铸币局近日酿成大错,数万枚20便士硬币被漏印铸造时间,这导致错币的身价飙升至每枚50英镑。

12、after leaving, will us having gather soon? or a year or dateless? ─── 分离后,我们还会重聚吗?不久,一年,还是无期?

13、At the end of the program, when the Korean and I both picked Miss Chongqing, an American-born Chinese woman was left dateless. ─── 在节目最后,当那名韩国人和我都选中重庆小姐时,一名美籍华裔女嘉宾却被晾在一旁。

14、Unbranded and dateless product by a nameless factory/undated(or dateless)product by an unaddressed (nameless)factory ─── 三无产品

15、Which borrowd from this holy fire of LoveA dateless lively heat, still to endure,And grew a seething bath, which yet men proveAgainst strange maladies a sovereign cure. ─── 泉水,既从这神圣的火炬得来一股不灭的热,就永远在燃烧,变成了沸腾的泉,一直到现在还证实具有起死回生的功效。

16、6.Waiting, dateless waiting without end, and in the end, the last chance of this century to dash to the Olympics became a visionary hope. ─── 等待,无期限的漫长的等待,结果本世纪最后一次的冲击奥运会的机会都成 为了泡影。

17、53. few characters are so dateless as Hamlet; Helen's timeless beauty. ─── 很少有人物像哈姆莱特一样是永恒的;海伦永恒的美丽。

18、Antigone represents "family values" but at the same time something "deeper" (if not higher), connected with religion, the unwritten dateless laws. ─── 安提冈尼代表的“家族价值”,也更深层(如果不算更高)的接触到宗教面,一种非成文的、不知何时颁布的法律。

19、A dateless bargain to engrossing death! ─── 贪婪的死神订立一份永久的契约!

20、For precious friends hid in death's dateless night, ─── 为爱友逝于无期的长夜

21、Being dateless on New Year's Eve is proof positive of a person's social and sexual undesirability. ─── 除夕时没有约会是社交上不受欢迎,而且缺乏性魅力的铁证。

22、A dateless bargain to engrossing death. ─── 贪婪的死神订立一份永久的合同!

23、A dateless lively heat still to endure, ─── 一股不灭的热,就永远在燃烧,

24、Nobody has rights borrow the book dateless. ─── 任何人都没有权利无限期地借阅这本书。

25、A dateless bargain to engrossing death! ─── 跟贪婪的死神订立一份永久的合同!

26、the right has dateless nature;the right can be issued only after registration. ─── 权利本身具有无期性以及登记获权性。

27、to his delight, Seth is paired with the dateless Summer (recurring guest star RACHEL BILSON); ─── 顾玛莎则会与小心眼的男友胡洛携手出席舞会,但结果却出人意表。

28、the dateless rise and fall of the tides; time is endless; sempiternal truth. ─── 永恒的潮起潮落;时间是无穷的;永恒的真理。

29、As if for a dateless date Year in and year out I've been in a long wait Beside a gingkgo tree ─── 好像赴一个无期的约会年复一年我久久等待在一棵银杏树边

30、An error by the Royal Mint in Britain has seen the issue of tens of thousands of 'dateless' 20 pence coins -- driving their value up to 50 pounds (60 euros, 80 dollars) each, a collector said Monday. ─── 一名收藏者于本周一称,英国皇家铸币局近日酿成大错,数万枚20便士硬币被漏印铸造时间,这导致错币的身价飙升至每枚50英镑(合60欧元或80美元)。

31、And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste: Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow, For precious friends hid in death's dateless night, ─── 带着旧恨,重新哭蹉跎的时光;于是我可以淹没那枯涸的眼,为了那些长埋在夜台的亲朋

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