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hermit 发音

英:['h??m?t]  美:['h?m?t]

英:  美:

hermit 中文意思翻译



hermit 网络释义

n. (尤指宗教原因的)隐士;隐居者

hermit 短语词组

1、hermit of loreto ─── 洛雷托隐士

2、hermit crab n. ─── 寄生蟹

3、hermit app ─── 隐士应用程序

4、Bronzy Hermit ─── 冷静的隐士

5、hermit purple ─── 隐士紫

6、Tawny-bellied Hermit ─── 心腹的隐士

7、hermit gang ─── 隐士帮

8、detached hermit god ─── 超然隐士神

9、hermit recap ─── 隐士重述

10、Minute Hermit ─── 小隐士

11、hermit thrush ─── [鸟类]隐居鸫(Hylocichla guttata,产于北美洲)

12、the hermit crab ─── 寄居蟹

13、crenel hermit ─── 隐士

14、the hermit ─── 隐者

15、hermit definition ─── 隐士定义

16、hermit tarot ─── 隐士塔罗牌

17、hermit crab association.com ─── 寄居蟹协会网站

18、Reddish Hermit ─── 变红的隐士

hermit 词性/词形变化,hermit变形

副词: hermitically |形容词: hermitic |

hermit 相似词语短语

1、hermits ─── n.隐士(hermit复数)

2、thermic ─── adj.热的;由热造成的;热量的

3、hermitic ─── adj.遁世的;与世隔绝的

4、Thermite ─── n.[化工]铝热剂;灼热剂

5、Thermit ─── n.灼热剂,铝热剂

6、termite ─── n.[昆]白蚁

7、permits ─── 许可;许可证

8、permit ─── vi.许可;允许;vt.许可;允许;n.许可证,执照

9、hermitry ─── n.(尤指宗教原因的)隐士;隐居者(hermit的变形)

hermit 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tang Dynasty hermit, is a commoner to wait before entering political stratum, but also scholars were dismissed from office after the first or after the election officer to wait. ─── 唐代的隐士,是布衣入仕前的等待,也是读书人得第后或罢官后的选官的等待。

2、He is tired of the ways of the world and wants desperately to live the life of a hermit. ─── 他早已厌倦了那些复杂的人情世故,想要遁世隐居。

3、He was the advocator of immigration literature, country literature, hermit literature and folk literature. Koxinga treated him with honor. ─── 就题材而言,他是移民文学、乡愁文学、遗民文学、隐逸文学、乡土文学、民俗文学的首倡者。

4、Feeling lonely and desperate in life , the penniless old hermit hoped that he would kick the bucket in a peaceful way . ─── 对生活感到孤独绝望,这位身无分文的老隐士希望以一种平和的方式了结一生。

5、Hermit Writers in the Song Dynasty: Their View of Freedom Value ─── 宋代隐士作家的自由价值观

6、The communal life of monasteries eventually tempered the austerities of the hermit's life. ─── 后来修道院的集体生活改变了隐士的严峻生活方式。

7、"The Fruit of the Tree," "The Hermit and the Wild Woman" and "Artemis to Actaeon. ─── 不论怎样说,像她那样的人,总是不合时宜 的。

8、So no matter what the world now does to punish North Korea for its underground test on October8 th, Kim Jong Il's hermit kingdom is likely to hang grimly on to its bomb. ─── 不论国际社会对10月8日朝方地下核实验采取什么样的制裁措施,金正日的独立王国很可能一意孤行,坚持开发核武器。

9、The cave was inhabited by a hermit. ─── 以前曾有一个隐士居住在这个洞穴里。

10、These hermit crabs strike fear into the hearts of seated airline passengers whenever they board, because their shells invariably bang into innocent shins all the way to their seat. ─── “寄居蟹”一旦坐飞机,总是会让乘客们心惊肉跳,因为他们的“壳”老是会扎到傍边无辜群众的脚面上。

11、About a Group of Identity of Hermit Multinomial ─── 关于埃尔米特多项式的一组恒等式

12、Lu, also known as Lu Wanli, due to the early Han Dynasty, one of the Lu Shan Sihao Mr. hermit named after this; Yali, the Ming and Qing at a guerrilla camp in Taihu Lake in this Yashu named. ─── 甪里亦称甪湾里,因汉初商山四皓之一的甪里先生隐居于此而得名;衙里,因明、清时有太湖营游击衙署设在此而得名。

13、The hermit's secret died with him. ─── (喻)隐士的秘密随着他的死亡而消失了。

14、His life of being an officer and a hermit and his mentality showed that in the Eastern Jin Dynasty scholars always chose to be an officer or a hermit and all cared about the fate of their clan. ─── 其仕隐生活及心态表明 :其时仕隐都是个人自愿的选择 ,都考虑到家族命运 ;

15、Catherine nicknamed her collection "my hermitage" (meaning hermit home), because only she and the mice got to see it. ─── 叶卡捷琳娜把她的收藏戏称为"我的爱尔米塔什"(意即隐士的居所),因为只有她和老鼠们才能见到它们。

16、becoming an official or a hermit ─── 出处

17、For multiple caves there is that complex of caves at Hermit's Hill that communicate with each other, making it impossible to say how many caves there indeed are. ─── 多的如隐山诸洞,相互沟通,数也数不清。

18、This would be all right if I were a hermit, but since I enjoy the company of others, I prefer to be an "early bird. " ─── 我若是个隐士这一切还好,但是既然我喜欢与人相处,我更愿意当一只“早起的鸟儿”。

19、He left the monastery and subsequently lived as a hermit for six years. ─── 他离开了修道院,然后隐居了六年。

20、The traditional hermit culture has an important influence upon the development of the literator gardening. ─── 传统的隐逸文化对文人园林的发展有着重要影响。

21、Hermit activity is both means of religious practice and a fulfilling aesthetic lifestyle, which reaches the harmony between religious and aesthetic experiences. ─── “隐逸”行为既是一种宗教修炼的手段,又是一种至乐的审美生活方式,达到了宗教与审美交融和谐的生命境界。

22、Then a hermit, who visited the city once a year, came forth and said, speak to us of pleasure. ─── 之后,一位每年访问该城市一次的隐士说,请给我们谈谈快乐的事情.

23、In this session, we will discuss many small animals such as salamanders, hamsters, brine shrimps and hermit crabs with the students. ─── 在这一个科学体验日里,我们会介绍一些动物给同学认识,例如:蝾螈、鼠、年虾和寄居蟹等。

24、Jiang Ziya lived as a hermit by Weishui River. ─── 姜子牙高卧渭水河。

25、Late in the political despair, the idea of thinking before transferring to predominate Hermit birth, born with Confucian thinking. ─── 后期,在政治上绝望之后,道家的出世隐逸思想才转占主要地位,同时兼有儒家出世思想。

26、The young man thanked the hermit, but he was concerned.What would happen if he burned the snakeskin? ─── 年轻人谢过了老隐士,但是他也在琢磨着,烧了蛇皮以后会怎么样呢?

27、piecewise cubic Hermit interpolating ─── 分段三次Hermit插值

28、Any of various similar related crustaceans, such as the hermit crab or the king crab. ─── 寄居蟹任一种与其类似的甲壳纲动物,例如寄居蟹或蜘蛛蟹

29、The articles have omitted an essential point: before “city hermit” posted the information on web, the bank run had already happened. ─── 但文章中完全没有提及或避开一个核心重点:”城市隐者”在讨论区发出有关消息之前,挤提已出现;

30、A hermit is walking with a cane in his hand among the plum trees and watching delightedly his attendant dancing with the crane. ─── 图绘一隐士拄杖游憩于一片梅林之中,笑看书童与仙鹤相向对舞。

31、Hermit crab special say nervously: "Langouste, can you also abandon the incrustation that protects him body exclusively how? are you afraid of big fish eats off you readily? ─── 借居蟹非常紧张地说:“龙虾,你怎可以把唯一保护自己身躯的硬壳也放弃呢?难道你不怕有大鱼一口把你吃掉吗?

32、You'd have to do that if you was a hermit. ─── 如果你是隐士,你就得这么做。

33、A glowing hermit crab tentatively peeks out of its coral burrow in Palau. ─── 在帕劳,一只通红的的寄居蟹试探性地从它的珊瑚洞穴往外窥视。

34、Vainly facing the hermit in sparkling snow-clad hills ─── "空对着,山中高士晶莹雪"

35、Anthony of Egypt, who established an early form of Christian monasticism in the 4th century, and the pillar hermit Simeon Stylites. ─── 其他著名的隐士包括埃及的圣安东尼,他在4世纪时建立了基督教修行的早期形式,以及柱头修士圣西门。

36、A mountain man who wishes to live the life of a hermit becomes the unwilling object of a long vendetta by Indians when he proves to be the match of their warriors in one-to-one combat on the early frontier. ─── 厌倦城市的杰诺米强生,决定前往宁静的洛矶山,体验亲近自然的生活,在山中的第一个冬几乎要他的命,在饥寒交迫下遇见山中的老猎人,他从老猎人身上学到人与人相处之道。

37、Anyone who has tried to remove a hermit crab from its shell will know how tenacious these creatures can be. ─── 任何一个试图把寄生蟹从它壳里移走的人都会知道这种生物粘得有多么的牢。

38、Returning to the weather example, a hermit may perhaps not have access to direct weather observations, but does have a piece of seaweed. ─── 回到天气的例子,一个隐士可能没有办法直接观察到天气,但是他有一片海藻。

39、Being and official, he was also a hermit. ─── 他亦官亦隐,既入世存身,又清心、救心。

40、He turned swiftly tosee standing beside him an ancient man in the garb of a hermit with long matted hair and tangled beard. ─── 他赶紧转过身,看见旁边站着一位古时候的人,归隐者装束,头发又长又乱,胡子也蓬成一团。

41、He was the advocator of immigration literature, country literature, hermit literature and folk literature. Koxinga treated him with honor. ─── 就题材而言,他是移民文学、乡愁文学、遗民文学、隐逸文学、乡土文学、民俗文学的首倡者。

42、The other classmates ran around and found hermit crabs and fiddler crabs for us to see. ─── 其他的同学则在外面找寄居蟹和招潮蟹给我们看。


44、The hiker meets the only truly happy inhabitant in the area, a lone shepherd hermit. ─── 年轻人在这个地方见到的唯一一个真正快乐的居民是一个孤独的牧羊隐士。

45、He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office. ─── 他被解职後成了隐士。

46、Run away! Well, you would be a nice old slouch of a hermit. ─── “一走了之!哼,说得真好,那你就成了一个道道地地的懒汉隐士,

47、It appeared that the hermit had lived by himself on this remote and tiny island for thirty years, and when opportunity occurred provisions were sent to him by kindly souls. ─── 原来,这位隐士已在那个偏僻而极小的岛上独自生活了30年之久。 一有机会,一些好心人就给他捎些吃的。

48、The young man watches in wonder as the hermit wordlessly and idiotically spends his days poking acorns one by one into the moonscape. ─── 年轻人惊奇地看着这位隐士整天默默无语,白痴似的把橡子一粒粒戳进月球表面似的荒山。

49、Chinese ancient landscape poetry was in natural connections with hermit culture. ─── 中国古代山水诗与隐士文化有着天然联系。

50、Even the last hermit in his cave will have found out by now that just saving his precious hide has become a very precarious endeavour, indeed. ─── 就连最后一个洞里的隐居者现在也已经发现要保护他那宝贵的隐藏之地确实都成了很危险的任务。

51、"Try to sleep," said Sue."I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old hermit miner. ─── “你睡一会吧,”苏说道,“我得下楼把贝尔门叫上来,给我当那个隐居的老矿工的模特儿。

52、Person who chooses to live completely alone; hermit ─── 喜欢完全独居的人;隐士

53、The Bishop of Canterbury reproaches Mordred for his usurpation and would-be incest, and when Mordred tries to kill him, he flees and becomes a hermit. ─── 坎特贝利的大主教斥责摩瑞篡位及乱伦,摩瑞要杀他时,他也逃走且从此隐居。

54、However, it's unrealistic to live like a hermit among rivers and mountains. ─── 不过,它的不切实际的生活像一个隐士之间的山山水水。

55、A small, humble abode, such as a hermit's cave or hut. ─── 小的隐居处所狭小、简陋的住所,比如隐士的山洞或棚屋

56、but you mustn't become a hermit. ─── 但你不能变成一个隐士。

57、the view about being an official or a hermit ─── 仕隐现

58、The true hermit is a rare aberration. ─── 真正的隐士是一种罕见的反常现象。

59、The hermit muttered, "So--his heart is happy". ─── 隐士自言自语道:“哼——他的心里倒是快乐的。”

60、Hermit Sooner or later, the Fool is led to ask himself the age-old question" Why? ─── 力量时光流逝,生活又给了愚人新的挑战,让他遭受痛苦和幻灭。

61、Chairman who never wanders about his agency becomes a hermit,out of touch with his staff. ─── 一个从不四处走动的管理人员,久而久之将形同离群索居的隐士,与员工失去联系。

62、feeling of being an offician or being a hermit ─── 仕隐情结

63、To some of his American contemporaries, Thoreau must appear to be a lonely anachronism, while he is thought today by some Chinese readers to be a pretentious hermit in seclusion. ─── 在同时代的一些美国同胞眼中,梭罗是一个跟不上时代节拍、离群索居的怪人;在今日一些中国读者的眼中,梭罗是一个遗世独立、沽名钓誉的“假隐”。

64、The old man has come in from the cold after ten years of living a hermit's life in the mountains. ─── 在山中过了十年隐士生活之后,那老人走出了大山。

65、The Hermit(9) represents the need to find deeper truth. ─── 他不得不不断鼓起勇气和决心来使自己坚持下去,不论失败多少次。

66、A hermit used to live in the cave. ─── 一位隐士曾经住在那个山洞里。

67、When I became a stay at home mom this natural tendency to be at home started reeking havoc on my moods and I was becoming a bit of a hermit. ─── 当我成为一个居家妈妈后,这种自然而然的倾向开始破坏我的情绪,我变得有点遁世。

68、"Well I'll be-look! The hermit's left her cell! ─── “啊哟,坐关和尚出关了么?

69、A male hermit crab had found a very big cultch, was then clean the shell cleaning up, has made own house. ─── 一只公寄居蟹找到了一只很大的空贝壳,便把贝壳清理干净,做成了自己的房子。

70、From the age of a child till now,from the eastern poets to western writers,I have been influenced for so many years by the vivid beauty of a hermit life ,the above are just some examples. ─── 因为读万卷书还要行万里路,所以走了很多地方,国内的国外的,看的多了心里有了更多的更具体的印象。

71、In his view, the contemporary was an age of darkness, he was a hermit more than a gladiator. ─── 在他看来,当代是一个黑暗的时代,但他不是一个斗士,而更象一个隐士。

72、He pulled it off and threw it across the room. And after he caught his breath, he knew he had to follow the hermit's advice. ─── 他把蛇拽下来扔到了对面的墙上。喘过气来以后,他知道自己必须要按照老隐士的建议做了。

73、His jolly friend laughs at him for being such a hermit and a bookworm,and he in turn laughs at his friend's restlessness. ─── 他快乐的朋友取消他,说他是隐士,是书呆子,他也取笑他的朋友不安静而好动。

74、when he's ashore, but a hermit he has to be praying considerable, ─── 如果他在岸上的话,可是当个隐士呢,他就老是得做祷告、祷告,

75、You'd have to do that if you was a hermit." ─── 你要是隐士,你也得这么做。”

76、I'd get a sickening sense of dread for the fortnight leading up to them, knowing that I would become a sleep-deprived grumpy, spotty hermit. ─── 十四天的夜班后我发现感到胆战心惊的害怕,我很清楚的知道自己会变成一个睡眠不足的,性情乖戾情绪不稳的隐士。

77、Tang Qiu had his dreams and wrote advocating moral integrity.Although a poor hermit in remote areas without a house, he never submitted to the power, neither was he lured by fame and gain. ─── 唐求是有理想重节操性耿介的诗人,他虽然隐居山野,四海流寓,穷苦困乏,却始终不向权贵折腰,拒绝王建的政治拉拢和名利诱惑。

78、The hermit crab,barnacle,clam and snail have hard shells to protect themselves. ─── 寄居蟹,藤壶,蚬和螺有很硬的壳来保护自己.

79、I'd get a sickening sense of dread for the fortnight leading up to them, knowing that I would become a sleep-deprived grumpy, spotty hermit. ─── 十四天的夜班后我发现感到胆战心惊的害怕,我很清楚的知道自己会变成一个睡眠不足的,性情乖戾情绪不稳的隐士。

80、Goku returns to Master Roshi's island and asks to be trained by the Turtle Hermit. ─── 小悟空回到了龟仙人的小岛,期待着进行龟仙流的修行。

81、Adventure Island, in every player has his own career with the tenacity of love. Today, I would love to talk about my career -a hermit. ─── 在冒险岛里每位玩家都有着对自己职业的执着跟热爱。今天本人就谈谈我爱的职业--隐士。

82、Generally spaking,fisherman in Chinese literature has the features of a hermit while fisherman in western literature a wiseman. ─── 大致而言,中国文学中的渔父具有隐士的特征,而西方文学中的渔夫形象堪称智者。

83、I lead a happy life in the deep mountains far away from the town like a hermit, subsisting chiefly on fish and vegetables. ─── 就这样我像一个隐士一样在远离城市的山林中隐居了起来,开始了以蔬菜跟鱼类为生的快乐生活。)

84、The hermit thanked him, handed the emperor the spade, and then sat down on the ground to rest. ─── 智者道谢并给他铁锹,然后坐在旁边休息了。

85、When the hermit saw the stranger, he nodded his head in greeting and continued to dig.The labor was obviously hard on him. ─── 他看到陌生人时没有停下手里的活,只是对皇帝点头致意。

86、People usually compare chrysanthemum to the hermit and the people who defy difficulties. ─── 人们通常把菊花比作隐士和抗击困难的人。

87、All praised Tao Yuan-ming as a wise and hermit man with wisdom, nobleness, broad-minded and free from seeking fame and wealth, a drinker and poet with natural, pizazz, wide-minded and quiet. ─── 对陶渊明无一例外地褒奖有嘉,呈现在我们面前的是一位明智、高洁、旷达、淡泊的智者和隐士,一位率性、潇洒、豁达、闲适的饮者和诗人;

88、The young man thanked the hermit, but he was concerned. What would happen if he burned the snakeskin? He decided to give his aunt one last chance. ─── 年轻人谢过了老隐士,但是他也在琢磨着,烧了蛇皮以后会怎么样呢?他决定还是再给婶婶最后一个机会。

89、Poetry in its full sense of the Hermit Recluse put the traditional Chinese literature to a more profound level. ─── 其诗文中所焕发出的隐逸意识把中国传统的隐逸文学推向了一个更为深邃的境界。

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